I think we were going to get more of it in that very show
Asked for an example, Abrams pointed to the scene in Starkiller Base where Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren is interrogating Daisy Ridley’s Rey and finally takes off his mask. The moment where he puts his mask down into that table of ash was meant for an early sequence.
“The backstory is, that that table has the ashes of the enemies he’s killed,” Abrams says. “That moment was actually shot for, and meant to be used in, the scene where he was talking to the Vader mask.”
In other words, that table of ash was originally in Ren’s private quarters. And the fact that he incinerates and preserves the remains of his foes adds a new, eerie dimension to his Dark Side nostalgia — and hoarding tendencies.
Watched the TFA documentary and I really enjoyed it. It was nice to see Harrison Ford tear up after he wrapped. The dude acts like he doesn't give a shit, but deep down he cares. I really wish there was a director's commentary, though.
Watched the film two more times yesterday. I still love the film, but on repeat viewings two little nitpicks stand out for me.
I think Daisy Ridley is amazing, one of my favorite aspects of the movie, but her delivery of "That was lucky!" during the Rathtar(sp?) sequence feels so off to me. She says it so fast after Boyega delivers his line that it sounds a little awkward.
The other, much bigger, nitpick is showing Poe Dameron in his cockpit during the Resistance X-Wing battle over the Maz cantina. It's just such an odd moment of "Oh, there that guy is. I guess he isn't dead." where I think Finn being amazed by the pilot in the black X-Wing then the audience discovers with him that the pilot is none other than Poe Dameron would have been a more satisfying moment. Especially when BB-8 hauls ass to see him.
Ford .... Ford teared up? Can't wait to go behind-the-scenes. I'll have to wait another goddamn week though. Wish I could view this online somewhere
Yeah, after his last shot J.J. starts giving a speech about what an honor it was to work with him then he gets a pretty big applause. It isn't featured prominently or anything, but you can see it if you look. There is also a little story about one of the crew building the Millennium Falcon meeting Ford before production and Harrison goes out of his way to tell him to do something specific to the Falcon. I certainly wouldn't have expected that from the "Fuck this nonsense." guy I've seen in interviews.
Yeah, after his last shot J.J. starts giving a speech about what an honor it was to work with him then he gets a pretty big applause. It isn't featured prominently or anything, but you can see it if you look. There is also a little story about one of the crew building the Millennium Falcon meeting Ford before production and Harrison goes out of his way to tell him to do something specific to the Falcon. I certainly wouldn't have expected that from the "Fuck this nonsense." guy I've seen in interviews.
Id love Han to be in some sort of flashback in the next two films, will never happen but a Han+Younger ben interaction would be awesome.
Luke's gone dark side confirmed
I kind of wish the BluRay had the complete script reading video on it.
Empire have got a quiz on Empire Strikes Back. I got a respectable 17/20. Not too bad. Give it a go!
To much question that relied on having seen Star Wars in english, which Ive never did. I sucked really hard.
Empire have got a quiz on Empire Strikes Back. I got a respectable 17/20. Not too bad. Give it a go!
No, the german one is fine.That sounds like an issue you should correct
Empire have got a quiz on Empire Strikes Back. I got a respectable 17/20. Not too bad. Give it a go!
I got a 17/20 too, though I guessed at a few of them. Like I'm supposed to know who Carrie Fisher rents apartments from.
I had to guess on several though. Fuck if I know what rock band that named themselves after the film.
Looks like the ashes that Kylo slams his mask into in TFA are his enemies' remains. I'd always guessed it was the ashes from Vader's suit. Originally that scene was used earlier in the film when he's talking to Vader's mask too.
Hey, JJ said it but it hasn't been said yet in canon, so a future writer could change it to be Vader's ashes if they wanted to. Still a possibility.
Vader's ashes would be asinine.
It has been how long since Endor?
30 years? Someone pilfering the mask, ok I will buy that.
Someone taking time to sift through the ashes when Luke and the rebels are all over the place? And then having those ashes 30 years later? (Ashes from a wood pyre by the way which would be 95% wood ashes.....)
And for the record, if JJ says it about The Force Awakens it is canon.
I cant imagine that the rebels stuck around for too long. Why would they?
I had to guess on several though. Fuck if I know what rock band that named themselves after the film.
Ain't no party like an Ewok party 'cause an Ewok party don't stop.
I only know that because they did the theme song to Buffy (my favourite tv show ever)
Terrible quiz and barely anything to do with the film itself.
I didn't even get that question. I wouldn't have known that either.
I wasn't able to watch The Force Awakens in theaters, so I've been holding out for the Blu-ray release for some time. It arrived yesterday and I've managed to stay 99% spoiler free so far! Going to start it up with some family members in a bit. I'm just so excited to finally see it!
I wasn't able to watch The Force Awakens in theaters, so I've been holding out for the Blu-ray release for some time. It arrived yesterday and I've managed to stay 99% spoiler free so far! Going to start it up with some family members in a bit. I'm just so excited to finally see it!
The Star Wars hype never ends.