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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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I'm not sure if I should watch Nisekoi, from what I've seen of screenshots and snippets from episodes, it's been a lot of romantic relationship teasing and humor. I'll probably enjoy it but I don't know if I can take the 'teasing' forever.


Tanaka-kun episode 6

The second half on the other hand I wasn't so keen on. It wasn't bad, a simple confusion plot about something Tanaka says during the first half, but it felt like it undermined the character of Echizen quite a bit. Mostly because it goes against so much that was established in episodes 2 and 3 especially the character relationships between Echizen and Miyano (Didn't they confess to each other? Am I misremembering that? If I'm not, was that then supposed to imply something else? Idk.) Its Certainly not a bad short plotline, as its quite quick and does offer the ocassional laugh or 2, but it just felt off.

It felt off because this story happened before the confession in the manga. I don't know why they decided to change the order like that, it make Echizen looks like a dense idiot, and it's a little annoying


So from what I've gathered from the last page or two of lurking, Kiznavier, MHA and Danball Senki are good? I'm aware the latter isn't a seasonal show in the same vein as the others.

Anything else? I haven't paid much attention to this season.

Flying Witch is also great if you want a relaxing chilled back slice of life anime.


Naruto 460

so , Tenji managed to bang an alien?


question,what actually happen to the people got effected by the infinite tsukuyomi and hanged to the tree?


It felt off because this story happened before the confession in the manga. I don't know why they decided to change the order like that, it make Echizen looks like a dense idiot, and it's a little annoying

I actually really appreciate the info. That would make much much more sense.
Really weird that they changed it.


So from what I've gathered from the last page or two of lurking, Kiznavier, MHA and Danball Senki are good? I'm aware the latter isn't a seasonal show in the same vein as the others.

Anything else? I haven't paid much attention to this season.
Re:Zero and Luluco are also fantastic. Re:Zero is a great take on the trapped in an RPG thing and Luluco is Trigger craziness condensed into 7 minute episodes.


Space Luluco 7

Holy fuck. That was fucking amazing.

I can't believe they went completely all the way with the 'references'.


My Hero Academia #7

So good.
I loved the fight and how everyone is starting to realize that Kacchan is just a little shit with an ego bigger then a mountain.
Deku und Urarakas teamwork was on point and so were his strategies. The final Smash was seriously hype.


Is there problems with Right Stuf and Funimation? It's been a long time since Right Stuf has had a Funimation sale. Also seems like Funimation prices are way higher than they use to.

Their relationship with RightStuf changed once they made that new distribution deal with Universal. I'm not sure of exactly what happened, but that was what started it, at least.

That's why I like watchbets. Makes me step outside my comfort zone and try something different. I am really enjoying my time with Evangelion and I can't wait to keep going with it. It focuses more on characters than the fights (even though the fights are pretty great), and I love seeing a character grow and come to understand why a character would do what he/she does.

I'm glad to hear it! It's always good to expose ourselves to new genres that we may not usually watch. Often you can find something great that you may have overlooked! For example, I used to hate shounen anime, since my experiences with it had been pretty bad. Jojo's (2012) and Hunter x Hunter (2011) broke a lot of my preconceived notions about the genre. I'm pretty much open to watching any sort of genre these days, as long as the show itself catches my interest.

Space Patrol Luluco apparently is great

I wouldn't call it great. It's just a fun, dumb show.
Hey Mailbox, just like we talked about yesterday, I did some work on the avy:


And again I don't know how I feel about them. You guys don't even know how many I've made like these and never posted or changed them. I find this sort of stuff fun to do lol. Still nothing beats the GOAT:



Welcome to the NHK - 10

Masaki really has some issues
and the scene with the cat sort of shows she has a bleak view of the world
but Sato's hallucinations are something else. The anime makes him seem borderline psychotic with his visions but I guess they couldn't show him taking drugs.

Mirai Nikki - 4

12th deserves his own show "transformation pants, TRANSFORMATION GLOVE!" Oh yeah Murmur end segments continue to be great.


My Hero Academia Episode 7:

Ah, at last, things are happening, well, sort of since we got some of the more egregious shonen like interspersed backstory and executing a move and then explaining the shit out of it. Can't say I was invested in the proceedings all that much because Bakugo is very clearly just a few steps away from robbing banks and terrorizing the innocent. Still, the ending was actually creative, that occasional flash of brilliance that shines above this sea of mediocrity.


MhA 7

The first bit was fucking lousy with unnecessary flashbacks mixed with actual interesting flashbacks, as well as (as per usual) security cameras that use actual camera angles from cuts before so they don't have to bother reanimating things (I mean, I know why, but I like it when I see this subverted. Is this a trope yet?).

The second bit though? So hype. They really elevated that scene and it was already pretty baller before. The only thing I'd say is I think the animation for Ochako's special move was a little lackluster.


This has kinda hit its groove for me in the second half, either I got used to the very distinct style of storytelling this series has or the scenarios shown just didn't struck me to be as farfatched or on the nose as some of the earlier ones, thus requiring less suspension of disbelief. The seemingly bigger focus on characters also helped.

Kino's Journey 08
(paraphrasing) "I didn't think it would fly" - Kino is really giving off increasingly cold hearted vibe.

Kino's Journey 09

Very enjoyable mindfuck episode though like always with those, I can't tell wth even happened.

Kino's Journey 10
That the family were robots was something that was readily apparent and I'm not sure why this was revealed to the viewer as something that was seemingly supposed to surprise me but other than that, another very enjoyable and quite touching episode. Kino gives no fucks though.

