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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Can no one answer this mans question?
Television anime is almost always done at source of 720p or lower. At best Amazon will have a 1080p upscale...4k seems like it would be very silly, but maybe it's there as a gimmick?


Attack On Titan: Fun With Trains! Edition Episode 01


Well, this show is certainly up my alley. I was already a fan of A.O.T., although I didn't love it and when I first saw the art for this show & heard it was being made by the same studio that handles Titan, my interest grew immediately. As an initial episode, it's pretty good so far, interested to see where they head with it. The show looks fantastic - hopefully the quality is consistent.

Seems to be aping the general idea of Attack on Titan pretty hard, complete with hints at political intrigue, tragic backstory, panicking citizens, and gore galore. The Kabaneri monsters themselves don't make as much an impression as the supremely creepy looking Titans, but good nonetheless. As I was watching I thought to myself, "well at least the main character doesn't have some special power or something" only for him to get bit & then somehow stave off the infection LMAO. No doubt this will endow him with the ability to become a zombie-killing machine.
Shingeki no Kabaneri 01
There is no war within the walls.

Well, this is pretty unique looking at least. I just really really hope that this show ends up consistent in quality. The OP/ED had some pretty hype moments, and the character designs are so 80's/90's that it does get me excited.

What is a little awkward to me is I have no idea what any of the characters' names are. At least in AoT we would hear Eren's name enough times to get it hammered into memory, as well as the rest of the cast. At this point it just tells me that this is going to be pretty much a setpiece-to-setpiece action anime, and I'm just not going to expect anything too substantial as to character development.

There is no war within the walls.


Netoge epsiode 1

I didn't hate it. I though the fan service was gonna be worse than it was, so i guess that's a plus. I like the characters well enough. Interesting choice to have a character that is a premium pay2win user, I don't expect that to go anywhere though. I like the tsundere girl. I get lots of Saekano type vibes from this despite them having different premises. I liked that well enough, i guess.

I'll keep watching.

Anne Happy episode 1

Its unique, I'll give it that. Having everyone in the group be basically depressed or really negative while having Anne be (basically) delusional-ly happy is an interesting dynamic. I wonder if she's gonna break down by the end? I'd be interested to see that, kind of a role reversal, as cliche as it would be.

I'll keep watching.
Yuki Yuna Is A Hero 1-12

I initially started watching this a few months ago and saw the first 4 episodes, just finished the other 8 last night. I went into this knowing it was basically going to have a darker turn like Madoka did, although I figured it wouldn't be as enjoyable as that. Overall it was ok, the show probably spent a bit too much time before getting to the twists, although once it got there it was definitely far more engaging. The episode where the characters were struggling with their disabilities actually made me tear up a bit. I'm not too sure how I feel about the ending though, on the one hand it was definitely a major cop out just to have a happy end, but I'm still kind of in the mood to see things end as best as they can after watching YLiA lol.
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 1 -- As a fan of Attack on Titan I was hugely anticipating this and I loved it! Same feel. Same atmosphere. Same music. Just pretty much what I wanted. Want more. And want it now.


Attack on Zombies-1
So this was noticeably better than Attack on Titan, although I sorely miss Mikasa's abs. It's a bit different than AoT though in that the Kabaneri present an omnipresent danger, much more so than the Titans. That's primarily because the infection element presents a hysteria that is present not only in the characters' actions but the structure of the society. Despite the production itself, Kabaneri resembles more of a traditional zombie story than AoT. The Kabaneri themselves are also in some ways more dangerous than the Titans in that there isn't any real countermeasure to them and they can very easily bring down a station if even one gets inside. Their designs are really neat with the glowing red lines and a cool narrative point is that their bites have an aesthetic in it that prevents a person from noticing they're bit.

Cool transition
The production itself is Araki to the core, for better and worse. Honestly though, nothing has come off as hilariously overblown like the death of Eren's mother in episode 1. Araki has a 'dramatic' element to his direction and that comes through in scenes like Ikoma defending that man. While it felt a bit overdone, it makes sense enough in the context of that world and ultimately that Ikoma was right about how twisted the world is now. Ikoma is very much a pariah in both his position in this society but also his thinking. Unlike Eren who just comes off as insane, Ikoma is instead just very driven. It's like watching a smarter less annoying Eren and thank god for that. I'm not sold on the side cast though as I'm not seeing potential Sashas. Setting is pretty cool and it feels earned due to Ikoma's area of expertise instead of just a way of separating the show from AoT.
I wasn't particularly impressed with the animation but then again there weren't many action sequences. Close-ups looked crazy good at times which made it more distracting when the 'regular' shots were used. I noticed a lot of speedlines and a few still frames but it wasn't too bad. I'm sure those will increase before Episode 11. Sountrack is Sawano as fuck. Dude only has one style nowadays and it's clear he's not rocking the boat train with this. Weirdly enough I actually liked that last song with Kobayashi (probably). Felt a bit darker than his usual stuff, maybe because I couldn't hear the lyrics that well (lol). So far, so good. I can see like a dozen of areas where the show can fall apart from the pacing, the side characters, and the animation but it has potential. Besides how many shows have autoerotic asphyxiation in them?
Honestly I didn't even recognize Sawano, didn't have volume high enough apparently but if there was lady singing EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE EEEEEE EEEEEEEE or singing in some foreign language with a choir behind her, then yeah that's him.

