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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


Playing the lego force awakens game, its...ok, fun for like one level segments but then it gets quite samey, need a small break. New voice acting from the cast which is cool, in one sense, but its so out of kilter with the games dynamic that it feels like it shouldnt be here at all, still its nice to hear more Han solo dialogue from Ford. Missions are grindy and you have to redo them to collect everything which I dont like because I hate redoing shit, id rather grind once. Vehicle missions are surprisingly fun, the space combat ones in particular, its a small sandbox you can play in but it feels really fun and rewarding.

Wouldnt recommend the game but not sad I bought it because its star wars.

LEGO games were so much better when the cutscenes were all pantomime


Who here is reading the comics? I've had a pile of probably 50-60 issues on my desk for months, and I just read about 20 of them today (Darth Vader up to the end of Vader Down, Star Wars up to the end of the Rebel Jail arc, and Star Wars Annual #1). I've gotta say, I'm really impressed with these. I feel they lean a little too heavily on characters from the films rather than new characters, but they are super well written. The Journals of Ben Kenobi issues are my favorite, I really hope we get a solo Kenobi comic eventually
and a movie.

One thing that I'm surprised about is how much crossover there is. Dr Aphra is flitting back and forth across series and I'm trying to imagine how that would seem if I weren't reading both SW and DV at the same time. Also, I really like how they
incorporated Annual into the main series. Having read it in the same day as the final issue of the Rebel Jail arc, it seemed to work really well and it hit me who it was just before he removed the mask.

I have to go back to my comic shop and grab Vader #22 since they forgot to set it aside for me, but I'm going to try to read about 20 of the remaining ~40 issues I have tomorrow. Gotta hunt down one of the Kanan issues I missed early on too, I think it was #5 or something.


The mainline SW comic got a lot better after the first arc. I'm glad it's starting to branch out more with the most recent issue focusing on the SCAR Troopers. Hopefully now that it won't need to tie into Vader we can get more focus on the wider war.
The mainline SW comic got a lot better after the first arc. I'm glad it's starting to branch out more with the most recent issue focusing on the SCAR Troopers. Hopefully now that it won't need to tie into Vader we can get more focus on the wider war.

Is the new issue a good jumping-on point? I was staying away because what I've read felt too much like Original Trilogy retread material.


I read Star Wars #1 recently and I were really impressed, other than Luke not looking like Luke. But it was very interesting and also my first Star Wars comic. Can't wait to continue the run!


Is the new issue a good jumping-on point? I was staying away because what I've read felt too much like Original Trilogy retread material.

What point did you read up to? I thought the first arc was pretty generic but that once we got to the Grakkus the Hutt stuff it was more comfortable as its own thing.

The newest issue was a one-off story about a group of elite Stormtroopers which serves as a set up for the next story arc, The Last Flight of the Harbinger. No idea what that will be like though.


I know I've brought this up before, but I really think Jabba knows who Vader is and this is Jabba messing with him:


I mean, he knew Anakin. I think somehow he figured out that it was him. Maybe he smelled him with superior Hutt sense of smell or something.

It's the sort of thing Jabba would know and use to his advantage.

In the new canon Tarkin certainly know's who Vader is as well. Virtually comes out and says it in his novel.
Who here is reading the comics? I've had a pile of probably 50-60 issues on my desk for months, and I just read about 20 of them today (Darth Vader up to the end of Vader Down, Star Wars up to the end of the Rebel Jail arc, and Star Wars Annual #1). I've gotta say, I'm really impressed with these. I feel they lean a little too heavily on characters from the films rather than new characters, but they are super well written. The Journals of Ben Kenobi issues are my favorite, I really hope we get a solo Kenobi comic eventually
and a movie.

One thing that I'm surprised about is how much crossover there is. Dr Aphra is flitting back and forth across series and I'm trying to imagine how that would seem if I weren't reading both SW and DV at the same time. Also, I really like how they
incorporated Annual into the main series. Having read it in the same day as the final issue of the Rebel Jail arc, it seemed to work really well and it hit me who it was just before he removed the mask.

I have to go back to my comic shop and grab Vader #22 since they forgot to set it aside for me, but I'm going to try to read about 20 of the remaining ~40 issues I have tomorrow. Gotta hunt down one of the Kanan issues I missed early on too, I think it was #5 or something.
The comics have definitely been the strongest of the new canon material overall. Have you tried any of the mini-series'? I really enjoyed Lando and Anakin & Obi-Wan did a good job of fleshing out their relationship in a cool cyberpunk setting. Shattered Empire is worth reading for #3 alone as well.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I'm playing it with my son and we are having a great time with it, largely due to the multiplayer. The last LEGO game we got into was the Star Wars Compete Saga when he was just a little dude, so it's been nice to revisit the LEGO Star Wars universe.

Yeah I could see that being the funnest way to play, one other issue this would solve is in some sections, the bit with the Raftars, you had to switch character 6 times in the space of a minute which was harder and more frustrating than it might seem honestly.

LEGO games were so much better when the cutscenes were all pantomime

They did alot of visual comedy back then which i liked, which they still do a little of but its really weird, an example Han will say something super serious and then it will cut back to him with a huge smile giving a wink, which han would never do and was completely out of character for the scene.

