Watch Katanagatari. Real good show. The final episode is amazing.
Yeah, I keep hearing it goes through a huge tonal downshift pretty soon and poor Subaru...... Those lighthearted moments cannot last forever and if we thought episode 8 was suffering, then damn.......
I dropped RE:Zero after the first episode, mostly because I hate the main character and unless the game gets really good, I don't see myself coming back to it.
I'm going to conduct an experiment here:
I asked indirectly the other day, but will put it straight out there now:
If I was looking for an anime that takes you on an adventure that:
- has good character development
- has some good action and.
- really gives you that fantasy feel
- has a very conclusive ending.
(Relationship Development/Romance/Comedy a plus!)
What would you recommend?
Hopefully, something that is under 100 or so episodes without a ton of useless filler, lol.
Summer doesn't look particularly strong for me.
Mob Psycho 100
Soma S2
Berserk (lol)
Danganronpa 3
Love Live Sunshine
Only really expecting a whole lot from MP100 and Soma is a known quantity but I really hope (heh) Danganronpa 3 will be good. My expectations for Berserk are rock bottom. At least Diamond is Unbreakable will continue.
For real.
I read the spoilers of the Re:Zero LNs.
There's being meguca is suffering, and then there's this LN.
Yeah, I keep hearing it goes through a huge tonal downshift pretty soon and poor Subaru...... Those lighthearted moments cannot last forever and if we thought episode 7/8 was suffering, then damn.......
Yeah I heard the author is a sadist. fuck Mob Psycho 100 is getting an anime? Fuucck yes.
True Tears 09
They're both surprisingly calm considering what happened
Well, finally the truth is out and worst fears thankfully not confirmed. But that means that best girl might lose though...
I dropped RE:Zero after the first episode, mostly because I hate the main character and unless the game gets really good, I don't see myself coming back to it.
I'm going to conduct an experiment here:
I asked indirectly the other day, but will put it straight out there now:
If I was looking for an anime that takes you on an adventure that:
- has good character development
- has some good action and.
- really gives you that fantasy feel
- has a very conclusive ending.
(Relationship Development/Romance/Comedy a plus!)
What would you recommend?
Hopefully, something that is under 100 or so episodes without a ton of useless filler, lol.
Do you like the cockroach song?
I'm going to conduct an experiment here:
I asked indirectly the other day, but will put it straight out there now:
If I was looking for an anime that takes you on an adventure that:
- has good character development
- has some good action and.
- really gives you that fantasy feel
- has a very conclusive ending.
(Relationship Development/Romance/Comedy a plus!)
What would you recommend?
Hopefully, something that is under 100 or so episodes without a ton of useless filler, lol.
Guess I'll be the one to say Gurren Lagann has all that if you haven't seen it. Plus it's only 24 episodes.
Thanks. TTGL was the second anime I ever watched, right after SAO.. I'm still upset at the ending; my man deserved true happiness.
I'm going with FMA:B and Katanagatari.
Yeah I heard the author is a sadist.
Then again I've read books written by Cormac McCarthy....
So, FMA or FMA:B?
I miss nothing either way, right?
So, FMA or FMA:B?
I miss nothing either way, right?
FMA first.
I felt the former to be more emotional.
It's the same content as Brotherhood, right? Brotherhood appears to get a lot more praise. .
It's the same content as Brotherhood, right? Brotherhood appears to get a lot more praise. .
They essential start off the same but FMA goes in it's own very different direction after a while and Bortherhood is the manga story in full.So, FMA or FMA:B?
I miss nothing either way, right?
So, FMA or FMA:B?
I miss nothing either way, right?
It's the same content as Brotherhood, right? Brotherhood appears to get a lot more praise. .
It really seems like the Kiznaiver program has always worked around the number 7...
Is 7 a special number in Japanese like 4 is?
So many references to the 7 deadly sins
Is 7 a special number in Japanese like 4 is?
Gundam Wing 11
Gundam is terrible.
Dennou Coil, the best anime of all time.If I was looking for an anime that takes you on an adventure that:
- has good character development
- has some good action and.
- really gives you that fantasy feel
- has a very conclusive ending.
(Relationship Development/Romance/Comedy a plus!)
What would you recommend?
Hopefully, something that is under 100 or so episodes without a ton of useless filler, lol.
Hololens please give me a mojo.
How else?Dennou Coil 1-3
I'm looking forward to seeing how Yuko integrates into the rest of the town.
Dennou Coil 1-3
I get the most animated pleasure from the show's non-human characters, however. All of them are adorable. The whole madcap comedy of Densuke's flight from the Mojos is an absolute delight, bright and expressive, cartoonish in all the right ways.
So many references to the 7 deadly sins
Stop.How else?
With pure yuri.
First we assembled 7 Kiznaivers, then we assemble Denou Coil and Yuri. All we need is some sakuga MAD and the summon will be complete.who dares attempt to summon 7th
How else?
With pure yuri.
Speaking of summoning with Yuri, I wonder what SDBurton has been doing.