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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Got back from the movie. Saw it with MetalAlien MetalAlien

Heads are gonna role at Disney Lucasfilm.

Fwiw the last two movies I saw were Infinity War and Endgame and the theater was packed both times. ROS had less than a quarter of seats filled.

So.... I really need to digest all this but I want to say I liked the Emperor and I kinda liked they made him as having absorbed or having the souls of all the previous Sith. I liked that he's this soul sucking asshat that I guess tries to ultimately absorb Rey and Ben. It's the first film we actually get to see Force Drain so Palps is basically pulling a Darth Nihilus.

Also they do explain sort of how Palpatine came back. They ripped off the clone bodies thing from the EU. One of the Resistance members mentions it and you see tanks in the Sith temple.

Sidious was the best thing about this movie.

But it felt dour overall.

I see what they meant but this being "darker" than RotS. It's not that it's darker. It's just void of any cheerfulness that SW has. RotS felt like a happy romp compared to this.

Maybe it's just because I'm having the worst year of my life, but this is the most depressing SW movie I've seen.

Han is a memory and not a ghost. Luke and Leia are the only ghosties iirc.

The Wayfinder is a Sith Holocron.

Who the fuck was General Pryde or whatever his name was? Ffs I thought he was going to be Palps next apprentice. Nope. Wasted character.

Knights of Ren fall like little b***hes.

Good news Rose haters.... She has very little screen time.

Two girls kiss at the end. Satisfies LGBTQ community and those who are into two girls kissing.

Voice cameos by Yoda and Mace Windu and Bob the Jedi. Might have been others too.

No new prominent aliens. What really grinds me gears in this ST is the lack of new prominent aliens that the OT and PT had.

I don't care about any of these characters. Palps is the only one I did and he's the bad guy. Kudos though he was creepy af here and I loved the Sith temple on the Exogen or Exxon or whatever planet it was called. This waa some serious Wh40k shit going on here.

Btw it's Rey who saves Kylo initially. After Leia Force contacts him, Rey stab him in chest with lightsaber and as he sits there dying, she Force Heals him. He returns the favor to dead or dying Rey in the Sith temple.

Rey and Kylo are a "dyad" in the Force so Palp can eat their souls and gain there power. I actually liked this along with the idea Palpy has all the other Sith souls or some shit in him.

Ok that's it for now. More to come in a bit....


Got back from the movie. Saw it with MetalAlien MetalAlien

I don't care about any of these characters. Palps is the only one I did and he's the bad guy. Kudos though he was creepy af here and I loved the Sith temple on the Exogen or Exxon or whatever planet it was called. This waa some serious Wh40k shit going on here.

Btw it's Rey who saves Kylo initially. After Leia Force contacts him, Rey stab him in chest with lightsaber and as he sits there dying, she Force Heals him. He returns the favor to dead or dying Rey in the Sith temple.

Rey and Kylo are a "dyad" in the Force so Palp can eat their souls and gain there power. I actually liked this along with the idea Palpy has all the other Sith souls or some shit in him.

Ok that's it for now. More to come in a bit....

I also liked these parts. Imagine if rian didnt fuck wasted Ep8 on nothing. We could see more Sith Wh20K lore.

While Reylo kiss was too sudden. I interpret them as good friends, with force connection, giving a relief kiss.

Woke TLJ fans will probably jump at the romance or that a white male saving weak rey.
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I'm seeing it in IMAX Saturday but the amount of shit slinging going on made me unable to wait. I watched about 45 minutes of a cam version and based on those 45... what is people's problem with this film? It's definitely fast paced and I guess could use some breathing room but it feels like a real adventure like Star Wars used to feel like. I appreciated TLJ for trying to forge a new path for the franchise and this film feels like a repudiation of that so far but I'm kinda fine with it if it's going to be this pretty, this well made and this exciting. I don't even need more of an explanation for Palp than I got so far which was just him saying "the Dark side of the Force leads to abilities some consider unnatural" hearkening back to Revenge of the Sith a film where he convinces Anakin he can help him stop people from dying. I see people say there's no hints of the Emperor prior to this film but I think that's mostly because Rian didn't do much with it, JJ had as much hints as the first movie needed. You never see Snoke in person, just a hologram and since the hologram is made to look larger than he is you know it could be some trickery. Not to mention when Rey grabs the light saber for the first time she has weird visions of past events she wasn't a part of which to me always hinted at her having some kind of weird past/parentage but after Rian's film felt more like the Saber itself was carrying such memories. But now with this film I'm back to "nah, she was seeing hints of what she is"


