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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Hi. My name is names2hard4you.

I liked SAO.

Alright whatever

I liked Mahouka too.



I just got off a flight and apparently missed the fireworks. Do you want me to write up my issues about the upcoming Re:Zero arc? I can.
Get your pitchforks ready!

C'mon let's all be friends.

Alright whatever


I don't deflect criticism at my taste, nor do I hide:


I catch it instead and move on with my life. Let this be a lesson to those who are "afraid" of posting their personal opinions. Hopefully my post and these replies
(Rainy and Metroid you guys did great btw, I was waiting for something like this)
show you my point. Just have fun with it guys. It's entertainment.

I just got off a flight and apparently missed the fireworks. Do you want me to write up my issues about the upcoming Re:Zero arc? I can.

I like your longer in-depth posts, I'd say go for it. You more often than not catch more stuff on a technical/production level than I do.
There's no denying this happens at times but fans of these shows typically take it entirely too personal and often argue against individual interpretation in an attempt to shut out criticism and discussion. Not everyone is going to agree about everything. Ttme spent in the thread lets one cultivate a sense of who has similar tastes and can be trusted in their assessment. Everyone has different levels of tolerance though which is probably why I eat out of the garbage for fantasy anime like woofington does for scifi, often overlooking flaws to a fault.

I won't deny that I feel this way for many shows I like. I understand that not everybody in this thread is going to be as big a mecha fan and understanding and tolerant of the tropes that come with the genre.

What generally ticks me off is impressions that feel hateful and drive-by-post-like.

Like, I can't help but shake my head when I see impressions of a show along the lines like: "show's shit, rip [name of studio/director/writer who worked on said show]".

Wording like that feels less like somebody trying to raise a point and start a discussion than it feels like they're just trying to be as passive aggressive as possible. I like it much better when people go into well-written detail as to why they don't like a certain show.

Like, Regulus hated one part of G Gundam's finale and Hosanna with GBF, two of my favourite shows. Their views were well-detailed and rational, and the way they wrote their points of view made me understand the way they looked at things. That's criticism I can get behind.

I feel like if you're going to criticize something that's popular and well-regarded, try and approach the subject from a rational, well-written angle. Saying the show's just shit and only giving a one-liner reason why and then vanishing is just not good forum etiquette.

You're entitled to your own opinions, but if you're going to voice those opinions, please do so in a way that doesn't come off as bait or make it seem like you're the only one right on a show and everyone else is wrong.

Hi. My name is names2hard4you.

I liked SAO. I liked Mahouka too.

Hope we can all be friends.

That's fine. Though I question why you like both shows, I certainly don't think any less of you for doing so.

Gurren Lagann and Madoka Magica are two of my all time favourite anime. Nice to meet you.
I won't deny that I feel this way for many shows I like. I understand that not everybody in this thread is going to be as big a mecha fan and understanding and tolerant of the tropes that come with the genre.

What generally ticks me off is impressions that feel hateful and drive-by-post-like.

Like, I can't help but shake my head when I see impressions of a show along the lines like: "show's shit, rip [name of studio/director/writer who worked on said show]".

Wording like that feels less like somebody trying to raise a point and start a discussion than it feels like they're just trying to be as passive aggressive as possible. I like it much better when people go into well-written detail as to why they don't like a certain show.

Like, Regulus hated one part of G Gundam's finale and Hosanna with GBF, two of my favourite shows. Their views were well-detailed and rational, and the way they wrote their points of view made me understand the way they looked at things. That's criticism I can get behind.

I feel like if you're going to criticize something that's popular and well-regarded, try and approach the subject from a rational, well-written angle. Saying the show's just shit and only giving a one-liner reason why and then vanishing is just not good forum etiquette.

You're entitled to your own opinions, but if you're going to voice those opinions, please do so in a way that doesn't come off as bait or make it seem like you're the only one right on a show and everyone else is wrong.

That's fine. Though I question why you like both shows, I certainly don't think any less of you for doing so.

Gurren Lagann and Madoka Magica are two of my all time favourite anime. Nice to meet you.

good post


Rapid Response Threadmaker
We have a confirmation that Emilia is worst girl now.

She didn't even come in to help even with Puck begging her to.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think the opposite can be said were anime-gaf over emphasize on the negative of an anime when it's never as bad as they make it out to be. I think Your lie in April was victim of this recently.
The only victim in animegaf threads is me.
That's fine. Though I question why you like both shows, I certainly don't think any less of you for doing so.

