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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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If Hyouka ever gets an NA release, id probably buy at least 5 copies.

Aye, my Canadian ass would shut up and pay whatever overpriced shipping option there was to get it to me as soon as possible. Maybe then I would actually just shut up and do my goddamned re-watch of it.


One Outs is also markedly worse than those other shows, especially with how poor it is at handling its characters and establishing meaningful conflict. I suppose it's okay if you want to see a dull character do everything to perfection playing a make believe sport competing against paper thin antagonists.

Baseball not a real sport? I mean it is glorified rounders but still...
The only reason I would ever watch Love Live is for Nico.

But now you have the superior one in Kiznaiver:


I don't watch idol anime pls don't kill me.
One Outs is also markedly worse than those other shows, especially with how poor it is at handling its characters and establishing meaningful conflict. I suppose it's okay if you want to see a dull character do everything to perfection playing a make believe sport competing against paper thin antagonists.

One Outs is not as good as Kaiji, but it's definitely better than Akagi. Tokuchi, while similar in personality, is more interesting to watch than Akagi, and the baseball strategies are easier to follow and be entertained by than the impossibly convoluted nature of mahjong hands. Not to mention the Akagi anime starts a match that still to this day (!) isn't finished in the manga, which means it leaves a very poor taste in your mouth. One Outs ends up having better pacing than Akagi and the low points of Kaiji, since no one can come close to Fukumoto in dragging things out.
Baseball not a real sport? I mean it is glorified rounders but still...

They don't play real baseball in One Outs, just some fictional sport that resembles it. It's actually one of my problems with the show because a lot of the antics make no sense if you are familiar with baseball.


Bungo Stray Dogs 06

8/10 reaction faces, would watch again. Though the kidnapping mystery was distinctly underwhelming.

Kino's Journey 03

This was much more on the nose then I remembered this show to be. I'm not much of, or rather, I'm not at all a religious person but when the story you craft is that of much of an unsubtle attack and caricature of religion and the influence it has on society, it's hard for me to take that criticism to heart.

Joker Game 06
I'm gonna put this down right here, the mysteries are plain uninteresting to watch unfold and the show doesn't have anything else going for it.

I feel a strong urge to watch Beyond the Boundary. Kyoani withdrawal syndrome .

Best KyoAni show along with Euriphonium !

Warning. The preceding opinion is a bit of an outlier !
See, I wouldn't consider One Outs a comedy. It's a gambling mindgames thriller in the vein of Akagi and Kaiji (the best of this genre in anime). The enjoyment I get out of the series is seeing the strategic interactions between the characters and seeing what crazy schemes the protagonist will come up to lead him to his desired result. If you don't enjoy that sort of thing, that's fine, but you're really missing out!

Kaiji properly established it's main character, making me root for him. The gambling games they participate in there also felt decently thought through and made it fun to go along.

One Outs had me mostly rolling my eyes at the bullshit they already pulled. I can't feel any thrill either when the show's so damn obvious about what's going on. When Toua recognizes the arm injury of the other guy the show couldn't possibly portray it any more overtly. Yet, we get this big reveal that he knew about it a bit later, sigh.

I feel a strong urge to watch Beyond the Boundary. Kyoani withdrawal syndrome .

If you're looking for some quality-shock after watching Hyouka, be my guest.
Love Live Movie - µ's takes Manhattan


Unecessary and superfluous? Maybe. Still fun? Yeah.

It's fine. The core drama is silly though. "We can't keep being idols together after three of us graduate"

"Why?" <- question nobody ever asks. Honkers has to get advice from A-RISE because they are better nobody ever brings it up, and not only A-RISE but the Spirit of Idols or Future Honkers or some shit I dunno. Everyone wants to continue anyway so what's the problem??? Because they love school idols? Then shouldn't you...whatever it doesn't make any sense. Love Live is a happy go lucky show so the answer ending up at "eh fuck it lets do the concert anyway" was obvious yet it dwindles on it for so long. Just sing, fuckers! At the end of the movie Honkers says "I thought after the Love Live that would be it, that there would be nothing more for us to do, but it wasn't." Wow almost like the reasons why you are quitting are dumb and arbitrary or something. I'm real surprised they didn't just do a total turnaround at the ending and decide not to break up, that would've been even worse

Spontaneous bursting into song is always good. Needed more engrish. It's still awkward when there is a scene where it cuts to every single girl and they do the little "ehehe he" laugh because man that happens all the fucking time in this series.


Kaiji properly established it's main character, making me root for him. The gambling games they participate in there also felt decently thought through and made it fun to go along.

