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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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First two eps were interesting enough for me to carry on watching to see how it progresses. It helps that the MCs weren't irritating and also that the action was pretty sweet.

I didn't like at all how the MC was the most generic gamer NEET who kept referencing isekai RPG series tropes on the first half, but come the second half he stops behaving like that and grips the idiot ball like his life depended on it. Like, you kept waiting for your token bishoujo teammate's appearance and tried to use magic because that was how isekai things usually worked, but you can't even grasp the concept of
save points
? And you go on for an entire episode still completely unaware of that while simultaneously dropping all pretenses of being a gamer NEET?

I'll give it some more time because it could get interesting though, but hopefully the plot stops doing these convenient characterization changes on a whim after this.


show's a classic, one of the best animes ive ever seen, def watch the ova after the 2 seasons if you can find it

Enjoy Black Lagoon Solf. It is a great show. Make sure you watch it dubbed as well since it surpasses the sub IMO.

Thanks. I only have the japanese and the german dub available here. Even though the german dub is also supposed to be great (I only listened to a small section, Revy definitly has been cast right in the german version, but Dutch really doesn't fit imo). Will listen to the japanese dub first though, simply out of habit. By now it just sounds strange if I watch anime and it's not japanese. xD


Good Luck! Ninomiya-kun: ep.1-2
This is going to be an interesting love triangle isn't it? The plot details are definitely original and thete was some good laughs with the sister, brother and attendant all butting in.


I didn't like at all how the MC was the most generic gamer NEET who kept referencing isekai RPG series tropes on the first half, but come the second half he stops behaving like that and grips the idiot ball like his life depended on it. Like, you kept waiting for your token bishoujo teammate's appearance and tried to use magic because that was how isekai things usually worked, but you can't even grasp the concept of
save points
? And you go on for an entire episode still completely unaware of that while simultaneously dropping all pretenses of being a gamer NEET?

I'll give it some more time because it could get interesting though, but hopefully the plot stops doing these convenient characterization changes on a whim after this.
I usually just ignore dumb stuff like that tbh. It annoys me, but if I like where the story is going then I can gloss over it. I had no expectations going in and I was just looking for something to watch to kill some free time at work.


finished Rakugo, I'm glad a second season was confirmed. good stuff, easily Aot(previous)S

besides JoJo I'm not sure what to watch from that SpRINGANimE2016 chart, maybe I'll give Joker Game and My Hero Academia a try.



This is super robot in its purest, most perfect form.


Kenji Kusanagi is a guy who doesn't take any monster's BS and every blow to his head just serves to piss him off further and annihilate the monstrosity in front of him. He's basically Kouji Kabuto 2.0.

Speaking of which: Here's two images that explain why these Super Robot villains are good:


A+ super robot anime villain character development

While your silly LN harem fantasies always have: "The Demon King" KOTETSUSHIN JEEG has THE GREAT JAMA KINGDOM which consists of giant ugly monstrosities each with interesting designs that make them cool to look at.

And to top it all off, we have KNUCKLE BOMBER and SPIN STORM, which I assume is just two of many finishing moves for this robot.

This anime is good. Super robot anime is good. Please watch good super robot anime.


I don't want to spoil the ending so I'll wait, lol. Besides, it's going to be real tough to beat the Planetes ending I witnessed earlier today..

I meant the ED, with music and stuff. The credits. Not the ending of the show, so Episode 12 or 13 or what it is. xD


Joker's Game #1

Well I'm game (pun intended, pfffft). Really strong start even if it was slow through most of it, but it was still quite intriguing, especially about the titular game itself. The word coward being thrown around might have been a touch annoying, but having a character like that is fine through. Looking forward to see how the current conflict will resolve.

Also dat engrish.


Pay 14$ and get both? An anime fan just has to not order pizza for one week and they have enough for both services.

