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Star Citizen's StarEngine Demo


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I'm hoping this game actually turns the corner one day and starts to become a concrete reality rather than a consistently broken alpha, but right now I tend to agreement with your assessment. I paid $45 for the game a few years ago and I pop in every now and then to see if it has improved enough to actually spend some time playing only to be disappointed every time. Sucks because this is exactly the type of game that I've been wanting for as long as I can remember. I just don't understand why they can't build the foundation of a finished game first and then build on it. I think you are right, the answer is in the business model.


Alexios Alexios you know I value your opinion my man. What's your perspective on my take here since you gave me the laugh emoji?
The game is obviously intended to be gaas or whatever you wanna call it so no, they don't have to intentionally never arrive to a launch with it if they don't want to move on from it. It's a persistent universe of unprecedented scope, obviously not intended to be played for a year or two before a sequel has to start forming. And obviously the money will stop flowing if they really don't keep improving it to a state where you (and they) can eventually call it a launched title that then continues being expanded with ongoing support so it's not somehow enabling them to be more profitable by intentionally never delivering. Also that would be a scam for real and they'd be having people and whole studios that know their goal is to not meet any goal. Whether they release or it crashes and burns is a different matter, it's clearly not the intention of anyone at the various studios to just never release, nor do they sit there doing nothing or working 8 hours a day or whatever towards nothing, that would be far more exhausting than trying and failing and shutting down and moving to other endeavors. The dude doesn't need to run a scam and pay all these people and studios to be rich.

I'm not a fan (wasn't even a fan of Freelancer, I think StarLancer was the last great from him) and have already sold my account and anyone who has put money into it can probably sell theirs if they really have a problem with it, either for profit or not much of a loss depending on what they have. Just because as a player the demos and alphas and whatever weren't what I wanted so I opted out with the available options doesn't mean it's a scam or the people who remain "all in" idiots who are being scammed (whether it releases or crashes and burns as games/studios have before). And once again, all the people who have paid now are also a portion of the fanbase that is not going to be paying any more post launch (as it's not a subscription game) so all this money isn't just development funds but also maintainance for when it's live and part of the profits too. If they end up putting it all in development then it's most certainly a loss for them (and for king scammer Chris who apparently does this for his own profit but somehow is spending all that money on development too and sharing it with ~1000 employees and contractors and all their studio expenses).
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Yeah they made so many great games after that, it was a blessing.
The alternative would've been for Digital Anvil to close down; they were running out of money before Microsoft accepted to buy them because Chris Roberts just couldn't focus and kept trying to include more and more stuff, which is what he's doing now as well.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
It has worked for a lot of years and it is not stopping so… says you…
No, it has not, because it's not what's happening. Duh.
The alternative would've been for Digital Anvil to close down; they were running out of money before Microsoft accepted to buy them because Chris Roberts just couldn't focus and kept trying to include more and more stuff, which is what he's doing now as well.
Okay, and they closed down after one post-Freelancer game nobody remembers. Wow.
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No, it has not, because it's not what's happening. Duh.

Okay, and they closed down after one post-Freelancer game nobody remembers. Wow.
So we got Freelancer, at least. Better than not getting it. I don't get your point. Yes, Microsoft then mismanaged their PC-focused first-party studios because of their Xbox push.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So we got Freelancer, at least. Better than not getting it. I don't get your point. Yes, Microsoft then mismanaged their PC-focused first-party studios because of their Xbox push.
Yes, we got Chris' game that he was still involved with then nothing notable after that and then they shut down. I don't get your point of how Microsoft saved the studio by axing him when they bought it.
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Yes, we got Chris' game that he was still involved with then nothing notable after that and then they shut down. I don't get your point of how Microsoft saved the studio by axing him when they bought it.
Because Digital Anvil were running out of money since Chris Roberts couldn't finish the game. So if no one had swept in to buy them out or similar, Digital Anvil would've closed down and we wouldn't have gotten Freelancer... or a very rushed out version of Freelancer with a lot of gameplay systems that weren't finished.

They bought Digital Anvil, made Chris Roberts leave, removed the bloat and refocused the game and that became the Freelancer we now have.

That they closed down/fucked up their PC studios afterwards when they were pushing the 360 with Don Mattrick, yes, that was shit as well. But at least we got Freelancer.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
The Freelancer we now have which Chris is largely responsible for having is indeed a very rushed out version of Freelancer with a lot of gameplay systems that weren't finished and thus removed. But you choose to call that refocused and removed bloat. Same thing.

