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Star Fox Zero & Guard - Review Thread


Ocarina of Time was also pretty short...back in 1998. Standards change.

OoT wasn't short by Zelda standards and most of the complaints about the games that came after it have been that they have too much extra stuff that you're forced to do. ALBW came out and was pretty much universally praised and it has about the same amount of game as ALttP which came out in 1991.

It's nice to have a Star Fox game be a Star Fox game.

Astral Dog

OoT, a short game? compared to what? now i have heard everything it took me than 50 hours to finish the 3DS version.
In no way that is a short game :p


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
OoT wasn't short by Zelda standards and most of the complaints about the games that came after it have been that they have too much extra stuff that you're forced to do. ALBW came out and was pretty much universally praised and it has about the same amount of game as ALttP which came out in 1991.

It's nice to have a Star Fox game be a Star Fox game.

OoT, a short game? compared to what? now i have heard everything it took me than 50 hours to finish the 3DS version.
In no way that is a short game :p

Yeah, I botched that. OoT was definitely a long game when it came out, but shorter compared to more recent Zeldas.

The point was that sequels should have way more content as time goes on.
I use the - Button to get the Cockpit-View on the TV. I like it more, than to switch between TV and Pad Screen.

The game is very fun, and feels a little non-nintendo. It is not that beginner friendly. Feels more like a little "strange" and unusual japanese game, in a good way.
No idea how to describe it better : )

You really need to get used to the new stuff. But once it clicks, it is very fun!
Do not give up too early just because the new controls are too much for you.


It seems like a return to glory after missteps that followed 64. It looks like what a Star Fox game should be: an arcade-y space shooter with a bunch of mission where you can beat the game quickly but there are mission you missed to find and the fun of perfecting all of the missions.

Star Fox Assault was short and completely linear and had awful new gameplay additions.

Remove "completely linear", and that's basically how I feel about Star Fox Zero. In the minority this time, so that's good.

Played it during two hours. This game is very strange. It's not a bad game but it's not particularly fun either. The approach is totally novel, more like a succession of missions wich requires skills and technics and less of a true adventure. It's sometimes okay (the rail shooter sections or the Walker missions) sometimes bland (the StarWolf battles or the Gyrocopter events). The controls are hostile/inimical but in the other hand, if you remove that there's nothing left, because the level-design was made in accordance with them. It's very difficult to figure when you should watch TV or GamePad and you can quickly multiply mistakes if you lose ground. It definitely won't be an easy game to master, medals for now look like impossible and tiresome tasks, but despite all the flaws I must concede I found these two hours uh... let's say, interesting. Somewhere between inept and bold.

For some reason it reminds me the Metroid mini-game in NintendoLand, with more width, complexity and challenge.

This is pretty close to my thoughts on it. It's not really a bad game, it's just kind of weird. Like a tech demo, it's hit and miss. Problem is, it's a pretty short game, so hit and miss doesn't really cut it. That's the only place where length really matters to me. Otherwise I have no problem with short games.


Yeah, I botched that. OoT was definitely a long game when it came out, but shorter compared to more recent Zeldas.

The point was that sequels should have way more content as time goes on.

That creates unneeded bloat having to keep adding more and more content. Outside of TP being roughly 35+ hours to to beat (less than 30 in the HD version due fixes), most 3D Zelda games are roughly 20-25 hours to complete. Which is the same length as OoT.


Yeah, I botched that. OoT was definitely a long game when it came out, but shorter compared to more recent Zeldas.

The point was that sequels should have way more content as time goes on.

OoT still isn't short by recent Zelda standards. Nintendo didn't really increase the amount of dungeons but increased the amount of required side stuff. ALBW came out recently with only as much content as ALttP, which is smaller than OoT, and it was praised for get back to basics.

If you wanted them to do something similar to this game I guess they could put in a 1 hour minigame between each planet you fly to where you have to herd space goats or something.
Controls definitely take some getting used to (still not completely confident after 2 hours playing the game) and the non-Arwing ones are a bit clunky at times, but there's definitely a great game in here. Have a feeling it'll take three or four playthroughs until I'm 100% used to how everything controls though. Hard to know where to look at times.


sequels should have way more content as time goes on.

