Beyond the Boundary 7-8
There are still a few episodes left, but I think I have a basic understanding of the series now. I'm a bit confused on the hate the show gets. I've seen a lot of hyperbole when people don't like something, but I was prepared for something very bad when I started this.
It has quite a few flaws, undoubtedly so, but I don't really think they're enough to make this extremely bad or not enjoyable. Maybe mediocre, but the animation, the music, the backgrounds and the attention to the details, certainly give it a charm that elevates it to something of greater quality. I guess people expected something better or something different, considering it's more SoL and less "dark" than I thought at first. But nevertheless, I find it very hard to put it on the same category as trash...
The biggest offender on the anime is (still) the humor, which remains unnecessarily off putting most of the time. Maybe this is the thing that turned a lot of people away, and I could actually understand it. Furthermore, the pacing and the characters are kind of terrible. The anime moves quickly, which is actually good for the action and it guarantees that it isn't boring, but there have been plenty of weird emotional transitions. Mirai's relationship with Akihito and especially the siblings progressed really fast, and even though at this point they've grown closer, it felt a bit forced at first. And the whole deal with Sakura, ready to kill Mirai and on the next morning she casually sleeps with her. Maybe they were trying to adapt a lot of volumes, I'm not really sure why this happens.
Anyway, I think I sound a bit negative on the show myself, but I still like quite a few things about it, other than Kyoani's treatment and the action of course. The SoL aspect certainly works on me, and I actually enjoyed the silly stuff with the idols on episode 6 a lot. The atmosphere of the show is great, even though the distinction to what is serious and what is just the characters having fun has been a bit hazy. The direction is pretty good too, despite some decisions that are bothering me.
Oh, and while I'm not really keen on the main cast, the side characters are decent and very intimidating. I love the foreshadowing and the power games that seem to happen between them. And the yomu designs are decent and outworldish, certainly on point. The show is generally very pleasant to watch, as I expected it to be very "edgy". It can still be dark and over the top, but without turning completely ridiculous.
Tl;dr: It's not bad.
Maybe I'm giving it a lot more attention and time than the one it deserves. Maybe I should have watched something better instead of this. But I think it's worth it so far. The posts are getting a bit lengthy though.