Again, not a fan of his, and don't like the fundamentals of Freelancer anyway, how it's a mouse point & click and spam hotkeys game, more like playing Diablo than anything with real space combat like his past games. But it had its moments at times and was okay.
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Gold Member
The game is obviously intended to be gaas or whatever you wanna call it so no, they don't have to intentionally never arrive to a launch with it if they don't want to move on from it. It's a persistent universe of unprecedented scope, obviously not intended to be played for a year or two before a sequel has to start forming. And obviously the money will stop flowing if they really don't keep improving it to a state where you (and they) can eventually call it a launched title that then continues being expanded with ongoing support so it's not somehow enabling them to be more profitable by intentionally never delivering. Also that would be a scam for real and they'd be having people and whole studios that know their goal is to not meet any goal. Whether they release or it crashes and burns is a different matter, it's clearly not the intention of anyone at the various studios to just never release, nor do they sit there doing nothing or working 8 hours a day or whatever towards nothing, that would be far more exhausting than trying and failing and shutting down and moving to other endeavors. The dude doesn't need to run a scam and pay all these people and studios to be rich.

I'm not a fan (wasn't even a fan of Freelancer, I think StarLancer was the last great from him) and have already sold my account and anyone who has put money into it can probably sell theirs if they really have a problem with it, either for profit or not much of a loss depending on what they have.

Appreciate your perspective on these things as always.


Gold Member
From Starcitizen reddit.

Every CitizenCon from 2016 to 2022, based on what features/ships were announced, and if they are in game now, as well as "faked" demos etc. For all those new to the CitizenCon experience. Also, remember to bathe before attending the convention, please.

It was received generally well and I need something to do in between cargo missions so I went over every Citizen Con since 2016 in preparation for the upcoming citizen con. This will include Every ship announcement, feature announcement, with links to promises kept/broken (Even the sand worm). I noticed people said it was biased one way or another, so I will try to keep both the optimists/pessimists happy this time and provide timestamps to each feature mentioned.

2016 - Major Features/announcements

  • Procedural Planets v2 - - Implemented, to an extend. Promises were kept and broken. Initial presentation promised 60 FPS and what was shown was in game. However, the base building/procedural generation is present in current game, just not finished. However, Sandworm, the mission, and the entire presentation was "faked" and no mission is as in depth currently.
  • Spectrum - Implemented full feature - Announcement of spectrum and organizations forming. Not much to delve deeper here - - Segment about 20minutes . One not implemented promise is spectrum in game, in game overlay, and additional customization for orgs (ingame)
  • 2.6 - Star Marine addition, AC update, Crusader map, lobby -All completed
  • New Flight Model - Completed/ we have a new new one Master Modes now
  • Camera update for 3rd person - Implemented
  • Announcements for 3.0-4.0 - Trading, Cargo, Piracy, Merc, Bounty Hunter, Mining, Refining/Processing, Quantum Interdiction, Refueling, rescue- All implemented, but years later than expected (with refueling 6 years later).
  • not implemented - Escort, Additional Solar Systems, ship repair (incoming soon apparently), Farming, Exploration and discovery, Science and research

SQ 42 - Going to be its own segment as I was informed a good portion of you give 0 fucks about it, so you can skip these portions. -

  • 2016-2017 Release date promised, along with spiel about what is going to be in it. We don't know what is finished from the list, but of the list that is intriguing is
  • 40 distinct ships, 1255 pages of dialogue, AI with 24hr schedules
  • Every mission has several ways to complete it, that will affect how characters interact with you in SC.
  • They announce they will develop pathfinding logic - still in progress as of last SQ42 monthly update, animation integration - still in progress based on last SQ42 update, Improved combat logic- in progress, Mission system integration - Done as of 2021, Enhanced Flight AI - Improved significantly based on reports, still worked on
  • OCS -Implemented
  • All features at greybox or better- Controversial statement as indicated by previous post, you decide
Ships Announced

  • Polaris - In concept still, slated for production next year - 7 years
Ships scheduled

  • Ursa, Dragonfly, Caterpillar, Constellation Aquila, Cutlass Red/Blue, Hull C, Prospector, 85x, Taurus, Phoenix, Terrapin, Harbinger, Sentinel, Reclaimer, Carrack, 890 Jump, Reliant - released, though some years after.
  • Not in game - BMM, Orion, Crucible

2017 - - 7 hours, much longer

Major Features/announcements

  • Land Claim - Not Implemented, announced with Pioneer
  • Realistic Look - - Half Implemented, its in game, but not as good as shown here.
  • Ability to walk on slopes without dying - - Implemented, now you rarely die 20+min segment on slopes.
  • Real Mirrors will be implemented and not impact FPS - - Just need "a little bit of work"
  • Lore segment - All in game via galactapedia
  • No cutscenes when traveling to planets - Yes, they never broke this promise
  • All Systems will be different, not copy paste, from Hurston to Crusader - Fulfilled.
  • Showcased the head crab monsters on Lorville "will have a lot of them running around- Not implemented - Faked -

SQ 42

  • Development is "going well" 2018 release date.
Ships Announced

Ships scheduled

  • No Schedule this year as focus on bringing ships to market.

