Tanaka-kun 08
This show is just relaxing and funny to watch. Always enjoy it.
Btw has anyone played the Trails in the Sky series? Looking into starting it..
Trails in the sky series is amazing.
Tanaka-kun 08
This show is just relaxing and funny to watch. Always enjoy it.
Btw has anyone played the Trails in the Sky series? Looking into starting it..
Tanaka-kun 08
This show is just relaxing and funny to watch. Always enjoy it.
Btw has anyone played the Trails in the Sky series? Looking into starting it..
Playing through all three released Trails games over the course of a month was one of the best times in my gaming life.Tanaka-kun 08
This show is just relaxing and funny to watch. Always enjoy it.
Btw has anyone played the Trails in the Sky series? Looking into starting it..
Playing through all three released Trails games over the course of a month was one of the best times in my gaming life.
I've already replayed Cold Steel two times too. Gonna do another run for CS2, and another run of FC/SC when Third hits as well.
Probably my favorite gaming series.
Do I play through Cold Steel or FC first?
And thanks everyone I'll def get into it then.
Do I play through Cold Steel or FC first?
And thanks everyone I'll def get into it then.
Girls und PanzerDoes anyone know a good anime to watch with my gf? The only one we've watched together is Himouto which she liked.
Does anyone know a good anime to watch with my gf? The only one we've watched together is Himouto which she liked.
Does anyone know a good anime to watch with my gf? The only one we've watched together is Himouto which she liked.
Does anyone know a good anime to watch with my gf? The only one we've watched together is Himouto which she liked.
Does anyone know a good anime to watch with my gf? The only one we've watched together is Himouto which she liked.
TBH you can start with either, but I will say that the events of FC and SC will totally change the way you perceive the events of Cold Steel. It's in that regard I'd recommend the Sky games then Cold Steel if you need an order to play them in. In the timeline FC and SC also precede Cold Steel.Do I play through Cold Steel or FC first?
And thanks everyone I'll def get into it then.
Appropriate for my thoughts, but this is also just before he kills two female cyborgs.
Does anyone know a good anime to watch with my gf? The only one we've watched together is Himouto which she liked.
Hundred's lost my interest.
Probably because Emilia keeps getting sidelined and I have Puck now.
Full Metal Alchemist ep.7-9
I'm enjoying what I've seen so far and Winfrey is a lot less annoying than I thought she would be. Her wrench attack on Al and s peach was perfect and well done.
I just can't wait until they can finally confront that evil woman and boy sidekick as they raise a ruckus around town. I can't say I'm impressed with the those two at this point, which is why I hope they get taken out sooner than later. In contrast, I'm enjoying the relationship between Edward/Al, as well as the way they interact with the rest of the military personnel around them. Big sexy Mr. Armstrong included, lol.
Clannad / Clannad After Story
Plastic Memories
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Angel Beats
Acchi Kocchi
Usagi Drop
Eureka 7
Itazura na Kiss
One Week Friends
D Frag
Little Busters
Guilty Crown
Someone actually watched Glasslip because of DTL... And I don't think they have come back since then. We should have a warning about that show somewhere.
Someone actually watched Glasslip because of DTL... And I don't think they have come back since then. We should have a warning about that show somewhere.
Nah, for the most part the show doesn't match its reputation. It's mostly just another one of those P.A. Works school romance shows but with a bizarre non-ending.
I swear Puck doesn't even show up that often though!!
welp, now I feel the need to watch it just to know how bad it is...
I mean, is it as bad as LoveLove or GreenGreen?
hmm... maybe after I finish what i'm doing right now... maybe...
Nah, for the most part the show doesn't match its reputation. It's mostly just another one of those P.A. Works school romance shows but with a bizarre non-ending.
welp, now I feel the need to watch it just to know how bad it is...
I mean, is it as bad as LoveLove or GreenGreen?
Did you end up trying the dub??
Oh this will go well
The Flowers of Evil 02
Y'know people say that Watamote makes them uncomfortable and I get that. Its a show that hits too close to home sometimes about a generally awkward girl. Flowers of Evil is a different kind of uncomfortable. The direction in this show is fantastic, and not just visually. The music and sound, man. It's the kind of show I have to pause every once in a while because its so uneasy. Like Curb Your Enthusiasm!
More about the rotoscoping - it allows an unparalleled sense of body language. I love animation, but there are reasonable limits. You can achieve the kind of expression required to make this series work normally, but only through a massive amount of effort, time and skill you'd find in productions like Jin-Roh.
Also, good ED fade-ins? This show has it. Creepy as fuck.
Still loving this and all the modern day shenanigans involving Ken. I wonder where the Yukina dad subplot is going.![]()
That moment when a time-displaced samurai learns how to shitpost.
Hmm, what's Love love??
The Flowers of Evil 02
Y'know people say that Watamote makes them uncomfortable and I get that. Its a show that hits too close to home sometimes about a generally awkward girl. Flowers of Evil is a different kind of uncomfortable. The direction in this show is fantastic, and not just visually. The music and sound, man. It's the kind of show I have to pause every once in a while because its so uneasy. Like Curb Your Enthusiasm!
More about the rotoscoping - it allows an unparalleled sense of body language. I love animation, but there are reasonable limits. You can achieve the kind of expression required to make this series work normally, but only through a massive amount of effort, time and skill you'd find in productions like Jin-Roh.
Also, good ED fade-ins? This show has it. Creepy as fuck.
Clannad / Clannad After Story
Plastic Memories
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Angel Beats
Acchi Kocchi
Usagi Drop
Eureka 7
Itazura na Kiss
One Week Friends
D Frag
Little Busters
Edit: Usagi Drop and Barakamon are a MUST.
Nah, for the most part the show doesn't match its reputation. It's mostly just another one of those P.A. Works school romance shows but with a bizarre non-ending.
welp, now I feel the need to watch it just to know how bad it is...
I mean, is it as bad as LoveLove or GreenGreen?
hmm... maybe after I finish what i'm doing right now... maybe...
Space Adventure Cobra 1-7
Based on what I've seen so far, Cobra isn't a timeless classic, but it's fun. Sometimes that enough.
tanaka is an obnoxious prick ep1
what on earth do people like about this show
the MC's schtick is incredibly annoying, and he's completely lifeless and boring
yeah, i guess that's the point
but just because you try to be bad intentionally, doesn't make it any less bad
You just...get me.
Edit: How could you forget Your Lie in April?
Angel Beats is great. Barakamon is also really nice. I am glad I watched that show.
As someone who was extremely hyped for Glasslip before it started and as it was beginning, do not watch Glasslip. It's just a waste of time. The OP was nice and was the thing that kept me going.
tanaka is an obnoxious prick ep1
what on earth do people like about this show
the MC's schtick is incredibly annoying, and he's completely lifeless and boring
yeah, i guess that's the point
but just because you try to be bad intentionally, doesn't make it any less bad
Btw has anyone played the Trails in the Sky series? Looking into starting it..
What Lelouch was doing the whole episode.
You just...get me.
Edit: How could you forget Your Lie in April?