Supa Necta
Built an ePalp and an eHan/eRey to play with my wife. We've been swapping sides and heroes really need a good opening draw and rolls to win. What's a good yellow or blue card to remove Palp's dice?
What does cycling mean? Sorry new to this.
Built an ePalp and an eHan/eRey to play with my wife. We've been swapping sides and heroes really need a good opening draw and rolls to win. What's a good yellow or blue card to remove Palp's dice?
Can you just buy two of those basic boxes and play indefinitely?
Yes but you will be bored very fast.
Two Palpatines ended up in the cut but both lost. Winner was eAurra Jango against eLuke Rey. Ironically/sadly we ended up with another 5th place where he went undefeated until losing to the last undefeated player, but his first opponent went 0-4 killing his SOS. He was pissed at the cut and I get it. But I mean what can you do? I dont think theres any way to really handle it. He cooled off fortunately.
Yeah, I remember a few weeks ago there were a lot of these types of comments, and it's generally pretty legit. I'd actually be cool if people opened up the cut to a higher number as long as it stayed best of 1, but also totally cool with following the rules. Pretty much as long as you know the rules at the outset and they get followed you really don't have anything to complain about. This is also a really common scenario of "UGH my first two opponents quit after going 0-2 and now my 4-1 doesn't beat the either 4-1s," but the thing that never gets mentioned is that if they quit they were probably awful players and you basically got free wins that you may have had a much higher chance of losing had you faced non-quitters, so I think it sucks but I don't think it's the all-time injustice that some make it out to be.
That's great. The one thing that doesn't get nearly enough attention is how great of a casual game this is. I almost wish FFG would just recommend two good casual decks for people to build because yeah it's a great beer-and-pretzels game as long as you have two decks that are somewhat even and not too hard to pilot, which shouldn't be that tough.Brought starter decks to a family reunion and showed a 15 year old nephew the game. He played Kylo and whooped me with some great rolls. I'll probably put together a couple of decks for him to spread the word about the game.
Yeah, I think my ideal for SCs is just maybe one or two more rounds of Swiss. Then fewer people can legitimately complain even if there is a small cut. Can't wait for those Shield tokens! Since I'm not going to Nationals or NAs or anything (why are all of these things always midwest or east?!) it feels like a real drought in the tournament season rn.the problem is if you open the cut up in some instances you end up with a 3-2 deck from Swiss winning it all.
I dunno, Destiny is pretty high variance which is fun
(and bit me in the ass today).
I think my SC season is over unless I magically get to one more, but I finish with 13-4 record in my 3 store championships.
now to go win some shield tokens
Yeah I love Disarm in this meta (though depends on how much Moe/Palp there is, because it's not great against those). I wish Han/Rey could play it but imo Disarm makes little sense with Graveyard in the mix.Threw two Disarms in Han Snap yesterday. Played both in two games, and one in one game. OMFG. And none were even against Vibroknife. And the best part??? There is so much modified damage with blasters out.. so they control the unmodified damage and leave the modifiers there, "Oh look.. I have one resource available.. Good bye Vibroknife or Holdout Blaster!!" Sure they go dead against a blue deck, OH EXCEPT that so many blue decks right now are melee and not abilities![]()
I mean yeah it is SUPER situational. Like you said, Moe, Palp, any deck with graveyard (though I do have a new orders in my deck that I would TOTALLY mulligan for if I was facing a graveyard)Yeah I love Disarm in this meta (though depends on how much Moe/Palp there is, because it's not great against those). I wish Han/Rey could play it but imo Disarm makes little sense with Graveyard in the mix.
How much does a top meta deck cost in this game?
$100-$200. Best bet would be to buy 2-3 boxes and find some people to trade with.
That's not bad. Are cards reusable between decks, or is every new deck a completely new set of cards?
Like in Pokemon you can use a lot of the same trainer cards and support pokemon in multiple decks, so after you build your first deck other ones are way cheaper, or like magic where obviously you're not going to reuse cards in decks of other colors.
Empire at War preview. some new cards revealed i believe.
I love that the game is getting bigger with new stuff, but I think I have to step away at this point.
I just cant justify spending 200 dollars on more boxes of Empire at War. These expansions are popping off too quick for me.
I love that the game is getting bigger with new stuff, but I think I have to step away at this point.
I just cant justify spending 200 dollars on more boxes of Empire at War. These expansions are popping off too quick for me.
I'm seriously considering the Team Covenant saga sets going forward, because even though it's priced at $300, you do get one of each legendary guaranteed (plus two of everything else).
Out of 4 boxes total between Awakenings and Spirit, plus a handful of loose packs, I have yet to score either a Darth Vader or a Palpatine.
I'm done buying packs for either expansion, and I'm not willing to shell out $30 to $40 for one card/die for either of these right now.
This game is getting very expensive.
A store nearby says they have a ton of awakenings boosters in stock. Should I buy a box or two? Is the expected value of the singles more than the cost of a box?
That's correct.dumb question time: Palp's 2 dmg per resolve special only works with his character dice, not on any upgrades he has on him correct?
That's correct.
Really excited to try out this deck jstevenson turned me on to, mostly for how bad it potentially hurts FN and other decks on the upswing:
Thing is, it clearly benefits from a ton of pilot experience (and the list itself could likely be improved to match my own playstyle), buuuut I haven't gotten the chance to play Destiny in a couple weeks -- d'oh! There's a Store Champs next Saturday I'm considering going to, but rather not that be my first experience with the deck.![]()
congrats on the SC win. had you played with that deck before on TTS at all? pretty crazy to do so well with a deck you just built the night before!
also crazy that you havent played any Poe/Maz, in that event or elsewhere
I've seen some thought that if FN decks become huge in your local meta running VR with Cargo hold wouldn't be the worst idea. In which case FH could still be useful if you get it turn 1 and move it over to Vader.i just pulled a second vader a couple of days before the Fast Hands nerf came out. should i still try and put together a Vaider Raider deck? FH would be completely useless in that deck now though wouldnt it?