I think the performances exist in a world which is much more serious than the game so hearing it in tandem is just...strange.


I just ordered Kanan #5, the last issue I need to finish my collection. It's kind of crazy how many Star Wars comics have come out in a year and a half. I'm gonna need to start looking into storage solutions.

The comics have definitely been the strongest of the new canon material overall. Have you tried any of the mini-series'? I really enjoyed Lando and Anakin & Obi-Wan did a good job of fleshing out their relationship in a cool cyberpunk setting. Shattered Empire is worth reading for #3 alone as well.
I've read the first 2 issues of Obi-Wan & Anakin and Lando, all of Leia and Shattered Empire, and I'm gonna start Poe and Han today.

Obi-Wan and Anakin definitely interests me the most in terms of setting and style. I absolutely adore the
kaiju/Metal Gear-esque
stuff they have going on. It's exactly what I want out of the EU which is to take familiar genres and put a Star Wars twist on them.

Is the new issue a good jumping-on point? I was staying away because what I've read felt too much like Original Trilogy retread material.
Possibly. Every arc seems to be fairly standalone with references back to the old ones, so you might be able to hop on with #21. I'd recommend just getting the trades and trying to catch up though, there's some really great stuff in there.
Do you guys think we'll get more dark side force users in this trilogy outside of Kylo Ren and maybe snoke? I was really excited for the Knights of Ren to be s bunchof badass force users till I looked at the concept art and they're kinda just a bunch of dudes. Assuming that the sequel trilogy is meant to bring balanceback to the force and awaken new Jedi it would suck to only ever see like 4 force users in Luke, Rey, Kylo and potentially Snoke. It made sense in the OT because the Jedi were wiped out and there was the rule of two with sith but considering there's no more sith and Luke was training Jedi there must be many more force sensitive out there.


I think I will buy Aftermath just to also get into the novels of Star Wars. Just started the TV show, and started the comics, so figure why not the books too.


Do you guys think we'll get more dark side force users in this trilogy outside of Kylo Ren and maybe snoke? I was really excited for the Knights of Ren to be s bunchof badass force users till I looked at the concept art and they're kinda just a bunch of dudes. Assuming that the sequel trilogy is meant to bring balanceback to the force and awaken new Jedi it would suck to only ever see like 4 force users in Luke, Rey, Kylo and potentially Snoke. It made sense in the OT because the Jedi were wiped out and there was the rule of two with sith but considering there's no more sith and Luke was training Jedi there must be many more force sensitive out there.
I have a feeling that in the final movie they will set up a new Jedi Order or something along those lines. Luke was "training a new generation of Jedi" between ROTJ and TFA. Obviously he'll be hesitant to try again after what happened with Kylo Ren, but I think a big subplot of VIII and IX might be him getting over that fear and finally getting it right.

As for dark side users, possibly. The Knights of Ren do seem to just be normal guys, but I have a feeling they might be Force sensitive as well. Maybe they'll train to be able to fight Luke and Rey alongside Kylo?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Still thinking about dipping my toe into star wars books, never read one before and unsure where to start.
I have a feeling that in the final movie they will set up a new Jedi Order or something along those lines. Luke was "training a new generation of Jedi" between ROTJ and TFA. Obviously he'll be hesitant to try again after what happened with Kylo Ren, but I think a big subplot of VIII and IX might be him getting over that fear and finally getting it right.

As for dark side users, possibly. The Knights of Ren do seem to just be normal guys, but I have a feeling they might be Force sensitive as well. Maybe they'll train to be able to fight Luke and Rey alongside Kylo?
That would be pretty hype, but then you run the risk of greatly overpowering one side,which wouldn't be too bad, and would be great for tone and atmosphere I'm just not sure how good those fights wouldbe when you've got like 6 against 2. I also hope we get to see force lightning again along with some other interesting powers outside of telekinesis


What do you guys think about having a dedicated Star Wars Comics OT? I love this thread, but I've noticed that it's pretty rare that we get discussion about the new issues in here. It might happen in ComicGAF, but it gets lost in the shuffle there. I only say this because I just noticed the DC Rebirth thread and how well that's doing, but that also seems to be a bigger line of comics than SW so maybe it wouldn't work as well.

Still thinking about dipping my toe into star wars books, never read one before and unsure where to start.
I'd say start with Tarkin if you like that character. It gives some really interesting insight into who he is and his methods, as long as showing the dynamic between him and Vader more closely (my favorite part of the book). I have heard a lot of people say that Bloodline is one of the best books released so far, so you could start there, though I haven't read it myself so I can't comment.


Yeah I'm also thinking I should start with Bloodline but I'm not that interested in Leia Organa, I honestly never quite liked her. Maybe this book could change that though.


Picked up and read Anakin and Obi Wan and really enjoyed it. It's crazy how well everything apart from the prequels themselves deals with these characters.

Reading through Lost Stars as well and it's been really good so far, about hundred and thirty pages in.


For anyone who is starting the new canon books, don't sleep on the young adult novels. Some of them are better than the adult novels. Servants of the Empire in particular.
Lost Stars was great but I thought Bloodlines was dreadfully boring.