Meh felt like a SJW power fantasy of them all coming together to fight the patriarchy only in real life they can't even come together to vote for the same Democrat. The really sad thing is in real life THEY are the first order...lol


Unconfirmed Member
I'm seeing it in IMAX Saturday but the amount of shit slinging going on made me unable to wait. I watched about 45 minutes of a cam version and based on those 45... what is people's problem with this film? It's definitely fast paced and I guess could use some breathing room but it feels like a real adventure like Star Wars used to feel like. I appreciated TLJ for trying to forge a new path for the franchise and this film feels like a repudiation of that so far but I'm kinda fine with it if it's going to be this pretty, this well made and this exciting. I don't even need more of an explanation for Palp than I got so far which was just him saying "the Dark side of the Force leads to abilities some consider unnatural" hearkening back to Revenge of the Sith a film where he convinces Anakin he can help him stop people from dying. I see people say there's no hints of the Emperor prior to this film but I think that's mostly because Rian didn't do much with it, JJ had as much hints as the first movie needed. You never see Snoke in person, just a hologram and since the hologram is made to look larger than he is you know it could be some trickery. Not to mention when Rey grabs the light saber for the first time she has weird visions of past events she wasn't a part of which to me always hinted at her having some kind of weird past/parentage but after Rian's film felt more like the Saber itself was carrying such memories. But now with this film I'm back to "nah, she was seeing hints of what she is"
It feels much more like star wars than the last one. It just suffers from not having enough time to let ideas, character or settings develop


After TLJ, they only had completely destroyed the OT, now the PT is destroyed as well (like, there is zero reason for it to exist after the ST) plus the bad guys technically won (Palpatine bloodline is alive and well, Skywalker is extinguished).
This thing needs the Ghostbusters 2016 treatment.
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Just saw it, loved it, 8.5/10.

Dont know what the problem is that so many people have with the film, i thought it was awesome. A couple of little things that stopped me from giving it a flat 9/10, but i'm nitpicking really as Abrams had an impossible job, and he almost pulled it off.
It really had that ROTJ vibe, and thats all i wanted from the final film, an epic ending, and boy was this film epic.

Rankings for me -

1. Return of the Jedi 9.5/10

2. Star Wars/ Empire strikes back 9/10

3. The Rise of Skywalker 8.5/10

4. Rogue One 8.5/10

5. The Force Awakens/ Solo 8/10

6. Revenge of the Sith/ The Phantom Menace 7/10

7. Attack of the Clones 5/10

8. The Last Jedi 4/10.

I knew i shouldnt of listened to butthurt critics, the film was awesome, and a fitting ending to the saga.
I'm not Abrams biggest fan, he thinks he's the new Speilberg, he even looks like Speilberg, but he's NOT Speilberg. He just about pulled this off though, touche to him.


Faith - Hope - Love
I watched it tonight and my best friend and we both enjoyed it. Although far from perfect, we like the new trilogy much better as a whole after having seen it.

It was beautiful and fun. They brought back Rey's scavenging old ruins skills, which I enjoyed in TFA. I feel it redeems some problems people had with Luke. It shows heightened powers previously only used in some of the games and other stories, and added some new abilities that 'haven't been seen in ages' through a deep connection between two people strong in the force, both with historically strong bloodlines. It also touches a bit on Leia's Jedi training, which is canon through Star Wars stories in other media.

Plus...it has Babu Frik. ❤

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Just got back...it was entertaining in spots, even with knowing what was gonna happen most of the time. I'm not sure if it could have been better if TLJ never existed, but if this is the conclusion, then I think the plot threads that this movie started and ends should have been started in the middle chapter. That's one of the biggest problem I think, because it's trying to cram as much as possible into 1 movie, when if they actually had a friggin plan, then that wouldn't have been necessary.