One Outs had me mostly rolling my eyes at the bullshit they already pulled. I can't feel any thrill either when the show's so damn obvious about what's going on. When Toua recognizes the arm injury of the other guy the show couldn't possibly portray it any more overtly. Yet, we get this big reveal that he knew about it a bit later, sigh.

My memories of One Outs are too fuzzy to discuss details, but if you like Kaiji that's good enough for me!



Kino's Journey 03

This was much more on the nose then I remembered this show to be. I'm not much of, or rather, I'm not at all a religious person but when the story you craft is that of much of an unsubtle attack and caricature of religion and the influence it has on society, it's hard for me to take that criticism to heart.

I remember that being one of the more one-sided episodes too. I think the purpose of it was to show how malleable faith can be and how an object can be worshiped by one set of people but be complete junk to others. Its all a mater of perspective.

But as you said it very condemning of people that have blind faith and don't they ever show how faith can be a positive influence. The next two episodes are really good though iirc.
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 [Watchbet]

Switched over to sub and it was much, much better for it.

I am beginning to really get into it. It's the kind of storytelling I like. Leaves a little to the imagination and lets you try to piece things together before revealing anything. I've come around to Shinji. I really like the animation and really like a lot of the characters. It should be a fun watch.


There's also only 1 Hyouka novel left to adapt.

Plus, Honobu Yonezawa only ever wrote them as a side project.

Well there was talk of more novels. Hasnt happened yet I dont think.

Still they could make a ova out of the remaining novel.


Venus to Mamoru ep.5
Another cute episode highlightin the relationship growth between Mamoru and Ayoto. It also appears that we will start getting into more of the sci-first aspect of the show as they start to experiment with the Beatrice system more; in this case to
cure Ayoto's illness.
Good stuff.


Maturity, bitches.
KyoAni's recent shows are better off seen with a series of webms. The benefit of their animation minus all the things that drag it down.


Welcome to the NHK - 6/7

It's funny, I was thinking his classmate was the bad one, but these past two episodes have made me slightly wary on Misaki too. Sato's plan to impress his mum was pretty bonkers too, Hamazaki in drag ahahaha.

On a sidenote I was interested in checking out Space Brothers, so I thought it'd be a 26 episode anime. Then my friend kept scrolling through how many episodes there are, and scrolling... and scrolling... And scrolling some more, wowzers, didn't realise it was 99 episodes long!
The thing of that is, there is no romance in the show right now. The two of them are just trying to get to know one another and are purposely chiding one another

And that's what bothers me. I want to see them acting like real buddies with each other more than half the time. Everything I've seen of TSE just screams stuff I've seen before.

MC acting like a wimp with Female MC tells him how useless he is. MC acting like a pervert with Female MC saying how perverted he is.

That sort of thing. I just want some real enjoyable playful banter between a duo like that. Not the same kind of mean-spirited stuff I can find literally anywhere else.

Kino's Journey 03

This was much more on the nose then I remembered this show to be. I'm not much of, or rather, I'm not at all a religious person but when the story you craft is that of much of an unsubtle attack and caricature of religion and the influence it has on society, it's hard for me to take that criticism to heart.

The real Kino starts next episode.

Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 [Watchbet]

Switched over to sub and it was much, much better for it.

I am beginning to really get into it. It's the kind of storytelling I like. Leaves a little to the imagination and lets you try to piece things together before revealing anything. I've come around to Shinji. I really like the animation and really like a lot of the characters. It should be a fun watch.

The animation in Evangelion is some of the finest in all of anime.


Kare Kano 21-22

The downgrades are real. Such a shame.

Of note though; I think that shot of Arima and Asapin back to back reminds me of the one they use for Shinji and Kaworu in Eva 3.33.


And that's what bothers me. I want to see them acting like real buddies with each other more than half the time. Everything I've seen of TSE just screams stuff I've seen before.

MC acting like a wimp with Female MC tells him how useless he is. MC acting like a pervert with Female MC saying how perverted he is.

That sort of thing. I just want some real enjoyable playful banter between a duo like that. Not the same kind of mean-spirited stuff I can find literally anywhere else.

It's actually been a little different than that though. The banter has been lighthearted and fun for the most part and not in a demeaning/rude way. Also, MC isn't much if a perverted at all. The MC is being pushed to fight by everyone in the house and they have asked her to help get him motivated to do it. Ironically he has slowly gotten back into it, not primarily because of her, but for other reasons, which have happened pretty organically. I'm not saying there haven't been sone other tropey stuff, bit it stands up on it's own for the most part.
I wasn't able to edit my comment before GAF went down earlier but I also wanted to say that the fight scene in episode 2 was pretty damn great.