2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxjZUKL8ByQ&ab_channel=IntrepidDawnStudios - Full Show 9 hours

  • Tried to charge 20$ to watch the stream - Huge backlash on this sub, backed down from the plan
Major Features/announcements

Ships Announced

2019 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdN...0atMb1EAyYgggX5DyfUzd4&ab_channel=StarCitizen - Playlist this time.

Major Features/announcements

Ships Announced


  • CitCon skipped, Covid, instead series of Pyro videos and invidual videos
  • Promises to use time to finish prior promises
Major Features/announcements

SQ 42

  • Single location of SQ42 shown, last time real footage shown.
Ships Announced

2021 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmf...2KG9U_7u7owS_zdagfcJEm&ab_channel=StarCitizen - Playlist, shortest citizencon since 2016. It returns with much hype and fanfare, biggest fundraising year ever, devs hyped about how much money they are getting. Largest new citizen sign ups, It was the most hype period of SC history. I cannot stress how much money they made and how much hype this year was.

Major Features/announcements

SQ 42

  • None
Ships Announced *400i

Ships scheduled

2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-XotXbBXs4&ab_channel=StarCitizen long one again

  • First one where CR appears a lot in (been absent from speaking roles in depth last few)
Major Features/announcements

SQ 42

Ships Announced

Closing thoughts/fun stats

  • 2016 had the most broken/unreleased/lied promises.
  • Ship from announced to release has gotten better over the years, but hilariously, 2016 had the most not shipped ships still to this day.
  • There is a noticeable reduction in "lies" or "fake" demos after 2019, there are still some, but to a lesser degree.
  • The years with the most "lies"/"fake demos" that are still not in the game and team admitted to not working on them were 2016 and 2019. With 2019 actually being worst due to the gamut of promises/showcases.
  • If ONLY Chris Roberts announces or say something about a feature or timeline, only 17% of them are in game now. Based upon 100~ statements. If Chris Roberts + a dev says similar things, it goes up to the mid 70%.
  • Every Chris Robert Timeline from 2016/2017, was 5-6 years off. Chris Roberts 2021 was 2 years off, with many features now released or soon to be released from 2021. So 2-3 years. He's gotten better.
  • If multiple devs say something and Chris roberts doesn't mention it, it has a 94% of being in the game currently within 2 years.
  • This means we want news, NOT mentioned by CR at all. Kinda funny.
  • Lore Team is the most consistent, with a near 100% completion on their lore timelines (when they release languages, flesh out lore, etc), they only missed 1 deadline.
  • Ship team had 3 reworks of ships, flight models, or damage since 2016.
  • UI has gotten a rework once ever 2.5 years.


Gold Member
I've been playing Star citizen for about 3 weeks now. It's really cool in theory. What you can theoretically do. Yes it's been in an alpha for I don't know 10 years now? I have experienced rarely a game, which does not respect my time at all. No matter what I do in the game, it already seems like a miracle when I get to the finish.

Something almost always goes wrong, sometimes I fall out of a flying ship into the space.

Often happens that I can not use my beginner ship at all, because in the middle of the ship a display appears, i can't move and the whole game is bugged and I can only log off (happened atleast 20 times)

I want to sell my package after a long delivery, but it is not recognized and well just lost a lot of time again.

I want to land on a huge planet, but I'm not even shown the landing location. Have fun searching. If you make a wrong parking, your ship will be confiscated.

This game has a tutorial. Unfortunately it doesn't scale with my screen, so everything it says I can barely read because it's so tiny. So in theory it's good that it's there, but I've hardly been able to read anything.

These are just a few things that don't work in the game.

The performance is terrible. I think it's gotten a little better over the years, but it's still a long way off.

The one thing that is really good in the game is the community. If you have questions, you will almost always get help. Sometimes people fly 20 minutes to you from the other part of the Galaxy to help you out. In general, the atmosphere is very relaxed. And there are really good people out there.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I've been playing Star citizen for about 3 weeks now. It's really cool in theory. What you can theoretically do. Yes it's been in an alpha for I don't know 10 years now? I have experienced rarely a game, which does not respect my time at all. No matter what I do in the game, it already seems like a miracle when I get to the finish.