It had some fun visual set pieces though, better than any of the crap TLJ did. While i dont think the performances were bad, the Reylo stuff was maybe my least favorite part. I guess I just feel tired in general of the whole "only a jedi can face a sith" showdown thing that all star wars eventually do, while the big space battle goes on. Even though it was obviously forced into this movie, I do think I like Rey being a Palpatine, because it sets up a potentially interesting dynamic, but I feel like this movie didn't provide a satisfying enough payoff with it. Again, if Palpatine had been set up in the middle chapter, this could have gone so much better. Fuck you Rian Johnson, fuck you so much.


At least Tros was a fun ride than the drag that was Tlj.

TFA - i never liked the first order/new deathstar retreading. But it was a serviceable start, with enough threads to go somewhere. The 3 new protags were fine, albiet Rey was protrayed too op vs Ben.

TLJ - tipoff Rian went about closing all potential threads in the most nonchalant ways. He still ended the journey back at square 1. He didn't introduce anything worth of fanfic. Rey remains op. Finn Poe got sidelined by new strong females characters. Good guy Mark got shafted since Rian thinks he is so smart. Maybe Rian didnt like the retreading (despite rehashing ESB himself , maybe done sarcastically), but TFA had been done and received warm responses. It was unprofessional and disrespectful of him to destroy that setup.

Tros - shows that TFA retreading could work. I liked that the 3 protags are back in the centre stage. If only the 2nd part was done with more respect. Sadly the ST falls way short of the PT. I never liked the PT political sanctions, racism and dialogs. But they felt very much as part of the SWU.
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I dunno what it is about a JJ Abrams-directed action scene that just bores the hell out of me.

The only good things I can say about this movie is that the CGI is gorgeous, the directing is competent, some shots look nice, and some of the pander-y moments even got me teary eyed.

But overall, meh. Which, essentially defines this whole trilogy. Just a whole lot of meh.


I'm seeing it in IMAX Saturday but the amount of shit slinging going on made me unable to wait. I watched about 45 minutes of a cam version and based on those 45... what is people's problem with this film? It's definitely fast paced and I guess could use some breathing room but it feels like a real adventure like Star Wars used to feel like. I appreciated TLJ for trying to forge a new path for the franchise and this film feels like a repudiation of that so far but I'm kinda fine with it if it's going to be this pretty, this well made and this exciting. I don't even need more of an explanation for Palp than I got so far which was just him saying "the Dark side of the Force leads to abilities some consider unnatural" hearkening back to Revenge of the Sith a film where he convinces Anakin he can help him stop people from dying. I see people say there's no hints of the Emperor prior to this film but I think that's mostly because Rian didn't do much with it, JJ had as much hints as the first movie needed. You never see Snoke in person, just a hologram and since the hologram is made to look larger than he is you know it could be some trickery. Not to mention when Rey grabs the light saber for the first time she has weird visions of past events she wasn't a part of which to me always hinted at her having some kind of weird past/parentage but after Rian's film felt more like the Saber itself was carrying such memories. But now with this film I'm back to "nah, she was seeing hints of what she is"
you were so badly triggered by the negative reception it is getting you went and downloaded a cam version just to defend it?

Yeah, I am totally going to trust your review 😂


I dunno what it is about a JJ Abrams-directed action scene that just bores the hell out of me.

The only good things I can say about this movie is that the CGI is gorgeous, the directing is competent, some shots look nice, and some of the pander-y moments even got me teary eyed.

But overall, meh. Which, essentially defines this whole trilogy. Just a whole lot of meh.
Yeah...I legit got a little emotional when Harrison Ford showed up again...maybe part of it is also I had just had an argument with my own dad, but that was a well done moment.
Movie was doodoo. Nothing really exciting, idk what people were talking about with all this supposed emotional content packed in. It was nice to see Carrie on the screen, but that emotion is from outside the movie. Luke and Han looked like shit and acted like shit. Finn guy can't act. Poe guy looks like he aged twenty years since the last movie? Dialogue throughout the movie with only one viewing did not come across as terribly written but it was very poorly acted.

Theater was maybe half full and I'd wager maybe 1/4 of that clapped. I don't remember any reaction from anyone except the comedic moments with that little tech alien guy and for some reason when Rey and Ben kissed. I only say TLJ one time, I'll only see this one once as well.




