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SSX |OT| Modern Boardfare

I think it's doing some pretty complicated stuff to the files. If I'm not mistaken, it separates the vocals from the music on the rails? Is that possible? Either way, I'm betting it needs the actual file to mess around with.
Really? I thought it just looped/rewound parts.

But yeah you're right I'm sure there is a technical reason behind it. And it's the 360's fault you can't just copy over Mp3 files from a USB source the way you can with the PS3.


Neo Member
After one cruel week of waiting, tomorrow is the day that I finally make my way to gamestop and pick up a copy of ssx. Can't wait to kick the shit out of the times and scores of the people on gaf and /v/ who added me. Tomorrow can't come soon enough ;_;
Paging all the big spenders (Cuban, where you at?)


Found this race.

IM ALREADY IN THERE SON. I calmed down a bit and found the right line and = Platinum @ 9 Million and growing!. AW YEAH


The 1:18:19 Diamond Bracket time cut a huge portion of the track off a jump in the beginning which is why Diamond Bracket is far away at 1:26.43 (hope the Devs catch it to patch it )

Welcome to the SSX Ballers Club. It's all easy money from here on out brother. Million + drops are seriously the easiest money if you are even halfway decent at the game (when I say this, im not talking just race and trick it, but survive it's as well). Drop costs that are below 400k simply aren't worth it to me unless they have a shit ton of players.

Hey, toku, that Rolling Thunder Trick it run we INVESTED IN.. (lol) inflated from 14million for Platinum Bracket to nearly 17million, and its only been 1 day... this is gonna hit at least 20 million by the end of the 6th day before it gets banked as long as more bros join in on this fun. WE'RE GONNA BE RIIIICH NO MATTER WHAT LOL.

*(see note below for platinum tips)

I feel like a banker, I put in 2 million as an investment on that run and im getting 17 back and growing. That's more than 4 times what I spent. Thread should be renamed to "SSX |OT| Snowboarding Stock eXchange"

*I suggest all you GAFers get in on it, it's going to be the big money maker for the week for me by a LARGE margin... the key for it is to get into Super Tricky by the first rail and spam your signature trick as a front/backlip every other jump without cashing in your combo or bailing at all. WATCH OUT FOR DEATH PITS. LOL


Thinking about picking this up on the way home. Is there any reason to buy one version over the other besides controller preference?


aka andydumi
I might wait until I have a bit more time then. I don't want to risk a Double Drop Cost.

Hmm, so you have to pay every time you drop? Or just once to enter an event then you can come back to it all you want?

Thinking about picking this up on the way home. Is there any reason to buy one version over the other besides controller preference?

PS3 has an extra mountain.
Thinking about picking this up on the way home. Is there any reason to buy one version over the other besides controller preference?

Soultron plays on 360
Hmm, so you have to pay every time you drop? Or just once to enter an event then you can come back to it all you want?

You only pay once, but some people have had the local SSX files on their end de-sync with the server after they placed a time and when it happens on a drop with a drop cost you have to pay it again to do it (even if it did save your time and even though you will get payed)
It's so lonely here at the top. :(

After checking it out and seeing that there is no chance in hell I'm gonna come near your time, I'm gonna let you keep this one. For now.

It is so long ago that I equally hated and loved a game as much as this. When things are going well, it is heaven. But then, you drop into a death pit, have to restart and after 40 excruciating minutes on Rolling Thunder trick it, when you finally get a gold medal RiderNet dies, and when you get it going again it won't take your score. I wanted to throw my controller through a window. Had to do it all again, but luckily I set a platinum score instead.

Some of the drops range from unfair to plain shitty. (With a lot of great to awesome ones in between.) For the sequel EA should definitely focus on quality over quantity.


After checking it out and seeing that there is no chance in hell I'm gonna come near your time, I'm gonna let you keep this one. For now.

