Kelly Marie Trans sounds like a real genuine sweetheart irl. It's a shame they made her basically the Jar Jar of the ST. I mean.... Wtf is this? Seriously.
Rian was not ignorant of the abuse hurled at Jar Jar and Anakin, yet he went ahead and purposefully put this POC actress into a controversial and frankly unlikable leading role. KMT was his bait, and he played the trolls all the way to 2 years of narrative dominance, through virtue signalling, as well as flattery of the media class itself, which he continues today. come on, the first thing she does is act bi polar, fangirling like an anime character, then tasering this recently injured hero after accusing him of being a coward. this is definitively not the behavior of a character in the SW universe. Rian himself admits to basing her on a girl he knew in high school. she is a literal fanservice character for him personally. KMT left social media and from what i understand wrote that a lot of what she was going through was industry related, that comments about her body were being made in the industry, a lot of the abuse she discussed was through working as an actress, toxic fans really never coming up, all that being a media creation. look at the documents, folks.
her main reasons seemed to be not wanting to deal w all the attention. IMO quitting Twitter is not a huge thing, but to the media it is this ultimate sin, and a sign the world is ending, that people made her quit social media. the honest truth is that anyone who wants to remain sane should quit social media, it is an inherently toxic medium. Twitter has done far more to harm POC like KMT than any Youtube video on how Luke was ruined. the more famous you are the more nutjobs you will attract. if you are in something as big as Star Wars you attract literally every racist/bigot on the planet.
naturally, the establishment media wants to take the spotlight off anything remotely controversial such as the mistreatment of POC characters or miscasting of minority actresses, and so they misdirect to highlight the "alt right" trolls instead. IMO, like with John, and probably Daisy, they are just doing a job, working hard, and don't have a say in what the idiots managing them are telling them to do. no doubt their daily handlers fed them all kinds of propaganda. we know that John didn't learn fans were upset his character didn't have more to do until quite later. the actors were all good, tho the material was garbage. they are truly are the MVPs, and it is a shame how much talent was wasted.