I'm far from woke but the best thing about TLJ is that Rey was just a random person with no blue blood line lineage. The idea that every force wielding person in star wars needs to be some blue blood is so fucking 12th century stupid that the idea that simpleton fans want this boggles my mind. The Skywalker Sage would be PERFECT fodder for justifying why some retard inbred imbecile should be in charge rather than far more competent people. Kim Jung IIIIIIIIII will be playing this shit on repeat.

Why is this a thing that people keep on repeating?

Towards the end of Attack of the Clones there is an arena battle that has probably 100+ Jedi in it.
We also see many young Jedi being trained at some point also?

At no point in the story is there an explanation of the back story of all of these different Jedi.
Maybe some of them ARE just random people with no blue blood lineage.

Yes, we see that Anakins kids, Luke and Leia are strong force users but at no point is Yoda's or Obi-Wans or anyone elses heritage explained.

It gets even deeper than that so pay the fuck attention this next bit.
I know you think you are smarter than simpleton fans but you aren't quite as smart as you think you are.

The prequel trilogy especially hints at the idea that Jedi do not form attachments. Padme actually seems to believe that Jedi are forbidden to love.
So how the fuck are you getting the idea that all force users from the original and prequel movies come from pure bloodlines when the movies are going out of their way to say "these people don't reproduce". If Jedi aren't having kids then where are all these new Jedi coming from?

It's a contradiction to believe that all these Jedi have some bloodline lineage when the story itself is strongly implying that these people are not actually passing on their lineage at all.

As of the current 9 movies we know of only Anakin, Leia and Palpatine who are force users with offspring.
For the rest of the Jedi it's implied that they will not have kids as it's against their teaching.
For the Sith, the handful that we see, there is no hint that they are actively trying to have little super-Sith babies.

"Simpleton fans". Yeah, well, you ain't too bright yourself.
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the blood lineage wasn't ever really a huge deal in the OT/PT. i mean LOL how many scenes in the Jedi council are they discussing powerful families? 0. the force has always been available to random people. just look at Anakin.

TLJ doesn't say anything definitive about Rey's blood, and it's 100% possible she has amazing midichlorian count and force sensitive parents, which apparently is the case after all. TLJ just says her parents are "nobody" but that's only about how well they are known, their social or political standing, nothing to do with lineage or anything. it's kind of a pointless line! LOL well Anakin was a nobody until he was found as well then he turned out to be the chosen one..

most of the "wow this is so democratizing!" seems to have been TLJ stans running with their head canon. Rian tricked you into thinking he was saying something new. sorry, he wasn't. maybe if Finn had the chance to try and be a Jedi, instead of the constant jokes at him being a janitor. it's obvious only Rey is the most special person in the movie, so that theme runs hollow. hilarious to take it out on "simpleton fans" (though that phrase instantly tells me why he loved TLJ)

Broom Boy was nothing more than a mystery box.
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the blood lineage wasn't ever really a huge deal in the OT/PT. i mean LOL how many scenes in the Jedi council are they discussing powerful families? 0. the force has always been available to random people. just look at Anakin.

at any rate TLJ doesn't say anything about Rey's blood, and it's 100% possible she has amazing midichlorian count. they just say her parents are "nobody". well Anakin was a nobody until he was found as well.

most of the "wow this is so democratizing!" seems to have been TLJ stans running with their head canon.

100%. They showed some random kid using the force to grab a broom and flipped out.
OMG anyone can use The Force now!

What? I don't even know where that came from.

What's funny is that Palpatine goes out and recruits Darth Maul, then recruits Count Dooku, then recruits Anakin Skywalker, then tires to recruit Luke Skywalker.

Then at some point he thinks "wait I can just knock a bitch up and the kid will be my new apprentice"? Fucksakes.
He's been trying to recruit apprentices for like 100 years and only now he's like "why not just have a force sensitive grandkid instead". :)
The guy could be breeding a Sith Master Race but instead he is trawling the galaxy searching for Force users that can be secretly turned to the dark side!? Worst space Nazi ever!

I'm not even convinced that the prequels did anything to claim that your midi-chlorian count was related to your parents at all.
Surely it could only be coming from one parent since Padme is not shows as being force sensitive at all?
The originals only really show Luke using the force as a result of Obi-wan's guidance (and then Yoda's guidance)?

