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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)


I think they just pretended that never happened and carried on
"Oh look, we solved a major problem with a simple solution that anybody can do. Now let's forget about it."

Some fuck ups are just too dumb to fix.

Episode 8 was a dream, fixed. It is stupid but it would literally solve the issue.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I think they just pretended that never happened and carried on

They do show more force ghost interacting with real world objects in this movie tho. Apparently Luke catches Rey's lightsaber when she throws it.

I dunno why ghost aren't fighting Palpatine then. Maybe they are too busy fighting ghost Darth Maul and ghost Count Dookie on the ghost Starkiller Base.
They do show more force ghost interacting with real world objects in this movie tho. Apparently Luke catches Rey's lightsaber when she throws it.

I dunno why ghost aren't fighting Palpatine then. Maybe they are too busy fighting ghost Darth Maul and ghost Count Dookie on the ghost Starkiller Base.

Nothing about these last three movies makes sense.

It's just Disney Fan Fiction.


Have seen the movie now. Every leak was right (the most recent ones)

Film is obviously dull but it is a nice action flick with cool action scenes. Just don't think about the story.

Spoilers and personal opinions ahead:

The first 30 minutes feels like Star Wars on cocaine. When you see the Falcon chase scene where they hop through hyperspace you know what I mean.

The movie feels like it is played in 2x speed. After all it definitely feels like JJ tried to cramp two movies into one.

He must hate The Last Jedi too since Rose is now a joke character, even Finn doesn't show any signs of love towards her anymore and goes back to more Ray Ray.

There's a literal "fuck you" to RJ and his way of interpreting Luke Skywalker in TLJ by Luke catching his own sword which Rey wants to throw away and says "You should be careful with it it is important for a jedi" or something along the lines. He LITERALLY said that he was wrong with what he told her in TLJ. Literally 'forget what I did or said last time it was all a bad fever dream'... Suck it TLJ Fans, take the L and go complain about it.

In the end though it feels like Noone really won with that trilogy (except Disney making buckloads of money) but the fans truly have lost.

Almost every scene in this film is either a "hint hint" or trilogy call back or scenes remade almost 1:1 so they fit into this movie. Almost. Every. Scene. I'd say around 75% of the whole movie

Palpatine is a show stealer again.
Kylos performance is way better than Reys.

At the end Rey goes to Tattooine, probably to see where everything began with the Skywalkers. She goes down into the whole where uncle Owen once lived sees the iconic kitchen, everythings flooded with sand now though. Then she goes back up, buries Luke and lead lightsaber in the sand. After that she reveals a new own, hers that she probably made by herself and it has a golden light. After that a woman with her alien horse comes by and asks who she is since it has been a loooong time since anyone has been here, she doesn't quite know what to say an stares in the distance just to see luke and leias force ghost watching over her and then she turns back and says Rey Skywalker.




damn! no audio and the whole thing is 3MB but yes that's the movie.

yep i just checked some places. amazing, the whole movie has leaked before release date LOL
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Rian's horniness of Reylo seems to have been the only thing that carried over from his film. dude was so pre occupied with hand sex that he validated Reylos. i dont care if there's a 3 second shot of her shutting the door on him, ~100% of Reylo imagery comes from that film and it's imagery. Rian directly owns that gross fucking kiss.
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Well, at least we got The Last Jedi out of all this mess. One Good to Great film (ESB/RotS/TLJ), one Good to Watchable film (ANH/TPM/TFA), and one medicore to awful film. (RotJ/AotC/RotS)

So goes The Star Wars. It rhymes and all that.

Honestly give it about 30 years and then reboot the whole damn franchise, I say.
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even with their "break" there are only 3 years until the next Star Wars movie is released!

hope they start writing it out in advance this time.
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Ok I have not watched the movie but was listening to a long spoiler internet show in Germany called Kino+ and the best thing I heard is how they ridiculed the LAST JEDI.