It is so long ago that I equally hated and loved a game as much as this. When things are going well, it is heaven. But then, you drop into a death pit, have to restart and after 40 excruciating minutes on Rolling Thunder trick it, when you finally get a gold medal RiderNet dies, and when you get it going again it won't take your score. I wanted to throw my controller through a window. Had to do it all again, but luckily I set a platinum score instead.

Some of the drops range from unfair to plain shitty. (With a lot of great to awesome ones in between.) For the sequel EA should definitely focus on quality over quantity.

Where are you death-pitting yourself on Rolling Thunder? That's my favourite drop in the entire game and my memory is a bit sketchy on the entire run, but I don't remember there being death-pits at all on that run.
Hot tip straight from the devs, through me, to you. (I was chatting with a couple of them a night or two ago, very cool guys.)

A quick way to level up a dude is to use a level 10 dude to collect as many geotags in an event as possible. The amount of credits you get from them scale to your level so your level 10 dude gets more credits than a lower level dude.

Then what you do is, don't finish the event. Just quit out. Geotag earnings are cashed in at the end of an event but the game remembers what you picked up anyway.

Now go finish an event with your lower level dude. All those geotags you got as a level 10 dude will cash in for your lower level dude. Since credits in this game = XP, you should see a big jump.

Did it last night with my level 10 Elise and my level 6 Tane; he jumped up an entire level after doing the above mentioned procedure, just one time.

Also not quite as good as that but still pretty good: you can buy level 10 geotags with a level 10 dude, but then equip them and place them as your lower level dude for lots of credits right up front.
Where are you death-pitting yourself on Rolling Thunder? That's my favourite drop in the entire game and my memory is a bit sketchy on the entire run, but I don't remember there being death-pits at all on that run.

Sadly, in the beginning. There are a couple of crevasses almost at the start and I was good enough to signature trick it into everyone of them. Multiple times. The rest of the runs I spent hitting ceilings and bailing. In the end I got a Platinum score as I said before, and that feels fucking great, but the way to get there is so frustrating. It was the same thing with SSX3, so it really isn't anything new, but at least then you could zen ride for half an hour to wind down.

Still love the game though. Is there a list of what drops are considered the best? The ones I have found the most enjoyment in this far, which I can remember right now are: JT2, Bear Claw, Serenity, Broken Pass, Old School and Rolling Thunder (for race it). I know there are more drops I've enjoyed but those are the one that pops up in my mind at the moment.

Any tips for more awesome drops?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
That won't allow you to use the remixing feature. The music has to be on your HDD to use the remixing.

not true at all - i get all the cool effects on my music when i do it this way. just go to ridernet and set your music to your playlist. dont play the music through the OS.


After checking it out and seeing that there is no chance in hell I'm gonna come near your time, I'm gonna let you keep this one. For now.
lol, I love it! All mine. :D
For now.
It is so long ago that I equally hated and loved a game as much as this. When things are going well, it is heaven. But then, you drop into a death pit, have to restart and after 40 excruciating minutes on Rolling Thunder trick it, when you finally get a gold medal RiderNet dies, and when you get it going again it won't take your score. I wanted to throw my controller through a window. Had to do it all again, but luckily I set a platinum score instead.

Some of the drops range from unfair to plain shitty. (With a lot of great to awesome ones in between.) For the sequel EA should definitely focus on quality over quantity.

Admittedly, I'm very choosy about where I play and I continue to avoid the worst death pit tracks cuz I just can't bring myself to deal with restarting again and again and again. As it is, I'm horrible at avoiding them most times unless I have a wingsuit on.
I remember what/where you're talking about now. Really far to the right at the beginning, yeah.