A. why would I waste $14 on a pizza when I can get a better one at papa Murphys for $8 or make a better one for even less :p

B. I will never buy hulu. They lost my business forever when neon alley (which I was signed up for) gave me a two month sub, and when I cancelled the auto renew after a few hours I lost the rest of the sub (with no clear warning that it would happen that I saw, just the usual talks that I won't get a refund for the rest of my time, and the i will lose access)

so yeah... I won't support a company that forces you to keep auto renew on in order to use their service.

thus I will just stay happy with funimation at $4 a month or whatever it is when you buy a year.
Joker's Game #1

A okay first episode.

I think it ended on a bit of a flat note though. Cliffhangers only work when I'm properly invested in the characters, and I can't remember the name of the main character right now. His only defining characteristic is that he dislikes cowards.



... Ken-sama?

I have mixed feelings.

I love the setting, the general atmosphere and the general designs (if not a bit same-facey at times). Plus they all wear suits.

Kinda lost me a bit in the beginning with the wall of exposition, though.

On other hand, it seems a difficult anime to direct. Ensemble casts are hard to write (I'm going to assume they are going that route), more so in the spy-fiction genre which it's not an easy story to write.


I usually just ignore dumb stuff like that tbh. It annoys me, but if I like where the story is going then I can gloss over it. I had no expectations going in and I was just looking for something to watch to kill some free time at work.

Yeah, I'll give it time because it could be a decent show... still, but there's certainly a limit to how badly a show can trample over my suspension of disbelief. Having the MC constantly reminding us that he's a gamer and is somewhat genre savvy (even though he got things wrong many times for comedy's sake) made his later actions that much more unfitting for the character that the show spent a while establishing for him!

The plot twist did work decently for me, but it feels like that's all the show's got going for it so far, which is a pretty bad omen since plot twists can only take a story so far once they're revealed (unless executed extremely well, which is pretty rare).


Congrats, you just bought one way ticket into the land of FABULOUS MAX.

I'm looking forward to it.

Yeah, I'll give it time because it could be a decent show... still, but there's certainly a limit to how badly a show can trample over my suspension of disbelief. Having the MC constantly reminding us that he's a gamer and is somewhat genre savvy (even though he got things wrong many times for comedy's sake) made his later actions that much more unfitting for the character that the show spent a while establishing for him!

The plot twist did work decently for me, but it feels like that's all the show's got going for it so far, which is a pretty bad omen since plot twists can only take a story so far once they're revealed (unless executed extremely well, which is pretty rare).

Yeah, that's kind of a stupid plothole. The fact that he just dismissed everything with 'could it have been a dream?' and went on like nothing happened was jarring. I justify it to myself that he was still kind of confused from the whole transportation thing and a bit out of it and what you know, but that also only works so-so.
Would have been better if he showed a bit of his gamer knowledge and brought some possibilities up, even if he'd then dismiss them because of whatever.

He does start acting a bit smarter as far as I know (although my knowledge isn't that far ahead of the anime).
A. why would I waste $14 on a pizza when I can get a better one at papa Murphys for $8 or make a better one for even less :p

B. I will never buy hulu. They lost my business forever when neon alley (which I was signed up for) gave me a two month sub, and when I cancelled the auto renew after a few hours I lost the rest of the sub (with no clear warning that it would happen that I saw, just the usual talks that I won't get a refund for the rest of my time, and the i will lose access)

so yeah... I won't support a company that forces you to keep auto renew on in order to use their service.

thus I will just stay happy with funimation at $4 a month or whatever it is when you buy a year.

You misspelled pizza hut.


Yeah, that's kind of a stupid plothole. The fact that he just dismissed everything with 'could it have been a dream?' and went on like nothing happened was jarring. I justify it to myself that he was still kind of confused from the whole transportation thing and a bit out of it and what you know, but that also only works so-so.
Would have been better if he showed a bit of his gamer knowledge and brought some possibilities up, even if he'd then dismiss them because of whatever.

