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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: 'Arena Commander' Dogfighting

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That WIP facial capture was new though at least.

Well, seeing it was, but we already knew of its existence. More than a "wow" reaction from what was being shown, the video message more or less provoked a feeling of contentment for me. Just seeing everything being worked on and the progress being made just gives me a sense of comfort. There's plenty of finer details in the game that need addressing, but on a macro scale, there's no denying the progress being made.
Why!? Except for some graphic downgrade, I see absolutely no reason this game couldn't run on a PS4.

Because of the requirements. And not only does it require a GPU that is more powerful than what the PS4 can handle it also has strong CPU and ram requirements. The PS4 is weaker CPU wise than the PS3. So mere optimization for graphics alone wouldn't cut it. I doubt any of the consoles would see a decent port and non of the backers will be happy with that type of thing happening before the PC version is fully completed and released. The budged is created entirely by backers and the Promise is for a BDSSE on PC first.

at this rate I feel Half-Life 3 will come out before Star Citizen :/

Oh yeah... of course. Because we have seen so many gameplay vids, assets, and playable modules from HL3 that it's presence/existence is much stronger than Star Citizens!

Do I really need the /s ?


Oh yeah... of course. Because we have seen so many gameplay vids, assets, and playable modules from HL3 that it's presence/existence is much stronger than Star Citizens!

Do I really need the /s ?

On the other hand, Valve doesn't have to release anything before it being ready. They could drop it on the world tomorrow as a completed game if they wanted to (assuming it was done). It doesn't really make the comparison any less silly though. It's fair to assume that development on HL 3 would have begun to some extent shortly after the release of HL2E2 in 2007, so say 2008 at the latest. Meanwhile the earliest you can peg SC down to would be 2011 if you want to be unfair and include pre-kickstarter time... That leaves a bare minimum of 3 years gap in development time. By a metric of time, HL3 should be done before SC.


How many alien factions was this game going to feature? Two different ones? We've mostly seen Human ships so far. Is the game mostly just set in human sectors with minimal alien interaction, or will be getting dozens of ships that haven't been shown off yet?


How many alien factions was this game going to feature? Two different ones? We've mostly seen Human ships so far. Is the game mostly just set in human sectors with minimal alien interaction, or will be getting dozens of ships that haven't been shown off yet?

There's at least 3 major sentient alien races: Banu, Xi'An, and Vanduul. We've seen a small bit of the Banu and Xi'An, but we've seen plenty of the Vanduul. Which is to be expected as the Vanduul are the enemy that we'll be fighting in S42. I'd expect to see more of the others later on closer to the PU.


Honestly, I haven't really kept up much with the details of the alien races. They were featured in some of the Jump Point stories, but I don't know how much of that is considered canon. There has probably been stuff stated about them in the more lore centric updates, but I have ignored the vast majority of those. I'll end up doing an update marathon as release gets closer. That way everything will be fresh in my mind.


Banu are more peaceful traders right? What sort of niche does the Xi'an fill?

Banu seem to be the true neutral races, doing trade with everyone.

Xi'an are close allies with humanity against the Vandul as they got corps and research working together with each other.

Vandul wanna fight.

That's what I got so far.


Oh yeah... of course. Because we have seen so many gameplay vids, assets, and playable modules from HL3 that it's presence/existence is much stronger than Star Citizens!

Do I really need the /s ?
Nah, the point being they have had various set backs and have fallen behind on delivering their product. Which I understand, the point that irks me is they seem to spend more time selling new ships, then being transparent. That is just how it appears to me; don't have an insiders view.


Nah, the point being they have had various set backs and have fallen behind on delivering their product. Which I understand, the point that irks me is they seem to spend more time selling new ships, then being transparent. That is just how it appears to me; don't have an insiders view.

The time spent selling ships is minimal. The ships need to be made anyhow. Details and lore about said ships need to be fleshed out regardless. The man hours required to put them up for sale is absolutely negligible compared to everything else.

