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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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When I watched it recently I ended up thinking episode 25 isn't really that great and has to retread&recycle a lot, whereas episode 26 is amazing and actually has a lot of purely new animation and content. The two often get lumped together as if they were a single entity but imo there's a lot of differences between them and a rather notorious quality gap.

Yeh, that's certainly true.

Maybe they spared some effort in ep25 to have to offer a bit more for the finale. Retreating Misato's issues when those were beautifully handled in a bunch of the previous episodes felt a bit weak. Kinda the case for everyone. Ep26 eventually diverges into something more substantial with Shinji.


depends on traffic. last few years have been stable enough. i remember maybe 2, 3 years back e3 would shut down everything but gaming side...

Last year was the first one they kept it completely open as a test. With the With the Xbox1 S being shown, I'm sure this place will be ripe for those lovely "500" server issues this year.


Yeh, that's certainly true.

Maybe they spared some effort in ep25 to have to offer a bit more for the finale. Retreating Misato's issues when those were beautifully handled in a bunch of the previous episodes felt a bit weak. Kinda the case for everyone. Ep26 eventually diverges into something more substantial with Shinji.

On the other hand, I can kind of see a point since all of these are explicitly framed as the characters opening up to themselves and seeing their own minds and issues for what they are - they stop lying to themselves and escaping into their roles in the show, because that doesn't exist anymore. In a way, what NGE does towards the end is expose its own artifice, to the point that the final things we see on the screen are text messages addressed directly to the public (presumably coming from Anno). So I can forgive the discarding of the narrative and some of the redundancy because in its own improvised way there is a purpose. Even if the execution isn't always as pristine as the ending of 26.


Evangelion was great for me precisely because of how it handled its characters. Most of them did stuff you'd want to call them out on, but had aspects that you could sympathise with. Gendo was a manipulative bastard because he couldn't let go off of the memory of his wife, Asuka a tsundere jerk because that was the only way she found to cope with her insecurity and inferiority complex that came from losing at being herself to a freaking doll, Rei a lifeless, disposable husk aware of her own status as little more than Gendo's puppet and filled with apathy as a result, Misato acting like a rebellious brat to escape from her social duties and put herself in the big sister role more than that of a responsible adult, the professor girl watching Gendo from a distance knowing she could never take the place that belonged to his late wife (and, by extension, Rei)...

Even Shinji was fairly relatable in that he was striving to be recognized by others, but often felt completely overwhelmed by the larger-than-life burden he was forced to carry, all while the other people's issues prevented any of them from noticing and helping each other out. Like, he tried to get a bit close to Rei, but then she died and was replaced by another blank slate copy that didn't even remember him; then Asuka kept treating him like crap, Misato like he was just a kid, his father like he didn't even exist, and Kaoru like the one person who got kind of close to him but he had to kill because he was his father's enemy... I bet none of that helped him and his fragile mental state at all.

John Blade

We still have 15 more pages to go through, so no, not yet.

Welp...I won't post anything stupid. Guess it's food porn gif for now as I am hungry.


Eva rewatch - 26

Since I've forgotten so many details, I'm curious how the instrumentality sequences in End of Eva play out. With the strangling and all there might be more interesting scenes to it but yeh, I'll see.

I personally think it's stronger, if only because it focuses entirely on Shinji and Misato, Rei, and Asuka get their development in the flashier "episode 25" half of the movie.

End of Eva is probably my favorite animated movie ever, just like Eva is probably my favorite anime of all time.
Samurai Flamenco 20-22

Finally finished it, was pretty great. The lets get married thing was hilarious. What I don't understand is how Gotou got a mail from the girlfriend at the end.


Got my copy of Gundam the Origin Part 3 today and was surprised to find it had been sent with a cell of the film. A nice little surprise considering the full set is going to cost me £300.
Samurai Flamenco 20-22

Finally finished it, was pretty great. The lets get married thing was hilarious. What I don't understand is how Gotou got a mail from the girlfriend at the end.
I guess I always assumed
he sent it to himself as he still needed 'her' to say it was OK to let go
I guess I always assumed
he sent it to himself as he still needed 'her' to say it was OK to let go

But he was talking with Masayoshi on the street when it arrived, unless it was timed. I thought that the one he sent after "defeating" Sawada would be the last one.
But he was talking with Masayoshi on the street when it arrived, unless it was timed. I thought that the one he sent after "defeating" Sawada would be the last one.

Perhaps I'm mistaken but I'm pretty sure he got e-mails seemingly out of the blue before.
To be honest a supernatural explanation wouldn't be impossible given what else goes on but Gatou was always separate from those bits so I assumed it was sent by him to himself and never even considered another explanation.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Samurai Flamenco 20-22

Finally finished it, was pretty great. The lets get married thing was hilarious. What I don't understand is how Gotou got a mail from the girlfriend at the end.
The real plot hole is why does this feel so cliche and how did he get explosives and the real answer is because its samurai flamenco.


