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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Kiznaiver that high?

It hit all of the right notes for me. I'm interested in watching more, which is what these first episodes should be doing in my opinion. Kabaneri was still I think the best opening of the season. If they manage to keep up the same quality, the finished product will be pretty top tier.

I'm just surprised at the amount of people that liked Tanaka-kun. On paper I thought I was gonna like it too, but the whole thing was so boring. Maybe I just need more character interaction, or something.
It'd be kind of a waste for a 12 episode show to spend 2 episodes on one character and then kill him off. Well maybe the 2nd episode will advance the others beyond smirking dudes.

Based on the story summaries on the official website, which are posted through episode 6, starting with episode 3 we'll be having episodic stories each set in a different location (3 is in France, 4 is in China, 5 is in London), and I would guess a different spy is involved in each story. So regardless of what happens to the liaison in episode 2, we probably won't be seeing him again for a while.
Based on the story summaries on the official website, which are posted through episode 6, starting with episode 3 we'll be having episodic stories each set in a different location (3 is in France, 4 is in China, 5 is in London), and I would guess a different spy is involved in each story. So regardless of what happens to the liaison in episode 2, we probably won't be seeing him again for a while.
That seems rather ambitious to tell episodic spy stories based on different settings and characters with that kind of run-time.
That seems rather ambitious to tell episodic spy stories based on different settings and characters with that kind of run-time.

Agreed. That's why I said in my impression of episode 1 that I'm waiting for episode 3 to see if the show can be successful in its storytelling. If the stories in the original novel are concise and effective enough, it might work.


I can't say I didn't dislike Sakuma from Joker Game but in the absence of a decent protagonist I'd rather he not be killed off so soon. That being said, it's mainly because the other cast members don't seem like the type I'd be particularly interested in as they come off as lifeless dolls at the current moment. Hopefully their expanded on further from just cocky gits since even the head spy Yuuki seems pretty boring so far.

Still, is the show a direct adaptation of the manga? Reading the synopsis, it seems there's another agent that hasn't been presented to us that seems to imply is the main character, so is this a case of double fake protagonist or am I missing something?

Flying Witch - 1

What a delightful surprise, I went in not knowing what to expect but I come out with a charming little show and now one of favourite opening episodes this season. I'm impressed by everything, from the presentation, the natural conversations (The brother yelling for doughnuts reminds me at times haha) and my favourite aspect, about how everyday the role of magic is in this show. If there's one thing I want, it's more shows that try and treat magic as a common experience and it plays it off rather well.

Everything about the show though oozes some sort of tranquillity, the colours, the music, the characters. It's all so very inviting and I wasn't expecting this show to shot straight up my viewing charts and i finally seem to have found another show that hits the right comedic notes with me. The last scene with the freaky plant thing got me good haha.


Kiznaiver 1


That was... you know, I think I enjoyed that. But the more I look back on it, the less in the moment I am with it, the less favourable I get. Sort of, at least. First off, it's super visually striking. Trigger has its' problems with production consistency, but I love their sense of style. The bold lines and shading just look really attractive, and the introduction in particular looked gorgeous. Less convinced on the characters, so far. I don't think the brief expository introduction we get for most of them was really adequate at all as far as establishing much reason to invest in who any of them are beyond more or less superficial interactions. I don't expect an 'in' on every character, but I thought it was kind of disappointing we spent so much time on the main character just to belabour facts we largely already understood and I still have no idea why I should even remotely care about any of these side-characters (or really, the main character). I get that they're supposed to be strangers to each other (indeed, the themes of this are pretty forthcoming), but I still wish I had more to hold onto beyond the surface.

Editing is poor in some areas, as well. Took me out of it for the conversation to start on a rooftop, only to inexplicably appear at some other area of the school. The dialogue itself isn't interrupted, and there's no suggestion of movement, so when Sonozaki is carrying on as we jump back to them in a completely different area, it's quite jarring.

I think the show just feels a bit too much like leaping right into the deep end. It's thrilling, but too much feels like it's coming too fast. It's a machine gun barrage of facts to learn and facets of the premise to pick up and it leaves the little, important things to the wayside in the process in its' eagerness to leap straight into the thick of things. Everything after (during, really) the disco gurney felt a bit too much like information/narrative overload. All of a sudden, kidnapping. All of a sudden, surgeries. All of a sudden, bonds, all of a sudden, tasers? Maybe I'll warm up on this on a second viewing, but it just feels like it wants to do too much in too little time, and doesn't really properly work toward a lot of those things. They just happen because they need to.

Mixed on the OP. Most of it feels like an indie music video and way too visually disorienting, but that cut with the perspectives shifting on the prism was awesome. I'm hoping that's something they'll continue to go for (with the cut near the end, as well), since seeing all that sense of depth to movement and space is really cool stuff.

So yeah, it was enjoyable enough, but I'm not sure whether I should be over-thinking it or, uh, under.