I'd also like to know what games you have in mind that have been more transparent than SC. Even ignoring the smaller updates throughout the month, there's the massive monthly update that goes into great detail on what progress has been made on the individual aspects of the game. It's broken down to the individual studio level for crying out loud. SC is quite possibly the poster child for transparency.


Banu seem to be the true neutral races, doing trade with everyone.

Xi'an are close allies with humanity against the Vandul as they got corps and research working together with each other.

Vandul wanna fight.

That's what I got so far.

Neat. I like that little dynamic they have setup. Sounds like Xi'An and Vandul might have old beef.


The time spent selling ships is minimal. The ships need to be made anyhow. Details and lore about said ships need to be fleshed out regardless. The man hours required to put them up for sale is absolutely negligible compared to everything else.

I'd also like to know what games you have in mind that have been more transparent than SC. Even ignoring the smaller updates throughout the month, there's the massive monthly update that goes into great detail on what progress has been made on the individual aspects of the game. It's broken down to the individual studio level for crying out loud. SC is quite possibly the poster child for transparency.
I wouldn't say designing and selling the ships are minimal, all sorts of work goes into their creation, designs, mechanics, textures, physics, handling, etc. I think that is doing a discredit to the designers, such who put a lot of work into their various vessels. The problem I have is that they have a focus on developing content for a modual that is very much in a pay to win state. I'm mean to play arm chair CEO, but I feel the studios focus on the pay to win elements of the game.

I wouldn't say they are entirely transparent, sure very much more co compared to other studios, but since this is crowd funded it should be held to a little higher standard. Alot of their transparency is PR.


mmmm. Finger licking good. This, plus tresse FX, plus finished animations and assets....



Two of these.


I wouldn't say designing and selling the ships are minimal, all sorts of work goes into their creation, designs, mechanics, textures, physics, handling, etc.

You misread my comment. I said the time spent selling the ships is minimal. The time spent doing everything else isn't. To think that selling them is coming at the expense of not doing something else is silly.

I wouldn't say they are entirely transparent, sure very much more co compared to other studios, but since this is crowd funded it should be held to a little higher standard. Alot of their transparency is PR.
Give me another major game, kickstarted or not, that was/is any more transparent. I've backed Broken Age, Divinity:OS, WL2, PoE, Numenera, and Banner Saga to name some of the bigger ones. None of them were/are any better than SC when it comes transparency. Sure, SC isn't perfect, but you can't compare to perfection.


You misread my comment. I said the time spent selling the ships is minimal. The time spent doing everything else isn't. To think that selling them is coming at the expense of not doing something else is silly.

Give me another major game, kickstarted or not, that was/is any more transparent. I've backed Broken Age, Divinity:OS, WL2, PoE, Numenera, and Banner Saga to name some of the bigger ones. None of them were/are any better than SC when it comes transparency. Sure, SC isn't perfect, but you can't compare to perfection.
Fair enough, misread that entirely. The actually selling, being a very minimal in time consumption. Which I think we are in agreement on. And no, I don't expect perfection and they definitely are transparent in the sense that they highlight particular aspects of the game development, showing the staff at work. As well as regular updates and explaining why "X" didn't work as they attempt to trouble shoot issues. Which is great!

Perhaps for me, what my gripe boils down is a decent amount of the updates on the RSI site are either PR (Meet the Devs, ect.) or some sale on a ship in development. And I know they are working on Star Marine and Squad. 42, though the lack of updates on their progress in my opinion has be lacking if you take into consideration the amount of content and work still going into arena commander. I understand they got to finance development in various ways, and I'm fine with that. Just feel that other content has taken a back seat to their pay to win business model for arena commander. Anyway, that is just my two cents.


