Thrawn is finally canon. Amazing.
I don't think I've ever actually read anything with Thrawn in it, but can anyone summarize why he's so beloved?
Thrawn is finally canon. Amazing.
I don't think I've ever actually read anything with Thrawn in it, but can anyone summarize why he's so beloved?
Which of the comics are canon?There's a pretty good Star Wars sale on Comixology at the moment. Star Wars #21 and Vader #23 are out today.
?Clone Wars it is![]()
All of those comics are canon.Guys, I'll be on a Star Wars charade the next months. I just started up The Clone Wars / Rebels for the first time and started with S02E16 and I really loved it. Although I don't remember anything from Episode II and III, so I'm gonna rewatch Attack of the Clones tonight. I did do a rewatch of Episode IV, V, VI and I last year if any of you remember. I think I also did a LTTP thread.
Anyway, I wonder if Rebels will tie into Rogue One somehow. Wasn't a character jumping over to Rogue One from the animation, who is that?
Which of the comics are canon?
Space Monkey has a name!
Pablo Hidalgo's revealed he's an Iakaru called Bistan in this week's SW Show..
You're telling me that's not how real relationships are?Most unrealistic relationship ever
Hmm, looks a bit off.
Hmm, looks a bit off.
Most unrealistic relationship ever
Twilight says no
First up Bigmouth, whose real name is Pao, a soldier who serves as a kind of platoon leader, coordinating the charge into battle. There was this great design of this creature thats mouth would open really wide, and he looked like he was really good at giving orders and shouting at people during a battle, Edwards said. I was like, Weve got to give him that moment in the film, and so [Pao] was born out of that.
Its not necessarily a character that we get to know, but I think he has a very memorable, iconic look, said Edwards. [Hes] one of my favorites. I cant give away what happens to him.
Is there anywhere I can see the timeline of the comics? I know Star Wars is set between III and IV thanks to you guys, but what about Princess Leia, Kanan, Darth Vader and those series?
You're right. I were thinking of the Rebels show. It's a lot to take in, trying to get into this universe but I'm enjoying it immensely. I'm gonna watch The Clone Wars movie next, probably tonight.Star wars is actually between 4-5![]()
Is there anywhere I can see the timeline of the comics? I know Star Wars is set between III and IV thanks to you guys, but what about Princess Leia, Kanan, Darth Vader and those series?
This is the best quality video I've seen of the Rogue One trailer at Celebration. Love the shot of Vader's reflection. Beware the ear drum breaking cheers at the end.
The Empire felt like a threat again with him at the helm. He wasn't a bumbling idiot like much of the Imperial Navy, he was a clever strategist who learnt about his enemy's weaknesses by studying their history and art. Plus, the fact that a Chiss could ascend to Grand Admiral in the Empire, when the old EU stressed how anti-alien the Empire was, showed how good he was.
I'm glad they're not bring back the Ysalamiri though.
There's a pretty good Star Wars sale on Comixology at the moment. Star Wars #21 and Vader #23 are out today.
There's a timeline in the OP.
Then you watch this when you're done.That timeline is very helpful. Thanks to the community for the hard work!![]()
I'll be glad when we're out of the beginning phases of the new EU and the references to the OT slow down in the books. I'm reading Aftermath and it says that Surrat has a desk made of a Sullastan frozen in carbonite.
That... that isn't common practice. Unless word spread from Jabba to other gangsters that they did it to Han and they all thought it was a cool idea, that isn't a common thing because it's not what carbonite is used for. It screams "callback for callback sake", which I feel like happens a lot in Star Wars EU material. Not that I'm not loving all the new EU stuff, but little things like that really stand out to me.
Edit: Okay, so they addressed it about a page later lol. "Some say I learned that trick from the Empire, but I assure you - they learned it from me."
Ohhhh, that's a cool way to set a precedent for it for ESB.Carbonite freezing was used in The Clone Wars as a way to transport soldiers without getting their vitals detected.
It was done in a much more secure facility than Bespin though
There's a timeline in the OP.
Nah. Twilight is shit and the relationship is awful/creepy as fuck, but it's definitely more believable than Anakin and Padmé. They're pretty much the same relationships, except Padmé actually realizes Anakin is creepy as fuck and then decides "fuck it, let's get married". Not to mention Natalie and Hayden having shit for chemistry and turning in bad performances making it all worse.
Ohhhh, that's a cool way to set a precedent for it for ESB.
I say this every time, but I really need to finish watching The Clone Wars.
in fairness, I don't think that people willingly committing to awful, self destructive relationships is entirely restricted to science fiction.
Speaking of which, I had no idea there were two more short stories in the Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away collection (True Love and A Recipe for Death). Gah, now I have to hunt those down.
That said, the timeline needs to be updated to include Thrawn, Blade Squadron: Zero Hour, Blade Squadron: Kuat, Black Squadron: Jakku, Turning Point, Voices of the Empire, Join the Resistance, and the five Adventures in Wild Space books (The Escape, The Snare, The Nest, The Steal, The Dark). Also I believe the Rae Sloane short story is called The Levers of Power, not Levels.
Aftermath Empire's End has a familiar looking AT-AT on its back cover.
I just picked up Aftermath again halfway through after a few months away and it's so hard to get back into. I just don't care about any of these characters and it feels none of this shit matters. I'm hoping by the end it picks up a bit.Life Debt was like the polar opposite of Aftermath to me. Having just finished Life Debt the story was engaging from start to finish. Aftermath was just the opposite, and I was pretty bored.
Playing the lego force awakens game, its...ok, fun for like one level segments but then it gets quite samey, need a small break. New voice acting from the cast which is cool, in one sense, but its so out of kilter with the games dynamic that it feels like it shouldnt be here at all, still its nice to hear more Han solo dialogue from Ford. Missions are grindy and you have to redo them to collect everything which I dont like because I hate redoing shit, id rather grind once. Vehicle missions are surprisingly fun, the space combat ones in particular, its a small sandbox you can play in but it feels really fun and rewarding.
Wouldnt recommend the game but not sad I bought it because its star wars.