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STALKER: Call of Pripyat |OT|


Toma said:
Wtf? Did I miss something? Amazon.de sells this game for 20 euros.
Seriously, is there any reason why this game is being sold for that price?

It was released last year in Germany.


Loves Robotech S1

Fuck it I'll just order it online. There is nothing that gives me the idea that they even plan to SELL this in Canada. What kind of sorryass publisher is this?


Loves Robotech S1
shrapnelmagnet said:
Anyone in Canada been able to find it at a store?

Don't bother. No store in the country even has a listing. Your only option is getting it online.

Seriously, plan for a commercial failure and it'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don't make and ship enough copies for everyone who wants it to easily get one, don't even bother publishing the damn thing.
luka said:
Don't bother. No store in the country even has a listing. Your only option is getting it online.

Seriously, plan for a commercial failure and it'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don't make and ship enough copies for everyone who wants it to easily get one, don't even bother publishing the damn thing.

It's never easy with Stalker, haha... jeez.

Online it is. I just wish they'd have it up on Steam.


Seriously, so much for trying to get off the new-release bandwagon. ME2, BS2, now this...goddamn. I half-hope this doesn't go up on Steam today so I can play more Freedom Force over the weekend (game is hard).


kind of interested in this, is it likely to go up on steam today?

is it worth checking out the older versions and if so is SoC better than CS? may just wait instead if the new one will be soon and presumably more refined...


panda21 said:
kind of interested in this, is it likely to go up on steam today?

is it worth checking out the older versions and if so is SoC better than CS? may just wait instead if the new one will be soon and presumably more refined...
Get ShoC, get the Stalker Complete mod for it, and play that. Skip CS. Who knows, maybe Pripyat will have a sale. I'm amazed that you didn't pick up ShoC when it was on sale for $2, though. :lol
Doytch said:
Get ShoC, get the Stalker Complete mod for it, and play that. Skip CS. Who knows, maybe Pripyat will have a sale. I'm amazed that you didn't pick up ShoC when it was on sale for $2, though. :lol
Also get this for STALKER Complete, and set the difficulty to Master.


well i only made a PC like a week or two ago, hence i missed the steam sale whenever that was.

that mod looks really impressive! maybe i will wait a few years for the pripyat mod :lol


Danne-Danger said:
Also get this for STALKER Complete, and set the difficulty to Master.
How is that realistic weapons mod thingy BTW? I just installed Complete 2009 and I'm making my way through the game for the very first time.

Very immersive experience, but all the weapons so far are either extremely inaccurate or weak, perhaps even both :lol. I'm guessing this ups the accuracy of both yours and the enemy weapons, making it more tactical than it already is?
MoFuzz said:
Very immersive experience, but all the weapons so far are either extremely inaccurate or weak, perhaps even both :lol. I'm guessing this ups the accuracy of both yours and the enemy weapons, making it more tactical than it already is?

STALKER pretty much requires to you aim for the head and ONLY for the head. Otherwise, you will die. A lot. And the crappy accuracy only makes headshots that much harder to get...


sparky2112 said:
STALKER pretty much requires to you aim for the head and ONLY for the head. Otherwise, you will die. A lot. And the crappy accuracy only makes headshots that much harder to get...
Haha, yeah. So far, I've mostly resorted to sprinting right up to the guys and then firing the sawed off shotgun at point blank range, you know... in the face.

It's the only way to be sure!
Just started playing Call of Pripyat and I'm enjoying it but why do all the russians say bro so much? Every other line it's bro this bro that. I'm guessing it's an attempt at translating the word comrade but it just sounds a bit silly. Oh well, back to the zone bro!
bro of pripyat

hehe. none of this in the translation for the russian version I think, don't remember. play.com shipped mine yesterday, so no copy for me for probably a whole week still.


Bro Bro Bro Hello Bro Watsup Bro

Graphics are better than I expected having heard they were kinda average. And I don't even have any fancy DX11 effects.



Air Zombie Meat said:
Just started playing Call of Pripyat and I'm enjoying it but why do all the russians say bro so much? Every other line it's bro this bro that. I'm guessing it's an attempt at translating the word comrade but it just sounds a bit silly. Oh well, back to the zone bro!
Any option for Russian voices with subs?
Target in Minnesota had it - $40. Oddly enough while buying it the guy actually carded me. Odder still, he scanned the back of my license.

So, word of warning, I believe the government is tracking all people who purchase this game for what I suspect will be a secretly funded army of bro's.
Doytch said:
Any option for Russian voices with subs?

Nope, afraid not. Would have preferred that personally. There is still some Russian dialogue in the game though, mainly people talking in the background and such.


PoweredBySoy said:
Target in Minnesota had it - $40. Oddly enough while buying it the guy actually carded me. Odder still, he scanned the back of my license.

So, word of warning, I believe the government is tracking all people who purchase this game for what I suspect will be a secretly funded army of bro's.

wtf its actually out?

