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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)


So was my fear, since they revealed Palpatine would return on that d23 stage, that they would only bring him back so that mary cheat code Sue Rey could be the one to trully kill him off, thus ruining the entire Anakin redemption and his arc with Luke, legitimate?

Fret Runner

So was my fear, since they revealed Palpatine would return on that d23 stage, that they would only bring him back so that mary cheat code Sue Rey could be the one to trully kill him off, thus ruining the entire Anakin redemption and his arc with Luke, legitimate?


So was my fear, since they revealed Palpatine would return on that d23 stage, that they would only bring him back so that mary cheat code Sue Rey could be the one to trully kill him off, thus ruining the entire Anakin redemption and his arc with Luke, legitimate?

Correct! There is just so much "WHY?!" "HOW?!" questions this movie generated that had no answers. It was a clusterfuck.
Make old republic stories or completely new ones set long after return of the jedi, then even if shit you at least don‘t retroactively ruin the saga as a whole.
I was talking to one of my friends about this a month or so ago. I was saying that somehow Star Wars (especially the ST and the spin offs) is this massive universe, but everything seems so small. Everything happens to tie together, C3PO and R2D2 are the Marlins Man of movies - they just happen to be at every big event. While I can handle that to a certain extent, I'm just tired of the same old thing done worse and worse.

KOTOR is easily one of the best pieces of Star Wars anything, and other than going to Tatooine, the game took place in all kinds of places we never saw in the movies. It introduced tons of new characters and told a story that felt incredibly fresh and rich without having to rely on the OT. Disney is so risk averse that they've done nothing but leech off of the OT's nutsack
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Love how ERA is blaming JJ to be able to still praise Rian and pretend he was the savior of Star Wars, when it was in fact his incompetence that led to this clusterfuck in the first place. TFA may have been unoriginal and far too safe, but I don’t think it was necessarily a bad film. TLJ was hot garbage that destroyed any real potential. Now JJ’s being blamed for trying to do his best with a shit hand.

It’s really incredible that Disney allowed the directors of a trilogy of such a beloved franchise to take it whichever direction they desired when their visions were so fundamentally different. What the hell were they thinking?


Gold Member
The Last Jedi was so bad that I don’t even care about the spoilers anymore.

I wasn’t going to see it opening weekend, wasn’t going to watch it at full price and the only thing I’m looking forward to are some giant on screen space battles.

I feel bad for Ridley, Boyega, and Isaac. The trilogy started out with a good ensemble cast that could have amounted to something but was immediately crapped on by Rian Johnson.

At least the trilogy is over and the IP could get a fresh start.


Super Member
Love how ERA is blaming JJ to be able to still praise Rian and pretend he was the savior of Star Wars, when it was in fact his incompetence that led to this clusterfuck in the first place. TFA may have been unoriginal and far too safe, but I don’t think it was necessarily a bad film. TLJ was hot garbage that destroyed any real potential. Now JJ’s being blamed for trying to do his best with a shit hand.

It’s really incredible that Disney allowed the directors of a trilogy of such a beloved franchise to take it whichever direction they desired when their visions were so fundamentally different. What the hell were they thinking?
I have words for these guys, but they might be too harsh. Just imagine having a movie worth an instant billion dollars and blaming everyone else but themself and the writers and execs for it not being able to do better.

Sexists and racists didn't write the horrid trilogy, you guys.

Now, THIS might be getting too far. But imagine making a product so awful it CREATED divisions in race and sex.

It's fucking ironic. They applied satisfying movie logic to Marvel movies but applied comic book bullshit to Star Wars where the next creator undoes what came before, leading to a bunch of garbage.
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Report me if I continue to console war
While some of the characters feel like the director told them to do a generic star wars Chracter impression, and a lot of the acting lacks any depth.
The rey and ren scenes were the best acting, they actually showed some emotion and depth.
The locations are varried and interesting and there's some new cool little characters lol.

Palpatine returning felt pretty bizarre, it felt more like a star trek TNG plot where an evil lore (data's bro) went off and formed a cult of borg/android hybrids, it felt very wacky for a main line star wars movie, it was kinda cool, but felt kinda fan fictiony.

