Huge Nickleback Fan
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'
So finally got around to watching this. Let's just get one part out of the way, thetowards the end are fuckin stupid. Not enjoyably Dragon Ball Z stupid, just stupid. That said, it's still a pretty enjoyable movie. The plot never stalls out, the fights are fun. (It's nice to see Master Roshi kicking ass.) Wish 18 could have participated...but whatever. Visually the film is mixed, CG rears its ugly head a lot. I know some people were disappointed to see Frieza return, but to me, he's just a fun villain to watch.time travel shenanigans
To sum it up, despite some issues, fans will still find a lot to enjoy here.
(What the hell was up with the credits song though?)
The one by Momoiro clover Z? composed by Narasaki (Sayonara Zetsubou sensei OP, prison school OP) and arranged by him and Yuyoyuppe (one of babymetal composer). it's greaaaat!
Diamond is unbreakable 9
Get a feeling so complicated.
Koichi gone full Polnareff/Stroheim with his new haircut, and echoes turn into fat cell version. Yup, that was great. The transition between scene is still ace
Kiznaiver 8
The lighting is so good. Lol, that shipping scene is so damn meta. And then there's Nico and Tenga scene. Was expecting more of Tenga scene, but i guess this is the time for Kacchon and Nori-chan. And yeah, i guess this confirm that Tenga used to be bullied when he was a kid. His reaction when he heard that children got used in an experiment pretty much confirm it.