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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: 'Arena Commander' Dogfighting

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It needs DX12 asap.
Yeah, it is crazy.
What GPU do you have? Seems like it isn't that bad, for an i7 930 at least. Skylake will handle SC like i's nothing.
Titan X. The funny thing is, even if you assume a a much higher improvement clock for clock, it is probably still CPU limited in that scene I posted :D But then with an OC.. who knows.
Pretty much this. They should just can DX11 support all together once they get DX12 working. Anybody that wants to play this game is going to need a DX12 capable GPU to begin with, and everyone gets Windows 10 for free.
I personally think they should drop their DX11 path altogether and just use Vulkan for all those who do not move to W10. And then Dx12 for everything else.

I mean, I really don't give a damn if someone wants their pre-GCN card to run this game (it won't anyway).


Yeah, it is crazy.

Titan X. The funny thing is, even if you assume a a much higher improvement clock for clock, it is probably still CPU limited in that scene I posted :D But then with an OC.. who knows.

I personally think they should drop their DX11 path altogether and just use Vulkan for all those who do not move to W10. And then Dx12 for everything else.

I mean, I really don't give a damn if someone wants their pre-GCN card to run this game (it won't anyway).

Anybody that doesn't move to Windows 10 on a gaming rig is being stupid. There's nothing to be gained by staying on Windows 7/8.
Anybody that doesn't move to Windows 10 on a gaming rig is being stupid. There's nothing to be gained by staying on Windows 7/8.
Yeah, it is hard to really care for people that do not upgrade their rig or move to newer APIs.
When the hangar module launched their were complaints that it did not run on DX10 cards on their forums. What on earth are people thinking sometimes exactly?
Yeah, but if you run out of juice with a Titan X that's more to worry for :p.

Targetting 60fps has its down sides :p
What res are you playing at? I'm happy with my 970, does the job well at 1080p.

1080p. I think the best way to test your framerate as to what the more production version of the game will run like GPU-wise is to load up the training module. That scene in the asteroid hangar uses lots of GPU time.

Squadron 42 shoot seems to have wrapped up today.


I really wonder how they managed to keep straight what floor marker was for what. I'm sure there was a method to the madness, but from the outside looking in, it looks like they let a child loose in there. ;)


How on earth do we still not have an alpha for the FPS module? Screw polishing the game, just get something out there.

CIG has proven that they're good at creating (and re-creating) assets but there's been very little transparency on the big technical hurdles. I suppose you can't sell good netcode for $400 though.
It feels like every time they need to implement something new they have to rework huge swathes of CryEngine to make it happen. Which just fuels my back of my mind ever present unease about their choice of engine and its ability to handle their planned scope/design.


It feels like every time they need to implement something new they have to rework huge swathes of CryEngine to make it happen. Which just fuels my back of my mind ever present unease about their choice of engine and its ability to handle their planned scope/design.

Thats the way with middleware engines. They provide You tons of stuff by default, but reworking code is always harder than writing everything from ground up.


How on earth do we still not have an alpha for the FPS module? Screw polishing the game, just get something out there.

CIG has proven that they're good at creating (and re-creating) assets but there's been very little transparency on the big technical hurdles. I suppose you can't sell good netcode for $400 though.

They won't release the FPS module when they know that they can't get any meaningful feedback out of it because it (netcode) is so buggy.


They won't release the FPS module when they know that they can't get any meaningful feedback out of it because it (netcode) is so buggy.
That and they'd have just as many people bitching at them for releasing a buggy module as they currently have people bitching at them to release the module. If you're in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, it makes sense to choose the "don't" side.


The project was pitched by promising unprecedented access to an in-development AAA game. We were going to see early code, warts and all and we'd watch as the game was built. That is absolutely what I was hoping to see. Greyboxed/placeholder assets, missing/unfinished mechanics, etc.

In practice, we've been given a very polished, super sandboxed branch that has very little to do with what's actually in development. CIG spends months polishing shit so it looks great for public consumption only to realize later that their polished assets are useless for the actual game and everything is rebuilt. It's a waste of resources.

