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Star Wars Outlaws: Official Game Overview Trailer | Ubisoft Forward 2024

I hope the quests are at least interesting. And there's enough unique planets to explore, non-repetitive side content. Otherwise the gameplay looking bog standard TPS.
More than Star Wars, it reminds me most of Beyond Good and Evil, and given the radio silence on that sequel, this might as well be that. Maybe will scratch the space adventure itch Starfield failed to as well.

Still looks way more fun than AssCreed Shadows.
Eurogamer isn't impressed:

Mediocre Uncharted gameplay confirmed. I swear Ubisoft puts 10x more attention to details of their worlds than the actual combat. Between this and Shadows, fuck Ubisoft. They have seemingly learned nothing

Mr Hyde

Looks incredible and very ambitious. One of few Star Wars games that interests me. Open world exploration. Space travel and combat. Land speeder vehicles. Stealth and focus on being an outlaw/smuggler paves the way for interesting stories and scenarios different from when playing as a Jedi. Lots of call backs to the classic movies instead of Disneys fan fiction shite. Only downside was the rough performance. Saw screen tearing and framerate dips. Hopefully Massive can tweak and optimize further before release. I might get this on day 1 if Massive stick the landing, which would be an amazing feat because I almost never buy a Ubi game on day 1. Otherwise I'll wait 6 months and grab it on discount. But damn, this looks so good.


Writes a lot, says very little
4k 30 min. Broll footage from previews

I like what I saw. The loop looks fun and Ubisoft have some amazing teams.

I like the idea of the areas for illegal black market goods and that you can prepare before your missions and just leave in your ship. Even the planet stuff like exploring on that hover bike look amazing and detailed. Massive is a trusted team and have done some amazing work with The Division 1 and 2 and I'm sure their other teams are assisting in this as well, so that established aspect makes this a easy purchase.

Day 1.

Will do a media black out after this and will just experience the game upon release.


Writes a lot, says very little
Looks incredible and very ambitious. One of few Star Wars games that interests me. Open world exploration. Space travel and combat. Land speeder vehicles. Stealth and focus on being an outlaw/smuggler paves the way for interesting stories and scenarios different from when playing as a Jedi. Lots of call backs to the classic movies instead of Disneys fan fiction shite. Only downside was the rough performance. Saw screen tearing and framerate dips. Hopefully Massive can tweak and optimize further before release. I might get this on day 1 if Massive stick the landing, which would be an amazing feat because I almost never buy a Ubi game on day 1. Otherwise I'll wait 6 months and grab it on discount. But damn, this looks so good.

I also worry about the performance, but I can always play it on my 6950 XT set up or 4090 set up, but will likely just play on PS5.

Because a lot of their teams do functions and features so well, its like the space travel, vehicles, hacking etc show functions we've seen a bit before by the publisher to show, its a legit thing they can pull off. So ambitious, but very grounded with what we know their teams can do. I'd say that is more so what gets me giving the ok for a day 1.

The setting, the way they can have those dark environments, shadowy environments and different planets with effects like dust in the wind, they are hitting all the right targets, including the classic Star Wars type sounds to really get you in that world.

I'm not a massive Star Wars fan, but like the IP enough to buy, will just watch of few of the films before release to get hype and in the mindset of the universe again to fully get what the concept is.

edit. I also like the little friend she has that can distract guards lol
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I think I'm liking what I'm seeing, but I'll definitely wait to see how this performs and it's general reception. Always wanted an open-world Star Wars action-adventure RPG. Hopefully exploration is done well.

No idea why Starfield didn't improve their load screens between planets, in/out atmosphere like this does. Although, I'm sure after a few times you'll just want to be fast traveling like Starfield allows you to do.


Writes a lot, says very little
No idea why Starfield didn't improve their load screens between planets, in/out atmosphere like this does. Although, I'm sure after a few times you'll just want to be fast traveling like Starfield allows you to do.


Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but I felt it was odd that they completely understood they were creating a open world single player RPG and are aware that people will be traveling from planet to planet pretty often yet didn't have some animation to go from and to a planet

To my understanding the animation only really happens when you're exiting the main world Jemison.