Kare Kano ep.16
This show does a great job at flushing out the characters, even the support ones, like Yukino's parents in this case. Really good backstory into how they met and came to be a family.
KyoAni's recent shows are better off seen with a series of webms. The benefit of their animation minus all the things that drag it down.


Bungou 06

I don't have much to say about this week's episode, since this seems to just have been the introduction to this new arc.


Kare Kano ep.17
Yay, Arima's finally home! Such a sweet moment for our lovey-dovey couple. Wait, what? Arima, did you really just
forcefullyrics throw her back into a wall and tell her she couldn't leave?
Damn son... I get it, but wasn't expecting that right there... more interesting is that while she was surprised, she didn't care at all.
Love Live Movie - µ's takes Manhattan


Unecessary and superfluous? Maybe. Still fun? Yeah.

It's fine. The core drama is silly though. "We can't keep being idols together after three of us graduate"

"Why?" <- question nobody ever asks. Honkers has to get advice from A-RISE because they are better nobody ever brings it up, and not only A-RISE but the Spirit of Idols or Future Honkers or some shit I dunno. Everyone wants to continue anyway so what's the problem??? Because they love school idols? Then shouldn't you...whatever it doesn't make any sense. Love Live is a happy go lucky show so the answer ending up at "eh fuck it lets do the concert anyway" was obvious yet it dwindles on it for so long. Just sing, fuckers! At the end of the movie Honkers says "I thought after the Love Live that would be it, that there would be nothing more for us to do, but it wasn't." Wow almost like the reasons why you are quitting are dumb and arbitrary or something. I'm real surprised they didn't just do a total turnaround at the ending and decide not to break up, that would've been even worse

Spontaneous bursting into song is always good. Needed more engrish. It's still awkward when there is a scene where it cuts to every single girl and they do the little "ehehe he" laugh because man that happens all the fucking time in this series.




I seriously cried. Not because I was emotionally moved, but because it was the end of µ's for no discernible reason.

Yeah. Drama has never been Love Live's strongest suit. Their reasons for quitting idols altogether was utterly short-sighted and forced. Couldn't they have just promised to meet up again after everyone graduates? I could totally see them shift gears by seriously studying music for the rest of their time at school, reunite and form a 9-person band to take the world by storm.

A little something like this, without the ending up in jail part:
Yes, I would totally read a fanfic or doujin based on this idea
Your Lie in April - 7

The rivals thankfully aren't unlikeable (so far, anyway). Other than that, this episode was mostly set-up for the competition, so let me use this space for me to state one particular thought that struck me while watching this show.

I feel like this show would be so much more interesting if Kousei's mother was still alive. Yes, that'd remove a lot of the plot-points regarding his inability to hear the music and his reluctance to play the piano because of that, but think about how things would be now if he was still being trained by her to this day?

I imagine he'd be more of a super serious, no-nonsense kind of player. Somebody who always sticks to the rules, doesn't waste energy, thinks his mother's teachings are absolute and plays the piano perfectly in an almost robotic way, only caring about getting absolutely perfect results.

Now compare that to Kaori, who's completely carefree with her music, doesn't care what the judges think, just goes off and does her own thing, and plays the violin with so much passion.

It'd be such an interesting dynamic. Almost like some kind of musical version of Oreki and Chitanda. With the story about Kousei learning to truly enjoy his music as an art form and apply some creative passion of his own to his playing.

But that's enough fanfiction for now. Spiky-blonde-haired-kid-who-I-swear-I've-seen-in-some-other-show-but-just-can't-put-my-finger-on-it's performance next episode should be good.
Looks like that Gundam Build Fighters OVA thing is happening finally, a TV special for
in August.

Actually I dunno if this is the same thing or not as the OVA


Stay losing to Danball Senki, GBF TRY.

Will watch if it involves Domon showing up again.

Speaking of Danball Senki...

Danball Senki W - 17 - 18

New OP is hype.

Insert song in episode 18 was hype.

Another political assassination in this tiny toy robot show has been prevented.

On to more Artemis fights!


Seems like Cinelicious Pics is releasing Belladonna of Sadness on BD July 12th. Can't wait to pick it up, it's going to look gorgeous in HD! Hope I'm able to catch that screening of it near me too.


Didn't most people view Gundam Build Fighters Try as a pretty big stepdown in quality from the previous series/season?
It seemed like all the fights were done by the "B" team and it rarely took advantage of its 3-on-3 fighting premise, but I've seen a lot worse second Gundam seasons.
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