As far as the stuff I've seen goes, ranked by first episodes:

1. Flying Witch
2. Diamond is Unbreakable
3. Mayoiga
4. Luluco
5. My Hero Academia
6. Kiznaiver

Plenty of stuff I still need to watch. Kabaneri impressions are better than I ever really expected, so I think I'll need to check that out. Bakuon will probably round out my selection genre-wise, and I think I'll keep waiting to see where the chips fall on Joker Game. Anything set in the time period that that show's occupying immediately kind of has me wary.
My Hero Academia 1

Hayashi's soundtrack just made me wish I was watching Haikyuu instead.

I can't say I didn't dislike Sakuma from Joker Game but in the absence of a decent protagonist I'd rather he not be killed off so soon. That being said, it's mainly because the other cast members don't seem like the type I'd be particularly interested in as they come off as lifeless dolls at the current moment. Hopefully their expanded on further from just cocky gits since even the head spy Yuuki seems pretty boring so far.

Still, is the show a direct adaptation of the manga? Reading the synopsis, it seems there's another agent that hasn't been presented to us that seems to imply is the main character, so is this a case of double fake protagonist or am I missing something?

Both the anime and the manga are adaptations of the original Joker Game novel series. I don't know how faithful either one is to the source.
Flying Witch 1

Pleasant enough. There's little that stands out about the production, but it does a decent job of portraying a relaxed atmosphere and nice character interactions. Don't think I care enough to follow this as it airs, but I'll keep it on reserve to watch one day.


My Hero Academia 1

Not a bad start but fairly boring one. I recall disliking the beginning of the manga too but really enjoyed it once the Deku/All Might chemistry developed.
Charmander/Charizard was always my favourite Pokemon so I'm definitely interested in it, helps that the show is only 4 episodes long.

Its a total nostalgia bomb, especially if you were a Charizard / Red guy. 4 episodes was too short imo but at least it was high quality throughout.


Kiznaiver 1

Enjoyed this a lot, hopefully it ends up being 2 cour.

Definitely want to see them flesh things out more.


Currently watching Ace Attorney #2, and I'm really glad they finally fit some game music in there. The melancholic piano solo version of the Steel Samurai song is good.

...Too bad the animation quality's still bad and the camera angles for most scenes are trying too hard to emulate the way things were shown in-game, even if it means doing some wonky stuff like when Edgeworth was shown pointing his finger for the first time.

Just T

Assassination Classroom Season 2: Episode 14

This covered the first chapter I read, it was pretty good, liked the reveal moment.

Netoge: Episode 1

Hmm, may continue watching this.

Concrete Revolutio: Special Program

Nice little recap, skipped around the extra talking and stuff but it was a nice way to get back into it before I watch the new ep.
Sakura Trick 1-12

AKA Schoolgirl lesbians the anime. I enjoyed it well enough while I was watching, but I feel a lot sadder than I expected to about being done with it once I was finished lol. The soundtrack was really great, particularly during Haruka and Yuu's more intimate moments. The ending did kind of feel like a smack to the face though when they made it clear that these two don't even understand romantic love and don't even seem to think that they could be seen as a couple, like... wtf.


the nekos are piloting mechs from within an LCL pod that is visualised as them floating naked in space

also it's an iron man thing?


Ace Attorney #2

Just finished this, and... meh. I like it when the show takes some time to expand on things that happened in the game (I don't remember Phoenix agreeing to defend Maya like that, and it sure was heartwarming), but it often ends up playing it safe and just feeding us scenes straight out of the games, which isn't fun at all.

Showing Edgeworth's office, him shaking hands with Manfred von Karma and also driving his red car were nice shout-outs to later cases, even though the office part felt kind of forced since first-time viewers don't even know about the steel samurai. Also, was it me or did it look like the suit that was hung on the wall actually was some kind of print due to how flat it looked?

This still feels like a cheap adaptation that's trying too hard to copy its source material rather than adapting it in a way that'd flow (and look) better, which is a real shame.


Junior Member
It gets something in the second half. Please be excited.
The hallway pain scene was fantastically set up. Really funny.

The setup and explanation for the premise are bullshit, though. Also, the characters are currently nowhere near believable.


Anne Happy 1

Not wacky enough. Dropped.

considering its about people who are cosmically unhappy, unlucky, or in denial, what did you expect going in?

We'll write an anime.

It'll combine Infinite Stratos with Attack on Titan. You gotta admit, that'd make a good anime. Original idea do not steal.

So.... Attack on Titan with a harem? Erin is basically dense enough to fit the bill
Habanero of the Iron Fortress 1

Was expecting it to be more shameless, but the strong AoT vibes didn't come in until the end. That OP (which I hope is a placeholder) does seem to imply it will get more shameless. Either way, I like it.
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar 4

Well, this ep tho. Wasn't really expecting it to happen early on -- but I expected something eventually. Show got a lot more interesting, that's for sure.


Parasyte END

Man, this thing was just one of those that had an OK 1st half despite some stupidity and writing issues, then had a pretty good 2nd half ONLY to have it all come crashing down in the final two episodes. Sure, this kind of monologing was the cool thing to do maybe in the 80s or 90s, but this shit does not fit, it does not fly, and sure as hell is NO EXCUSE for just flat out dropping everything good that had going for it. I'm just glad that I finished it just so I never have to deal with its stupidity ever again, and fuck Madhouse for adapting this. I can't believe I literally spent the final two episodes just yelling I DO NOT FUCKING CARE...