It's a [non]reboot, not a sequel. That being said, It's meant to be a modern take on a game from nearly 20 years ago, and it is roughly 3x as long in the scope of what it's trying to recapture. I would argue they've done a good job towards that opinion.


Yeah, I botched that. OoT was definitely a long game when it came out, but shorter compared to more recent Zeldas.

The point was that sequels should have way more content as time goes on.
Only to the extent that fits within the genre which zero seems to have done. A 5 hour campaign would be too long for this type of game. 3 hours is already pushing it for a one sitting play through.


That kind of thinking leads to things like the green stars in Mario Galaxy 2, Ubisoft open world games, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Bigger isn't always better.

I hope you're not suggesting the green stars in Galaxy 2 are bad? I agree with your point though.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
OoT still isn't short by recent Zelda standards. Nintendo didn't really increase the amount of dungeons but increased the amount of required side stuff. ALBW came out recently with only as much content as ALttP, which is smaller than OoT, and it was praised for get back to basics.

If you wanted them to do something similar to this game I guess they could put in a 1 hour minigame between each planet you fly to where you have to herd space goats or something.

That creates unneeded bloat having to keep adding more and more content. Outside of TP being roughly 35+ hours to to beat (less than 30 in the HD version due fixes), most 3D Zelda games are roughly 20-25 hours to complete. Which is the same length as OoT.

Why does everyone immediately assume that any additional content would just be needless padding? You'd think a developer like Nintendo can walk and chew gum at the same time.

That kind of thinking leads to things like the green stars in Mario Galaxy 2, Ubisoft open world games, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Bigger isn't always better.

I thought people liked those green star challenges...


Why does everyone immediately assume that any additional content would just be needless padding? You'd think a developer like Nintendo can walk and chew gum at the same time.

I thought people liked those green star challenges...
It wouldn't need to be needless padding. Your Zelda analogy is just bad and I'm pointing out why. If each Zelda game added more and more dungeons and stuff you'd have a point.


Warning: my post are first impression of the game as I have not gotten far.

So I got the game today and I popped it in and man does it look amazing and the gameplay is lot of fun and I was pulling U-turn and Somersault easily, something that I could not do in 64.

I also love that radio chatter comes out of the pad making me feel like Fox flying the Arwing.

Now as for the control, yes there's a learning curve to them but it isn't that bad as you only need to use the gyro control in the all range mode and I suspect that the more I play the game the better I will get at the game.

Bottom line is, I am loving the game and I hope that this means that the Star Fox series can another game.


Has anyone figured out what the hidden mode is that reviewers weren't supposed to talk about?

Maybe Arcade Mode? (I dunno, not read any reviews and Nintendo games always have bullshit about reviews not being alowed to talk about the back half of games).

Arcade Mode unlocks after finishing Main Mode and then there seems to be another mode unlocked after completing Arcade Mode but I don't know what that it.

Completely unrealted to modes, but you can hit Select and it'll swap views, so cockpit is on TV while full view is on the pad. Dunno if that will help anyone but it's cool.
First playthrough complete.Man, loved every moment of the game, adjusting to the Walker and the gyrocopter took a little bit of time but overall I absolutely love how this game plays, it's interesting to see a game divide people so much like this. I'm one of those weird people who've put tons of time into games like Gunvalkyrie, PN03, and Armored Core so perhaps that's why I got into it after about a half hour of getting used to the new control scheme.

Now to try getting to the other 9 areas. I only played through 11 on my first playthrough so it looks like there should be alternative paths in almost all of them. Nice! Then there's the medals hidden around the levels to get as well..,

Game should last me over 15hrs or so I reckon.
Completely unrealted to modes, but you can hit Select and it'll swap views, so cockpit is on TV while full view is on the pad. Dunno if that will help anyone but it's cool.

It is not just cool, but also very useful, I like it way much better, than switching between 2 different screens.
Yeah, I botched that. OoT was definitely a long game when it came out, but shorter compared to more recent Zeldas.

The point was that sequels should have way more content as time goes on.