So I think if they understood loading was going to be a thing the least they could have done was make it immersive and just hide it behind some sort of animation

Even the train, they could have at least had some animation look at how spider man does it...



Depending on if I'm invested in anything else on release, I'll check this out via Ubisoft+. Can't go wrong with paying a one month fee and being done with the game.
Visually it looks pretty good, but the gameplay is just a slight variation on the standard open world template.

Looks pretty boring to me, so it will probably sell millions of copies.


Yep looks like a Ubisoft game alright.

Hope this game gets the same amount of foaming at the mouth hate for it's fake space exploration and no real time planet landings.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

Although this was just a demo, it really doesn't sound too promising. Some highlights from the article below..

There doesn't seem to be much in the way of any real detection mechanic here - you knock guards out in near proximity to another on patrol, but they don't seem to discover bodies and react to them. When I did trigger the alarm, more out of boredom (and slight second-hand cramp from watching Kay crouching for an extended period), than anything else, the consequences were minimal. The few remaining guards in the room run at you shooting, go down in a couple of simple shots from your ammo-less blaster, and the MacGuffin's free for the taking.

The sense, above all, is that Star Wars Outlaws is a game that is intentionally aiming for a mechanical light touch - which is absolutely fine. There is room for games that are more approachable and set themselves up for broad appeal, and its fitting for Star Wars’ family audience. But in Outlaws' case it feels like a clear step beyond approachable and into something potentially bland. Come back to Jedi, the inevitable comparison given the similarities, it's a painful contrast. Even down to the finer points the level of detail and attention feels lightyears apart.

Where Cal snaps his fingers for BD-1 to pop up onto his shoulder and flip a health stim over for him to catch, Kay's animation was hard to even notice. Where the grate-climbing moments of Jedi may not be the most inventive, they're still gloriously fluid and acrobatic, rigged with rhythm and momentum and, in many cases, genuine environmental puzzles in themselves, while the showcase platforming here harkened back to simple prompt-following of the early 2010s. And where Cal, beloved or not by Star Wars fans, had a distinctly puckish charm, Kay's character doesn't get much beyond a shoulder shrug and blank smile. Like almost anyone cast in this kind of role, she's not so much overshadowed by Han Solo as totally eclipsed by his charm.
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At least they have the landing and taking off right. It's still just a form of loading but it's more seamless. Starfield could have done something like this.


This dude is usually a shill and full of shit, i would not trust anything he says.

He is? Because I sometimes watch his horror playthroughs which I find entertaining and he seemed to be one of the "good" ones so to speak. Like, level headed and chill.

Eirher way, what he's showing does look good to me. I'm just afraid it's all PC footage because this is way smoother than what we saw during Ubi.
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Gold Member
He is? Because I sometimes watch his horror playthroughs which I find entertaining and he seemed to be one of the "good" ones so to speak. Like, level headed and chill.

Eirher way, what he's showing does look good to me. I'm just afraid it's all PC footage because this is way smoother than what we saw during Ubi.
I watched a couple of gameplay of him and he is always come out as the super fake enthusiasm type of dude like that fucking radbrat dude, maybe he is more chill with horror games because those are usually not super hyped\famous but he was unwatchable like one year ago.
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Gold Member
Couldn’t be more underwhelmed. Which is odd coming from Jedi Survivor. That one was a banger.


I watched a couple of gameplay of him and he is always come out as the super fake enthusiasm type of dude like that fucking radbrat dude, maybe he is more chill with horror games because those are usually not super hyped\famous but he was unwatchable like one year ago.

Hmm I see. Yeah you mean TheRadBrad, lmao. But trust me, there are way more insufferable ones out there with truly fake behavior and overreactions. Most of the time I can't with these Youtubers, lmao.

I've mostly seen horror by this dude and his shock reactions (if genuine) can be quite entertaining. But that's the thing, there is no telling how genuine it really is. 😐


Gold Member
Hmm I see. Yeah you mean TheRadBrad, lmao. But trust me, there are way more insufferable ones out there with truly fake behavior and overreactions. Most of the time I can't with these Youtubers, lmao.

