Well, for those following the schedule, this week we've got a really good lineup. And for those of you not following, hope you're having fun all the same.
Week Ending July 16
"Balance Of Terror"
"The Squire Of Gothos"
"The Arena"
"Space Seed"
Balance of Terror is widely regarded as one of the shows finest episodes, and features the first Trek appearance of Mark Lenard, who would play several roles in later episodes and movies, most notably Sarek, the father of Spock.
The Squire of Gothos is a very fun episode. If you saw the Futurama episode with all the Star Trek actors, you'll see where a bit plot inspiration for the episode comes from.
The Arena is most famous for one of Treks most famous location shots at the Vasquez Rocks in California. Used in many movies (sometimes to parody Star Trek), and was HQ for the early Power Rangers.
Space Seed is another famous Trek episode, as it sets up one of Trek's greatest villains, Khan Noonien Singh. While not on Netflix streaming, I would highly encourage a rental of the film "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" once you're finished with TOS (don't watch the movies before you finish the series, either fully, or what's on the schedule)