Kino's Journey 11
"I'm not God" Now that I think of it, Kino's actions in 07-08 constituted a very unusual break of his usual modus operandi.
Kino's Journey 12
The quandary presented here, a 200 year long state of war between two countries resolved through turning said conflict into a competition of murdering some previously involved, less advanced tribe requires some logic leaps but it's pretty effective at presenting the ever harrowing concept of lesser evil or even circle of violence.

Kino's Journey 13 END

Poker face - gone.
The Beautiful World

A good show but one that like Haibane Renmei, I feel like I should like it more then I actually do. but there's something about its way of storytelling, "detached" might be the right word, that makes me unable to fully "get" it. Nonetheless it was time well spent, especially as some of my early annoyances pretty much petered out as the show continued on.

Ryutaro Nakamura ranking:

Lain >>> Kino's Journey > Ghost Hound.


MHA 07
Next week when!? God, I most likely will start with the manga afterwards, but I am already way behind on Yona and Akame. But damn, this show is just so damn good. And apparently, anime watchers still haven't seen anything yet. xD

Ace Attorney 07
Well, that was a nice wrap up for this case, but I am actually way more hyped for next week. I really hope they do the next case justice and it gets at least 4 or even better 5 episodes. That case really needs all the time it can get.


My Hero Academia Episode 7:

Ah, at last, things are happening, well, sort of since we got some of the more egregious shonen like interspersed backstory and executing a move and then explaining the shit out of it. Can't say I was invested in the proceedings all that much because Bakugo is very clearly just a few steps away from robbing banks and terrorizing the innocent. Still, the ending was actually creative, that occasional flash of brilliance that shines above this sea of mediocrity.

Your post pretty much describes my thoughts on the episode to a T but the bolded ... goddamit, not every single punch requires 30 lines of dialogue explaining it.


Aikatsu Stars 6

And here we introduce Ako, an up and coming actress with the hots of one of M4. Too bad Yume has already claimed him. She should be fun. Dramas are always great, and this was no different. S4 really does have to be multi-talented.
Tanaka-kun 6

The aesthetic of this show is really beautiful. Simple lines, mostly warm palette, softly rendered backgrounds that are frequently accompanied by a gentle haze (and smartly chosen open architecture that is bathed in light). Even in the rainy scenes this episode an effort is made to maintain the comforting tone, with the contrast being kept low, colourful reflections in the rain slick road/pavement and a cutaway and framing that includes an appealingly designed, warm street lamp with multiple bulbs.

I can understand what some people read in this episode as a continuity screw up, but everything is so light and in service of humour that it didn't bother me. I enjoyed the jokes as usual and in particular some of the things Tanaka wrote down in his notebook to avoid speaking. I find the chibi Tanaka scenes pretty effective as well and his general demeanour lends itself to the precious naivety expressed by the change in art style. There's a range of humour in this show that I didn't expect at all from the premise.

Oh, and the imoutos were mentioned last episode and still haven't shown up. Where they at.


My Hero Academia 07
I could do without the retreading of the backstories already told and the awful 2 minute cold opens that just retell what happened last time. That said the second half of the episode along with the way the fight played out are what make this show so great.


This has kinda hit its groove for me in the second half, either I got used to the very distinct style of storytelling this series has or the scenarios shown just didn't struck me to be as farfatched or on the nose as some of the earlier ones, thus requiring less suspension of disbelief. The seemingly bigger focus on characters also helped.

A good show but one that like Haibane Renmei, I feel like I should like it more then I actually do. but there's something about its way of storytelling, "detached" might be the right word, that makes me unable to fully "get" it. Nonetheless it was time well spent, especially as some of my early annoyances pretty much petered out as the show continued on.

Ryutaro Nakamura ranking:

Lain >>> Kino's Journey > Ghost Hound.

Yeah hit the nail on the head with detached as Kino herself is more an observer 90% of the time and the story aren't even really filtered through her, more she just happens to come across them. I like that kind of storytelling but i can see why other aren't too fond of it. Great show though and glad to see you enjoyed it.

FYI don't bother with the two OVAs, they're not great. The first one is alright if you want to see a bit of Kino's backstory(her training) but the second SHAFT one is just so meh.
Im not watching it atm but man MHA has some really cool character designs.
I take that dude's the main villain?

My Hero Academia Manga Spoiler

Kind of theres someone above him who looks even more intimidating somehow

Sölf;203707047 said:
MHA 07
Next week when!? God, I most likely will start with the manga afterwards, but I am already way behind on Yona and Akame. But damn, this show is just so damn good. And apparently, anime watchers still haven't seen anything yet. xD

You really haven't, and probably wont see till we get a new season for the anime:(


Cerberus ep.6
Pretty good episode that starts digging deeper into Sarrato's character. Hopefully, we het more next week. Same for Hiiro, he is still useless, but there is more going on there with his connection with the dragon. The show has an interesting story that fun to follow, but just looks bland, lol.


Cerberus ep.6
Pretty good episode that starts digging deeper into Sarrato's character. Hopefully, we het more next week. Same for Hiiro, he is still useless, but there is more going on there with his connection with the dragon. The show has an interesting story that fun to follow, but just looks bland, lol.

Visuals undermine the physical comedy that Hiiro is supposed to be bringing and just makes him look like a moron instead. feels bad.


My Hero Academia ep.7
Ok, that was a pretty hype ending. I really hate how they keep playing up each episode for that 1 moment they want to focus on, but at the same time, sometimes it's done well and worth the sluggish pace. It was good to see Deku get the best of
Kacchan, since he is a piece of shit..... Detroit SMASH motherfucker
. The look of defeat..
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