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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)


Sequel trilogy does ignore the whole Vader being the chosen one angle. Which I refuse to accept...

It’s not horrible. It’s just fan fiction.
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Was that Wedge?!

No question better than the TLJ abomination.

Palpatine still manages to be the coolest depiction of the devil in like anything.

end of the day... disney wars did nothing but fuck up the Star Wars universe by invalidating the original films it desperately tries to mimick.

I will continue to consider the Lucas’ narrative to be the one true Star Wars regardless. It’s better that way
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And since this has the same goddamn ending as rotj, bespin, Ewoks and all ... the emperor could come back and again with the second order with no explanation.

thanks for playing everyone

KOTOR the series to play off “force dyad” with Bastilla and Revan... I’d put money on it.


Just proves that RJ ruined Star Wars.

JJ makes 2 decent and generally well received movies. Not masterpieces but people at least can call them entertaining. He set up some stuff in TFA that could of been payed off but RJ decided to crap all over everything to "subvert" our expectations.

Instead JJ has to retcon TLJ and cram 2 movies into one. TBH Palps and Rey being the granddaughter and Kylo turning good would of all made sense coming out of TFA and would of worked spanning 2 movies.


I’ve shit on Disney Wars since day one with TFA. There’s a lot of memberberries pulling on my heart strings which is a bit unfair. Still probably the second best Disney Wars next to Rogue One.

Overall I’m very disappointed with the overall direction they took my once favorite and beloved story but I think we’ve all accepted or rejected that truth by now and it’s difficult when they’ve wasted the remaining lifetimes of our childhood heroes on these films. There’s no redo. There’s no dream scenario where George steps in to write them and Favreau to direct. It’s done.


Not the end of the Skywalker saga. Rey was essentially a Skywalker anyway even if you want to spin it within Disney canon because they already made Palpatine Vader’s forcerape daddy. So technically it’s always been a Palpatine saga as he was the phantom menace... oh btw that whole chosen one story and the whole series actually being about Vader... yea let’s forget all that stuff it was built on ...

and I do believe the end goal for Abbrams really was Palpatine a few predicted when noticing rey’s saber fighting style was the same as Palpatine in RotS. And you cannot top of the emperor as a villain

the saber battles blew, as did the space battle... not exciting whatsoever.

Im a bit sad. Like part of me finally died today.
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It truly was a Palpatine saga all along. With it even ending with a Palpatine taking over the Skywalker name while the real ones are all dead and buried.


Voice cameos by Yoda and Mace Windu and Bob the Jedi.

Was it Bob or Rusty?



They ripped off everything they could from the original movies... yet no one lost a limb in this series.

Revenge of the Sith utterly decimates this fucking movie in terms of epic ness. I seriously cannot believe Disney Wars makes the prequels ... better. L-O-fucking-L. Even those movies’ most cringeworthy diaglogue is legitimately more memorable and enjoyable than anything in the Disney trilogy that didn’t come out of palaptine’s mouth

fuck this. I’m out. George was the man
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Palpatine still manages to be the coolest depiction of the devil in like anything.

And now we find out he has a grand-daughter, having had children like any regular guy. Who ever looked at the Emperor in any of the previous movies and thought "why don't they show him with his kids?".


If you want to make Vader the chose one, then yeah, he did his duties by killing the emperor in the OT so get over it. And that circle was complete. He destroyed the empire

Then luke, vader's son, trained Rey whom defeated the reborned Emperor

Everything is covered but you can nitpick all you want
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Vader was not the chosen one, where the hell does people fetch this.

It was made clear that Luke was in the OT.

And that circle was complete. He destroyed the empire, he's the one who trained Rey, he is the most important character of the whole saga besides Palpatine which was returned for the ending
It was believed Anakin was The Chosen One to bring balance to the Force but even Yoda in ROTS admits that the prophecy could be misinterpreted.

Did they ever really say Rey was the Chosen One or even apply it at all in this movie becausd I don't remember anything like that yet people are saying she is.


It was believed Anakin was The Chosen One to bring balance to the Force but even Yoda in ROTS admits that the prophecy could be misinterpreted.

