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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

Is this out somewhere already? Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - The Official Collector's Edition https://www.amazon.de/dp/1785861573/

Looks great and its not that pricy, but I am curious about the content.
Star Wars Insider may be worth a subscription, but I think there is no german magazin...

Yeah, I noticed this on Amazon as well. The contents suggests it covers the same kind of stuff as the visual guide and I didn't see the point of owning both when I have the artbook too. Entertainment Weekly have released something similar.


Yeah, I noticed this on Amazon as well. The contents suggests it covers the same kind of stuff as the visual guide and I didn't see the point of owning both when I have the artbook too. Entertainment Weekly have released something similar.

I will buy it and post when I have it in my hands.
Confirmation that Woody's in the Han spin-off.

Veteran film and television actor Woody Harrelson is stepping aboard the upcoming Han Solo movie set to arrive in theaters next year.

“We couldn’t be more excited to work with an artist with as much depth and range as Woody,” said the film’s directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. “His ability to find both humor and pathos, often in the same role, is truly unique. He is also very good at ping pong.”

The as-yet-untitled movie, which is being produced by Kathleen Kennedy, Allison Shearmur, and Simon Emanuel, is scheduled for release in 2018.
Anyone playing Star Wars Destiny? Was at the comic shop yesterday and they had the Rey and Kylo starter sets along with a case of booster packs. Wife and I decided to dive in and after watching people play it on YouTube, we gave it a go and had a blast with it. Wife is going to get some packs on the way home and we're going to play tonight.
Jon Knoll on whether the Hammerhead crew in Rogue One survived.

Rogue One executive producer and Industrial Light and Magic visual effects supervisor John Knoll tells EW: ”There was some talk about, ‘Hey, is this a suicide mission? Are all these guys going down with the Star Destroyers?' I started pushing for this idea that maybe in one of the shots we could have all these lifeboats, the escape pods, shoot out of it."

”The last shot you see of the Star Destroyers crashing down through the gate — it's a very subtle thing, and it would probably be hard to tell this – but the lifeboats are all gone on the Hammerhead," Knoll tells EW. ”It's my story that the Hammerhead crew got into the life boats and made it out."

”Our story was that they made it down to the surface of Scarif, and were standing around the beach going, ‘You know what, it isn't so bad here!" Knoll says. Then, as the Death Star fires up its laser ... ”'Hey, what's that bright thing on the horizon?'"

I almost expected a happy ending before reading the last bit.
I finished TCW season 5 last night. I had already been spoiled all to hell on the last two arcs as well as what's to come in the Netflix episodes. But still. So emotional. Both the Mandalore arc and the final one. Good lord.

Next up, the Lost Missions, then the unfinished reels. Then Son of Dathomir and then Dark Disciple. Then I'll rewatch RotS, I guess, then Ahsoka.
BT and Triple Zero are getting their own Fanatsy Flight figures.

If you didn't see it in the OT forum:


We don’t normally respond to fan or press speculation, but there is a rumor circulating that we would like to address. We want to assure our fans that Lucasfilm has no plans to digitally recreate Carrie Fisher’s performance as Princess or General Leia Organa.

Carrie Fisher was, is, and always will be a part of the Lucasfilm family. She was our princess, our general, and more importantly, our friend. We are still hurting from her loss. We cherish her memory and legacy as Princess Leia, and will always strive to honor everything she gave to Star Wars.
Read #10 of Poe's comic this afternoon. I've really enjoyed the look at Terex's backstory in this arc.
Seeing him transform from a subservient stormtrooper after the Battle of Jakku to a gang leader that's treated like a king was great.
Along with Rax, he's one of my favourite new villains outside of the films. It would be great to see him turn up in them but I doubt he'll be around much longer.
Was re-watching Star Trek Beyond on Blu-Ray and noticed the Yorktown schematics have a pretty blatant Death Star in the middle. Tried to find a screenshot but there doesn't seem to be any online.
I'm reading the Rogue One novelization right now and see this line:

Tarkin spoke with detached consideration, as much to himself as Romodi. "The original plans for this station are kept at the Citadel, are they not?"

"They are."

Along with other technical schematics for projects covered by the Tarkin Initiative. It would be a special pity, Tarkin thought, to see War-Mantle and Stellarsphere set back. But hardly a major blow to the galactic timetable, particularly with the Death Star finally online.

I'm a gundark if "Stellarsphere" isn't what eventually became Starkiller Base.
I'm reading the Rogue One novelization right now and see this line:

I'm a gundark if "Stellarsphere" isn't what eventually became Starkiller Base.

You are a gundark.
Stellar Sphere was a code name related to the Death Star.

From Catalyst:
The Imperial Energy Division was new, but it, too, operated under the umbrella of Project Celestial Power. In fact, each separate department of the battle station project had its own cover name and cover agency, and Galen wasn't alone in working for a counterfeit division and having his research put to alternative uses. Scattered across the galaxy were teams of scientists working on conventional weaponry, tractor beam and hyperdrive technology, even hull cladding systems. Each project was concealed behind names like Stellar Sphere, Mark Omega, and Pax Aurora. But all those paled in comparison with research on the superlaser.

Consequently, I'm more interested in War-Mantle.


You are a gundark.
Stellar Sphere was a code name related to the Death Star.

From Catalyst:

Consequently, I'm more interested in War-Mantle.

lets break it down

a loose sleeveless cloak or shawl, worn especially by women.
synonyms: cloak, cape, shawl, wrap, stole; historicalpelisse
"a dark green velvet mantle"
an important role or responsibility that passes from one person to another.
"the second son has now assumed his father's mantle"
synonyms: role, burden, onus, duty, responsibility
"the mantle of leadership"
i got nothing personally, but eh
You are a gundark.
Stellar Sphere was a code name related to the Death Star.

