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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: 'Arena Commander' Dogfighting

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Roberts didn't give a month per say. He mentioned spring as a target. Given the date of the massive FPS update, that would have shifted the expectation of FPS to summer. There is no telling where they are at, only that it is the next major release. I expect the social module to be implemented fairly fast followed by weeks of the server going down due to unexplained bugs, like most of the multiplayer alphas with new features recently. lol.

Yeah and to be fair, the FPS module that they will release soon/soonish wont be same as a FPS module that was planned to be released 1.5 month ago.
Scope and content have increased.


Roberts didn't give a month per say. He mentioned spring as a target. Given the date of the massive FPS update, that would have shifted the expectation of FPS to summer. There is no telling where they are at, only that it is the next major release. I expect the social module to be implemented fairly fast followed by weeks of the server going down due to unexplained bugs, like most of the multiplayer alphas with new features recently. lol.

Just wait for the PU where they try to link everything together. I fully expect there to be more bugs during that stage than all the others stages added together.


Yeah and to be fair, the FPS module that they will release soon/soonish wont be same as a FPS module that was planned to be released 1.5 month ago.
Scope and content have increased.

They increased scope in... 1.5 month?

They said the same thing before when they delayed Arena Commander for 6-7 months, and what we got was nothing polished... Even now it is still an FPS shooter in space.

I know I know pre-pre-pre-pre alpha.

Delays are allright, I just don't buy the "increased scope" excuse.
They increased scope in... 1.5 month?

They said the same thing before when they delayed Arena Commander for 6-7 months, and what we got was nothing polished... Even now it is still an FPS shooter in space.

I know I know pre-pre-pre-pre alpha.

Delays are allright, I just don't buy the "increased scope" excuse.

They actually did, they added weapons and gadgets as well as increased the player count, and massively enhanced the fidelity (which is not scope of course).


They increased scope in... 1.5 month?

They said the same thing before when they delayed Arena Commander for 6-7 months, and what we got was nothing polished... Even now it is still an FPS shooter in space.

I know I know pre-pre-pre-pre alpha.

Delays are allright, I just don't buy the "increased scope" excuse.

You know what scope means?
And sure they increased, they are still working on a lot of things and when they dont meet the target, they add things that were in development and planned for future updates.
Development is asynchronous in SC. Remember that Arena alpha delay was over year ago, so over 100 devs less ago.

Why are You expecting polish in alpha? If You really expect good releases of those modules, You should just wait for the final game.

And please stop with this 'FPS in space', its really annoying. You are writing this basically in every post.


Why are expecting polish in alpha?

I'm not! But CIG seems a bit obsessed with it. I'd like a much earlier look at playable code even if it's in bad shape. CIG is content to polish the hell out of their public releases and delay them for ages while they continue to sell unfinished internet spaceships for *ridiculous* prices.

But I can't argue with the results. Their funding rate is insane and I'm sure they're worried about the money pit drying up once we have a more concrete look at the game's mechanics. It's easier to sell dreams, especially to a fanbase that has been starved for any kind of high quality space sim for at least a decade.

I say all of this as someone that put quite a bit of money into the game.

(The "FPS in space" comment is bugging me as well)


Well, I guess I'll get to compare SC performance going from the 970 to the 980ti on my aging rig. I wasn't planning on another card until next year with the pascal architecture and a whole new build, but dumb luck has it that I'm (barely) within the 90 day EVGA tradeup period. I guess I'll be more prepared for S42 at the end of the year* than I thought I'd be.

*I know S42 isn't going to make it out this year.
They actually did, they added weapons and gadgets as well as increased the player count, and massively enhanced the fidelity (which is not scope of course).

only because Chris demanded more polish for something that's still in pre-alpha. everything you mentioned could be added in as a patch but hes obsessed with first impressions and perfecting the smallest of things.


only because Chris demanded more polish for something that's still in pre-alpha. everything you mentioned could be added in as a patch but hes obsessed with first impressions and perfecting the smallest of things.

Well, yeah, release broken module and patch later: people complain. Expand scope and make it better for release, delaying the first patch: people complain. I think the leak showed they are working on far more than they're willing to tell. It will come when it's done. And I better have a delayed good game than an always broken rushed game.
only because Chris demanded more polish for something that's still in pre-alpha. everything you mentioned could be added in as a patch but hes obsessed with first impressions and perfecting the smallest of things.

Perhaps for a released product, but their stage performances show they are willing to show really really early stuff.


Well, yeah, release broken module and patch later: people complain. Expand scope and make it better for release, delaying the first patch: people complain. I think the leak showed they are working on far more than they're willing to tell. It will come when it's done. And I better have a delayed good game than an always broken rushed game.

This, so much.