It's just so weird that people actually believe that TLJ introduced the idea that people who are not related to Anakin Skywalker can use the force.
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Here's another one, They ripped this off.


Just months later, by the same studio. Seriously, like nobody had any better script ideas???


So much for the fan backlash and 'this film is going to flop' rhetoric lol.

Nobody. Literally nobody said this was going to flop. Even that dickhead from the Quatering said it would do well.

What they DID predict, was that it was going to be trash. They were right.


Nobody. Literally nobody said this was going to flop. Even that dickhead from the Quatering said it would do well.

What they DID predict, was that it was going to be trash. They were right.
Flop was the wrong word, but a lot of people over the web have said the film will underperform due to the reviews and fan backlash. Obviously the film wouldnt flop, in the sense of Solo flopping.


Gold Member
I saw it and thought it was fine, not the greatest Star Wars movie but definitely suffering from trying to cram too much in.

Darth Sidious was the best part and I was even fine with Bens Redemption didn’t we know that was coming since the first movie?

what im not cool with is that bitch jacking the sky Walker last name without involving the social security administration in anyway or even letting us see that cool light saber color in action.

Anyway this series needs to take a break for a few years and come back with a fresh story that has no involvement with old character or hey guess what we were just kidding now there is a super secret final FINAL order waiting.


As someone who did not grow up with Star Wars, it amazes me how so many adults are infatuated with such a "kiddie" series of movies. Same with the Mandalorian. While trying to watch it I am just thinking "What self-respecting adult is entertained by this cookie cutter rated PG crap?"
Mandalorian is for the OT fans. It relies alot on fan service (the bar from a new hope which didn't allow druids but now is run solely by them as an example)

It's what you want from a star wars TV show.
Give us new and interesting places insife the universe without telling a "epic and very important story" (atleast so far). It's just a Mandalorian who happen to found this kid with special abilities. It's what star wars fans always wanted. Show us more of the universe.


As someone who did not grow up with Star Wars, it amazes me how so many adults are infatuated with such a "kiddie" series of movies. Same with the Mandalorian. While trying to watch it I am just thinking "What self-respecting adult is entertained by this cookie cutter rated PG crap?"
western civilization has turned it's back on religion & the myths of old. like it or not Star Wars is one of the only monolithic linear myths we have as a global culture. it means a lot of things to a lot of people, multiple generations. people need myths, they need spirituality. this is why the force is so popular, why the series is so popular. this is why Empire is so popular IMO, "Luminous beings we are" is the only piece of mainstream spirituality given to us in decades, possible centuries, which has such widespread acceptance, delivered with true optimism. this was super potent in the late 70s and it's going to continue being potent the more cynical and nihilist civilization gets. you can dislike the culture but it is there and it SW baked into it.

it is getting old hearing "who cares about these dumb kids movies?" we get it if you don't, but it's not some crazy weird thing people should be ashamed of. like what media should "adults" be consuming, Law and Order reruns only?
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It'll never happen because it's a story that won't make Disney look good. But I'd really love to see a tell all documentary about how this trilogy came together. It's so bizarre to me that Disney has spent billions to make it and did so little planning. Each film just having to build off of and throwing away aspects from the previous one because there wasn't a consistent through line.

Ulysses 31

It'll never happen because it's a story that won't make Disney look good. But I'd really love to see a tell all documentary about how this trilogy came together. It's so bizarre to me that Disney has spent billions to make it and did so little planning. Each film just having to build off of and throwing away aspects from the previous one because there wasn't a consistent through line.
Common theory is that Disney thought that there were enough sheep to flock towards anything with a SW brand on it and throw money at it without question.
western civilization has turned it's back on religion & the myths of old. like it or not Star Wars is one of the only monolithic linear myths we have as a global culture. it means a lot of things to a lot of people, multiple generations. people need myths, they need spirituality. this is why the force is so popular, why the series is so popular. this is why Empire is so popular IMO, "Luminous beings we are" is the only piece of mainstream spirituality given to us in decades, possible centuries, which has such widespread acceptance, delivered with true optimism. this was super potent in the late 70s and it's going to continue being potent the more cynical and nihilist civilization gets. you can dislike the culture but it is there and it SW baked into it.

it is getting old hearing "who cares about these dumb kids movies?" we get it if you don't, but it's not some crazy weird thing people should be ashamed of. like what media should "adults" be consuming, Law and Order reruns only?