Battlefront is probably my second favorite. Which isn't saying much because almost all of these new books have been bad or worse. Have yet to read Dark Disciple or Life Debt.


I'd say Battlefront: Twilight Company is also up there with the best new canon novels.

Honestly I'd just read them all (except maybe Heir to the Jedi).

edit: Bloodline is great if you like Leia and Star Wars politics. If you dislike Star Wars politics, you will hate Bloodline.

For me, Bloodline was the best one so far. Lost Stars was also really fun - very cheesy and melodramatic, but I like that. I think that fits Star Wars.
What do you guys think about having a dedicated Star Wars Comics OT? I love this thread, but I've noticed that it's pretty rare that we get discussion about the new issues in here. It might happen in ComicGAF, but it gets lost in the shuffle there. I only say this because I just noticed the DC Rebirth thread and how well that's doing, but that also seems to be a bigger line of comics than SW so maybe it wouldn't work as well.

There's a bit of discussion about them in ComicGAF but it's a pretty fast moving thread (blame Messi :p). As you say, there's not a huge amount of discussion about them anyway so moving it off to another thread like Rebirth might confuse people about what they can discuss in here.
It's the sort of thing Jabba would know and use to his advantage.

In the new canon Tarkin certainly know's who Vader is as well. Virtually comes out and says it in his novel.

I haven't read Tarkin yet, but I'm glad to hear that. It only makes sense considering they met all the way back in the Clone Wars, hit it off instantly, and worked together all those years. Tarkin NOT knowing who he is would be less believable than knowing.


Well, I don't like Leia but I love the politics in Episode I-III.

[edit] Oh just read the synopsis of Lost Stars and it sounds super intriguing. There's not a hardcover of that book?
Well, I don't like Leia but I love the politics in Episode I-III.

Bloodline is pretty politics heavy. It gives you more of an idea of how the First Order were formed, the structure of the Republic and why Leia ends up forming the Resistance. I loved it. Definitely my favourite of the canon novels so far.

[edit] Oh just read the synopsis of Lost Stars and it sounds super intriguing. There's not a hardcover of that book?

There's a hardcover and paperback version. It looks like the hardcover version might be out of print now though. Here in the UK at least.
The hardcover is out of print but I just did a UK-based price comparison search and it is still widely available. Top results were the US Amazon site and the Book Depository.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Playing the lego force awakens game, its...ok, fun for like one level segments but then it gets quite samey, need a small break. New voice acting from the cast which is cool, in one sense, but its so out of kilter with the games dynamic that it feels like it shouldnt be here at all, still its nice to hear more Han solo dialogue from Ford. Missions are grindy and you have to redo them to collect everything which I dont like because I hate redoing shit, id rather grind once. Vehicle missions are surprisingly fun, the space combat ones in particular, its a small sandbox you can play in but it feels really fun and rewarding.

Wouldnt recommend the game but not sad I bought it because its star wars.

Both the games are good, but I prefered the moment to moment gameplay of Disney Infinity over Lego. Both games ooze in fan service though.


The last thirty minutes of Empire are such cinema gold. It might be one of the slower movies of the saga but the ending is such a pay off. I could watch it over and over.


Unconfirmed Member
Why are so many people saying that the Han Solo movies will be a trilogy now?
Ehrenreich signed for three movies...but he could also play Han in a "young lando" movie or in a boba fett movie...

On Twitter and Facebook I read so much "omg we did not even want one Han Solo movie" whining ~_~...


Batteries the CRISIS!
Why are so many people saying that the Han Solo movies will be a trilogy now?
Ehrenreich signed for three movies...but he could also play Han in a "young lando" movie or in a boba fett movie...

On Twitter and Facebook I read so much "omg we did not even want one Han Solo movie" whining ~_~...

Han Solo: Lifedebt
Han Solo: Gambling Man
Han Solo: The Kessel Runner

it'll be great


I think it's funny that people are taking the three picture deal for young Solo and immediately assuming it's going to be a trilogy. I'm sure it's just standard contract stuff. The kid from Iron Man 3 has three films on his contract too.


I think it's funny that people are taking the three picture deal for young Solo and immediately assuming it's going to be a trilogy. I'm sure it's just standard contract stuff. The kid from Iron Man 3 has three films on his contract too.

But he will be Nova...
You have to lock these actors down when they're cheap. If the Han Solo movie goes huge they might want to make another or have him appear somewhere else.
Finished Aftermath Life Debt this afternoon. It's a significant improvement on Aftermath and my second favourite of the novels, behind Bloodline.

The pacing's a lot better than it was in Aftermath and it definitely benefits from having the team working together more, as well as less interludes disrupting the flow of the book. I thought Wendig worked Chewie and Han into the book well. Both they and Leia had decent sized roles but they didn't take the spotlight away from the Aftermath crew.

Gallius Rax made a big impression as well. Can't wait to find out more about
what the Emperor was looking for, what he asked Rax to guard and what his endgame is.
Guess we'll find out why Jakku was the home of such a huge battle. Empire's End seems a long way off.
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