The action was good though, so I give it 7/10
So basically, TLJ was actually a good film? Lol how did they fuck this trilogy so bad. Im not saying that everyone has to like it but the story...you need to have some sense, proper conclusion, answer unanswered questions etc. Oh well, the majority of the cash they will get from new toys anyway.


Gold Member
So basically, TLJ was actually a good film? Lol how did they fuck this trilogy so bad. Im not saying that everyone has to like it but the story...you need to have some sense, proper conclusion, answer unanswered questions etc. Oh well, the majority of the cash they will get from new toys anyway.
baby yoda toys from mando will cushion any box office shenanigans in the profits sector.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
58% on Rotten Tomatoes currently.

Well.... Uh.... At least it's got better reviews than.... Uh.... Cats.

I was talking to one of my friends about this a month or so ago. I was saying that somehow Star Wars (especially the ST and the spin offs) is this massive universe, but everything seems so small. Everything happens to tie together, C3PO and R2D2 are the Marlins Man of movies - they just happen to be at every big event. While I can handle that to a certain extent, I'm just tired of the same old thing done worse and worse.

KOTOR is easily one of the best pieces of Star Wars anything, and other than going to Tatooine, the game took place in all kinds of places we never saw in the movies. It introduced tons of new characters and told a story that felt incredibly fresh and rich without having to rely on the OT. Disney is so risk averse that they've done nothing but leech off of the OT's nutsack

What's crazy is that KOTOR also occurred 4,000 years before the events of the OT so they basically were able to create the deep history of the universe with that series. And like all EU properties, once it was added to the timeline, it became de-facto canon and other entries in the EU were free to refer to it as the history of the universe. This is what made the EU just seem so vast and limitless compared to the tiny tiny universe of the Disney era - the many authors and writers and creators who contributed something to the EU found what they made earned a permanent place in the universe's expanding stories and others would use their characters or refer to events in their stories. It had a galaxy's worth of stories spanning many thousands of years which is what you expect a franchise like Star Wars to be. Like, space is really big, a galaxy is really big, there's a lot of stories you can tell. Disney doesn't seem to realize this at all with their rebooted canon.
I like how in ROTJ Palpatine loses when Luke throws away the sword, but in TLJ and TROS the bad guys lose when shit goes Michael Bay around them.

If they wanted Palpatine back, there's a perfect model to imitate: Saruman in the books. The Scouring of the Shire as some sort of I'M STILL RELEVANT villainy, followed by a stab which technically kills him but his spirit is forever doomed to roam Middle-Earth, incapable of any interaction, but just watching how the world heals and goes on forgetting him.

But no, we need to bing bing wahoo Palpatine out of existence lmao
They already did a really great Palpatine resurrection story in Star Wars: Dark Empire but as usual Disney hates anything someone else previously made and completely ignores it when coming up with this stupid "I'm back, baby!" resurrection for this movie.
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Not going to see it until Rental.

What a clusterfuck, I know Kasdan was retired but if you were Disney wouldn’t you have offered him all the money to finish it off? At worst he would’ve made a semi okay rehash movie like TFA but at least an enjoyable ride, I read the leaks I know there is no enjoyment for me to have from this.

I hate TLJ still do, “oh you will come round to it I was told, 2 years later nope”.
Not going to see it until Rental.

What a clusterfuck, I know Kasdan was retired but if you were Disney wouldn’t you have offered him all the money to finish it off? At worst he would’ve made a semi okay rehash movie like TFA but at least an enjoyable ride, I read the leaks I know there is no enjoyment for me to have from this.

I hate TLJ still do, “oh you will come round to it I was told, 2 years later nope”.

Kasdan? Not even God himself could save the clusterfuck that was the Disney Wars train wreck in my opinion.


This movie had more C-3PO than the previous two movies. I'm glad that he was with the main characters.

About the ending:
I'm not sure if I liked the last scene. I had a feeling that the movie would end like that. Would have been great if Anakin force ghost would have been there with Luke and Leia. They could have made cgi Sebastian Shaw.