Dude I just crept up on your time by 17 seconds from my old 1:25 lol. If I can manage when i go into super tricky so its later in the race then I should be able to break it but an hour on that run alone im worn out even though I know Im close. gg on that inventive cut :)


Dude I just crept up on your time by 17 seconds from my old 1:25 lol. If I can manage when i go into super tricky so its later in the race then I should be able to break it but an hour on that run alone im worn out even though I know Im close. gg on that inventive cut :)

I need to get a good combination of board and mods to get my Explore time down to my GE time. I stupidly sold one of my best boards and didn't do the Explore run with the proper mods.

I feel like I've played Rolling Thunder over 300 times now. I've loved every second of it. Seriously, this game is basically SSX: Rolling Thunder to me.
I remember what/where you're talking about now. Really far to the right at the beginning, yeah.

Yup, there are a couple of hidden ones in the second area as well. (After you pass through the ice gates, if that makes any sense at all.) It's just that I'm more of a race it guy but every GE worth any cash is trick it.


So, I'm noticing a trend here with a lot of these races. Some of the best times are recorded by those who use their wingsuit for like 95% of the run, since it allows you to skip over most of the tracks almost entirely and just nose dive your way to the bottom with the occasionally bounce off the ground to get you flying again. It's fun, to a point, but it also removes snowboarding from the equation almost entirely. I guess I'm grateful that we can at least create events without wingsuits, cuz this would really get dull after a while otherwise.


some truly awesome gameplay and tracks
some truly horrendous gimmicky dark lighting crevasse nonsense

constructive criticism-

-longer runs- string all the ribbons together for all i care with a giant blank bunny loading hill- i want to listen to my music :)

-select resets your rider back on the line somewhere with a penalty- i dont want to rewind when im just chilling
-no stupid blind dark crevasses or 15ft ceilings (time crunch for mappers prolly? just filler imo)
-why is it so easy to land everything? old ssx had to time the jumps/landing this version you can have an super late uber and hell just abort and land it.. too easy
-trick scoring is flawed, merqury city explains just flip o/sq sq/o combos exploit highscores-- should reward creative lines and awesome runs :)


PS3 has an extra mountain.
Well shit. Is it a timed exclusive, or just exclusive period? Man I hate that.

Got the 360 version on a whim..

I'm always impressed by EA's manuals, but wow. LOL
Not even wasting money on staples anymore.


Well shit. Is it a timed exclusive, or just exclusive period? Man I hate that.

Got the 360 version on a whim..

I'm always impressed by EA's manuals, but wow. LOL
Not even wasting money on staples anymore.

You're not missing much anyways, Mt. Fuji isn't that great.
I was playing the other day and in my sleep deprived state I remembered this:


Anyone remember this game? I used to play it a lot when I was a kid


This fucking sucks. if the Ridernet App is corret then I got bumped on these tracks but I have to repay to try to fix them before they end in 6ish hours. But of course, if I repay the cost, I won't be making back as much money or in the case of one, i won't be making back any at all unless i get diamon...which ain't gonna happen. Awesome.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Does anyone else get random psn friend requests after placing well in events? its kind of strange.

I have. I always maintain the rule of not accepting people's requests if they are blank. Tell me who you are damn it.
yeah it was oddly creepy, i got two friend requests from seperate accounts that had the exact same amount of trophys with just the generic friend request message.
So, I'm noticing a trend here with a lot of these races. Some of the best times are recorded by those who use their wingsuit for like 95% of the run, since it allows you to skip over most of the tracks almost entirely and just nose dive your way to the bottom with the occasionally bounce off the ground to get you flying again. It's fun, to a point, but it also removes snowboarding from the equation almost entirely. I guess I'm grateful that we can at least create events without wingsuits, cuz this would really get dull after a while otherwise.

I noticed this, its pretty bad news for Explore, glad the thing is excluded in most on-line races.

This game is absolutely brilliant, just got it today and already got my moneys worth lol! I got seriously addicted.
You're not missing much anyways, Mt. Fuji isn't that great.
I was playing the other day and in my sleep deprived state I remembered this:


Anyone remember this game? I used to play it a lot when I was a kid

Fucking yes.