I understand why they're doing it. Much of the fanbase would have a heart attack if the modules were pushed out like that. And CIG is absolutely concerned about unpolished stuff hurting thier funding. Doesn't mean I have to like it!


The project was pitched by promising unprecedented access to an in-development AAA game. We were going to see early code, warts and all and we'd watch as the game was built. That is absolutely what I was hoping to see. Greyboxed/placeholder assets, missing/unfinished mechanics, etc.

In practice, we've been given a very polished, super sandboxed branch that has very little to do with what's actually in development. CIG spends months polishing shit so it looks great for public consumption only to realize later that their polished assets are useless for the actual game and everything is rebuilt. It's a waste of resources.

I understand why they're doing it. Much of the fanbase would have a heart attack if the modules were pushed out like that. And CIG is absolutely concerned about unpolished stuff hurting thier funding. Doesn't mean I have to like it!

Eh, as long as you understand why, all is fine. People that understand what true betas and alphas are would be fine with them releasing buggy stuff. Unfortunately those people are the minority; most people are used to the fake "betas" thrown around by various companies. Throwing something out there that's a totally buggy mess would have people shouting from the rooftops condemning CIG.

They're just taking the conservative route. "Star Citizen will never be out." is less damaging hyperbole than "Star Citizen is a buggy pile of shit that'll never be fixed." The first will be written off when the game is released. The second will linger in people's minds and make them question whether the game is worth getting.


WIngman's apparently been permabanned from the RSI forums for supposedly "hawking" his game in the chat.

If true, it's hardly surprising. Soliciting/promoting a product that you're involved with on another company's forums is never going to go down well.

OH man, I really want that picture of Ben (WITH LTI!).

More like LesnickCommander!
WIngman's apparently been permabanned from the RSI forums for supposedly "hawking" his game in the chat.

If true, it's hardly surprising. Soliciting/promoting a product that you're involved with on another company's forums is never going to go down well.

That was stupid of him to do.


This I like. Now RSI just needs to implement this and enforce it on everyone and come up with a secondary thing for gimbal weapons (example being automatic aiming, like in Elite: Dangerous).

... and downgrade thrusters so we don't get instantaneous acceleretion anymore...
letter from the chairman/FPS update and it sounds like a cluster fuck lol

this is only a small portion of the very long letter, read more here

The biggest issue we have faced is that all the recent Arena Commander work, including new flyable ships has been done on the Star Marine branch of the game’s build. We expected to have 1.2 launched and wanted to take advantage of the great new tech Star Marine’s integration provides.

What’s next?

To that end, we are going to investigate releasing a build with Star Marine disabled that would allow you to experience some of the changes and updates we’ve made over the last few months to the core code base. There are some technical challenges in doing this, and it won’t happen overnight…but I feel that it’s incredibly important to do because we need to test with the public, we need to collect your feedback and frankly we need to continue proving that we’re working on what you care about.

When will we see Star Marine? Tonight, I don’t have an absolute answer for you
. What I will tell you is that we know exactly what we have to do, and we’re already well on our way to doing it. With allocation of additional resources and increased cross-studio focus on the FPS portion of the game we are on our way… we’re just not there quite yet. I’m confident that with the significant updates and changes to the backend architecture discussed above that we will have an experience worthy of the Star Citizen name; it’s just going to take some additional integration and testing


I can't tell if the design document on civilian passenger transports is a joke.

letter from the chairman/FPS update and it sounds like a cluster fuck lol

The bit about how they want to make the same set of animations work in first and third person has me worried. The way I understand it, developers don't bother with that because it's really fucking difficult. Could someone explain the benefit of animating your game this way if it takes even longer to implement?
I can't tell if the design document on civilian passenger transports is a joke.

The bit about how they want to make the same set of animations work in first and third person has me worried. The way I understand it, developers don't bother with that because it's really fucking difficult. Could someone explain the benefit of animating your game this way if it takes even longer to implement?

they're aiming for realistic as possible i guess? the only game that i can think of right now that does something similar is ARMA but it took them years to perfect. the obvious problem here is they tied the modules together and they cant release another Arena Commander update without disabling the FPS portion. how much money this mistake will cost them.. they removed P2P downloads right? are they using Amazon servers or something?

another interesting bit from the letter.. seems like the HOTAS users are the reason why they aren't releasing anything less than perfect.

