Happy Birthday to Daisy Ridley
R U Ready?ONE Hour! SHOCKING SUPER-SECRET #SWEP8 REHEARSAL REVEAL-NOT April Fool's Joke!-You can #trustmethistime #Listen2Luke #MarkDelivers
5 minutes ago...
He's just going to say "LUKE SKYWALKER IS IN IT!!!"
A long time ago (last week I think) In a galaxy far, far way(@PinewoodStudios ) THIS happened! Happy Birthday Daisy!
Hamill promised spoilers today
So some people actually thought that Hamill was going to drop spoilers for EP.8?
So some people actually thought that Hamill was going to drop spoilers for EP.8?
So I just realized Vader is 46 in Return of the Jedi.
Why George? Why?
So I just realized Vader is 46 in Return of the Jedi.
Why George? Why?
Why not? Its not like he was in a good shape.
No amount of handwaving can get me past that 32-year actor/character age gap. Dark side, battle damage, etc., sure, I'll take that aging you a few years. Hell, I'll accept two decades even. But 32 years? No part of me can look at Sebastian Shaw and say "You know what? I totally buy 46." >.<
I'll keep saying this even though it goes against my better judgement: I really would like to see a re-cut of TFA.
C-CPO #1 was fairly interesting and can't be digested in a single read. It's bloated in terms of what they try to accomplish in 31 pages, but I think what is present is charming and at the very least enjoyable.
It's whacky as all hell, but no more insane than some of the filler episodes of The Clone Wars. The art is remeniscent of what you would have seen from Chaykin which I think is intentional. It definitely draws inspiration from the crazy ideas spun out of the old EU, but I think Marvel took these droids as an opportunity so they could appeal to the fans of the old stories, while hardly interrupting any of the forward momentum of the new canon.
C-3PO is clearly going to have a new arm in the next film, but that's really sums up the old EU in a nutshell, and I believe that this was Marvel's point:
Don't focus on the silly stuff if you don't want to, it's not going to affect your enjoyment of what you see on screen. Just go along for the ride and enjoy yourself.
Definitely pick it up if you can, even if $5 is a bit outrageous.
He actually had it by the end of the last film. His arms are both gold when he's waving at the end.
Why is that against your better judgment? The second half definitely needs to be re-edited.
The last issue of the Shu-Torun arc in the DV comic came out today. I really liked it. Pretty brutal at points. I just wish the art was more consistent.
C-CPO #1 was fairly interesting and can't be digested in a single read. It's bloated in terms of what they try to accomplish in 31 pages, but I think what is present is charming and at the very least enjoyable.
It's whacky as all hell, but no more insane than some of the filler episodes of The Clone Wars. The art is remeniscent of what you would have seen from Chaykin which I think is intentional. It definitely draws inspiration from the crazy ideas spun out of the old EU, but I think Marvel took these droids as an opportunity so they could appeal to the fans of the old stories, while hardly interrupting any of the forward momentum of the new canon.
C-3PO is clearly going to have a new arm in the next film, but that's really sums up the old EU in a nutshell, and I believe that this was Marvel's point:
Don't focus on the silly stuff if you don't want to, it's not going to affect your enjoyment of what you see on screen. Just go along for the ride and enjoy yourself.
Definitely pick it up if you can, even if $5 is a bit outrageous.
Because of what happens each time Lucasfilm decides to 'touch up' a Star Wars film.
This 100%.he has a scar over his eye cause he's the knife dude
Yeah, I'm hoping that these are going be a bit more developed in the final art because right now, hells of cliches going on here.
Yeah, I'm getting old EU vibes from those trooper designs. This is a problem since most of the current canon comic EU has at least been trying it's damn best to look like it can match with their respective era, regardless of how ridiculous something is (*cough*nanomachine Force*cough*).
(*cough*nanomachine Force*cough*).
Do I even want to know?
Anyone read the new Obi-Wan and Anakin comic? We Metal Gear now.