Amazon says its out on the 9th!
I need help.

How do you equip/use hand grenades?

One of the early missions - where you have to infiltrate a mercenary camp to collect information:
How do I do this? It seems they give me two verbal warnings before they start shooting. I found the ladder on the outside of the building that leads up to a pipe I can crawl into - but at the end of the pipe, where I can see a laptop, the opening isn't big enough for me to crawl out of. Am I going the wrong way? It this mission even possible with stealth?
Daigoro said:
have you used it? is it good?

im just now installing the latest 2k9 mod. i was wondering about this one too.
I really like it, only played a few hours with it though. Basically what it does (from what I understand) is up the accuracy and damage for all weapons. Most enemies (in the first area, military and thugs) will go down from a single burst to the chest with the first rifle (as opposed to the bullet-sponges in vanilla). If you set the difficulty to Master the same rules will apply to you, making it play more like a simulation in the vein of Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon (the good ones).

Really heightens the tension and immersion, IMO.


Loves Robotech S1
PoweredBySoy said:
One of the early missions - where you have to infiltrate a mercenary camp to collect information:
How do I do this? It seems they give me two verbal warnings before they start shooting. I found the ladder on the outside of the building that leads up to a pipe I can crawl into - but at the end of the pipe, where I can see a laptop, the opening isn't big enough for me to crawl out of. Am I going the wrong way? It this mission even possible with stealth?

Heh, that was a bitch. I just took the direct approach and killed everything. I couldn't win by storming right in, that's nearly impossible. They're too well armored and organized- they will flank and kill you in seconds. I went an upgraded, scoped and silenced my favorite rifle, hung out just outside the walls and picked everyone off. Once it was clear I just walked in and took it.


Yeah that was hard. I remember jumping in the first building i could, and just shot people when they came by the windows and threw grenades when they piled by the front door. Tons of enemies all over that base.


If I install STALKER Complete 2009, do I have to start a new game or can I use an existing save file?


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
My publication's review is up. Here are some pulled quotes for those who don't want to venture our way for the full text

The one area that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has in the past and continues to nail is the sense of atmosphere. The game’s environments, be you walking along the surface or underground or in the dregs of a hollowed out city are captivating, providing all the depth you could hope for. The Chernobyl Power Plant kicks out deadly blasts of radiation at regular intervals, killing off NPCs and littering the landscape with new corpses for looting. You’ll encounter several traders throughout the area, and see ramshackle huts where the population seeks solace and brief respite from the horrors of The Zone. The game’s combat is divided into large intervals, with firefights occurring several minutes apart from each other, requiring you to spend a lot of playtime simply navigating the huge environment.

Call of Pripyat is a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game through and through, and doesn’t really shift up the formula from its predecessors too much. However, the additions here will definitely delight fans of the series and offer up some improvements to make for a truly engaging experience. The AI has gotten a big boost, as NPCs will react more realistically, and enemies will often give you signs that they mean business and will rain down on you. Additionally, side jobs are a lot more interesting this time around, giving you plenty of options and diversity aside from simply going from one place to another. The game also features several new enemy types, including the chimera, which is a terrifying night creature that strikes quickly and ferociously, and the burers, which are dwarf-like mutants that can even use telekinesis to pull your weapons away from you. As intense as these sequences can be, the real key to Call of Pripyat’s gameplay is patience and approaching these combat situations with a lot of thought.

GameZone - 8.5

I shall be giving away a copy of the game next week, so PM me if you are interested in winning it.


Any word on when it'll be released on Steam? I've been avoiding boxed PC games for awhile now, but I'm tempted to grab this if it's not coming to DD anytime soon.
Caspel said:
My publication's review is up. Here are some pulled quotes for those who don't want to venture our way for the full text

GameZone - 8.5

I shall be giving away a copy of the game next week, so PM me if you are interested in winning it.
Linking to your own stuff on GAF isn't really kosher. Given that you're giving away a copy I guess that makes it a little less bad.
So my copy finally arrived this morning, in a nice double dvd sized box, with all the fancy pants stuff as promised with the "Special Edition" (i think SE is standard in the UK, not sure). Bigish manual, some nice art cards, big zone map and soundtrack CD (in its own socket, no DVD stacking crap).

Installer didnt take long (10 mins ?), it put a nice shortcut in my Games Explorer and i loaded it up. Game automatically picked DX10 maximum and 1080p, so didnt mess around there, and so jumped straight into a new game.

It starts off with a nice intro video pretty much explaining how the zone started and previous events (no mention of Clear Sky though :lol). Subtitles were funny to read as they didnt match what the guy was saying, heck even the year was off by 1 :D

Then im put straight into the game at the outskirts of what appears to be an absolutely huge area, with some basic kit (assault rifle, pistol, basic armour etc).