Never heard of monocles? Except this is easier to wear?

Was it confirmed he needs the glasses and it's not an unnecessary fashion accessory like tiny hats?


Anne-Happy #1
Not too interesting, but it does have nice and simple backgrounds. I might continue watching this sporadically, but it isn't the kind of show that'd actually warrant sticking around to watch episodes as they air.

The thing I'm the most wary about is how each girl appears to be built entirely around their main flaw: the MC loves a construction worker sign, ojou has no self-esteem, Anne's overly optimistic but keeps getting hurt by animals, and then there's the red-haired girl that gets lost all the time. Such a one-dimensional characterization can only carry the show so far, since gags will get boring if all they do is abuse each girl's flaw in the exact same way every time.


Not Attack on Titan - 1

That was awesome! Well paced, decent action and animation all around (Though there were a few shots where they clearly cheated). Only cringe moment was when the MC (Who I'm not sold on) was calling out those soldiers, that was a bit silly.

Also.... I like trains. I really like trains. So, the many trains in this episode made me happy.
We should probably have a very serious vote as to what silly name we give this show because we can't have twenty different dank titles for it floating around in the thread


Hey, I had the same thought! It's probably the harem power trio. Tsundere, Yandere, whatever-the-senpai-is-dere

Lol, that made me crack up for some random reason.

Netoge should be good fun.

Nagi no Asukara ep. 10-12
Well, at least they can hold the celebration/wedding, but my ship is officially dead from the end of that episode. Of course, it's the fishnet gimmick again... uugghh; your dead to me Monaco. Should be interesting to see the new drama that comes once
Monaco prevents herself from hibernating and stays on shore
We should probably have a very serious vote as to what silly name we give this show because we can't have twenty different dank titles for it floating around in the thread

We should just call it by its actual name, clearly Attack on Titan was just Araki's trial run and now we're getting the real thing.


Kabenari of the iron fortress ep 1
So our MC here is more less became half zombie so he probaby will have inhuman powers? I can see your tricks Okuchi, all this about hero stuff, either you die a hero or you live long to see yourself become a villain.


I'm surprised how much I like Ikoma, he comes off as a nerd.

Yeah, I enjoyed his exuberant celebration when he saw that his gun worked lol, but I'm actually a little confused on what was so special about the gun he was working on compared to the steam guns the other guys had.
Yeah, I enjoyed his exuberant celebration when he saw that his gun worked lol, but I'm actually a little confused on what was so special about the gun he was working on compared to the steam guns the other guys had.

regular guns aren't piercing through the 'cage' protecting the hearts due to lack of a punch, his gun was being made to e able to shoot through the heart
Anne Happy 01 - Your secret is safe with me
Anne Happy (also known as Unhappy Go Lucky!) at first seems like any other cutesy slice-of-life. Stick with it through the first episode, though, and it becomes much more than that. Rather than a shallow, moe show about a few girls in high school, Anne Happy might be on its way to exploring deep and emotional themes about mental health, grief, and survival.

Main characters Anne, Hibari, and Botan are part of the "Overcoming Misfortune Club," meaning they live full-time in the school. It's not a boarding school, however, and I've never heard of that being a thing in regular high schools anywhere. Something just seems off.

Lazy-but-energetic Anne especially carries on like everything's fine, heading off to class and talking about how much she's been loving school lately. She gets to class at the last minute, talks to her classmates for a bit, and promptly falls asleep. It's not charming — her whole character is irritating and trope-y. She's too cheerful and seems more like an elementary school kid than an upperclassman in high school.

At least, that's how I felt about her before reaching the end of the episode. If you can make it through 20-ish minutes of annoying genki-ness, it all clicks perfectly into place. Something is wrong, and it explains everything about her.

