Yeah, in the heat of the moment, I see a lot of unwanted movement without any positional feedback/restrictions. Being able to reset the neutral position on the fly should help with calm rational movement, but the actions people take under pressure don't always work out like we think they should. With enough training, anything should be possible, but frustration in the interim might cause a person to give up before then.
Granted, creating a custom setup allowing for similar actions with feedback isn't exactly a cakewalk so there's not many options out there. I'm still planning out how I want to set up such a system. The cost of quality linear motion gear isn't exactly trivial, so I want to be reasonably sure I'm taking the best approach when I do it. Even then, it'll only allow translational movement. I could reasonably easily add rotation, but pitch control would conflict with translation. (Imagine trying to control pitch via a grip without affecting the vertical axis. Your palm area rotates around the wrist and thus any wrist twisting up and down would in turn impact your hand's position on the vertical axis.) Horizontal rotation doesn't suffer this problem, but along with pitch control, would be lacking on the ergonomic front. Lots of wrist contortions that would be less than ideal over the course of hours. Keeping the wrist in a neutral position while moving around in the control bounding box should be less RSI inducing.