I don't think that whatsoever, what kind of mental gymnastics did you have to perform to come to that conclusion?
I have said that WOMEN CAN CHOOSE TO WEAR WHAT THEY WISH TO WEAR, but it doesn't stop the FACT that this item of clothing was designed as a TOOL OF OPPRESSION and that individuals who are OPPRESSED are often SILENCED from speaking the TRUTH.
If you cannot take into account that being a variable then you are a lost cause, my opinion was based on what those women said in particular, that's what it was, an opinion, it doesn't stand for all women obviously.
I am also not using them as "Tools for an argument" the argument here is around the fact that a woman has been banned for not complying to an item of oppressive clothing by an oppressive regime.
I FULLY support equal voices for women, I support women's rights, my mother was a feminist (not the modern type, you know, the type of feminist that actually cared about women rather than shaming them for not following their ideology.) it is YOU who use women as a tool to argue in favour of your own sense of self-satisfaction, you think you hold the moral high ground because you are being "virtuous" because you are trying to defend something that was built as an oppressive tool to not offend ideologies but by doing so you are actually, HARMING women.