From Catalyst:

Consequently, I'm more interested in War-Mantle.

That doesn't prove that it was the Death Star. It was code named Stardust once Galen began working on it in earnest. And there's no way they'd trade off names like that. I think it was Starkiller.
That doesn't prove that it was the Death Star. It was code named Stardust once Galen began working on it in earnest. And there's no way they'd trade off names like that. I think it was Starkiller.

That's exactly what it does. I think when a canon book says that Stellar Sphere was a cover name for a department in the Death Star project, that's sort of a big clue that it's part of the Death Star project.
I read this book. It's like, the entire point of the book. That's how they tricked Galen into working on it in the first place. Stardust was not the name of the project, it was not even mentioned during construction of the station. Stardust was the name Galen gave to the project file containing the completed plans, that doesn't mean it's the sole datafile relating to the project.

But muh head canon I guess.

If it makes you feel less like a gundark, War-mantle has a better chance of being Starkiller related. iosefe broke out Websters for you above which could possibly imply something planned for the far future, passed down to another generation of Imperials. Hence War Mantle.


Whether that was the project name of Starkiller or not, it's pretty obvious the Empire was working on Starkiller base at that time. Isn't it pretty much confirmed that Ahsoka found it 20 years earlier?
That's exactly what it does. I think when a canon book says that Stellar Sphere was a cover name for a department in the Death Star project, that's sort of a big clue that it's part of the Death Star project.
I read this book. It's like, the entire point of the book. That's how they tricked Galen into working on it in the first place. Stardust was not the name of the project, it was not even mentioned during construction of the station. Stardust was the name Galen gave to the project file containing the completed plans, that doesn't mean it's the sole datafile relating to the project.

But muh head canon I guess.

If it makes you feel less like a gundark, War-mantle has a better chance of being Starkiller related. iosefe broke out Websters for you above which could possibly imply something planned for the far future, passed down to another generation of Imperials. Hence War Mantle.

I'm not so dogmatic to think I might not be wrong, but the language used really implies it's something else.

The use of the words "other" and mentioning them separately from the Death Star specifically feel like they are different.

I will agree that War Mantle sounds kick ass, though.

Whether that was the project name of Starkiller or not, it's pretty obvious the Empire was working on Starkiller base at that time. Isn't it pretty much confirmed that Ahsoka found it 20 years earlier?

This is what's killing me. I know I read a Starkiller reference in one of the books recently and I just cannot remember where it was. Ahsoka, then?


Whether that was the project name of Starkiller or not, it's pretty obvious the Empire was working on Starkiller base at that time. Isn't it pretty much confirmed that Ahsoka found it 20 years earlier?

It is loosely hinted at but it could be us reading too much into it. One year after RotS she heads to Ilum to get new kyber crystals and finds it is scarred with deep gashes visible from space by Imperial mining operations. They could just be digging up crystals for the Death Star.


Something pointless that I just realized about The Force Awakens [potential spoiler]
It's the first time a blue lightsaber has won a lightsaber battle in a star wars movie. ROTS doesn't count since that was a blue lightsaber vs blue lightsaber


Am I only one who thinks, that the way the door is filmed, with the sudden move to the floor, right after the interrogation-droid is approaching Leia is absolutly perfect?
Something pointless that I just realized about The Force Awakens [potential spoiler]
It's the first time a blue lightsaber has won a lightsaber battle in a star wars movie. ROTS doesn't count since that was a blue lightsaber vs blue lightsaber

What about Anakin vs. Dooku in ROTS? You can't avoid that technicality. Also technically speaking Obi beat Vader in ANH too.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I was thinking today about what Kylo Ren having to "complete his training" means. The thing that makes the most sense to me is him learning the force lightning technique and possibly an expansion of that idea (using the force to control elements). I think only The Emperor and Dooku have used it, so it would make sense for it to be an advanced technique.
I was thinking today about what Kylo Ren having to "complete his training" means. The thing that makes the most sense to me is him learning the force lightning technique and possibly an expansion of that idea (using the force to control elements). I think only The Emperor and Dooku have used it, so it would make sense for it to be an advanced technique.

I was thinking of instilling more confidence and less conflict in his use of the dark side.
I was thinking today about what Kylo Ren having to "complete his training" means. The thing that makes the most sense to me is him learning the force lightning technique and possibly an expansion of that idea (using the force to control elements). I think only The Emperor and Dooku have used it, so it would make sense for it to be an advanced technique.

I didn't take it to literally be training for new unlockable abilities, though I suppose that could be true. I imagine it has more to do with his discipline and control over his abilities. He's a bit of a mess.


Why not both?

Lightning has become a staple of the darkside. To tap into the raw energy, he needs to hone his focus o. The dark side of the force

There's even a class dedicated to it in SWTOR to show how synonymous it is
So I've been reading the 25-issue Darth Vader run and just finished Vol. 2. At the end, it says "Continued in VADER DOWN." I'm confused continuity-wise, so two quick questions:

- If I buy the collected version, do I literally just read that prior to starting Vol. 3 of Darth Vader, then pick Vol. 3 up right at the end?

- I know Vader Down is a crossover run with a few issues of SW: Darth Vader and a few issues of just the "Star Wars" graphic novel series. Is the Star Wars ongoing series worth reading? I've really been enjoying the Darth Vader run but know nothing of the quality of the other half of this crossover.
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