"Arena Commander, for instance, “shipped” with what we thought would be a very early version of the control system, and we’ve certainly heard no end of the debate since! Like it or not, we know that with Star Marine we need to release a build that at the very least shows people where we want to go and not just what we were able to do before a clock ran out"


So, which one of you fuckers are going to buy a starfairer for the glory of the gaf-clan. ? :p

Pretty sure you mean the new Starliner. The Starfarer is a bit old to randomly come up. ;P That said, nope, not here. $400 for passenger transit? Only the most hardcore are going to shell out for that.


Well, they did go all out on the Starliner info page. But it's time to wrap it up guys, Star Citizen's over. Dream's dead. Pledge cancelled. Unsubbed.

I'll be back next week


Well, they did go all out on the Starliner info page. But it's time to wrap it up guys, Star Citizen's over. Dream's dead. Pledge cancelled. Unsubbed.

I'll be back next week

Plenty of the traditional bitching on the ship sale page. "Too expensive! Stop ripping people off!" "Looks too much like the MM!" "Stop focusing on ship sales!" Some things never change.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Travis Day is leaving

And the brain drain continues.

That probably means his wife is leaving customer service, too. Who will help Ben's wife with all those tickets now??

[edit] About the FPS problems ... I wonder if they're now regretting going with Illfonic as their main FPS studio? Sounds like they produced a turd sandwich.


[edit] About the FPS problems ... I wonder if they're now regretting going with Illfonic as their main FPS studio? Sounds like they produced a turd sandwich.

Biggest problem Star Citizen was hiring all those cheap studios. They were fine for the first scope of the game they were aiming for, but it's now all the more apparant that they are inefficient and need a lot of time to rework stuff. They have the money to spend on better devs, but I guess it's now too late to ditch those teams.


[edit] About the FPS problems ... I wonder if they're now regretting going with Illfonic as their main FPS studio? Sounds like they produced a turd sandwich.

I have nothing against Illfonic and the procedural animations they are working on is very hard task, but CIG should just buy Arkane Studios instead.
I've been losing interest in the game over the last few months, I haven't been keeping up with the release schedules or updates, I feel like it's the best way to do it with all the delaying and such. Once the FPS module comes out I hope that get's me back into it, or even when the Freelancer becomes AC ready.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Biggest problem Star Citizen was hiring all those cheap studios. They were fine for the first scope of the game they were aiming for, but it's now all the more apparant that they are inefficient and need a lot of time to rework stuff. They have the money to spend on better devs, but I guess it's now too late to ditch those teams.

Well, I dunno, they ditched the team in Mexico City (even though I thought they did good work?) and they ditched Void Alpha in Los Angeles (a small, fairly unproductive team, although it was headed up by a Wing Commander veteran). They kept Behaviour, but they seem to do good work. The only other team they've hired rather than set up themselves has been Illfonic, and perhaps with them it's like you said: They're in too deep to cut the cord now.

I've been losing interest in the game over the last few months, I haven't been keeping up with the release schedules or updates, I feel like it's the best way to do it with all the delaying and such. Once the FPS module comes out I hope that get's me back into it, or even when the Freelancer becomes AC ready.

There haven't been any updates since mid-April, I think. That's addressed in Chris Roberts' latest letter: They couldn't release Arena Commander updates because they've been tied to Star Marine in the same branch, and Star Marine isn't working correctly.
another interesting bit from the letter.. seems like the HOTAS users are the reason why they aren't releasing anything less than perfect.

Again it feels like they completely miss the point of the complaints about the controls. It's not that was released broken, it is pre-Alpha it probably will be broken. The issue it was stayed broken for over a year and have not heard anything concrete on the direction on how they want the ships to play. The game plays right now completely different to what is pitched as, and that is the only info to go on. CR will go out of his way like this to address the FPS update but there is a general silence or vague non-answers when it comes to ship controls. No one is asking for everything to be perfect from Day -1, just that there is a clear vision communicated to the backers on something as important on as core gameplay.
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