I guess I was just misled about the Mandalorian. People telling me it's the next Game of Thrones but actually good. Watch one episode and it's Baby Yoda, Gina Carano, and some villagers with wooden spears gently beating up the most pathetic group of enemies I have ever seen. Of course nobody was in any real danger.


After TLJ, they only had completely destroyed the OT, now the PT is destroyed as well (like, there is zero reason for it to exist after the ST) plus the bad guys technically won (Palpatine bloodline is alive and well, Skywalker is extinguished).
This thing needs the Ghostbusters 2016 treatment.
Dude, did you even watch the movie? Kylo and Rey are a force Dyad, they can physically interact without physically interacting. Kylo totally immaculately jizzed inside Rey so she can give birth to a Skywalker-Palpatine.


Common theory is that Disney thought that there were enough sheep to flock towards anything with a SW brand on it and throw money at it without question.

It's not so much the overall quality. It's more that you would expect them to have it be tightly controlled. Abrams made the first film, created a bunch of questions he himself said he didn't have the answer to and leaves, then Johnson comes in and makes the (putting it mildly) divisive TLJ and leaves, Trevorrow is brought in for the third but leaves then Abrams gets brought back. It's just odd to think Disney kept handing over the franchise to people and saying "do what you want!" without a bigger picture view. Regardless of the result, how does that happen in that kind of corporate environment?
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Ulysses 31

It's just odd to think Disney kept handing over the franchise to people and saying "do what you want!" without a bigger picture view.
As I said, they thought people would accept what they're peddling without question because of the SW brand and didn't put much, if any, effort into producing a fresh and coherent trilogy.
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It's not so much the overall quality. It's more that you would expect them to have it be tightly controlled. Abrams made the first film, created a bunch of questions he himself said he didn't have the answer to and leaves, then Johnson comes in and makes the (putting it mildly) divisive TLJ and leaves, Trevorrow is brought in for the third but leaves then Abrams gets brought back. It's just odd to think Disney kept handing over the franchise to people and saying "do what you want!" without a bigger picture view.
im genuinely amazed they didn't film the OT trio in secret. they had to have known these actors, their most valuable assets, were aging rapidly, and time was of the essence. i was convinced they had mapped some kind of onscreen reunion out in advance they had filmed as soon as they got the go-ahead, and were pulling a fast one on all of us, and maybe near the end of the third film, we would finally get that emotional closure. JJ as the "master of mysteries" and known for lying to the public to preserve them, I thought this would be his ultimate magic trick. dude let me the fuck down.

so no, they did not do that, they did not plan such a thing out, and now Fischer is dead and it is impossible. the amount of Blu Rays they would sell just from a 5 minute scene of the trio all together, vs this lame ST, it is just mindblowing. they left hundreds of millions of dollars on the table bc nobody could think past a year or two.
I guess I was just misled about the Mandalorian. People telling me it's the next Game of Thrones but actually good. Watch one episode and it's Baby Yoda, Gina Carano, and some villagers with wooden spears gently beating up the most pathetic group of enemies I have ever seen. Of course nobody was in any real danger.
oh yeah IMO that is comfort food. personally i feel the same way. it's like picking up a comic book spinoff or something. but people have always loved their extended mythologies & Baby Yoda seems to be carrying on that spirituality, however silly it may be. at least it's far better than the Disney straight to video sequels of the 90s.
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Airbus Jr

So Palpatine intend to get himself murdered by Rey so he and the rest of the sith can possesed Rey Palpatine body..

And the award of the worst grandfather of the year goes to....

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$44-48mil for Thurdsay night. The Last Jedi did $45mil for compariosn. A $200mil opening weekend virtually garaunteed at this point. So much for the fan backlash and 'this film is going to flop' rhetoric lol.

I'm really surprised by this. The theater near me had few people watching the standard viewing (around 300 seats available) but the 3D viewing was over half-filled (around 168 seats available).

Let's see how the general audience reacts.
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