Gurren Lagann and Madoka Magica are two of my all time favourite anime. Nice to meet you.

The two I mentioned aren't my favourite anime by any stretch of imagination, those belong to shows like Hyouka, FMA:B, Steins;Gate, SNAFU and now Kiznaiver. But in SAO's case, I thought it did something cool at the time, before every show began doing the whole "trapped in an MMO world" thing. With Mahouka it was a pure thing of each week, me looking forward to seeing just what the heck onii-sama's next almighty stunt would be. Are they narrative masterpieces, no. Visual spectacles? Maybe here and there, there was a cool scene or two, but also no. Both feature cringy stuff and tropes too. But I had fun.

Madoka was a pretty cool watch for me too back in the day.


Like, I can't help but shake my head when I see impressions of a show along the lines like: "show's shit, rip [name of studio/director/writer who worked on said show]".

Wording like that feels less like somebody trying to raise a point and start a discussion than it feels like they're just trying to be as passive aggressive as possible. I like it much better when people go into well-written detail as to why they don't like a certain show.

You're far more concerned about drivebys than you really should be.


there's such low levels of shitposting in this thread relative to many other places on the internet. obvs that doesn't excuse it or whatever but hey, it's easily within my tolerance range.

i enjoy larger discussions also


cornbread, since you were singled out, do you often feel attacked in this thread?

Honestly, I'm not going to go there right now because I do not want to perpetuate the discussion in a negative connotation. I try to keep emotion out of things and GAF as a whole as really desensitized me to internet posting practices.

Oni's my boy though.

I will say, there are some red flags at times when new people walk into the thread and don't have an understanding of the personalities, see a comment posted in reference to their post and can feel skiddish about coming back.. OT can be tough to "read the room" but that is also typical of any "community" at the same time.

Also, I do know there are a few peeps that do not like me very much and/or have me blocked because my posts/reflections/ideals do not live up to their superior intellectual requirements, but that's fair enough. We each have our own feelings and expectations of others and if I can't match those acceptable levels, I can accept that dismissive

You see, I'm still new to the medium (only 18 mos. watching) and it's a pure entertainment thing for me. I don't take it as seriously as others, however, I also don't try to act like I know everything either because I tend to only react to the content in front of me with not a full understanding of background context/mechanics. I know this rubs people the wrong way sometimes as well.

I've also been told that other people sonetimes take offense to my attempts to do "too much" where it's "not needed" when I put together the "Let's Watch" threads and such. As a fact, they were attended more by the non-community members, than AnimeGAF members for the most part.

Ok, I'm half asleep now, and have to get my 5 hours of sleep before I go to the office in the AM, so I apologize ahead of time if this is all ramble and doesn't make sense, but I just spent way to much time typing this on my phone and half asleep at that, lol.

Love ya guys, I'm out, lol

Stop the SAO and Key hate!

What? The only bait I see you post is for all Onodera fans whenever you talk about how the MC in Nisekoi is about to have sex with Chitoge!

You're far more concerned about drivebys than you really should be.

I guess, I just really want the thread to a better, more welcoming place for discussion and posts like those just irritate me so much.

The two I mentioned aren't my favourite anime by any stretch of imagination, those belong to shows like Hyouka, FMA:B, Steins;Gate, SNAFU and now Kiznaiver. But in SAO's case, I thought it did something cool at the time, before every show began doing the whole "trapped in an MMO world" thing. With Mahouka it was a pure thing of each week, me looking forward to seeing just what the heck onii-sama's next almighty stunt would be. Are they narrative masterpieces, no. Visual spectacles? Maybe here and there, there was a cool scene or two, but also no. Both feature cringy stuff and tropes too. But I had fun.

Madoka was a pretty cool watch for me too back in the day.

Part of me kinda envys how people can find fun in SAO. Like, the second half of the show feels so down-beat and un-fun as possible. And that's the part of the show where if you die in the game, you don't die for real!

Where are the people having fun in this VRMMO? Why's everything so serious? Where's the fun that people are loving this show for?

I think the same applies for Mahouka as well. I didn't watch it, but impressions from those that did usually complained about how down-beat and super serious the overall tone of the show was. It's hard to enjoy the stunts of onii-sama when the show itself certainly doesn't seem to be enjoying itself!