Why should they? Different content, yes but not necessarily more. I don't want my 20 hour game to morph into a 60 hour slog that I'll struggle to bring myself to finish. I like games to be lean but with meaningful content rather than tacking on artificial side quests of the 'collect all these things' or 'free all these imprisoned characterless npcs', as so many games do these days.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It wouldn't need to be needless padding. Your Zelda analogy is just bad and I'm pointing out why. If each Zelda game added more and more dungeons and stuff you'd have a point.

Actually sir, my Zelda analogy was excellent. *adjusts glasses*

True, there may not be more dungeons in TP, but the dungeons are in fact, much bigger all around.


holy crap did the tear into polygon for there non review solid discussion from the 3 though.

As they should have. We had the game for a month. Gies has no excuse for not being able to complete the game or learn the controls to a point of being able to accomplish that.

K' Dash

Just preordered mine, it is preloading ATM, can't wait, some Star Fox in between Dark Souls sessions sounds fucking amazing to me.


Going to buy this game tonight despite some of the average reviews. I think I'll really enjoy it since I really do just want a new SF64.

I hope they continue making Star Fox games... After the GameCube games and DS game I kind of doubt they are willing to continue it if this game flops in sales.
Say you're all new to this Star Fox. You know, been around the block but never got a chance to ever play any of them really. What would you want to hear about SFZero being your first experience?
But nobody had issues with Star Fox 64, it having closer to around an hour's worth of a campaign. The idea here is to recapture the magic of 64, and give a decent-sized slew of levels for an arcade mostly-on-rails shooter with enough replay value to get many more hours worth from the game than just what the campaign will give.

I don't understand why people are always looking for this huge, long epic story and adventure with every beloved IP ever. Star Fox has always been about short burst playthroughs and high scores (excluding Adventures, of course).

For me it's the price tag (€45). Can't justify that for an on rails shooter with a three hour campaign. I guess it depends on how much you enjoy this genre.

Might get it second hand if I van find it for 30 or less.


still interested but 49.99 euro + 14.99 euro for Guard is quite the premium price for a game that may or may not be fun for me to play.
For me it's the price tag (€45). Can't justify that for an on rails shooter with a three hour campaign. I guess it depends on how much you enjoy this genre.

This. I had to pay £60 for SF64 back when it came out.... 60 fucking pounds, but it was totally worth it, really replayable as well. I've also paid full price for games like Ikaruga, and a bunch of other schmups that don't even last a couple of hours on the first playthrough. But they're always a blast to play through again, beat high scores, and meet certain requirements.

A hella long schmup goes against the grain of what a game like that this is. Something you can play through in it's entirety in short bursts over and over again once you get good, and perfect your runs and performance. Already on my second playthrough of SFZero and it's just getting more and more fun trying to improve on my previous run! Unlocked Arcade Mode which'll be worth playing through again and again, and there's still another mode I can't select yet! Still got half of the levels to unlock through secret exits as well!


As they should have. We had the game for a month. Gies has no excuse for not being able to complete the game or learn the controls to a point of being able to accomplish that.

He's probably like this AtticGaming86 guy I'm watching stream the game. He's complaining nonstop about how he's being forced to use the gamepad and motion controls and how he has to fight against the motion controls to aim. He's not even trying to learn them. Makes me wonder what gaming would be like if people were as stubborn about analog sticks and 3D games. He's also simultaneously complaining about how Nintendo is just rehashing the same levels from previous games. Game's too different and too similar!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ok, I found this a bit humorous...


Xaero Gravity

He's probably like this AtticGaming86 guy I'm watching stream the game. He's complaining nonstop about how he's being forced to use the gamepad and motion controls and how he has to fight against the motion controls to aim. He's not even trying to learn them. Makes me wonder what gaming would be like if people were as stubborn about analog sticks and 3D games.
Some people just don't like motion controls. I don't see why that's such a problem for people.


Just did the first play through to completion. Fucking great stuff. Still have to go back and find a load of things though. Also
The message during the credits...sniff

Do not read that spoiler until you have completed it.


When has this thread become an OT?

It always happens. Because OTs now can only go up the day before release you get people who get the game early (through broken release dates or just arriving early from an online order) with no where to discuss the game but the review threads go up as soon as the embargo ends so it's the only place to discuss a game until the OT goes up.
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