Did they ever really say Rey was the Chosen One or even apply it at all in this movie becausd I don't remember anything like that yet people are saying she is.
ive edited the post, sorry

Rey is not the chosen one. People are just bitching about something that's been answered because it's not what they wanted
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Vader was indeed the chosen one. Yoda and the council were flawed. Qui-Gon was the superior Jedi master, ahead of his peers, as to why he refused to be in the council since they were blind as they sat on their perch. Yoda was always skeptical and we learn that qui gon was the first to join the force in death, showing greater understanding of it over Yoda at that point in time.

Vader destroyed the emperor and fulfilled the prophecy by bringing balance to the force; whatever that fucking means because that will never be explianed and definitely Not by the committee of hacks at marvel and Disney.

Sequel trilogy was more than redundant and also invalidated the results of the real Star Wars before it.

Rise of Skywalker is indeed much Better than the pile of shit Rian Johnson made but it still serves us new Star Wars while recycling everything that was done better and with actual passion 30 years ago

Disney wars literally added nothing to Star Wars and butchered existing canon with its marvel wannabe Harry Potter bullshit.

Admittedly, it’s much better than Avengers: Endgame. As much as Disney wars rip offs each individual OT movie, it does that better than how Endgame ripped off back to the future part deux.
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movie concept and story arc was great tbh, but it was crammed into 2 hours and that movie deserved to be double the length it was. Like have the movie go up to the point where sidious takes the energies of the duo, and then end on a cliff hanger, and have a 2nd movie go from there with all the planet destroyers reaching the galaxy and the empire beginning its return so we could have the force ghosts appear and figure out a way to end the Sith Lord.
But meh I guess he was forced to do this movie in 2 hours, would have been nice to have two 2 hour flicks.


Tbh TFA was great..... if VIII would have had the whole snoke dies in the middle thing but with hints of sidious and maybe a return of Snoke in the end, sort of leaning to the idea that their are clones. Maybe the ring could have been some crazy sith demonic thing that goes crazy and they hear sidious’ laugh. Like something that leads to us believing sidious was behind everything in 7 and 8.


If there's one thing I really liked, it's how they handled Palpatine in this. He was legit creepy and I loved the whole "assimilated Sith in his body", soul sucking powers and that grandiose display of Force Lightning on the fleet.

They really made Sidious cool here and 40k'ed him up.

Him and creepy af Sith temple were my favorite things in this whole trilogy.
Yep. I liked all this stuff. Got the KOTOR feels with the life draining and force storming. Is it kinda silly he was alive, and did it nullify Vader's sacrifice? Eh, maybe. I wouldn't entirely say so. The only thing I didn't like was how easily Rey overpowered him in the end. They could have at least had her struggle harder, get moderately electrocuted in the process, etc. Kinda lame.
I'm far from woke but the best thing about TLJ is that Rey was just a random person with no blue blood line lineage. The idea that every force wielding person in star wars needs to be some blue blood is so fucking 12th century stupid that the idea that simpleton fans want this boggles my mind. The Skywalker Sage would be PERFECT fodder for justifying why some retard inbred imbecile should be in charge rather than far more competent people. Kim Jung IIIIIIIIII will be playing this shit on repeat.
You're acting like Star Wars is Space Harry Potter with Force Mudbloods and shit.

It's not. The now-discarded EU established long ago that anyone could be Force sensitive to a degree, although some species or races were notable for having evolved with a high degree of it and others with none. Humans, the most common species in the galaxy, were more or less randomly born with it, except when Lucas invented midichlorians in the PT because for some fucking reason he decided a "scientific" explanation was necessary for Cardboard, I mean Anakin, to be the Chosen One instead of just running with the original explanation of the Force in the OT.
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This movie was so bad lol. Laughed repeatedly during the film at all the ridiculous cameos and plot holes.

In the end,

TFA: 5/10
TLJ: 9/10
TRoS: 4/10


Just saw it. I loved it. Balance has been restored to the force.

I need to process. Maybe even see it a second time. But my first impressions are... I can't wait to see it again.

I don't think I've said that about a Star Wars movie since RotJ.

Yep can't wait to see it again with the kids during the holidays, my son will absolutely love this


Yep can't wait to see it again with the kids during the holidays, my son will absolutely love this
I ended up seeing TFA and TLJ twice each in theaters because I didn't take my older son initially. This time he went with us opening night. Only would spend the money to go again if my younger son wants to see it. He fucking loves Baby Yoda, but this film may be a little much for him. He got bored watching TLJ at home last month. And he's only 4. My older son was 3 and a half when he saw TFA but that was definitely more of a swashbuckling kid friendly type of film than IX.

