That was a pretty good ep, I guess that war moon could could as a strange new world. I'm getting fatigue with so many eps dealing with character pasts rather than seeing them now moving forward. Still, this was a cool premise, even if the end was kinda out of nowhere.
It does kinda bug me that we can have actors who have never served portray military folks, PTSD, etc and it's all "ACTING!!!" but God forbid we have non-lgbtq++/ethnic/non white cultures "act" outside of their lived experiences. It's down right insulting to see a show get away with sloppy military jargon (like saying F-O-B instead of 'fob" as in 'key fob') instead of hiring ACTUAL vets, of which there are MILLIONS, and letting them portray their own culture themselves. Getting real world military experienced folks on board is real easy nowadays and it should be the standard.
Still, the M'benga actor has a martial arts background and at least he gets to show that off. Can't believe that resolution though, Una gets a whole trial episode and he gets a "well, there MIGHT be an inquiry....". I feel like the Ambassador had some really good points about cooperation, I wish there was more discussion about that part, even if the basis for it would be fraudulent. Stolen Valor, of a sort, is a thing and worthy of an entire ep itself. Same with the idea of "banking" the mortally wounded in the transporter system. JFC, that tech would be sooooooo useful if you could just carry around a hard drive loaded with a spec-ops team or whatever.
Seeing the oddball Howard brother was nice though