Maturity, bitches.
So anyone looking forward to Mahou Shoujo? Naria☆Girls? It's billed as a "live anime" so apparently will take viewer feedback into account so could be an interesting experiment.
So anyone looking forward to Mahou Shoujo? Naria☆Girls? It's billed as a "live anime" so apparently will take viewer feedback into account so could be an interesting experiment.

I know there were some people here who really enjoyed gdgd fairies, so I'm sure there'll be a couple interested parties.


I find it strange that animegaf could be considered mean these days, considering it was pretty much a 15 person chat thread in the peak animegaf days from like 4 or 5 years ago and we'd run through like 4 OTs by just trolling each other.

Didn't K-On GAF basically spawn from that period because half the thread hated K-On? lol

What people consider 'mean or 'toxic' is very much a matter of opinion.

There are certainly specific incidents wherein a specific poster comes under a lot of flack that appears to be more personal than critical. However, I don't seem to see that happening too frequently.

On the other hand, there have always been people in this (and other) places where anime is discussed who find sustained, strongly argued criticism to be "too much". They aren't really interested in engaging in a substantial amount of sparring to defend the content that they watch - they just want to generally chat about anime without things getting "too heated".

I don't think there's anything wrong with just wanting to casually chat about anime. It's just a fact that those posters are mingling with far more critically minded who are used to getting into serious discussions about anime. It's when these two kinds of posters cross paths on a certain anime that you have problems.

The more casual poster suddenly feels like they are getting attacked and harassed for just having an opinion, while the critical poster can't understand why the casual poster is being so sensitive. These "crossover points" tend to occur around shows that everyone (both critical and casual posters) are watching, such as SAO, Attack on Titan, Erased, MHA etc etc. This where you find the most hurt-feeling and perceived persecution.

Of course, people also flip around on how they react to different shows, so that a critical type poster who knowingly washes a trashy show isn't likely to start writing essays explaining why its trash. They know its trash and they're purely watching it for entertainment.

Obviously I'm being somewhat reductionist, but you get the idea.
Its like yea this show is trashy, but there's a evil mofu girl in it so of course I'm enjoying it.

Or yea this show is probably bad but the animators do a fine job of drawing the female body in a tight, pink motorcycle race suit.


Its like yea this show is trashy, but there's a evil mofu girl in it so of course I'm enjoying it.

Or yea this show is probably bad but the animators do a fine job of drawing the female body in a tight, pink motorcycle race suit.

But Puck is't evil..


Now she is:


Avi if anyone wants it, lol.


Sailor Moon Crystal S3 11

The useless brigade is still useless. Hotaru still does more stuff than even the Outers. Chibi-Usa gets the power-up, because of course she needed it and not any of Moon's bodyguards.
Cerberus Episode 11

Sharisharu character upgrade, wow

Hiiro and Tomitte having the water thing going on was interesting. If only they were together. I hope the group gets together again, I miss them when theyre not together.


I find it strange that animegaf could be considered mean these days, considering it was pretty much a 15 person chat thread in the peak animegaf days from like 4 or 5 years ago and we'd run through like 4 OTs by just trolling each other.

I can't lie, when I finally decided to join up after a year's worth of lurking, I tried finding a way to get myself acclimated here, but never did so until last September because all of you people were going so fast that it was impossible to get caught up. Burning through 4 OT's in one season was overwhelming, like seriously, it was like NFLGAF Gameday speed 24 hours a day, lmao. I was always at least 50 to 100 pages behind, haha
I can't lie, when I finally decided to join up after a year's worth of lurking, I tried finding a way to get myself acclimated here, but never did so until last September because all of you people were going so fast that it was impossible to get caught up. Burning through 4 OT's in one season was overwhelming, like seriously, it was like NFLGAF Gameday speed 24 hours a day, lmao. I was always at least 50 to 100 pages behind, haha

Summer 2014 was way worse in that case.

The threads went way too fast.

John Blade

No, my wife gives me nothing but $hit about games and anime....

Just show your real wife Emma A Victorian Romance and let her watch it. She will realize you have good taste in a romance show. Then when you get here liking a bit of anime, show her Taboo Charming Mother and make her realize where is your true love is.
Hyouka 04

The whole gang gets involved then.

Cultural festivals is serious business as always, but I guess they didn't solve things after all. Hm... Does this main mystery got anything to do with the name of the club? Think I remember somebody saying here that the name of the club was important once :p
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