Even though I didn't LOVE the movie, I do want to see it again simply because there was so much going on at all times; I probably missed some stuff.


I ended up seeing TFA and TLJ twice each in theaters because I didn't take my older son initially. This time he went with us opening night. Only would spend the money to go again if my younger son wants to see it. He fucking loves Baby Yoda, but this film may be a little much for him. He got bored watching TLJ at home last month. And he's only 4. My older son was 3 and a half when he saw TFA but that was definitely more of a swashbuckling kid friendly type of film than IX.

Even though I didn't LOVE the movie, I do want to see it again simply because there was so much going on at all times; I probably missed some stuff.
I always go see the movie first alone since my son is 5 years old and he asks questions a lot during the movie (obviously at his age I can understand) so I don't want to miss anything the first time around. My daughter is 8 so she can now follow everything on her own so that's alright.

My son loves it when there is a lot going on, he gets bored if there's too much dialogue and not a lot of action so that's why I said he'll love that one since there is barely 10 seconds without nothing happening.

I love being able to share these movies with them though!

Edit: they love baby Yoda as well, they were so down after the ending of episode 7. There was actually a 5 minutes of silence in the house lol
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Those are fat tits. They would vanish if she lost weight.
Fat tits, skinny tits, they're still just as fun to play with. She's got a thick midsection, so I know she's kinda fat, but it's a healthy heft. Not like the whales I see at wal-mart at least.


There was actually a 5 minutes of silence in the house lol
I'm half expecting a cliffhanger which continues to leave things up in the air until season 2.... otherwise Space Gus probably wouldn't feel like a credible villain if they resoundingly defeat him in one episode (even if he continues to hassle them in season 2). Anyway, the kids aren't gonna be pleased about such a cliffhanger... :messenger_grinning_smiling:


I'm half expecting a cliffhanger which continues to leave things up in the air until season 2.... otherwise Space Gus probably wouldn't feel like a credible villain if they resoundingly defeat him in one episode (even if he continues to hassle them in season 2). Anyway, the kids aren't gonna be pleased about such a cliffhanger... :messenger_grinning_smiling:
I think you're right, I'm expecting something pretty bad to happen and to leave us waiting until season 2. They almost have to now if they want to give credibility to the new villain.

I could of seen ending season 1 with the ending of episode 7 as well, it was a pretty good cliffhanger.

One thing though, baby Yoda is 50 years old, which makes him 75 years old and still a kid during the new trilogy. This means Rey can't be the last Jedi, no?

Unless baby Yoda dies or gets into hiding and never becomes one, I'm intrigued on how this will end
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Rey's scream duing the chewie 'death' was... something.

I thought the 3 protags had great energy and connections in Ep7 and 9.
In Ep8, they were kinda wasted by RJ.
Kylo was pretty intense in all 3 Ep.

Great bunch of actors wasted by bad planning from KK/Disney. :(


After Rey held down flying shuttle and eventually shot it down with force lightening... I thought Luke's raising the X-wing looked so... weak. You know, am I supposed to get wowed by it after seeing what Rey could do to a flying shuttle...? LOL...
As much as I think it's a shame people are so negative to this trilogy as a whole (honestly the only prequel I think rivals any of these three movies is Revenge of the Sith) I do wonder what it spells for the future of Star Wars. We know there will be an ungodly number more Star Wars movies but what shape will that take? If they saw pandering to fans works as well as openly trolling them what are they to make of that? Are they going to try and find some middle ground where the film respects the fans but is still artistically creative? Without Skywalkers will fans be more accepting of new movies and they don't need to worry? Or do the movies make enough bank they don't need to care what people do or don't like?


Complains about plot holes. Rates TLJ 9/10. :unsure:

What plot holes does TLJ have? Are you going to tell me about how we don't know Snoke's backstory? If you map out the story arcs in TLJ, they all make sense, because Rian Johnson actually has some sense about how to tell a story.

TROS plot makes no sense. The dagger alone accounts for enough plot holes to make any one that TLJ has look like a distant star in a far-away galaxy. Oh yeah, and also, the whole main crux of the movie revolving around Palpatine being alive, which is the stupidest thing ever. So many things I can't even list them all...