Like when Rose was asked if she wants to join an Adventure and she said. NO I was ordered to stay on board. Which was clearly a punch because of the wasted side adventure they had in Last JEDI
How hhow they ridiculed the scene when Luke did throw away his lightsaber in Las Jedi.

I love this stuff and it shows what kind of war was going on between JJ and RJ

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
There was good and there was bad. I legit teared up when chewie found out about Leia.

But I need to talk about the music, because holy shit, it took just the right percentage of Empire and just shoved it in there. By fuck it was GLORIOUS.


There was good and there was bad. I legit teared up when chewie found out about Leia.
i can see this working. thank god he didn't cut away like Rian did when Luke found out about Han. that was just one in a pile of character fuck ups that have been handwaved as "You only wanted to see him go super powered Jedi badass cos you're an idiot toxic male". LOL nonono like, i wanted some emotional CLOSURE. LOL. that is actually the entire opposite of toxic masculinity. LOL jfc

tbh the more i hear about this, the more crazy and messy and hyper it sounds, the more i look at it, i could see enjoying this more than TLJ, on a pure pulp entertainment level. maybe i'll see it at the drive in. at least characters are joining up and going on adventures and doing things, rather than arguing with each other. it could be a glorious b movie mess like AOTC and that would greatly please me.

this should have been episode 8. or episodes 8 and 9. what the fuck, Rian? they were running a marathon and when they passed you the baton you went and made all of us sit in traffic for 2 and a half hours.

wonder if someone has calculated the amount of money they missed out on by him torpedoing the series? how many trilogies has KK announced that are no longer coming out as a result of "franchise fatigue"? 3 trilogies cancelled? would be there is nearly $10 billion+ lost from TLJ pissing off fans. hopefully this movie's performance is a wake up call.
which will be the next one?
it will be announced in January.
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I liked it a lot.
I liked 7 (it was cool, not useful but cool)
I begin to support 8 (except the beginning with Luke trolling and rose)
9 is good but could have been sooooo much more if the movie was 1 hour longer.
It goes too fucking fast.
You don’t have time to process everything.
I guess the real problem of the trilogy was they didn’t have a real vision for it.
To much improvisation.
Palpatine should have been hinted since 7.
Lurking, scheming, manipulating.
It could have been fantastic.
In the end it is ok.
Too bad because the art , the vistas are so incredibly beautiful.

can’t wait to see the mandalorian, it won’t be available in France until the end March.
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Havent watched this trainwreck yet, but does anyone at any point in the movie even ask how Palpy could have survived? Or is it just like "oh kk, got it he's back."


mystery box.

the more i think, the more genius it kind of is. JJ was written into a corner, RJ had left him with nothing, but they always had Palpatine who had gone unused at that point. they couldn't bring back Vader cos Kylo is the Vader, but they could do this. but fans would get upset?

that's the point!

IMO one of the things they took away from TLJ was that trolling fans and sometimes just straight up ignoring canon results in more fans talking about your product. whether they are arguing or not doesn't matter, they are keeping your product relevant, making marketing people fall in love with you, "the metrics are so good, baby." this is why Rian was liked by them, and the last film bought them a whole ton of social & access media cred. trolling fans is a way to "keep it relevant", one of goals touted as a success by KK. they are not dumb, they have seen how fans trolled George during the PT, it is all part of the game. why not leverage that? have fans do the marketing for you, basically. have them sometimes write the films too.

so JJ is doing this movie, and it is guaranteed to have tons of fan service. he has to be allowed to do a few things that just fly in the face of canon & get fans talking & keeping it relevant. why not use that on the Emperor?

gotta admit, it's kind of a smart gamble, in a cynical capitalist way.
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mystery box.

the more i think, the more genius it kind of is. JJ was written into a corner, RJ had left him with nothing, but they always had Palpatine who had gone unused at that point. they couldn't bring back Vader cos Kylo is the Vader, but they could do this. but fans would get upset?

that's the point!