People will always complain, no matter what. Can as well aim for higher quality and polish for (hopefully positive) first impressions that will rake in some of the media's attention.


Well, yeah, release broken module and patch later: people complain. Expand scope and make it better for release, delaying the first patch: people complain. I think the leak showed they are working on far more than they're willing to tell. It will come when it's done. And I better have a delayed good game than an always broken rushed game.

Roberts is a perfectionist. One with, apparently at this point, unlimited funds and patience from his funders.

I am pretty sure that there has been a lot of non efficient development going on (scrapping things that they spend a lot of time on or adding new things) but i am ok with that and most of the backers.

I am actually impressed with how ok they are with showing everything from a really early stage i would think that would bug him but apparently not.


going by the recent ATV episode it seems like the FPS module is

But its not.... https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/5138092/#Comment_5138092

Hey guys,

Star Marine is NOT delayed indefinitely. Travis appeared in the segment to help explain how the testing process is going to work, which we're gearing up for now. I know it's frustrating not to have an exact date yet (and that's the case on both sides of the fence!) but we are getting there. Once we have a build we're happy with internally, it'll go to the PTU and we'll start some serious community testing.

Watching some of the chatter, though, I do want to promise you we're not holding anything back OR trying to tease/hype you guys with the release. (For instance, in the Comm-Link schedule this week I mentioned that I didn't know if we'd have the PTU release this week or not. I've seen that mentioned a bunch as proof it's coming out this week. Please, please don't read anything extra into that kind of statement... the minute we're confident it's going to happen, you'll know. I'll tell you everything I know, when I know it.)

this doesn't sound like they need more time? they haven't mentioned how far along they are with the match making/netcode improvements.

Ben - Once we have a build we're happy with internally, it'll go to the PTU and we'll start some serious community testing.

Travis - ATV
There’s another one that we’ve talked a little bit about it, and I think it’s worth revisiting, which is the new instance manager. So, the generic instance manager being worked on by the Austin network engineer team, it’s a very big core feature to this update because as you know we’ve had issues in the past with the matchmaking system. Along with the issues of scalability. Scalability has always been a big issue for Arena Commander, and we’d like to fix that with the FPS release, so one of the things we’re trying to take our time and get right is an entirely new back-end matchmaking system, which would make it possible for everybody who joins the FPS to actually experience the FPS. And if you want to play, be able to play, and be able to play with people who are properly matchmade to your level.

So that’s something we feel is very important to have a good player experience, and to make it… testing is testing, but it should also be fun, it shouldn’t be a frustrating experience, so it’s one of the other important things we want to get done before we get it out to you guys.


going by the recent ATV episode it seems like the FPS module is
We don't have any release date since the last delay no ? at that point it's really just semantics, in a way each new week is a new delay, or you can say that since no actual release date has been announced, then it's not a new delay.

My bet is still on them missing the spring release ( actual release, for everyone ) for the fps and social module ( well the social one is now a given ).
We don't have any release date since the last delay no ? at that point it's really just semantics, in a way each new week is a new delay, or you can say that since no actual release date has been announced, then it's not a new delay.

My bet is still on them missing the spring release for the fps and social module ( well the social one is now a given ).

someone should help ben define indefinitely lol
this doesn't sound like they need more time? they haven't mentioned how far along they are with the match making/netcode improvements.

Because we don't know how far along then of course we cannot estimate a time. They could be finished with it for all we know and are in testing and in bug squashing mode. They don't like to release things that have serious crashes despite being in an alpha state.

someone should help ben define indefinitely lol

He is probably correct as in there may be an internal target window, just one not released to the public.
Yeah, there's a lot of really silly quotes in that video. Particularly "We only see about 20-25% of players in AC playing on Joystick."

HMMMMM. Doesn't instill faith.


Yeah, there's a lot of really silly quotes in that video. Particularly "We only see about 20-25% of players in AC playing on Joystick."

HMMMMM. Doesn't instill faith.

Self fulfilling statistic there. Piss off the joystick users, and find out that there aren't many playing with one. There's probably also many others (including myself) that simply aren't playing AC at all and are waiting for the PU.


Honestly, after giving Arena Commander a try over and over the past year never see them implementing a change to the controller setup that makes it less of a FPS in space and more a space flight game, every time dodging the question and saying nothing is wrong. I am regretting putting my money ever into this and I was one of the first to fling their wallet at the screen the moment they announced this. :(

At least there is Elite Dangerous which sure didn't really deliver everything but they have at least a base that is fun, just need to fill it out with stuff to do.