Unsettling hints at the reality of Anne Happy are everywhere. From Anne's perspective, it's a normal classroom filled with normal kids, but Hibari doesn't seem to notice that anyone is there, interrupting loudly. Once Anne stutters that class is in session, Hibari "sees" the other students — but they're sort of blanked out, like no one ever finished drawing and coloring them. As Anne excuses herself, we see foreboding writing on the blackboard: "Happiness." It's a quiet, empty sort of foreshadowing, all carefully and meaningfully building up to the twist reveal.

I knew going in that Anne Happy was about ghosts, but I couldn't have imagined the grace of that reveal. It's not just about cute girls surviving the spectral gate apocalypse at their school. It's about survivors protecting the facade that their friend has created in her grief, starting with making up the "Overcoming Misfortune Club" to give Anne a reason why she can't ever leave. They play along to preserve what's left of her, mentally. Her once-annoying, unrelenting cheerfulness is actually a tragic, heartbreaking coping mechanism, and everything that felt off suddenly and beautifully comes together.

Even knowing the premise of Anne Happy beforehand, the ending reveal is so perfectly done that it still hits hard. The episode tested my patience at first and didn't feel worth my time, but everything I'd thought was pointless was leading somewhere great. What appears to be a super-cute show about high school girls is actually shaping up to be an impactful and emotional series, and I can't wait to see where it goes next.



Selfishly, I'll point you directly at Clannad and Clannad After Story, just because it's an amazing experience and from your list, you can appreciate good drama / Romance. Same with Cross Game with is a good sports/drama series.
Barakamon, which is a really good SoL series. D-Frag is a really funny comedy, Eureka 7 has a little bit of everything, Golden Boy(Crunchyroll) is a short ecchi comedy. Little Busters(Crunchyroll) is a good conedy/drama, and if you don't mind sone fanservice and a lot of dialog, some action and some comedy start the *Monogatari series with Bakemonogatari and enjoy the ride.

A few others:(all on Crunchyroll)
Blast of Tempest
Usagi Drop
Kokoro Connect
Yamada-kunand the Seven Witches
ef-A Tale of Memories

I don't watch a lot of your action Shounen series, but I'm 50 episodes into Fairy Tail and it has been really good so far.

That should keep you busy for a while, lol.

With Clannad having such a good rating I don't know how I missed that one. It sounds like an experience so I'll definitely put that higher on my priorities.

Thanks for the other recommendations! I'll add them to my watch list so I don't forget.

Looks like I'll have a lot to watch lol.

I completely missed this, welcome!

Don't watch Fairy Tail, it's not worth it. (Sorry Cornbread)
Can't comment on those others as I haven't watched most of them, besides Blast of Tempest, D-Frag and Eureka 7, but I can recommend those.

If you want a really good longer shonen anime, maybe give Gintama a try. It's usually a hilarious comedy, but also features action, plenty of emotional moments, etc (I doesn't go into serious mode often, but when it does, it really does..
It's 316 episodes. The beginning is mostly regarded as a slow burn and it's starts getting really good for most somewhere in the 20ies, but after that it's consistent greatness.

Or you could also try diving into JoJo, where its 4th part is currently airing. It's a campy, over-the-top, bizarre and fabulous action shonen.

Glancing over your Plan to Watch list:
Another - I just watched that last weekend, and I can recommend it. It's hilarious as a dark comedy with an eerie undertone, not sure how it holds up if you watch it as a 'serious horror' show. It picks up steam somewhere in the 3rd episode iirc.
Code Geass - Judging from the other shows you enjoyed you're most likely going to have a lot of fun with this one. It's a very entertaining ride.
Grimgar surprisingly turned out to be something that really grew on me, even though I was also initially very offput by the stupidly unnecessary LN trash dialogue it had at times. Also has probably one of the best action episodes of last season.
Tokyo Ghoul - If you're even remotely interested do yourself a favor and forget about the anime, read the manga instead. The anime is an abomination.
Can't comment about the others.

No rush in 'catching up'. There's way too many good anime out there.

I've heard a lot of good things about Gintama, but the 316 episode count kind of scares me. I thought 148 with Hunter x Hunter was a lot, but I embarrassed to say how quickly I got through that one. I guess the problem is I'll ignore everything else if I get too invested in it.

Didn't know until recently that mangas and animes could such differences. I'll check out the manga for Tokyo Ghoul. I've only read Attack on Titan and One Punch Man, so reading some manga should be pretty refreshing.


Watch Hajime no Ippo and Slam Dunk. Those two are among the best sports anime ever. After that give Ace of Diamond a go.

edit: we have the exact same Kuroko no Basket scores :eek:

I've heard great things about Hajime no Ippo so I'll definitely keep an eye on that one. Is Slam Dunk a more realistic portrayal of Basket Ball than Kuruko's? Either way I'll be sure to check it out.

