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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)


I'm really surprised by this. The theater near me had few people watching the standard viewing (around 300 seats available) but the 3D viewing was over half-filled (around 168 seats available).

Let's see how the general audience reacts.

Opening weekend is probably something that, relatively speaking, won't fluctuate a huge amount from film to film. The telling thing is going to be how much of a tail it has, what does word of mouth do to people who aren't clamouring to see it opening weekend, will people go for repeat viewings etc.


$40mil for Thursday night is the new estimate. Deadline overestimated it seems. So a 200mil opening weekend is hard now, 180-195mil will be the range. It seems the reviews and TLJ did have an effect afterall.
I still expect better legs than TLJ though so a $600mil total is still in play imo.
It's almost impressive, almost admirable, in a "Wow, look at this glorious self-destruction" kinda way,. that they managed to make a movie that everyone hates.

TLJ drove a giant dildo through the heart of Star Wars fandom, completely fractured the following of the biggest cinematic property ever in half, created a divide that mimics the insanity of modern politics, and somehow JJ made a sequel that BOTH sides hate.

I would have bet money this was gonna be one of two things: either "I loved TLJ and hate RoS" or "I hate TLJ and love RoS" and instead it sounds it is just everyone agreeing that RoS is a trainwreck disaster.

How crazy is it to see things come full circle, that the prequels have been elevated to a new light in recent years, and now many of us would have preferred to see Lucas' original plotline/outline for the sequel trilogy instead of the mess we got. Almost painfully ironic.

Lucas' Sequels will become the new Release The Snyder Cut

what the fuck have they done

Who who is most at blame? Kathleen Kennedy?

Now I will always wonder what the original director (can't spell his name) was gonna do that caused disagreement and made JJ take over
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Gold Member
I will be interested to see where they go next there is no way Disney just drops Star Wars. But they need to drop Kathleen Kennedy . I will reiterate I did enjoy watching the movie though I did not think it was the best Star Wars movie. I would've said 6/10

Babu Frik is the real MVP

Were these black hooded figures in the hall where Palpatine was all of his clones? Or who were they?

I think they were meant to be sith sympathizers.
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Kelly Marie Trans sounds like a real genuine sweetheart irl. It's a shame they made her basically the Jar Jar of the ST. I mean.... Wtf is this? Seriously.

She's kinda hot too, it's like they went out of their way to make her unattractive in the movies. Especially with putting her in that potato sack in TLJ.

They should've let these babies fly free in the movies.


After marinating a bit, I think I can see where IX fits in my rankings.

V: 9.5
IV: 9
III: 8.5
VI: 8
RO: 8
Solo: 7.5
IX: 7
VII: 7
II: 6.5
I: 6

I use the full 1-10 scale. 5 means it is not devoid of redeeming qualities, and can still be entertaining. TLJ wasn't necessarily a truly bad movie in a vacuum, but it's implications for much of the lore, and the way it fit into the saga is/was atrocious (though some of that was soft-retconned in IX). IX for the most part did what it could given the lay of the land going in (despite still having a couple inexcusable blunders).

Really, TLJ should not have existed. TRoS should have been two movies, to give everything more breathing room... e.g. Kylo's arc, Rey's training, Sheev's machinations, etc. Really, the only important thing that happened in TLJ is Luke's arc. Otherwise, split things up, make the Palpatine reveal a surprise for VIII, then force people to wait two years until IX thinking "oh shit, what's Sheev gonna do???" Instead VIII ended in a weird spot with no true credible main villain (we already knew Ben would be redeemed, it wasn't even a question).

Still has problems, but likely much better than what we got.


Just seen it, it's great and such a shame that JJ didn't get to make all 3 and had to work with the tlj mess.

My only complaint is that there's way too much stuff going on this movie. It felt like episode 8 and 9 in one single movie.

And the obvious cheesy moments like:

I will kill you Poe I hate you
Look this is the medallion that will set me free.
Here take this medallion to save your friend I've never met

Seriously, who writes these fucking awful moments?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Just saw the Star Wars Theory review. I think it's kind of what I expected.