I liked the yellow lightsaber but would have been better if it was Leia's lightsaber.
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They already did a really great Palpatine resurrection story in Star Wars: Dark Empire but as usual Disney hates anything someone else previously made and completely ignores it when coming up with this stupid "I'm back, baby!" resurrection for this movie.
I read that book as a kid and it’s way better than what we got.

Only oroblem it there is a scene with Luke taking down and AT-AT and he does it competently and isn’t a miserable failure. That is totally unrealistic in this trilogy with two force Jesuses. Would never work with this brave new depiction of Luke being cut off from the force unless the plot suddenly demands it.

So of course we had to ignore that cos that would have been expected! People expect Luke to do something helpful!

Kinda like you expect the last film of a Star Wars trilogy to do well 🤣
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I'm glad i'm jumping ship on this movie. Everything i hear creates a vision of a flashy, non-sensical movie, and because of it the most boring parts of AOTC (i hate sand and the Twilight level love scenes) make me feel warm and cozy again.
The Mandalorian is really the best thst Disney made of SW, with Rogue One a distant second.
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Kylo Ren becomes good again and Rey takes the name.

I still don't agree with Rey taking the Skywalker name, sorry. Completely spoiled the ending for me.

Personally the "Rise of Skywalker" in the title should be attributed to Ben, not Rey. In a sense, Ben guided Rey, both were troubled but he was the first to break bonds with the the dark side and saved her ass in the end, he knew he had a role to fulfill and did it.

Not only it felt such a bad decision not having Ben at least showing near Leia and Luke at the end, but also the way the forced down your throat that Rey is a Skywalker now...please. Either she likes it or not she's a Palpatine.

It's like going back to Episode VI, when Luke finds Vader is his father and decides to name himself Luke Kenobi, just because his father is a Sith.

Another thing. Leia was Rey's Master? LOL, please, since when is Leia capable of teaching Jedi arts? We know she's force sensitive but that part completely felt like bullshit.
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I still don't agree with Rey taking the Skywalker name, sorry. Completely spoiled the ending for me.

Personally the "Rise of Skywalker" in the title should be attributed to Ben, not Rey. In a sense, Ben guided Rey, both were troubled but he was the first to break bonds with the the dark side and saved her ass in the end, he knew he had a role to fulfill and did it.

It's such a bad decision not having Ben at least showing near Leia and Luke at the end.

Another thing. Leia was Rey's Master? LOL, please, since when is Leia capable of teaching Jedi arts? We know she's force sensitive but that part completely felt like bullshit.

REEEE Leia shouldn't know Jedi stuff no way she practiced that shit in the intervening 30 years. No way she was literally mentioned by Yoda as an alternative if Luke failed.


Goddamn the more i read, the more angry i am, and this is something as i mostly try not to get fed up with made up shit.

if Palp had a son then why the fuck did he not replace Vader with him? The whole idea of having Vader alive was because he had no suitable replacement and Vader, however hurt he was, was still the sole viable asset to him.
So now he had a sex (congrats), conceived a force sensitive kid which could be the next Palp, but still had a BBQ Sith side kick?



Holy shit. On the way home from seeing it I was just saying to a couple friends that they should have had the recording play at some point early on rather than just mention it in the crawl. It being in Fortnite sounds like parody.


REEEE Leia shouldn't know Jedi stuff no way she practiced that shit in the intervening 30 years. No way she was literally mentioned by Yoda as an alternative if Luke failed.

You're right, Yoda does mention another hope besides Luke in Episode VI if I'm not mistaking myself. But Obi-wan, knowing Leia is Luke's twin sister completely shits on her as a possible "Hope".

But still, it felt way to harsh the way they tell you/try to make you remember that in this film. But then again I suppose this was not the original plan. Leia was supposed to be introduced has the Last Jedi in the previous movie (Thus the name of the movie), if Carrie didnt passed way. That would make more sense.


Gold Member
Before I read any replies, reactions or reviews, I’ll say what I thought

- Amazing
- Managed to clean up the mess left by RJ
- Massive fan service
- Very safe and mostly expected
- Beautiful vistas
- Satisfying closure

watched VII and VIII yesterday, so they were fresh on top of mind

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