At least the OST and the Special Soundtrack were great.


Flying Witch 1

This is nice but it's not all it could be. Semi-rural life is depicted pretty peacefully (I really liked the station stuff, it all looks like this idealised version of irl, i know this cos I stepped on the wrong train at a connection yesterday and ended up waiting on a rural platform for an hour) and the first part is pretty nice and gentle, but it's not quite hitting on all cylinders just yet.

I'm actually a little annoyed she's a goddamn high school student, I thought we were gonna get a college-age protag or something. At least the high school looks nice. Hoping the lol she can't into directions joke lays off a little, though I don't really expect it to. Any time the anime dipped into standard animeface reaction territory I felt myself get a little more detached, but it didn't do it too often.


Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru 1-12[END]

I probably should have watched this later (or sooner).

I've been super listless the last few days, so I don't think I could really appreciate this on the level it deserved. I will say however, if there was ever an anime that deserved the term "SOLID", this would be it. Solid voice acting, Solid visual design, Solid characters, Solid animation, and even some Solid comedy thrown in. I liked this a lot.
I did expect this to be ball crazy going in, but (aside from a few skits) its mostly a chill, solid slice of life. That said, its styling is very shaft-y so people may need to get used to that while watching.

Also, what an ending. GEEZ. I know the whole
dead and recognizing what you missed
thing isn't original by any means, but damn was it really quite powerful here. It was like this nice and well deserved gut punch just like the
dead old man
episode. This series had laughs and could be very very serious while still maintaining an identity, and that is very hard to do in a series. kudos due for that!

The OP's second half is very repetitive, but grows on you; visuals of it are great.
ED is great all around.

Having watched this, some episodes re-watched of Shimoneta with a friend, and Koufuku Graffiti, its really finally hit me how much I miss (and am going to miss) Miyu Matsuki and her voice.


Anywho... I definitely recommend this series. Its hard to find fault in it, but i also know its not for everyone. That's just a kind of this ineffable feeling that I get from this series, so idk. Regardless I liked it lots, and I hope you do too. -Poko-


Parasyte END

Man, this thing was just one of those that had an OK 1st half despite some stupidity and writing issues, then had a pretty good 2nd half ONLY to have it all come crashing down in the final two episodes. Sure, this kind of monologing was the cool thing to do maybe in the 80s or 90s, but this shit does not fit, it does not fly, and sure as hell is NO EXCUSE for just flat out dropping everything good that had going for it. I'm just glad that I finished it just so I never have to deal with its stupidity ever again, and fuck Madhouse for adapting this. I can't believe I literally spent the final two episodes just yelling I DO NOT FUCKING CARE...

At least the OST and the Special Soundtrack were great.

At least the ship sailed. That's all that mattered.


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 1

No screencaps for this. Kinda wanted to knock this out of the way. I actually wanna say that strictly in terms of scenario design, I find it a lot more palpable than AoT. As derivative as so much of this show is, there's something very cool about its' compromise behind clunky industrial technologies and feudal Japanese aesthetics (like a more advanced Irontown, sort of). And hey, trains are cool. And trainwrecks speak for themselves!

Mostly just a healthy supply of cheap thrills, cheap dialogue, cheap stakes and nothing else. Every single emotion it wants you to feel is basically written out in neon lights, and it only gets more ridiculous the moment that the Colossal Tita-- I mean,
the train just busts through the gate
. Nuance is just totally lost on this show's script or direction, and so any sense of horror or tragedy (or characters that even remotely sound like human beings) it's attempting to develop is drowned out by this overriding current of self-indulgent spectacle. I just kind of let out this hoarse laugh when
the bratty kid's mom got murked.

It all comes to a head with the last five minutes which are, uh, memorable? Watching this dude
wrap heated metal bars around himself within seconds and strap himself into a compression/blood-draining/hell torture machine he just happened to have already built as he clings onto his life-defining memory while trademark Sawano bad vocals (and I'm gonna admit this enhanced the scene in its' own special way) surge through, holy shit
. My suspension of disbelief took a fucking hammering.

In short, this show kind of sucks, but I think I'm still up for another.


Parasyte END

Man, this thing was just one of those that had an OK 1st half despite some stupidity and writing issues, then had a pretty good 2nd half ONLY to have it all come crashing down in the final two episodes. Sure, this kind of monologing was the cool thing to do maybe in the 80s or 90s, but this shit does not fit, it does not fly, and sure as hell is NO EXCUSE for just flat out dropping everything good that had going for it. I'm just glad that I finished it just so I never have to deal with its stupidity ever again, and fuck Madhouse for adapting this. I can't believe I literally spent the final two episodes just yelling I DO NOT FUCKING CARE...

At least the OST and the Special Soundtrack were great.
Why did you go back and watch Parasyte? It ranks in the same tier of completely forgettable shows as stuff like Captain Earth and Terror in Resonance. I'd recommend people watch absolute garbage over those because at least they'll get something memorable out of it.
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