I've mostly seen horror by this dude and his shock reactions (if genuine) can be quite entertaining. But that's the thing, there is no telling how genuine it really is. 😐
I don't really follow any personality on yt or twitch, i found almost all of them unsufferable and fake so i don't really know many of them.

But since i don't trust reviews, i'm kinda forced to watch gameplay videos from these people to get an idea of how the game play out.


Gunplay doesn't seem to have a punch, but I like the way the game looks. Now if I could only muster any enthusiasm for a Star Wars game.


Terrible writing
Terrible character
Terrible gameplay
Incoming 500+ items shop
Atrociously generic with a simple star wars skin applied into the final product
Probably another 200+ hours required to get all collectibles and grind to force people to keep their Ubisoft+ subscription active or pay "booster packs"

Gonna wait 2+ years for full dlcs/patches/price drop and then purchase the "Complete edition" experience at $20.
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Terrible writing
Terrible character
Terrible gameplay
Incoming 500+ items shop
Atrociously generic with a simple star wars skin applied into the final product
Probably another 200+ hours required to get all collectibles and grind to force people to keep their Ubisoft+ subscription active or pay "booster packs"

Gonna wait 2+ years for full dlcs/patches/price drop and then purchase the "Complete" experience at $20.
why wait and play it after listing all that shit? this never make sense... its cheaper so lets play a shitty game?
These are the guys who made the Division right. The first Division has one of the most impressive open worlds ever made so not surprised to see the open world looking good here. Some of the graphics are very impressive. I just hate the main character. A woman pretending to be Han Solo. Ugh. Women aren't scoundrels.


Gold Member
Gunplay doesn't seem to have a punch, but I like the way the game looks. Now if I could only muster any enthusiasm for a Star Wars game.
Gunplay look somehow worse tham the very few gunplay moments you have in the last jedi game where you have a gun, not sure how it is fucking possible when one is a melee focused game and the other is a shooter...

I was expecting much more from the people who made the division.

But tbf, the combat animations feel kinda unfinished\place holder.
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It looks very nice, but my god does the gameplay look derivative and uninspired. This is maybe a pick up at cut price down the line for me. As long as it reviews well, isn't stuffed with MTX and has good performance.
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why wait and play it after listing all that shit? this never make sense... its cheaper so lets play a shitty game?

While you're absolutely right lol, i'll answer : For the sake of curiosity and game collection.
That's the philanthropist part of me trying to be reasonably like "wait, it's can't be that bad is it ?"
I bought AC Valhalla complete at $18 and while it has every generic ubisoft checklist and was expecting to drop the game like i did with Odyssey, i ended up being a bit entertained by that little colony you build.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
The backhand to the back of a storm trooper helmet is wtf?

The rest of the gameplay doesn’t look awful but the person playing is the worst kind of person to record playing your game.

Intentional slow walking, pretending to slow crouch into cover, no aim down sight when it makes sense to, bad aim, running around like an idiot, etc.


ChatGPT 0.1
Trailers are deceptive and make games look bad and than everyone has to react to them, I wrote a month ago that outlaws is apart of the Jedi survival world but made differently and could pass our expectations.


Didn't do much for me. Granted, I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I liked the original trilogy, but the franchise has been so milked at this point, it's a desiccated cow. The gameplay was fine but nothing stood out to me, apart from the animal companion - that was a nice touch.


It has similar vibe to it as Watch_Dogs did when it was first announced. Looks cool, but you just know that it will have that Ubisoft jankiness and lack of polish.
You should rewatch Watch Dogs presentation, it was bullshit but impressive. While here you can see the jank in the presentation itself.

They do honest presentations now and it consequently doesn't make the game look good.

I'm sure just like Avatar the world will be incredible, probably the best reproduction of the SW universe we've seen. But everything else show that Ubisoft isn't just stagnating but regressing. The stealth/action gameplay looks absolutely terrible, it's not even in Ubisoft's standards regarding this kind of game (Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon).
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