Perhaps for me, what my gripe boils down is a decent amount of the updates on the RSI site are either PR (Meet the Devs, ect.) or some sale on a ship in development. And I know they are working on Star Marine and Squad. 42, though the lack of updates on their progress in my opinion has be lacking if you take into consideration the amount of content and work still going into arena commander. I understand they got to finance development in various ways, and I'm fine with that. Just feel that other content has taken a back seat to their pay to win business model for arena commander. Anyway, that is just my two cents.

The way I see it, SC almost has too much information at times. They have a lot of "fluff" pieces, yes, but that doesn't mean they don't have a lot of real hard information as well. The real details just get end up getting swamped by everything else soon after release. That's less of an issue of not being transparent though and more an issue of information overload. There's also the tendency for some things simply to not make it to an official updates and instead kind of get lost in the forum shuffle.

As for the pay to win... We'll just have to disagree there. I don't particularly see the selling of ships as pay to win to begin with as they all can be earned in game. LTI doesn't cover upgrades either - which will likely end up costing far more than the ship itself in the end. At most buyers save some time while at the same time providing CIG funds to continue development.

On the topic of the focus on AC... of course it is. Once there's another module worth focusing on, we'll see more of it. The only other module out right now is racing, and that's not exactly something that needs a lot of focusing on.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Just watched today's Around the Verse. My thoughts:

  • FINALLY they're going to put the Scythe in the hangar. I don't even own one, but I think it's bullshit that Scythe owners have had to wait two months shy of two years since the launch of the Hangar Module to see their ships in their hangars.
  • Man, how borked is Star Marine's netcode that it's been delayed three months and still has no release date?
  • What the hell kind of Austin update was that? "We hired a dude, he's done a thing since he started last week, OK THAT'S ALL WE'VE GOT THIS WEEK BYE GAIZ"
  • Wonder what that "When will we talk about these postcards?" tease is supposed to mean. Are they going to sell these postcards? Are they leading up to finally releasing the galaxy map on the website?
  • That Scythe alien UI is pretty cool, and I really like that it initially boots up like that before glitching over to the human AI. Nice, polished touch.
Sure! It was coming soon in April.

See, Valve, having moved away from such practices, has passed the torch of Valve Time from one beloved PC developer to the next. Now CGI is the champion of Valve Time for the Master Race. So just remember to apply that modifier to any release estimates.
Sure! It was coming soon in April.

See, Valve, having moved away from such practices, has passed the torch of Valve Time from one beloved PC developer to the next. Now CGI is the champion of Valve Time for the Master Race. So just remember to apply that modifier to any release estimates.

At least CIG makes games!
I got a great answer to a question I asked on their forums about AA support.
Aliasing is an important issue for us to solve. We have been spending a decent amount of time investigating how to improve the aliasing issues that are quite apparent. In addition to looking into the aliasing CVAR settings and the code implementations we are realistic that part of the solution also needs be handled on the art side. Making sure are beveled edges are modeled with a thickness that doen't fall off the screen to limit the sizzling, this is especially important when it comes to the LODs. Then we are also discussing the possibilities of having some code that dulls/blurs out the specular on hard edges at a distance as that tends to be the biggest offenders. The challenge we have is the high poly approach we take. When objects are traditionally unwrap in a single sheet, the specular is controlled by the normal map instead of the vertex normals which we use. The normal maps mip map out and alleviates a lot of the aliasing. We obviously have objects that exceed any kind of unwrap capabilities which is why we tile and use smart normals. UE4 as a pretty good implementation that relies on aliasing that heavily blurs instead of sharpens, but it's expensive and generally is a high spec only type deal however we have been investigating that as well. So like everything else in this game, just another challenge to tackle. ;)

Also regarding an inverse square fall off
It does indeed. It was a lighting requirement when switching to a physical based system. The lighting is still not fully fleshed out code wise however so it's still being worked on by engineering.

and IES profiles and area lights
We have finally fixed all the area lights, and almost are going to start using them entirely. Finally.... :)


I got a great answer to a question I asked on their forums about AA support.