Honestly, after giving Arena Commander a try over and over the past year never see them implementing a change to the controller setup that makes it less of a FPS in space and more a space flight game, every time dodging the question and saying nothing is wrong. I am regretting putting my money ever into this and I was one of the first to fling their wallet at the screen the moment they announced this. :(

At least there is Elite Dangerous which sure didn't really deliver everything but they have at least a base that is fun, just need to fill it out with stuff to do.

So sell it.
Leading reticule is garbage. It takes all the fun from shooting. The "chasing" pip option is much more open for someone to land shots on specific parts of the ship.
Whatever they do, they might lose customers one way or another.


So sell it.

'Regretting', not 'regret'.

I still wanna see how this turns out in the end, but I think they are acting pretty daft with the current development in controls. I use a mouse, maybe will get a joystick but I primarily use a mouse and keyboard setup and I want them to not have the point'n'shoot system. This goes against their promises at the start of the campaign of a hardcore space sim for the hardcore audience.



Always cool to see more of the alien ships, but I'd have preferred the Khartu-Al myself. Both because I actually have one of those, and also because I find the fluid Xi'an designs more appealing than the Vanduul's over-the-top bladed beasts. Don't get me wrong, I like the Vaduul ship designs, but I have no interest in owning/flying them.


Unrelated late edit: With the news of E:D coming to the Xbox One with time limited content, I'm happy that SC is never going to consoles.

Why the hate? They get a little pew pew BETA arena exclusive for a little while, how does it change your experience of the PC version? More money to FD to fund the game.

If Roberts didn't get millions from selling virtual ships, you can be sure the game would go on consoles. By the way, aren't they releasing Squadron 42 for consoles in the future?


If Roberts didn't get millions from selling virtual ships, you can be sure the game would go on consoles. By the way, aren't they releasing Squadron 42 for consoles in the future?

Nope. This game absolutely will not work in the consoles without completely ripping it to shreds and then making a new game.


Why the hate? They get a little pew pew BETA arena exclusive for a little while, how does it change your experience of the PC version? More money to FD to fund the game.

If Roberts didn't get millions from selling virtual ships, you can be sure the game would go on consoles. By the way, aren't they releasing Squadron 42 for consoles in the future?

It's not hate. It's practicality. By not having to worry about the consoles, I don't have to worry about the game being compromised in any way for them, nor do I have to worry about their priorities shifting to a console version.


It's interesting to see that after all those 'downgradeatons' multiplats got, I see nobody clamouring for a PS4 port anymore. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

PS5 launch title


Why!? Except for some graphic downgrade, I see absolutely no reason this game couldn't run on a PS4.

The game also relies heavily on CPU for physics calculation, Newtonian physics, debris, modular damage etc...etc.... Then the whole scale have to be downgraded that's aside from graphics then they have to rework the whole UI which is heavily focused on KB/M or HOTAS.

Sure it can be downgraded massively to a level to suit the PS4, but with Chris already pulling so much cash on PC alone I doubt they see the effort as worthwhile.

Chris also responded to a possible console port a year or so back saying that he's not willing to use the crowdfunded money for such a thing and that either MS or Sony have to pay for a port in advance and he has to have complete control over content delivery and patching online. Pretty much making unreasonable demands from what I see.


Why!? Except for some graphic downgrade, I see absolutely no reason this game couldn't run on a PS4.

Considering the amount of RAM, VRAM, and CPU/GPU used in the game even in its current state, they'd have to perform some serious optimization and feature culling to make a console release practical. While the consoles are powerful compared to the last gen, they're a far cry from a high end PC. That same high end PC is still brought to its knees by SC.


Why!? Except for some graphic downgrade, I see absolutely no reason this game couldn't run on a PS4.

People behind the decision would be eaten alive for one thing.

Curious how Stars Citizen will play out. It currently looks like they're aiming for a "don't bother if you haven't recently spend 1500€ on your PC" experience. Then again, by the time all the subsystems are integrated, mid range PCs might be close to catching up.


Why!? Except for some graphic downgrade, I see absolutely no reason this game couldn't run on a PS4.

I just don't see some things like the shader based damage modeling etc. working on consoles

Then again, by the time all the subsystems are integrated, mid range PCs might be close to catching up.

While I think this is overstating it, there is some degree of truth here. Continuous progress is a luxury that consoles games cannot expect.


People behind the decision would be eaten alive for one thing.

Curious how Stars Citizen will play out. It currently looks like they're aiming for a "don't bother if you haven't recently spend 1500€ on your PC" experience. Then again, by the time all the subsystems are integrated, mid range PCs might be close to catching up.

In 2016 we should see a significant spike in GPU power. Improved lithography, new architecture, new memory tech. Combine that with the minor CPU improvements and constantly falling RAM/SSD prices, and you should be able to build a gaming PC that meets or beats the current high end for less than $1500, let alone1500€.
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