- How is Palpatine alive
- Everything related to the Sith dagger
- Why does Finn feel the force
- How does Luke's spaceship still work
- In the pivotal scene where Kylo Ren turns, what is going on, is Han a memory? A force ghost planted by Leia? Why does he turn then as opposed to all the other times he could've remembered his father?
- What is Palpatine even talking about when he asks to be executed
- After Rey and Kylo force fight over the spaceship that supposedly has Chewie in it and it explodes, what happens? Does Kylo just say "Aw well, goodbye Rey see you in the next scene!"
- Why does the Sith suddenly know that Hux is a spy
- Why did Rey's parents choose to be "nobodies"? Did they not have the same powers that Rey has? Why does she fight back when they chose to live as civilians?
- Why didn't Lando heed the call from the end of TLJ?
- How did Zori survive? Why is she no longer interested in Poe romantically after asking him to run away with her?
- Why is Rey a "Skywalker"? Is anyone who does something good a Skywalker now?
- What is the gold lightsaber about, why is this significant at the ending of Rey's entire journey?

I could go on. The thing is, these aren't minor things that are tangentially related to the plot. These are things that are supposed to drive the whole movie forward in its progression, and they are not explained whatsoever. Even if you didn't like the implications of the story that Johnson told in TLJ, the movie sense from a storytelling perspective.
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Perpetually Offended
What plot holes does TLJ have? Are you going to tell me about how we don't know Snoke's backstory? If you map out the story arcs in TLJ, they all make sense, because Rian Johnson actually has some sense about how to tell a story.

TROS plot makes no sense. The dagger alone accounts for enough plot holes to make any one that TLJ has look like a distant star in a far-away galaxy. Oh yeah, and also, the whole main crux of the movie revolving around Palpatine being alive, which is the stupidest thing ever. So many things I can't even list them all...

- How is Palpatine alive (he's a clone ... Remember, he told Rey to cut him down and his spirit would flow into her? He had a clone made so that when he died, which he did in ROTJ, his spirit would go into the clone)
- Everything related to the Sith dagger
- Why does Finn feel the force (it was intimated that Finn was force sensitive in TFA... This was reinforced when he was talking with the new girl whose name I can't remember about believing in The Force... Even Maz is force sensitive... There are degrees of force sensitivity)
- How does Luke's spaceship still work
- In the pivotal scene where Kylo Ren turns, what is going on, is Han a memory? A force ghost planted by Leia? Why does he turn then as opposed to all the other times he could've remembered his father? (Kylo/Ben finally turns because his mom, Leia, uses the last of her life essence to bring him back to the light side of the force)
- What is Palpatine even talking about when he asks to be executed (see above)
- After Rey and Kylo force fight over the spaceship that supposedly has Chewie in it and it explodes, what happens? Does Kylo just say "Aw well, goodbye Rey see you in the next scene!"
- Why does the Sith suddenly know that Hux is a spy
- Why did Rey's parents choose to be "nobodies"? Did they not have the same powers that Rey has? Why does she fight back when they chose to live as civilians? (Most likely they weren't force sensitive... Not everyone is going to be)
- Why didn't Lando heed the call from the end of TLJ?
- How did Zori survive? Why is she no longer interested in Poe romantically after asking him to run away with her?
- Why is Rey a "Skywalker"? Is anyone who does something good a Skywalker now? (She takes the name Skywalker because they were the closest thing to a family she has... And for the longest time, she had no last name... Her parents likely didn't use the name Palpatine so they used a different surname... So since that name wasn't known to Rey and she wanted to honor the only family she felt close to... She chose Skywalker)
- What is the gold lightsaber about, why is this significant at the ending of Rey's entire journey? (It's her own lightsaber... She buries Luke and Leia's sabers and the gold one is her own that she made from her staff/gun signifying she is now a Jedi)

I could go on. The thing is, these aren't minor things that are tangentially related to the plot. These are things that are supposed to drive the whole movie forward in its progression, and they are not explained whatsoever. Even if you didn't like the implications of the story that Johnson told in TLJ, the movie sense from a storytelling perspective.

The main reason many don't like TLJ is because RJ didn't advance the story. If anything, he regressed the story by making it harder for the next writer and director to finish the saga in the next movie.

Plot holes in TLJ?

-Holdo not telling her people what the plan was... Which openly invited mutiny

-what was the point of Canto Bight other than showing who builds the ships for either side?

-why did Finn regress back to a scared deserter after finding his fight instinct in TFA?

Those are the biggest plot holes I can remember from seeing that travesty last year.