IMO one of the things they took away from TLJ was that trolling fans and sometimes just straight up ignoring canon results in more fans talking about your product. whether they are arguing or not doesn't matter, they are keeping your product relevant, making marketing people fall in love with you, "the metrics are so good, baby." this is why Rian was liked by them, and the last film bought them a whole ton of social & access media cred. trolling fans is a way to "keep it relevant", one of goals touted as a success by KK. they are not dumb, they have seen how fans trolled George during the PT, it is all part of the game. why not leverage that? have fans do the marketing for you, basically. have them sometimes write the films too.

so JJ is doing this movie, and it is guaranteed to have tons of fan service. he has to be allowed to do a few things that just fly in the face of canon & get fans talking & keeping it relevant. why not use that on the Emperor?

gotta admit, it's kind of a smart gamble, in a cynical capitalist way.
Unused? He was dead!
Remember how the Internet exploded in 2011 when Vader had a new line during the ROTJ ending?
Now Disney literally cancelled that entire ending :messenger_hushed:

Hari Seldon

I am completely meh by the movie lol. The editing was so bad, shit just happened and then other shit happens. Nothing felt logical or consistent. Numerous times they go under the floating cube thing and it shows them going underground, and then later on the emperor just opens the roof and you see the battle in the sky? Like what they are supposed to be underground with a floating cube above them? Lots of shit like that. This DEFINITELY felt like a movie that was cut and recut and recut in editing. I literally laughed out loud when the main general dude from the first two Mouse movies randomly was the spy.

I entirely blame JJ Abrams for this mess. He failed to establish a villain in TFA which left nothing to work with in TLJ, so JJ randomly put the emperor back in this movie which WAS cool as shit... but it should have been established in TFA. The random fedexing of packages between Rey and Kylo was also laugh out loud funny.

A meh ending to a complete Disney fuckup of this series. 5/10. Watch it with a flask so you sleep through all the completely pointless and random CGI shitfest battle scenes, but wakeup for Kylo and Daisy. Or better yet, wait until you can watch it with fast forward so you can skip 80% of it.
Both my brother I came back from the theater with our girlfriends and both him and I loved it. They were not really SW fans to begin with so for them it was just eh...

Overall, a solid 9/10. Not perfect but no means, but definitely a good one in my eyes.


So much on this movie was retconning TLJ. Fuck that movie, ruined the trilogy potential. VII and IX were decent, I liked them.
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So much on this movie was retconning TLJ. Fuck that movie, ruined the trilogy potential. VII and IX were decent, I liked them.
This is more or less how I feel, just having seen IX.

IX definitely has a lot of nonsense. Plenty of Plinkett fodder. And that kiss is fucking unforgivable. They should have just had him touch her face then dissappear.

BUT all in all after the dumpster fire Rian left us with, this was at least was decent considering. Even if Rey is laughably OP. Definitely felt like two (or three) movies crammed into our, which fucks with the pacing. This should have been episode 8, at least the first two acts or so. Kill Snoke early but find out about Palpatine soon after. Then find Palpatine, and end the movie on a cliffhanger with him raising his armada. Or something. Dunno.

Fuck Rian Johnson. If this underperforms, maybe we can finally get rid of Kathleen Kennedy.
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-Cant bring the Palpatine back. That's sacrilige. Bring back Snoke or come up with a new villian.
-The pacing feels rushed and the plot is just kind of there.
-This is the least interesting visually of the Disney 3. To the point some special effects looked cheap.
-Knights of Ren wasted.
-Weak lightsaber fights.

+Whole gang as group together on adventures.
+CP30 side quest.
+New female Boba Fett design.
+JJ and Luke Skywalker shitting on Ruin Johnson's work.
CP30 hacker

Force Awakens > Rise of Skywalker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Shit Jedi
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Hari Seldon

One bonus is how mad the film seems to make the pretentious woke TLJ loving crowd.

