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Spring Anime 2017 |OT| Don't be a SukaSuka for Gacha

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Alrighty, I'm finally checking out Evangelion 3.0, and yeah, this first act is pissing me off. One of my least favorite tropes in fiction is whenever a character is kept in the dark about important plot details and characters around him or her act like absolute assholes about it.

It's what made the first third or so Eureka Seven hard to stomach and it's the same here.
It gets worse. 3.33 is a Star Wars prequel tier failure (with the same positives, that soundtrack is pretty good) that people twist themselves into pretzels to defend


I thought Eva 1.0 was a pretty solid movie but I never did check out the second one.

I've heard more than enough about how much of a trainwreck 3 is.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
2 out of 3 movies being good is a decent record. Hopefully 4.0 doesn't suck.
This is not actually possible though. Rebuild only has any real value if the stuff it does after the point of divergence is meaningful. If someone is new to Eva obviously they should just watch the TV series. If someone is already familiar with the material...Rebuild just becomes an opportunity to watch that stuff done again in a really boring way until this thing they are invested in gets ruined.
Evangelion 3.33 - Yeah, I'm going to try highlight my thoughts in the most mature way possible.



Here is my totally mature reaction to 3.33 from centuries ago:

New Evangelion Movie 4.0: You will (not) enjoy

Fuck Anno and fuck his revisionist future. :(

Why Evangelion 3.33 sucks

- It's not a film, it's a fan fiction circlejerk with pretty images and sound
- There is no cohesion or pacing, it's a sequence of scenes packed together to present certain vague narrative points and makes no attempt to actually tell a story or develop characters
- It feels like a 95 minute intro movie of a videogame which doesn't exist (yet?)
- It throws away everything developed by the previous two films just to try something "different", except that different thing is much worse
- It's stupid
- It's boring
- I hate Anno
- I hate Khara

Here is my totally mature reaction to 3.33 from centuries ago:

It does one good thing, and it's to properly develop Shinji's relationship with Kaoru. It was something it never seems right to me in the tv series, as he only appears for 10 minutes before he is revealed an enemy.

Pity it does badly basically all other things!


Maturity, bitches.
A Silent Voice


The other day I took the opportunity to see A Silent Voice. At first I was worried; it’s been quite some years since I last ventured outside, so I had no idea what other people’s perceptions would be to someone watching Japanimation in a public place. So when I discovered the sanctum called the ICA, it came as some relief. The ICA, which stands for Institute of Contemporary Arts, which anyone cultured would know, is a contemporary arts institute (and for the Swedes in here, I’m not talking about the supermarket). You heard that right. This feature presentation of animated frames finds its home in a venue of high culture. This isn’t a place of populist Pixar drivel which you can find in your common as muck Odeon where the unwashed masses gather, I was in here in the habitat of highbrows to watch the entertainment of intellectuals.

While I waited for the doors to open I perused the gift shop, which is full of high cultured book with titles that make no sense like ‘The Self of Hipster’ and ‘Why Did the Wigwams Cross the Road’, and I could feel my social status steadily ascending every second by pure osmosis. If I was in some lesser cinema, like the Vue, all there would be to look at are posters for common people movies and someone being suckered into buying popped corn. While I didn’t actually buy any food at the ICA I’m sure it was exquisite nonetheless. Probably something smart like a Danish pastry. That’s just the kind of place it is.

The cinema itself was rather small; 45 seats in total. What can you expect? We are not all blessed, so it makes sense to restrict things only to the elite of elite. You sometimes see cinemas show off how many hundreds of seats they house, but just know every bum on those seats belongs to a brain dead morons. You certainly won’t see me setting foot in one of those establishments from this day forth. You mark my words. I only watch cultured films for cultured people such as myself.

Sitting down, waiting for the film to start, my ears perked up. What was this familiar sound I could hear echoing into my ear chamber? Why, it was the works of Joe Hisaishi, the Japanese composer responsible for the soundtracks to many of the Ghibli films. And if that’s what the ICA picks I’m also certain works like Go My Way and Aozora Jumping Heart are just as respectable. Move over Last Night of the Proms, only peasants listen to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if Proms stood for “populist raucous of musical sludge” and if it doesn’t that’s what I’m calling it at least.

And then I watched the movie.

So that was my experience with A Silent Voice. Remember, if anyone tries to tell you anime is low brow entertainment, tell them to take their hoi polloi self away from your presence and shove their Marvel “marvels” up the abyss of their anus. Those plebs clearly have no idea what they are prattling on about since the institutes of culture clearly disagree and I think they know a little more about culture than the nincompoops do. All in all, thanks to anime, I am in the top 1% most sophisticated people on the planet.

Wait. Am I forgetting to talk about something?


So that was my experience with A Silent Voice. Remember, if anyone tries to tell you anime is low brow entertainment, tell them to take their hoi polloi self away from your presence and shove their Marvel ”marvels" up the abyss of their anus. Those plebs clearly have no idea what they are prattling on about since the institutes of culture clearly disagree and I think they know a little more about culture than the nincompoops do. All in all, thanks to anime, I am in the top 1% most sophisticated people on the planet.