If you are actually the unfortunate son of a bitch that has to follow all the problems created with TLJ, then this is mostly the best you could have hoped for. I think a lot of people are going to be unable to separate this film's faults from TLJ, and will probably end up condemning this movie a bit too much. It sounds like JJ really tried to fix it, but it was just almost impossible to do after TLJ.

Oh well. I'll probably see it this weekend.

It sounds like the critics are bombing the movie mostly because it makes them look stupid. RotS is a direct rebuke of TLJ, so anyone that publicly stood up for that film will end up looking like even more of a fool after this one (aka: most critics). Seems it's still best to just go with the opposite take the critics have on most films.
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it is funny, all the Fandom Menace people have seen it and given their views and they've been on the whole more or less positive, of course some hate it, but many like it more than the other 2. there were a lot more people than just that "loud minority" that were not satisfied with the last movie, and going some ways to address those may be a kind of olive branch. kinda looking forward to seeing those parts tbh. JJ was talking about being influenced by Rian, and i can see that in a number of ways, RJ deconstructed his stuff, he does the same. overturning the previous guy is just the Rian thing to do ;-p

of course it harms the overall story cohesion but let's be honest it was never there to begin with, fuck it.

if this is a silly stupid space adventure movie, that might be the best. regress back to critics-hate-it-and-fans-love-it b-movie pulp fiction standard of the prequels. TLJ was not that good, it is just that critics used it to feed their intellectual superiority complex & proclaim "the first actually good movie", if you don't agree you "don't know how to watch movies" that are "for children".

like it or not, FilmCritHulk type self importance prestigue tv style paired with mostly positive TFA-fueled speculation, largely propped up that last movie. ithat cynicism is never what SW was about. it wasn't sarcastic. it wore it's heart on it's sleeve. an over-eager, awkward, needlessly baroque pulp fantasy is more the classic mode and from the sound of things this movie more than the others tries to nail that Flash Gordon/prequels style. could be fun?
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Saw it last night with my 12 yr old daughter (fan of SW) - and we both enjoyed it. She kinda has fallen out of SW fandom since TFA and on... but she throughly enjoyed the RoS and ending and so I have too.

Sure it's got many issues - but I think JJ did admirable job of finishing up the story in given time and resource of what he had to do after such a F** up from TLJ. Like a lot of people mentioned - it feels like JJ tried to put back whatever he could in the RoS that was dropped by RJ - thus making the whole movie feeling like 2 in 1. Rushed and all over the place. However, for some strange reason, I walked out pretty happy that it's all over.

One thing I don't like though - I'm sure Tatooine has a big sentimental value to many Star Wars fans - but Tatooine was never loved by Luke nor Anakin. Luke hated there and wanted to get away from the get go, and Anakin also hated there too. Rey should have put the light sabers to some other place (I don't know - maybe Dagoba?)...
Just got out, and I really liked it. I enjoyed pretty much the whole thing. Longtime Star Wars fan.

I think it'll continue to get poor critical rating, but the audience score will be high and repeat visitors will keep the BO solid (though nothing record breaking).


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm really surprised by this. The theater near me had few people watching the standard viewing (around 300 seats available) but the 3D viewing was over half-filled (around 168 seats available).

Let's see how the general audience reacts.
Saw the first showing standard version too and there was significantly less people than for Infinity War or Endgame standard and this was at the same theater I saw Endgame at.


You know what could have been interesting, leave the door open for a seed of doubt on Palpatine's fate. He said when she kills him, she will be inhabited by all Sith. A bit later, she kills him, and this does not happen.. or does it? Maybe a glimpse of yellow Sith eyes? Could even still have her die immediately after, with NO yellow Sith eyes present after Ben brings her back. But there'd still be the seed of doubt.