LOL https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/cu...-of-skywalker-spoilers-episode-9-reys-parents

I'm far from woke but the best thing about TLJ is that Rey was just a random person with no blue blood line lineage. The idea that every force wielding person in star wars needs to be some blue blood is so fucking 12th century stupid that the idea that simpleton fans want this boggles my mind. The Skywalker Sage would be PERFECT fodder for justifying why some retard inbred imbecile should be in charge rather than far more competent people. Kim Jung IIIIIIIIII will be playing this shit on repeat.


I'm far from woke but the best thing about TLJ is that Rey was just a random person with no blue blood line lineage. The idea that every force wielding person in star wars needs to be some blue blood is so fucking 12th century stupid that the idea that simpleton fans want this boggles my mind. The Skywalker Sage would be PERFECT fodder for justifying why some retard inbred imbecile should be in charge rather than far more competent people. Kim Jung IIIIIIIIII will be playing this shit on repeat.
Ooooh yeaaahhh, Rey being "nobody" subverts expectations. That must make it inherently good and interesting!

(It doesn't.)

This is Star Wars. Not Rian Johnson's Pretentious Art House Wars.

Hari Seldon

Ooooh yeaaahhh, Rey being "nobody" subverts expectations. That must make it inherently good and interesting!

(It doesn't.)

This is Star Wars. Not Rian Johnson's Pretentious Art House Wars.

Why can't The Force choose its heroes based on character and quality rather than midichlorian horseshit? Want a master race of force wielders? Just have the chosen people have lots of offspring. This shit is so fucking Mein Kampfish.


Super Member
I'm far from woke but the best thing about TLJ is that Rey was just a random person with no blue blood line lineage. The idea that every force wielding person in star wars needs to be some blue blood is so fucking 12th century stupid that the idea that simpleton fans want this boggles my mind. The Skywalker Sage would be PERFECT fodder for justifying why some retard inbred imbecile should be in charge rather than far more competent people. Kim Jung IIIIIIIIII will be playing this shit on repeat.
Star Wars harkens back to stories ranging from medieval back to ancient myth. It's not just the blood, but families have connections to special events or feats.

If Rey performed an amazing feat and had a family, there would likely be a House of Rey. But she kinda just takes everything from another family for no good reason.
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I'm far from woke but the best thing about TLJ is that Rey was just a random person with no blue blood line lineage. The idea that every force wielding person in star wars needs to be some blue blood is so fucking 12th century stupid that the idea that simpleton fans want this boggles my mind. The Skywalker Sage would be PERFECT fodder for justifying why some retard inbred imbecile should be in charge rather than far more competent people. Kim Jung IIIIIIIIII will be playing this shit on repeat.
It would be fine also if it wasn't part of the "Skywalker saga". You wanna tell a story about a Jedi that came from nothing, then make one of your "A Star Wars Story" movies. Otherwise, if they MUST be part of the episodes in the "Skywalker Saga", then have them organically be introduced in the series through our already established heroes. As it stands now, Rey just kinda comes in through Episode 7 and hijacks the series for herself, and that would be fine IF she had a connection, but Rian "asshole" Johnson thought it would be better to "subvert our expectations" instead of telling a story with any cohesion. She needed to either be introduced to the audience through a character we already knew, or she needed to have some kind of connection to them that we learn about. You can't just say that this is the Skywalker Saga, and then give the reigns to a non-Skywalker in the last 3 acts.

Introducing Rey the way she is introduced in Episode 7 only makes sense if she is a Skywalker, or someone connected to our established heroes. If she really was just a nobody, then she should have been introduced later in the movie, and through a character we were already familiar with and cared about. Episode 7 really should have started with Luke Skywalker, or Han Solo, and then they find Rey, and we learn about her through our heroes we already had a connection with. It's less of a shock to the audience then to automatically accept her as the new hero of the franchise going forward, beyond Disney basically saying "she's the hero because we say so"
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