Level 1: "Rookie Mountain"

Very good game with good music too; riding the ski lift back up to the top of the mountain for each new lap was a neat idea.

The fat asshole working at EBX made fun of me for buying it. =(
This fucking sucks. if the Ridernet App is corret then I got bumped on these tracks but I have to repay to try to fix them before they end in 6ish hours. But of course, if I repay the cost, I won't be making back as much money or in the case of one, i won't be making back any at all unless i get diamon...which ain't gonna happen. Awesome.

ill be online in an hour form now so lets get in a party and i can tell you what your at for whatever runs we're both in k? :)


This fucking sucks. if the Ridernet App is corret then I got bumped on these tracks but I have to repay to try to fix them before they end in 6ish hours. But of course, if I repay the cost, I won't be making back as much money or in the case of one, i won't be making back any at all unless i get diamon...which ain't gonna happen. Awesome.

Just restart SSX. It's a bug, normally you dont have to repay the Drop Cost. Same thing happenend to me, but after i finally managed to log in successfully and I could enter the events without having to pay the Drop Cost again.


Fucking yes.

Level 1: "Rookie Mountain"

Very good game with good music too; riding the ski lift back up to the top of the mountain for each new lap was a neat idea.

The fat asshole working at EBX made fun of me for buying it. =(

Damn what an asshole, he clearly does not understand greatness. But yeah fun times, the pile ups that always formed at the bottom to ride the ski lift back up were fun. They could do something similar for SSX if they ever added live multiplayer with the helicopters. I still really wish the game had live Multiplayer.


I used to be good at SSX in the PS2 day....played this one, and I offically suck now.

Same story for me at first, but stick with it for a while and you will eventually get the hang of it, at least to some degree. It really takes time to sink in and get comfortable playing.

I still really wish the game had live Multiplayer.

I do too. RiderNet is awesome and it's like crack, but I'd love some intense, live, head-to-head race it and trick it. Gimme dat.


love on your sleeve
Just restart SSX. It's a bug, normally you dont have to repay the Drop Cost. Same thing happenend to me, but after i finally managed to log in successfully and I could enter the events without having to pay the Drop Cost again.

Restarting doesn't fix anything on my end and I've definitely grown tired of paying the drop cost just to see I've already registered a platinum score on the same event. Might as well just start manually keeping track of my global events.


Restarting doesn't fix anything on my end and I've definitely grown tired of paying the drop cost just to see I've already registered a platinum score on the same event. Might as well just start manually keeping track of my global events.

Funny enough, restarting just now fixed it for me, but this is the first time it's worked. This glitch has been happening to me since Saturday.

Also, Rolling Thunder Trick It fucking blows.
any news if a PC version is in the works? (don't own a 360/PS3, so not an option)

I like you. But here's the sad part:

I'm a PC enthusiast, yet SSX has never and will never be developed for PC, I'm calling it now.
Funny enough, restarting just now fixed it for me, but this is the first time it's worked. This glitch has been happening to me since Saturday.

Also, Rolling Thunder Trick It fucking blows.

Cmon bro, that gold you got is just as worth it as platinum. Hell if i could share SSX credits i would. :)
Just picked this up today for PS3. If anyone needs friends to race with my PSN ID is InVinoVeritas78. I pretty much suck right now, but give me time...


You're not missing much anyways, Mt. Fuji isn't that great.
I was playing the other day and in my sleep deprived state I remembered this:


Anyone remember this game? I used to play it a lot when I was a kid

I remember it being Mario Kart on snow. c:

Someone beat my Rolling Thunder time! I demand the crook fess up.


I like you. But here's the sad part:

I'm a PC enthusiast, yet SSX has never and will never be developed for PC, I'm calling it now.

Cmon bro, that gold you got is just as worth it as platinum. Hell if i could share SSX credits i would. :)

Yea I was bumped down to silver, just put it back up to gold with 11 mill.
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