Performance seems about the same as running Clear Sky in DX10 with all the stuff on, im running a Q6600 with a 5770, and it hovers below 30 FPS, so i might end up switching to DX9. Graphics do look a bit dated for the landscapes and such, but interiors still look as good as anything else out today, if not better thanks to the textures.

The first mission i did was absolutely brilliant, reminded me alot of a certain scene from I Am Legend. I dont want to spoil :)

So far, this seems like the most polished STALKER game yet, and probably the most accessible. Now for some screens -

Also - Bro.

Edit - So i just played some more, and i just experienced something quite brutal. I found a STALKER injured needing a medkit, so i gave him it, and he got up, pulled out his pistol and started shooting at some nearby bandit. After a few shots he made the bandit drop in pain, and slowly walked over to him, aimed his gun, said something in russian and executed him. So i looted his corpse :lol

I also just turned on DX11, and the tessellation is definitely noticeable. Character/Enemy models just look alot more..... natural. Its subtle, but oh so very nice. I *think* the game is also running a tad better under DX11, so i may just stick with it.
Lostconfused said:

Probably :lol

Ive been playing some more and i just keep being more and more impressed. Theres little things like highlighting ammo shows exactly what guns can use them, and vice versa. The quick use slots which you can change with what you want (F1 to F4). The game also seems to create autosave mission checkpoints now, which will be a godsend for those who forget to quick save and get furious at just how much progress theyve lost :).

Then the large map instead of loads of smaller connected areas is really a big thing i like, it really does make you feel alone out there. I just went to some large bridge with lots of broken down military vehicles parked on it, to grab some gas. And while there was absolutely no-one to be seen for miles, there was still a fear or something, anything just waiting to get me. It doesnt help that the crows seem to follow me about too :lol Loving the rain effects too, which drench everything in the world, from the characters and enemy models, to your own gun, and the buildings. Even the sounds change to more muddy clumps.

More people really need to give this one a shot. More screens !

Edit - Holy shit.... SLEEP !

Edit 2 - Achievements :lol



I LOVED Shadow (w/ the Complete 2009 mod) and made it all of 3 or 4 hours into vanilla Clear Sky before getting bored.

How does this compare to the two?


so this is the best one of the three by all accounts? just cancelled my avp3 pre order and switched it to this, should have it by wednesday
Here's a protip I just found out - and one you'll actually need to access certain areas: Shift + Cntl = low crouch. I know it's in the RTFM, but I had missed it. It's also a very awkward key combination, one you'd never think to try.

Why they felt the need to include 2 levels of crouch is beyond me.


so i picked up the box of this and it seems really deep but its confusing as hell

it just dumped me right in with no indication of what to do, i met some guy who kept telling me to holster my gun and i couldnt figure out how. in the end i just opened the backpack and dragged it in there.

then it gave me about 3 quests when i randomly clicked on the conversation options, one of which was to go somewhere up a hill with these two dudes, i accepted and they just proceeded to stand around doing nothing..

gave up and went to that boat thing, and someone kept shouting at me to holster my gun again, and noticed that the game seemed to be freezing really badly when i tried to move so i decided to quit out and tweak the settings.

i have an i5/5770 and it set itself to max, i lowered the resolution to 1440x900 and set dx11. it seems to run fine it just gets oddly sluggish when i try to move sometimes, as if i'm randomly getting stuck in something? i cant tell if its the framerate dropping or something else

is there no tutorial? should i have started on rookie instead of stalker? going back in later...
Seems better than CS from all the thread reviews I've read, but most people are saying the first game is still superior.

So what makes SoC the best of the 3 ?
Still playing through shadow of chernobyl before I divine into the russian version of pripyat. But am I the only one that things the exoskeleton is the most worthless armor you can get?
panda21 said:
so i picked up the box of this and it seems really deep but its confusing as hell

it just dumped me right in with no indication of what to do, i met some guy who kept telling me to holster my gun and i couldnt figure out how. in the end i just opened the backpack and dragged it in there.

then it gave me about 3 quests when i randomly clicked on the conversation options, one of which was to go somewhere up a hill with these two dudes, i accepted and they just proceeded to stand around doing nothing..

gave up and went to that boat thing, and someone kept shouting at me to holster my gun again, and noticed that the game seemed to be freezing really badly when i tried to move so i decided to quit out and tweak the settings.

i have an i5/5770 and it set itself to max, i lowered the resolution to 1440x900 and set dx11. it seems to run fine it just gets oddly sluggish when i try to move sometimes, as if i'm randomly getting stuck in something? i cant tell if its the framerate dropping or something else

is there no tutorial? should i have started on rookie instead of stalker? going back in later...

It definitely lacks the polish of.... well, of non-eastern european developed titles. But I've definitely seen a lot worse. And I have yet to run into any bugs, which is pretty astonishing considering the previous titles.

Anyways, to holster a gun just hit the same button you used to draw it.

My frames are pretty good, but I do get a lot of 'hiccups' while running across the countryside.
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