I really hope a good AA solution comes soon. It's the biggest thing holding SC screenshotd back. The game looks so much better when downsampling but the framerate is just unplayable. Is something like MSAA really that hard to implement?
another ship and another sale.. from what i read the larger ships will not be flyable and this concept will most likely not be in the hangar for months if not years lol

CIG Ben Lesnick
Hey guys! As promised, we're providing pricing information one week before the concept sale. The Starliner will go to concept for $

(Since I know this will result in a few days of 'why does it cost so much?!' threads before the sale hits, I'll go ahead and say that it's a big ship that's going to unlock some interesting new gameplay. Passenger capacity is forty, putting it somewhere between the Phoenix and the 890 Jump on the 'personal transport' scale. You'll learn plenty more about it next Friday, including specifics on why you'd want a passenger ship in the first place... which I'm really excited to share.)


I really hope a good AA solution comes soon. It's the biggest thing holding SC screenshotd back. The game looks so much better when downsampling but the framerate is just unplayable. Is something like MSAA really that hard to implement?

Forget about MSAA, its dead :p


I miss MSAA so much. That's the biggest thing I miss about non-deferred rendering. Maybe with the transparency enhancement. I'm fine with its downsides, though maybe I'm the only one. :p
I really hope a good AA solution comes soon. It's the biggest thing holding SC screenshotd back. The game looks so much better when downsampling but the framerate is just unplayable. Is something like MSAA really that hard to implement?
If it makes you feel any better, the game can run at 3xDSR from 1080p and maintain a locked 30
on a Titan X, god this game destroys hardware
. That is, if you are fine with lame-o console like performance.
another ship and another sale.. from what i read the larger ships will not be flyable and this concept will most likely not be in the hangar for months if not years lol
Given what Ben posted, I imagine they will do a deep dive design post on passenger hauling.
Forget about MSAA, its dead :p

I miss MSAA so much. That's the biggest thing I miss about non-deferred rendering. Maybe with the transparency enhancement. I'm fine with its downsides, though maybe I'm the only one. :p
I really love MSAA in the games it is in where it works well. If anything, just having the option is nice.


I miss MSAA so much. That's the biggest thing I miss about non-deferred rendering. Maybe with the transparency enhancement. I'm fine with its downsides, though maybe I'm the only one. :p

Are you in the computer science? Or can anyone else explain vertex maps and normal maps and deferred rendering and why it might cause a problem for an AA solution? You can go technical, I've had a few programming courses and of course math when I wanted to go for electronics engineering but chose electrical instead.


I miss MSAA so much. That's the biggest thing I miss about non-deferred rendering. Maybe with the transparency enhancement. I'm fine with its downsides, though maybe I'm the only one. :p

Area Lights, tons of lights, transparency - thats a big trade-off :p
And games aliasing problem is more with specular aliasing, which MSAA wont handle that well.


So the June jump points says CIG will decide if we get a Year 2 Jumppoint Hardcover if they can get 2000 orders in the space of 1 month. I'm not confident :(
So the June jump points says CIG will decide if we get a Year 2 Jumppoint Hardcover if they can get 2000 orders in the space of 1 month. I'm not confident :(

It takes a lot of time to compile I imagine (and money). I can understand their requiring quite a good amount of resources for it.
regarding the facial animation RtV had this to say:
[Was the facial animation in the e3 trailer what we can expect in the PU?] Yes. That’s older stuff too, months and months old. What they’re doing now is even better.
In case anyone needed a reminder of how hard Star Citizen currently is on CPUs:

Please take a look at my GPU usage to get a sense of how CPU limited the game is on a core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz.

Gosh, I need a new CPU.


In case anyone needed a reminder of how hard Star Citizen currently is on CPUs:

Please take a look at my GPU usage to get a sense of how CPU limited the game is on a core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz.

Gosh, I need a new CPU.

What GPU do you have? Seems like it isn't that bad, for an i7 930 at least. Skylake will handle SC like i's nothing.
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