I'm glad that you're enjoying Maison Ikkoku, I ended up getting the second Blu-ray set so I'm going to watch it when I get the chance, probably after this. In all honesty, I think that you should post your impressions in this thread whenever you get the chance. Not only would I enjoy reading the impressions but many others would too and I think by doing so you might inspire others to check out the shows and vice-versa. For example, even though my posts on Takarajima didn't encourage anyone in here to watch it, I'd like to think my Cobra posts did and even if they didn't I still enjoyed posting about them, because the show was fun. Even-though everyone is watching the current crop of shows, you do get people posting about older shows too very often in this thread, Junkers Come Here is on this very page for example and it's a great film.
You post more often in here and I will too, promise =)
Steins;Gate - 1
If I knew this starred a crackpot wannabe scientist and a redhead I'd have checked this out sooner.
"I'd really like to have sex with a tall woman. I mean really tall, like a giant."
There was an anime classics release a few years ago which has some early 1900s anime which are in B&W, silent or originally intended to be viewed with live narration.
No more cleaning scenes please~motocross bikes get quite dirty
Space Adventure Cobra 8-12
Well that arc came to a pretty abrupt end. Gotta be honest, after following Crystal Bowie/Boy, Sandra felt like a pretty limp villain.
Space Adventure Cobra 8-12
Well that arc came to a pretty abrupt end. Gotta be honest, after following Crystal Bowie/Boy, Sandra felt like a pretty limp villain.
Crystal Boy is much better in the movie.
Crystal Boy is much better in themoviegame.
Quite the treat you are in for. Just do yourselfa favor and stay away from AquaWateria's posts as he finishes up the series.
Searching for Re:Zero merch has led me down a deep and dark dakimakura-shaped rabbit hole. I just wanted a poster of Ram and Rem. I did debate buying this for like 2 real-time seconds until my brain started functioning again. Dodged that bullet.
Oh yeah, and this is absolutely ridiculous. lol
Walkure Engineer 1: So, Mikumo hates tying up her hair.
Engineer 2: Why is that a problem?
Engineer 1: Well, the entire team has to go underwater and we need to find a way to design a helmet just for her that allows her to not drown but also let her hair out.
Engineer 2: Maybe I should have gotten that Liberal Arts degree after all.
Steins Gate 22
LolKurisu actually kissed Okabe. So they finally expressed their feelings to each other.
Seriously though this episode was depressing as fuck.Everyone will forget Kurisu but Okabe will be the only one to remember her. Poor Okabe has been through some tough shit with Mayuri's repeated deaths and Kurisu's incoming death.
LMAO ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS WITH THAT END CREDIT?Yeah apparently the World fucking hates Okabe's guts.Okabe has to deal with WWlll after dealing with Mayuri's multiple deaths, Kurisu's death, and Sern's bullshit.
Masayuki Nakano, bassist for the band Boom Boom Satellites, announced on the band's official website on Tuesday that the band's "Lay Your Hands On Me" EP release will be their last work, as vocalist/guitarist Michiyuki Kawashima (top in image right) is suffering from partial paralysis as an after-effect of his fourth brain tumor relapse.
those who are fans of any of the following prepare to be a little sad.
Bounen no Xamdou opening
Kiznaiver opening
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn ending 5
boom boom satellites to call it quits after Kiznaiver opening EP releases.
those who are fans of any of the following prepare to be a little sad.
Bounen no Xamdou opening
Kiznaiver opening
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn ending 5
boom boom satellites to call it quits after Kiznaiver opening EP releases.
Oh yeah, and this is absolutely ridiculous. lol
Walkure Engineer 1: So, Mikumo hates tying up her hair.
Engineer 2: Why is that a problem?
Engineer 1: Well, the entire team has to go underwater and we need to find a way to design a helmet just for her that allows her to not drown but also let her hair out.
Engineer 2: Maybe I should have gotten that Liberal Arts degree after all.
Who will be the first to share animegaf on facebook?
If I squint at this hard enough, can I pretend it's a Yona of the Dawn movie?
Gundam Build Fighters 17
This was kind of like the Fellini battle, only worse. I still don't like Mao's voice acting. At any rate, next episode looks like it could be good.
Heh. Fortunately we have an actual Yona of the Dawn OVA on the way!
I stayed up until 4 playing Overwatch. Gold help me.
Is it the one with the butt?But who is your overwatch waifu?
those who are fans of any of the following prepare to be a little sad.
Bounen no Xamdou opening
Kiznaiver opening
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn ending 5
boom boom satellites to call it quits after Kiznaiver opening EP releases.
Who will be the first to share animegaf on facebook?
*Looks at JP dub info for Overwatch waifus*
TRACER - Emiri Kato
WIDOWMAKER - Shizuka Ito
PHARAH - Romi Park
MEI - Lynn
D.VA - Risa Taneda
SYMMETRA - Hitomi Nabatame
MERCY - Sayaka Ohara
...oh my...
who is reaper
*Looks at JP dub info for Overwatch waifus*
TRACER - Emiri Kato
WIDOWMAKER - Shizuka Ito
PHARAH - Romi Park
MEI - Lynn
D.VA - Risa Taneda
SYMMETRA - Hitomi Nabatame
MERCY - Sayaka Ohara
...oh my...
What do Genji and Hanzo say when they ult in the JP dub