Something almost always goes wrong, sometimes I fall out of a flying ship into the space.

Often happens that I can not use my beginner ship at all, because in the middle of the ship a display appears, i can't move and the whole game is bugged and I can only log off (happened atleast 20 times)

I want to sell my package after a long delivery, but it is not recognized and well just lost a lot of time again.

I want to land on a huge planet, but I'm not even shown the landing location. Have fun searching. If you make a wrong parking, your ship will be confiscated.

This game has a tutorial. Unfortunately it doesn't scale with my screen, so everything it says I can barely read because it's so tiny. So in theory it's good that it's there, but I've hardly been able to read anything.

These are just a few things that don't work in the game.

The performance is terrible. I think it's gotten a little better over the years, but it's still a long way off.

The one thing that is really good in the game is the community. If you have questions, you will almost always get help. Sometimes people fly 20 minutes to you from the other part of the Galaxy to help you out. In general, the atmosphere is very relaxed. And there are really good people out there.
This is the problem with “it is a full game already… see I can play it”. This is getting to Linux on Desktop level memes, although thanks to Valve that is actually getting closer :D.


Gold Member
lol I’m surprised that some people fall for this shit. They come up with fancy demos to get more money from the whales while they delay all the features indefinitely. It’s been going on for like 7 years at this point. They do this with tech, features, systems, patches, everything.

I guess if you’re falling for it it is because you want to fall for it, the sign of a good mark, always.
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the will to show the game status by the fans is only second to the haters persistance in wanting it to be a scam.

me personally i just wait and see if they'll release anything playable and definitive
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I'll say it again, extremely impressive tech.

Whoever is comparing MSFS2020 to this needs to put the crack pipe down. Both games aren't remotely similar at all. One is a very good flight sim where you do nothing but fly and the other is a space simulator sandbox MMO. Completely different genres, completely different goals in their design and completely different technology and gameplay at work. You can really tell the people that have no idea what Star Citizen is by the dumb posts they make. Star Citizen has atmospheric flying but that's just a little of what it does and the play area in Star Citizen is many magnitudes larger. You can't compare the two at all and they shouldn't be compared.
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RSI Employee of the Year
I've been playing Star citizen for about 3 weeks now. It's really cool in theory. What you can theoretically do. Yes it's been in an alpha for I don't know 10 years now? I have experienced rarely a game, which does not respect my time at all. No matter what I do in the game, it already seems like a miracle when I get to the finish.

Something almost always goes wrong, sometimes I fall out of a flying ship into the space.

Often happens that I can not use my beginner ship at all, because in the middle of the ship a display appears, i can't move and the whole game is bugged and I can only log off (happened atleast 20 times)

I want to sell my package after a long delivery, but it is not recognized and well just lost a lot of time again.

I want to land on a huge planet, but I'm not even shown the landing location. Have fun searching. If you make a wrong parking, your ship will be confiscated.

This game has a tutorial. Unfortunately it doesn't scale with my screen, so everything it says I can barely read because it's so tiny. So in theory it's good that it's there, but I've hardly been able to read anything.

These are just a few things that don't work in the game.

The performance is terrible. I think it's gotten a little better over the years, but it's still a long way off.

The one thing that is really good in the game is the community. If you have questions, you will almost always get help. Sometimes people fly 20 minutes to you from the other part of the Galaxy to help you out. In general, the atmosphere is very relaxed. And there are really good people out there.

Im curious what your average fps is, because performance terrible isn’t a thing anymore these days in Star Citizen?


Gold Member
Im curious what your average fps is, because performance terrible isn’t a thing anymore these days in Star Citizen?
Just landed on Lorville and it was 30ish with dips to 28-26fps. On Stations and in space it is better getting 60fps+, but the moment i start my Ship and i see the the ship interface i loose 10+ fps. Get's even worse when someone is shooting at you or you see shields from other ships and explosions.

And on some planets where there is nothing at all it drops down to 30 fps, which makes landing quite difficult because everything is so sluggish and delayed.
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Gold Member
Just landed on Lorville and it was 30ish with dips to 28-26fps. On Stations and in space it is better getting 60fps+, but the moment i start my Ship and i see the the ship interface i loose 10+ fps. Get's even worse when someone is shooting at you or you see shields from other ships and explosions.

And on some planets where there is nothing at all it drops down to 30 fps, which makes landing quite difficult because everything is so sluggish and delayed.