With Gurren Lagann, even when the situation became down-beat and serious, the show never forgot about being optimistic and had its characters still be silly and enjoyable. (Heck, being optimistic is one of the core themes of the show!)


is the clique problem beyond acceptable tolerances? I find it difficult to perceive because I have a very hazy perception of who the regulars are here in any case, (i really do not pay attention most of the time to individual posters), but it's always felt to me like we cycle people in and out as regular (regrettably often because a third of the regulars I do recognise tend to explode in a haze of getting banned for forgetting that animeGAF is more tolerant of certain things than the rest of gaf)

more to the point, I don't feel it's terribly different from walking into any other community thread and not getting the injokes.

(although god knows if I didn't know ducky's warped brand of humour I'd be majorly confused)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The true clique has ascended beyond these base and earthly forums.


wow, things got pretty intense here but I like reading these discussions haha

there's such low levels of shitposting in this thread relative to many other places on the internet. obvs that doesn't excuse it or whatever but hey, it's easily within my tolerance range.

i enjoy larger discussions also


I bought the Kizumonogatari light novel, was surprised to see it in Amazon India. They took some time to ship but it's here :D at least I can read this before getting to watch the trilogy.
I mean, don't you do the same sort of thing whenever Cross Ange is brought up? You really can't have it both ways.

It's just...different when it comes to Cross Ange okay? I've already went into detail and stated my feelings on it and how depressed it makes me feel about the mecha genre as a whole several times here, and I don't want to bring it up again to this discussion.


It's just...different when it comes to Cross Ange okay? I've already went into detail and stated my feelings on it and how depressed it makes me feel about the mecha genre as a whole several times here, and I don't want to bring it up again to this discussion.

Too bad man. Cross Ange is in the new Super Robot Wars which will be the first one officially released in ENGLISH. That legitimizes it as the modern representation of the genre. If you don't like it, FIND ANOTHER HOBBY SUCKAH!



I don't think you guys realize just how detailed the spoilers I have are.

I'm not talking about little points on what happens here and there, I'm talking about full-length summaries of what happens in the arcs.

I certainly don't think it's an overreaction.
Overreaction was probably the wrong word, but what was I getting was the people who've read the spoilers and think it sounds bad are either those who haven't seen the anime, or have seen it and weren't too keen on it to begin with. If you don't like it, that's fair enough, but I'd put more stock in someone like Ascheroth saying it turns to shit than people who haven't really enjoyed it so far.

After that kind of shit why would anyone want to discuss anime in this thread? This kind of shit is incredibly toxic. Recommendations come out fine and freely but how many new faces come back and stay without ignoring a lot of the shit that gets bandied about as shows they want to discuss or talk about or get excited about are called edgy tryhard garbage that is worse than cancer?
I wouldn't say this thread is toxic, but some of this I can agree with. It can come off as incredibly snooty at times. Reading the in-depth discussions is great, but not everyone is that invested in anime and this thread, at times, isn't really the best place for a casual watcher to discuss some of the shows they're into. It doesn't really bother me because I mainly read this thread to read other's views on stuff, or to get recommendations on what to watch next, but if you are looking to properly contribute then yeah, you wouldn't really come back. I'm fairly thick skinned though so people saying my favourite anime is shit doesn't bother me :p It's Unlimited Blade Works. It's not that highly rated by people on here, but honestly I couldn't care less. Don't get me wrong, I will 1v1 quickscope anyone on Rust who says it's shit, but eh beyond that to each their own.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'll just say that there's some amount bullying of cornbread this thread could do without. I don't share his views on anime, but that's no reason to pile on him (and even when you're doing it of your own volition, enough people doing it creates a dogpile).

Anime is SHIT


Yea, sometimes I'm amazed how cornbread managed to stick around for so long still being himself. Not that I dislike him of course, on the contrary makes me think this place is not as hostile as everyone make it to be haha.
Kuma Miko 9-11
Fuck Yoshio, seriously fuck that guy. Sadly this series has turned quite stale, due to both the repetitive jokes and the plain creepy shit Yoshio tries to pull just because he's "thickheaded". Yes, let's force the girl who has an obvious anxiety disorder to participate in a idol contest. Not because she wants it, but because it can help your job.
I'll just say that there's some amount bullying of cornbread this thread could do without. I don't share his views on anime, but that's no reason to pile on him (and even when you're doing it of your own volition, enough people doing it creates a dogpile).

Anime is SHIT

Are we talking about the same guy that's continuously bullying us with SAO gifs?


Jesus Christ I wake up and everyone's turned on each other. Peace and love guys.

Although I did always want to be part of a hive mind...
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