Greetings Citizens!
Wanted to let you know that everyone has indeed made it back safely from Gamescom. The event appears to have been a tremendous success, and you'll see a recap post with all the details on that soon.
For now, the purpose of this post is to help with a few of the Customer Service tickets we've been receiving. At present, the ticket queue is well over 2000+ tickets, so if I hit a point here that resolves your ticket, our CS staff in Manchester would surely appreciate you closing your ticket as they work through the backlog. If your issue or question is still outstanding at the end of this, then I'd encourage you to wait patiently as the team works it's way through to your issue.
Here are some bullet point responses to key issues we're seeing come up in that 2000+ ticket queue:
Glaive Insurance: I'm happy to report to you that all current Glaives will be converted to LTI from their current 2-year insurance. While this isn't a "concept" sale in the traditional sense, it's the first time this ship has been offered, and we feel as part of our first special player event it warrants the additional perk. This is where we once again tell you that LTI is virtually meaningless, and you guys don't believe us. Carry on. =)
Scythe Owners: We've always intended Scythe Ownership to be a special occurance. To adhere to this, we are providing one half of the badges necessary to buy a Glaive to anyone that currently owns a Scythe. These people will still need to earn the Vanduul Swarm Completion Badge and once having done so, the two will enable them to buy a permanent Glaive.
Scythe to Glaive CCU: We're going to let you guys do this. It will take a little time to implement (in the next few days) but I'm going to STRONGLY encourage you NOT to do this. The Scythe is an authentic Vanduul ship with a much smaller production run. The Glaive is a reproduction created by Esperia available in much higher numbers. For serious collectors, I'd recommend holding onto your Scythe.
Technical Difficulities: For those that completed the Swarm in time and did not get a badge, we're working out a solution that shoudl be in place by the time CS gets to your ticket. Please hang in there.
Retaliator Module Questions: Check out
THIS THREAD and post your questions here, then look for our extensive Q&A post this Friday.
Flash Sale: When we looked at ways to make our events seem like special and unique occurances, one of the things we landed on was a limited time flash sale for those present watching the event. We understand some folks missed it and were not able to get the ship they wanted during the time alloted, however all of these ships will be available again somewhere down the line, and of course, will always be attainable in the Persistant Universe.
That's all I got for now, everyone. If you have a ticket and your issue wasn't covered here, please be patient while the Manchester CS team works it's way through to your ticket. They're English, so they're too polite to push.