Yeah, I was doing a retrieval mission on a planet that had only a few NPCs and the frame rate tanked into single digits. That was a few weeks ago.


Definitely some cool tech.
Feature complete but not finished. Will it ever be finished?
I played it last year during a free period. All the bugs platform warriors dig up for Spider-Man 2 and Starfield on X is nothing compared to what I saw when playing this over a weekend. T-poses, people sitting in the air and standing on top of each other, clipping, and it was just bare bones on gameplay mechanics, then real people were running/jumping around in the underwear. Broken immersion all the time.
Had some fun flying the space ships though. I liked the simulator-like controls, landing was fun.
I’ll look back when it’s actually released.
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Show me the receipts on an actual game release and I will agree to whatever the hell they are trying to peddle now.

I supported their original kickstarter in what, 2012? Yeah….


The starengine demo. I don't think there's anything comparable out there for the scale of it all. Holy shit.

I'm sorry, but until all this is used to develop an actual product that people can download and play, this tech is just being used to create offline renders and trailers to impress the weird crowd at CitizenCon to take even more money out of their pockets. As it stands it doesn't amount to anything different than what Pixar or other animation studio have (except their results are far more impressive than this, mind you).

Until they deliver the actual game, I'll still be more impressed by engines that power games that are actually playable on actual hardware that people actually own.
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lol I’m surprised that some people fall for this shit. They come up with fancy demos to get more money from the whales while they delay all the features indefinitely. It’s been going on for like 7 years at this point. They do this with tech, features, systems, patches, everything.

I guess if you’re falling for it it is because you want to fall for it, the sign of a good mark, always.
From the Reddit summary above, it looks like many of the features promised in past CitizenCons have been implemented.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I've got a weird feeling that everyone who knocks this game has posts in their history praising games with much less content than what is already in Star Citizen.

But MUH $45 kickstarter from 2012!!!


I’ve backed shit that just fizzled out or was pure shit, never bothered to install even at “release” like Mighty number 9.

I could be really pissed off that after a decade I don’t have my $45 worth of gaming, even though I’ve dipped my toes in the MMO many times, I could be pissed…

Or I could observe that most of the INSANE ideas, the ones that were pipe dreams and made most peoples gasp that it’s unlikely, are now in a state of where we know they have the tech working.

I prefer ambitious and a decade to show the receipts, even if there’s years to go ahead still


8 years and $400M to show up with Starfield that brings nothing to the table/tech world.

Even if it did end up fizzling out and they have an engine for it, I still got more out of $45 than oh so many things I’ve spent $45 on in life.

Just seeing all the hate towards it is more entertaining than Mighty number 9

Gladiator GIF
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From the Reddit summary above, it looks like many of the features promised in past CitizenCons have been implemented.
How about games promised by the developers being actually released? Will that ever happen?

Basically who the f cares about the engine tech running with abysmal performance when they won’t release any games based on it and instead continue fleecing their fans for more $$$.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Demo at citizencon

So for peoples asking “when”, it’s in playable state, 31st October in preview for some players and imminent release after. Before ‘24 basically



How about games promised by the developers being actually released? Will that ever happen?

Basically who the f cares about the engine tech running with abysmal performance when they won’t release any games based on it and instead continue fleecing their fans for more $$$.
Well if they can release server meshing and the Pyro system, that will show they are making progress. A "complete" Star Citizen may never exist if they continue to add features, like an MMO. I think it just needs to get to a point where there is enough content for the average person.


RSI Employee of the Year
Just landed on Lorville and it was 30ish with dips to 28-26fps. On Stations and in space it is better getting 60fps+, but the moment i start my Ship and i see the the ship interface i loose 10+ fps. Get's even worse when someone is shooting at you or you see shields from other ships and explosions.

And on some planets where there is nothing at all it drops down to 30 fps, which makes landing quite difficult because everything is so sluggish and delayed.

Star turning off volumetric clouds and if you have Nvidia GPU, set shader cache at 10GB.


I will say, imagine if they did start licensing this tech now to other developers, I imagine it's a bloated mess on the backend with how long and over developed it has been, but imagine Dice ditching frostbite, using "starengine" and now scaling the game down to a 64-128 player bf game, with all the destruction tech, with the server meshing, cloth physics, water physics and so on and so forth.
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If Cloud Imperium Games turns out to just be a think tank for new tech and implementation methods then I'm cool with that. It must be fun for developers, more pointedly engineers, to be able to work on fleshing these bespoke systems out.

For me, it's always fun to read the commentary from both sides of the argument.
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