Edit: I see that there is an older and newer version of Hajime no Ippo. Is one better than the other? Or should I just watch both?

Yeah I loved the second season. That game against Yosen was awesome, and Murasakibara is my favorite character. Probably why I loved it so much.


Anne Happy 01 - suffering
Anne Happy (also known as Unhappy Go Lucky!) at first seems like any other cutesy slice-of-life. Stick with it through the first episode, though, and it becomes much more than that. Rather than a shallow, moe show about a few girls in high school, Anne Happy might be on its way to exploring deep and emotional themes about mental health, grief, and survival.

Main characters Anne, Hibari, and Botan are part of the "Overcoming Misfortune Club," meaning they live full-time in the school. It's not a boarding school, however, and I've never heard of that being a thing in regular high schools anywhere. Something just seems off.

Lazy-but-energetic Anne especially carries on like everything's fine, heading off to class and talking about how much she's been loving school lately. She gets to class at the last minute, talks to her classmates for a bit, and promptly falls asleep. It's not charming — her whole character is irritating and trope-y. She's too cheerful and seems more like an elementary school kid than an upperclassman in high school.

At least, that's how I felt about her before reaching the end of the episode. If you can make it through 20-ish minutes of annoying genki-ness, it all clicks perfectly into place. Something is wrong, and it explains everything about her.

Unsettling hints at the reality of Anne Happy are everywhere. From Anne's perspective, it's a normal classroom filled with normal kids, but Hibari doesn't seem to notice that anyone is there, interrupting loudly. Once Anne stutters that class is in session, Hibari "sees" the other students — but they're sort of blanked out, like no one ever finished drawing and coloring them. As Anne excuses herself, we see foreboding writing on the blackboard: "Happiness." It's a quiet, empty sort of foreshadowing, all carefully and meaningfully building up to the twist reveal.

I knew going in that Anne Happy was about ghosts, but I couldn't have imagined the grace of that reveal. It's not just about cute girls surviving the spectral gate apocalypse at their school. It's about survivors protecting the facade that their friend has created in her grief, starting with making up the "Overcoming Misfortune Club" to give Anne a reason why she can't ever leave. They play along to preserve what's left of her, mentally. Her once-annoying, unrelenting cheerfulness is actually a tragic, heartbreaking coping mechanism, and everything that felt off suddenly and beautifully comes together.

Even knowing the premise of Anne Happy beforehand, the ending reveal is so perfectly done that it still hits hard. The episode tested my patience at first and didn't feel worth my time, but everything I'd thought was pointless was leading somewhere great. What appears to be a super-cute show about high school girls is actually shaping up to be an impactful and emotional series, and I can't wait to see where it goes next.


Wait, are you serious? That's nothing like what I think I saw, and reads like a copy-paste of Gakkou Gurashi instead.

I mean, I'd be interested in seeing another show tackle what Gakkou Gurashi's anime adaptation failed miserably at, but I don't think that's where Anne-Happy's actually headed to at all.



Very pleasantly surprised by this. Looking forward to watching more. The aesthetic reminds of Princess Mononoke due to the pseudo-industrial feel. There's actual SHADING involved too!
Wait, are you serious? That's nothing like what I think I saw, and reads like a copy-paste of Gakkou Gurashi instead.

I mean, I'd be interested in seeing another show tackle what Gakkou Gurashi's anime adaptation failed miserably at, but I don't think that's where Anne-Happy's actually headed to at all.

I'd be shocked if Anne-Happy had much of anything beyond comedic antics and slice of life.


With Clannad having such a good rating I don't know how I missed that one. It sounds like an experience so I'll definitely put that higher on my priorities.

Thanks for the other recommendations! I'll add them to my watch list so I don't forget.

Clannad is a special experience for sure. The first season "Clannad" is based in a HS setting and is purely set-up and character development which has some drama and comedy. Once you finish that, it leads you directly into the experiences felt in Clannad After Story, (which takes place after HS) I won't say much else as it is best to just experience it on your own. Make sure you share the experience here though!



Holy crap, they gave Ash a harem, including a loli! For shame Pokémon!


Hey, guys. Can any of you comment on the following anime and tell if they're good?

From the New World
Tamako Market
Terror in Resonance

I haven't watched an anime in a long time (last one was Ping Pong), and I've gotten the itch to watch a good one. Recommendations for good ones to watch are welcome. Nothing too serious, unless it's really good. Prefer comedy. Also, not licensed ones that are getting dubs, since I prefer to wait and watch the English version.
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