I dunno why you would think SAO would get credit for doing relationships right when it outright skips any of the actual relationship and just goes from point a -> e. The most important part was skipped.
The relationship of Kirito and asuna in part 1 was the only thing that kept me watching. But just because we get shit romance in general from Anime it doesn't mean we should necessarily be happy with a strong lady doing a 180 in personality.I'd much rather have a time skip, then build on the relationship from there with an established couple rather than build on a whole lot of nothing for entire seasons to get a confession and/or kiss in the final 2 mins of the series' existance, which is the norm.
Chirico's pistol can kill anything in the universe
(also: Japan is crazy if they think this adaptation is more disappointing than Ace Attorney... I mean, REALLY?!)
It's likely a case of higher expectations not being met hence disappointment.
Japan having bad taste? How surprising.
Both are different genres and mediums not to mention who is involved making those shows which is why different expectations, not everybody is interested in both mediums and people who read manga is higher than those who play games.Shouldn't that be all the more reason that Ace Attorney would be top of the list
Wasn't that announced at a TGS press conference?
Edit: I don't disagree with your evaluation of the situation, though. Also, small sample sizes and all that.
Shouldn't that be all the more reason that Ace Attorney would be top of the list
Wasn't that announced at a TGS press conference?
Edit: I don't disagree with your evaluation of the situation, though. Also, small sample sizes and all that.
Was there ever such a thing? I am only a mindless peon enjoying the medium.
I'm sorry I couldn't bring myself to suffer in the same way you all had to. You have my deepest sympathies in that regard. I'm sorry I let you down. I'll make it up to you by watching a show of your choice that is 14 episodes and under....
Lol. I only did what I thought best for my mental state having already gone through several episodes of the same thing.... Why? Why would they do that to poor people that just wanted to enjoy their show?
Now I know what all that "endless 8" talk was about from before!
I can't wait to watch Saekano S2 with firehawk in the summer.
Clannad 1
Time to fulfill this blood oath...
From the little bits i remember of what i saw before, i can see all the set-up for the characters in the episode a lot easier. Its actually a lot funnier than i remembered it being. Lol why is his friend so punchable. And Nagis'a dad is awesome. I don't remember unborn, future girl?...wtf idk.
Dunno im warming to it, maybe ill like it this time around.Or starfish girl arc will have me tearing my hair out.
Kirito and Asuna would have been tolerable had Asuna not been reduced to a damsel in distress in the show's second half.
Man, every time I think about SAO I think of all the other cooler ways it could have gone down.
Like if the villain in the second half was an evil artificial intelligence a la GLaDOS/HAL. Seriously, it's cyberspace, how do you not use that opportunity?
Turns out when you overlay the Kancolle OP over Haifuri, it fits almost perfectly. Watch for the Daijobu.
but the manga isn't over, why are you saying 30 chapter manga like if it was done
One day I found myself trapped in an MMO.we should put our money where our mouth is and write a better trapped in an mmo anime
right after the tag anime, the pillow fighting anime, and the other ones
MM! 01
And I already want to die.
Kirito X Asuna was nice and all but that apparently went out the window when they introduce his sister and her huge boobs.
There's nothing worse than a rushed showed. No idea why people want that for Hero Academia.
to be fair in the 2nd light novel the author out right apologizes for the fact that kirito is involved with every girl because he doesn't have the ability to write interesting stories with those females without involving kirito![]()
Last six words are not needed.
SAO is the only anime I've watched that I actively think is offensive, mysogynistic garbage. Like, harem fanservice shows arent my thing but I can appreciate that it's just soft core porn so whatever. But SAO is an actual show with plot and themes, and yet it just reduces all women into either people who can't get over not being able to bang Kirito or damsels in distress. SAO's only way it knows to put women in danger is by having them go through attempted rape, because hey, rape is a bad thing that happens to women right? And yet despite this it also uses tentacle imagery which, compared with the directing, kinda makes me feel like I'm supposed to find these rape scenes sexy, and that's gross.
There, I have whined about SAO on the Internet. Truly I am living the dream.
Well... the author of the light novels passed away so...MM! 01
And I already want to die.
I think this is more a case of all anime songs and anime intros being exactly the same.Turns out when you overlay the Kancolle OP over Haifuri, it fits almost perfectly. Watch for the Daijobu.
I've hopped onto the Monogatari nendo train. Help.
Also, having read through most of Kizumonogatari (raw) makes me think the movies are going to have several scenes that'll be quite shocking, and a couple that might rival toothbrush Karen. Let's just say I used to not care all that much about Hanekawa, but after Kizu... wow.
There there...
Kirito X Asuna was nice and all but that apparently went out the window when they introduce his sister and her huge boobs.
Evangelion 3.33
So, I finally got around to 3.33....
Evangelion 3.33 is bad. It's...real bad. When people say they're not looking forward to the next movie...I get it now.
Evangelion 3.33
So, I finally got around to 3.33....
Evangelion 3.33 is bad. It's...real bad. When people say they're not looking forward to the next movie...I get it now.
Evangelion 3.33
So, I finally got around to 3.33....
Evangelion 3.33 is bad. It's...real bad. When people say they're not looking forward to the next movie...I get it now.
I actually really liked 3.33 being a big fan of Kaworu and all. I still like manga Kaworu best though.Evangelion 3.33
So, I finally got around to 3.33....
Evangelion 3.33 is bad. It's...real bad. When people say they're not looking forward to the next movie...I get it now.
I look forward for the sequel. I can't wait to see how Anno getting out of this mess.