Wait. Am I forgetting to talk about something?


Its been interesting getting to watch anime at local cinemas for the first time, something I'd not experienced before. So far at least (watching Your Name and Ordinal Scale) the audiences have been much more varied than I expected. I think I expected something akin to a college anime club audience, but its been much more varied than that, with little kids and pensioners as well as families.
Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni... 01

I thought people saying this is just porn was typical ecchi anime over-reaction that you always see, but no everyone is right this is just porn.


Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni... 01

I thought people saying this is just porn was typical ecchi anime over-reaction that you always see, but no everyone is right this is just porn.


Still not as graphic or dramatic as Scum's though. This was just more visceral (adult) lust, lol. Softcore hentai of the season in 3 min spots..

Still not as graphic or dramatic as Scum's though. This was just more visceral (adult) lust, lol. Softcore hentai of the season in 3 min spots..

They announced there will be a 15 minute Uncut version.

Probably for a homevideo release but I am curious when it makes its way out there


Sakura Quest 1

That town looks depressing af. I know Japan has seen a major population shift over to major urban areas so it wouldn't surprise me if this town was somewhat based on reality with shuttered businesses fucking everywhere, but I'm no expert.

I actually liked this. Will watch.
Sakura Quest 1

That town looks depressing af. I know Japan has seen a major population shift over to major urban areas so it wouldn't surprise me if this town was somewhat based on reality with shuttered businesses fucking everywhere, but I'm no expert.

I actually liked this. Will watch.

I've been in towns like that, so I guess I can confirm? :p
I'm actually surprised they took that long to announce S2.

If producers hadn't planned for a season 2 from the start (and they wouldn't have here because the strong success of Osomatsu-san was unexpected), they would have to wait for staff and/or studios to be available again before they could get one going.
KADO: The Right Answer Episode 1

This episode focused a lot on giving the strange alien object a sense of scale and power, maybe a little bit too much. It's one of those episodes where you basically have to tune in for the next episode to see where it's going to go. There's a huge Shin Godzilla-esque cast with some very Shin Godzilla-esque lines at times. I did notice some nice transitions from scene to scene, and while the CG varies in quality, I do find the general look of the alien object interesting.
"Hey, I've got an idea for a show!"
"Cool, what's it about?"
"A sports club which competes in a tournament designed around fighting wit-"
"Hmm, losing interest..."
"Wait! They fight with tanks!"
"TANKS?! Like... WWII tanks?"
"Well, that sounds cool... but I don't think anyone would be interested."
"...hey, what if we added cute girls?"
"SOLD! C'mon, let's pitch this thing!"

So, GIRLS und PANZER feels like it should've turned out to be a soulless cash-in on the moe craze, centered around the task of selling merch related to traditional WWII-era tanks that would normally only appeal to the most hardcore of military otaku. Instead, what I found was an enjoyable, well-directed action show that happens to star cute girls going through the Cliff Notes version of a traditional moe show to make time for more tanks, and man did that turn into a cool combo.

I'm not sure I can really describe the ratio that the show strikes, but it feels like it leans a little heavier towards the tanks than the school life angle, and I feel that was the right decision, especially with the cast being as large as it is was in the end. Personalities might be paper-thin for the most part, but their one-note stereotypes didn't get on my nerves at all because they weren't the central focus of the show.

Of course, that wouldn't have mattered if the tanks battles themselves weren't cool, but Actas surprised me by showcasing these tank battles as highly entertaining and visually interesting battles of skill and wit that really focused on showcasing each tank's team and their particular roles. And the variety in said fights was interesting too, from unique weather hazards to unique challenges presented by the enemy and so on, fights were diverse and memorable, which says a lot given how difficult I imagine it can be to make tank combat seem interesting in a lot of situations.

The show's 3D is among the best for the budget they had considering how heavily the show leans on it, and even the visual design of other scenes was pleasant, even if you could see they were cutting corners where they could to save the money for what mattered most. I'm very curious to see the film now, as I imagine the jump in overall visual quality with that kind of budget would be a treat. But even so, I'll chalk this one up as a really entertaining ride, one that's more than the sum of its parts... much like the girls' tanks. Panzer Vor!
Defo give the film a look, I enjoyed it very much even if I think on reflection the need to 'go bigger' hurt some of the historical accuracy stuff I geeked out on from the series. Just give me more obscure tankettes and junk from lesser known countries! The Anzio OVA is good craic too and given how the Italians show up in the film it's worth having watched it first if not quite essential. The film like the series though does have fan service (hi onsen/tank washing scene) those always bum me out in a show that isn't ecchi focused.
Idk why but I don't think I'm in the state of mind for something like Sakura Quest this season. Maybe later on I'll check it out.

I'm really trying my damn hardest to trim the amount of shows to a bare minimum so I can spend more time on Persona (and life in general). This makes me realize how getting older = more responsibilities = less time. It is that thing of, if I do this, I can't do that until 24hrs from now.
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