But anyway, he does start acting a bit smarter as far as I know (although my knowledge isn't that far ahead of the anime).

I think I'd rather see him drop the geeky NEET characterization altogether and do something else, if only because that character trope has been getting both stale and annoying as of late. Like come on, you can find other hooks for comedy skits than the MC asking himself when his bishoujo waifu is going to appear, or even use it for some kind of non-comedic scene (ie: have him find a way to break the city's commerce by min-maxing lucrative item trades)... just don't have him act like Kazuma but in a non-comedic series.


But why do that when I can get Samurai Flamenco, Berserk, and Twin Peaks on one service?

Not to brag or anything, but I do like Crunchy's three month sub.

Good Luck! Ninomiya-kun: ep.1-2
This is going to be an interesting love triangle isn't it? The plot details are definitely original and thete was some good laughs with the sister, brother and attendant all butting in.

The only thing I remember from this show is the dancing gif in the ED. IMO that gif is probably better than the Dagashi one, lol


Joker Game Episode 1:

OP of the season so far but beyond that this was too generic for me to keep a vested interested. Well, that and imperial Japan times makes me uncomfortable so I am just going to pass on this one.


Oh wow, I totally didn't see that. If they have a whole chunk animated, why didn't they announce any staff or further details for it?!


Joker Game - Episode 1

Mmmm. This season is off to a good start. I really like the grounded tone they're going for, and the writing isn't really what I expected for an early WW2 period show about an elite spy training agency in Japan. There's this very cold, calculating, disconnected view on the realities of what is happening, and it's actually very fitting for a spy story. The pragmatic view of the world, stripping away the glorified nationalism and ideals of patriotism is somewhat unexpected, but very refreshing. These aren't good people, but they're doing what they're doing for practical reasons to achieve their objectives, and the don't have time for delusional fantasies of self-glorification.

Probably one of Kenji Kawai's better soundtracks in a while too. For TV anime anyway.

That sounds like a good approach for that time period, getting "all-mighty japan rules all" for this anime would probably still mange to get some really weird japanese otaku to get a hard on. I might try it if glory for everyone's motherland is left in the trash for the rest of the series.


Joker Game 1

Interesting premise as a look into the cold world of spies during WWII. Lots of ways for this to go bad, but so far it's intriguing enough.


Sölf;200250342 said:
I meant the ED, with music and stuff. The credits. Not the ending of the show, so Episode 12 or 13 or what it is. xD

Lol, gotcha

The only thing I remember from this show is the dancing gif in the ED. IMO that gif is probably better than the Dagashi one, lol

I guess I'll pay attention next time.

Btw, how's SNAFU and Little Busters coming along?


Guys, I can't stop thinking about Hundred

  • protag having PTSD
  • high probability the girl dressing as a guy is a childhood friend of the protag that doesn't recognize her because she is dressing like a guy
  • potential imouto inspiration to allow him to become the irregular at military high school


You've been saying that for 6 months now, lol. Get to I man.

I know, I know. It's not a priority right now, plus I'm trying to rewatch a couple of things alongside the new premieres in preparation for Concrete Revolutio Last Song.

You can rest assured that I will not watch Angel Beats.



Guys, I can't stop thinking about Hundred

  • protag having PTSD
  • high probability the girl dressing as a guy is a childhood friend of the protag that doesn't recognize her because she is dressing like a guy
  • potential imouto inspiration to allow him to become the irregular at military high school
Watch something like Anne of Green Gables to purify your filthy thoughts.
Guys, I can't stop thinking about Hundred

  • protag having PTSD
  • high probability the girl dressing as a guy is a childhood friend of the protag that doesn't recognize her because she is dressing like a guy
  • potential imouto inspiration to allow him to become the irregular at military high school

Hundred may be the breaking point of AnimeGAF, as we are sucked into a vortex and emerge on the other side on the MyAnimeList forums.
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