Maybe that's stupid, but it could have been interesting imo. They did something like this in the (now non-canon) Darth Bane trilogy (awesome books by the way). He tries to transfer his essence into his apprentice, but if I recall correctly, while he dies, they leave it open to some interpretation whether he succeeded or not.
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You know what could have been interesting, leave the door open for a seed of doubt on Palpatine's fate. He said when she kills him, she will be inhabited by all Sith. A bit later, she kills him, and this does not happen.. or does it? Maybe a glimpse of yellow Sith eyes? Could even still have her die immediately after, with NO yellow Sith eyes present after Ben brings her back. But there'd still be the seed of doubt.

Maybe that's stupid, but it could have been interesting imo. They did something like this in the (now non-cannon) Darth Bane trilogy. He tries to transfer his essence into his apprentice, but if I recall correctly, while he dies, they leave it open to some interpretation whether he succeeded or not.

I am not sure the ending of the movie would be the right point, since they're aiming to end on a high note.

In my head, she has all the Sith & all the Jedi in her, finally bringing balance to the Force.

Going forward can be something all new (theoretically).
I guess I was just misled about the Mandalorian. People telling me it's the next Game of Thrones but actually good. Watch one episode and it's Baby Yoda, Gina Carano, and some villagers with wooden spears gently beating up the most pathetic group of enemies I have ever seen. Of course nobody was in any real danger.

So.... you just picked a random episode in the middle of the series to watch? And yeah, that episode was weak for sure.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
You know what could have been interesting, leave the door open for a seed of doubt on Palpatine's fate. He said when she kills him, she will be inhabited by all Sith. A bit later, she kills him, and this does not happen.. or does it? Maybe a glimpse of yellow Sith eyes? Could even still have her die immediately after, with NO yellow Sith eyes present after Ben brings her back. But there'd still be the seed of doubt.

Maybe that's stupid, but it could have been interesting imo. They did something like this in the (now non-canon) Darth Bane trilogy (awesome books by the way). He tries to transfer his essence into his apprentice, but if I recall correctly, while he dies, they leave it open to some interpretation whether he succeeded or not.
It was part of a ritual. Palpatine apparently has all the Sith souls absorbed in his spirit. Were she to complete the ritual by turning to the Dark Side, his death would have caused his compound soul to enter her.

This might have been a ruse and his soul would have taken over. It's hinted at when he says something like he's the only true Emperor before soul sucking her and Kylo.

I think he just wanted a young new body to start over again, perhaps.


It was part of a ritual. Palpatine apparently has all the Sith souls absorbed in his spirit. Were she to complete the ritual by turning to the Dark Side, his death would have caused his compound soul to enter her.

This might have been a ruse and his soul would have taken over. It's hinted at when he says something like he's the only true Emperor before soul sucking her and Kylo.

I think he just wanted a young new body to start over again, perhaps.

The way he sold it to her (when it looked like she was about to reluctantly do it), it was her only course of action to save her friends. It would not have been her striking him down in anger in a dark side turn (the way Luke almost struck Vader down in anger in RotJ). But eh, as was said above, that would've been too negative anyway, and they wanted to end on a perceived high note.

I'm glad the rumor that Rey used force lightning to destroy the Sith fleet turned out to be false. That would have been almost as bad as the kiss.

So.... you just picked a random episode in the middle of the series to watch? And yeah, that episode was weak for sure.
Yeah, that was the weakest episode for sure imo.
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It's...very uninspired, in both concept (oh no, Palpatine!) and execution (Leia's scenes simply didn't work).

No need to use hyperbole. The movie tries to tick all the boxes in order to appeal to Star Wars fans, but does so in a clumsy manner and ends up trying too hard to please.
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Loved the movie (except the last scene with the namedrop) and loved every moment when you can feel they are slapping ep8 in the face.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The way he sold it to her (when it looked like she was about to reluctantly do it), it was her only course of action to save her friends. It would not have been her striking him down in anger in a dark side turn (the way Luke almost struck Vader down in anger in RotJ). But eh, as was said above, that would've been too negative anyway, and they wanted to end on a perceived high note.

I'm glad the rumor that Rey used force lightning to destroy the Sith fleet turned out to be false. That would have been almost as bad as the kiss.