And I answered as many questions as I could in the quote. I have to see it again tomorrow (Saturday, which is technically today).
This movie was better than part 2 but my god.....so many plot holes which only exist to stretch out the movie......the whole fin/poe storyline was just filler.
Was surprised by how much princess Leah stuff they used.
The main reason many don't like TLJ is because RJ didn't advance the story. If anything, he regressed the story by making it harder for the next writer and director to finish the saga in the next movie.

Plot holes in TLJ?

-Holdo not telling her people what the plan was... Which openly invited mutiny

-what was the point of Canto Bight other than showing who builds the ships for either side?

-why did Finn regress back to a scared deserter after finding his fight instinct in TFA?

Those are the biggest plot holes I can remember from seeing that travesty last year.

And I answered as many questions as I could in the quote. I have to see it again tomorrow (Saturday, which is technically today).

Those aren't plot holes. Those aren't even near what a plot hole actually is. It's part of why I usually try to disengage myself from talking about TLJ with people who hate it because they usually don't understand what terms like "plot hole" or "deus ex machina" even mean because they learned film criticism from Cinema Sins.


They ripped off everything they could from the original movies... yet no one lost a limb in this series.

Revenge of the Sith utterly decimates this fucking movie in terms of epic ness. I seriously cannot believe Disney Wars makes the prequels ... better. L-O-fucking-L. Even those movies’ most cringeworthy diaglogue is legitimately more memorable and enjoyable than anything in the Disney trilogy that didn’t come out of palaptine’s mouth

fuck this. I’m out. George was the man

Full spoiler video, long one!


What plot holes does TLJ have? Are you going to tell me about how we don't know Snoke's backstory? If you map out the story arcs in TLJ, they all make sense, because Rian Johnson actually has some sense about how to tell a story.

TROS plot makes no sense. The dagger alone accounts for enough plot holes to make any one that TLJ has look like a distant star in a far-away galaxy. Oh yeah, and also, the whole main crux of the movie revolving around Palpatine being alive, which is the stupidest thing ever. So many things I can't even list them all...

- How is Palpatine alive
- Everything related to the Sith dagger
- Why does Finn feel the force
- How does Luke's spaceship still work
- In the pivotal scene where Kylo Ren turns, what is going on, is Han a memory? A force ghost planted by Leia? Why does he turn then as opposed to all the other times he could've remembered his father?
- What is Palpatine even talking about when he asks to be executed
- After Rey and Kylo force fight over the spaceship that supposedly has Chewie in it and it explodes, what happens? Does Kylo just say "Aw well, goodbye Rey see you in the next scene!"
- Why does the Sith suddenly know that Hux is a spy
- Why did Rey's parents choose to be "nobodies"? Did they not have the same powers that Rey has? Why does she fight back when they chose to live as civilians?
- Why didn't Lando heed the call from the end of TLJ?
- How did Zori survive? Why is she no longer interested in Poe romantically after asking him to run away with her?
- Why is Rey a "Skywalker"? Is anyone who does something good a Skywalker now?
- What is the gold lightsaber about, why is this significant at the ending of Rey's entire journey?

I could go on. The thing is, these aren't minor things that are tangentially related to the plot. These are things that are supposed to drive the whole movie forward in its progression, and they are not explained whatsoever. Even if you didn't like the implications of the story that Johnson told in TLJ, the movie sense from a storytelling perspective.

How about the entire movie could've been negated with a simple flanking manoeuvre, the oldest and most obvious military tactic, in the book?


Rey throws the lighsabre away when she's burning kylos tie fighter and Luke's ghost hand appears to catch it and he says something like "A Jedi's weapon should be treated with more respect than this. What are you doing?"

I think you are reading a bit too much in to this. It wasn't a sick burn, Luke didn't consider himself as a Jedi when he threw the light saber away in TLJ.


I feel like, this new trilogy should have a entirely different trilogy that has nothing to do with the of ones or the prequels. Like inspiration from Kotor and give us a whole new cast of characters that can stand on their own.
Sequel trilogy does ignore the whole Vader being the chosen one angle. Which I refuse to accept...

It’s not horrible. It’s just fan fiction.
ST isn't Lucas anyways, therefore it isn't canon. Disney can say whatever shit they like about canon, but it's canon when Lucas says it is and Lucas has been very pointedly silent about the Disney era. He doesn't want any part of this shit.
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