Yeah, that was the weakest episode for sure imo.
If there's one thing I really liked, it's how they handled Palpatine in this. He was legit creepy and I loved the whole "assimilated Sith in his body", soul sucking powers and that grandiose display of Force Lightning on the fleet.

They really made Sidious cool here and 40k'ed him up.

Him and creepy af Sith temple were my favorite things in this whole trilogy.



$44-48mil for Thurdsay night. The Last Jedi did $45mil for compariosn. A $200mil opening weekend virtually garaunteed at this point. So much for the fan backlash and 'this film is going to flop' rhetoric lol.
Flop was the wrong word, but a lot of people over the web have said the film will underperform due to the reviews and fan backlash. Obviously the film wouldnt flop, in the sense of Solo flopping.
Well, you really showed these imaginary people who was right! :pie_roffles: :pie_roffles: :pie_roffles:
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No need to use hyperbole. The movie tries to tick all the boxes in order to appeal to Star Wars fans, but does so in a clumsy manner and ends up trying too hard to please.
haven't seen it, but that's the feeling i get from the ST.

it's like: i like the Beatles, and the ST is like someone is playing the Beatles songs, but they aren't the Beatles, they are nowhere near the Beatles. they weren't around in the 60s, they aren't from England, etc. just some new guys playing the same chord structures and singing the same lyrics. yes they are the same "songs" but it's not the same.

also please don't sell me a bad Beatles cover band and then when I don't like them, accuse me of never being a "real Beatles fan" or somesuch nonsense. they aren't fooling anyone.
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most of the Fandom Menace seemed to think it would do well, as predicted, but be trash. as far as random people on message boards, well yeah, every single opinion possible is expressed every day by billions of people. im sure someone said that.

we will know for sure on Monday.
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Poe and Finn flying and doing anything in the falcon just feels so goddamn out of place if not uncomfortable.

I kinda enjoy both Kylo and ten but the all these characters are trash


Just watched this tonight, my score as a stand-alone film 7 out of 10. A film that ends a movie saga that is beloved by millions worldwide 2 out of 10.
I think I found a movie to displace TLJ as the bottom tier of my Star Wars ranking. TROS might actually be the only Star Wars movie I dislike. I will watch it again just because it is Star Wars and I can make sure it doesn't get better on rewatches like The Joker did for me.

They tried their Endgame moments with Lando and the cavalary showing up (like the portals in EG) and the "I am a Jedi" from Rey (I am Ironman in EG). The pay out for those sucked as there was no payout. No one really cared in my theater. They then tried to do the Palpatine "look at your friends out there getting slaughtered, kill and join the dark side" again routine.

This movie is a convoluted mess in no small part because TLJ fucked everything up. JJ did not have an easy job, but this movie needed to be its own trilogy because it pacing issues and it was all over the place.

My new rankings right now:

On the plus side Mandalorian is top notch and it would probably be in the top of my list if we were just talking about SW properties.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So apparently Darth Revan, at least in name, is canon now according to the ROS Visual Dictionary.

The more I stop and think about the movie, and all it had crammed in there, the more I like it. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfectly enjoyable. I was entertained the whole way, and I walked out with a smile on my face.

The TLJ 'jokes' were pretty funny, while also not completely retconning or dismissing that movie.

I think for me, the biggest positive is the camaraderie the cast has in this one. It's fun watching them adventure together. Is it Han/Luke/Leia? Nah, but it can still be fun as it's own thing. Also, C-3PO is hilarious in this. I am glad he got to do more after being ignored most of the first 2 movies. Rose was fine, in her diminished role. In rewatching TFA & TLJ, and now TROS, I think Adam Driver did an excellent job with his role. Kylo/Ben isn't likable, but also isn't supposed to be.

Music in this one was top notch too, best of the sequel trilogy.. though it did have the luxury of using a number of God-tier cues.

I am sure there are 100 things I COULD nitpick on if I wanted to, but I left the theater NOT wanting to nitpick, or even caring about them. It's a literal 180° from walking out of TLJ. I dunno. I 100% see how people might not like this, or think it's good, or whatever, but for me it checked off all the boxes, made me giddy and excited, and happy, and that's enough.
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