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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away


Really judging it for yourself will be the only way since opinions on the game are so divided.

Yeah, just dive in. Roll a Jedi Knight if you want a closer KotOR experience. Avoid Consular. Every other class is solid. Smuggler is great, but I am biased towards anything titled towards a Han Solo esque adventure.

My character right now is a Sith Jugg, and it's pacing is too slow for my tastes.


Anyone having problems logging in with security key? I was just playing earlier today a few hours ago, and now I can't login.


Alur, you need to log in to PD more and pocket heal my gunslinger I am gearing out now!

I'd be game for this if we set up some kind of time after this weekend, lol. I actually resubbed yesterday, though I haven't played yet. I take that back, I did do 1 WZ last night. WZs are still pretty fun, but solo queuing seems to be even worse than it was 2 months ago.

Normally every time I logged into PD or VeT when I was playing (or when I'd just check in while unsubbed) it was always full groups going. Like I said before it was one of the reasons for my disappearance. Every guild at this stage is very clique heavy, as they should be really I guess. Friends are friends, after all. Folks run with their friends, it's hard to break in on the PVP or high end raiding front as a non-DPS. The healer market is pretty cornered. When I get in and things are full up it always just makes me nostalgic for KV and then I sigh and log out.

I'm actually genuinely upset that I never got the title or anything from this event though. I was busy and then I procrastinated through the rest of it. First one I've missed =/.


I'm actually amazed how long Republic GAF survived. At one point we had like 4 total active members. Now we sit at ~34 during prime time hours. :)


I didn't join pub GAF on my scoundrel cause all I ever did was PVP, and I really only knew the three of you who post here. Everyone else is gone, pretty much, and it's all fresh faces or faces that aren't part of NeoGAF. Raids going on nightly from what I saw, not much time to break in as a new face.


I didn't join pub GAF on my scoundrel cause all I ever did was PVP, and I really only knew the three of you who post here. Everyone else is gone, pretty much, and it's all fresh faces or faces that aren't part of NeoGAF. Raids going on nightly from what I saw, not much time to break in as a new face.

I just joined Repub GAF two months ago, and they've all been very cool to me.

I haven't done any Ops with them yet, but I've done a lot of lowbie WZs and FPs with them. It's a good guild.


I have to hand it to the GAF Rep guys, you really have thrived when other guilds were falling apart. Being willing to absorb other guilds frequently definitely worked out. If you guys ever need an extra geared healer or DPS to fill in just hit me up on Ishar or Janin.
They really really need to explain how they are going to handle your old commendations when they switch over to 2.0

I would imagine transferring them into classic coms would make sense, but in the past they have screwed players by removing gear and not letting you use your leftover coms. I remember getting stuck with a bunch of centurion coms with one of the early updates :(


So I finally feel like playing again after so long. Was part of EmpireGAF when the game first launched. Is the majority of players here on GAF still on Empire?


Neo Member
Dulfy's latest post on crafting seemed to imply you could RE for reusables, which would make my biochem main super happy. Until they make another higher tier that you can't make reusables of, bleh.
So what are these new GSI mission terminals that get you rep in 2.0 about? Seems like theres a treasure hunt type thing involved but is there some other quests attached to this whole thing?

Sounds like there is some other new content in 2.0 like new world bosses?


So I finally feel like playing again after so long. Was part of EmpireGAF when the game first launched. Is the majority of players here on GAF still on Empire?

Nope. Only 4 or 5 Empire GAF folks around really. In what may be potentially a surprise for you (maybe, maybe not!) the pub GAF guild did a role reversal and is pretty large and very active. There aren't a whole ton of NeoGAF originals over there either, but more than there are on imp side. Plus they raid and all that good stuff and are a pretty swell bunch.


Yeah out of original GAF Empire folks, Myself (Trevin), Predeesh, Azura, and Cheeks are active still. Camlost and Areoron were active until a couple weeks ago when they got bored and went back to WOW until new content. Alur just resubbed I believe. Some other people are on other servers now. I know there are one or two others that are still active that are slipping my mind right now. The majority of us from GAF Empire joined Elite Empire with our raid group, then merged with That's No Goon. We are still going strong, we were the first Imperial guild to down NiM EC on our server. That's No Goon has two raid groups, the other is on Kephess in NiM EC, they should down him in the next week or two. If anyone is still around that needs a guild to raid with, just message me in game on Trevail or Nae'bliss, or Milly79 on Predeesh, Yooni or Kephess.

Oh and we ran 10 Stack Dreadtooth yesterday with Torva Nex, got him to 6% before we had to call it due to people having places to be. Next week he dies for sure. There is crazy damage going out in that fight, even with 8 healers people were dying pretty quick. We did get the Dwead'Toof pet to drop off of 5 stack, the guy who won it has it listed for 15 million credits on the GTN. Yooni was not pleased.


Did they nerf the Tracer Missile build at one point? I played one at launch, and I recall it was very effective and did a lot of damage in lowbie Warzones.

I'm leveling a Commando now with Grav Round, and it doesn't seem to be as good anymore?


We've seen a lot of discussion on Smash in 2.0, and since I haven't personally seen any mention of it, I want to call your attention to the change made to Dark Resonance (Warrior) and Focused Resonance (Knight).

Prior to 2.0, this skill increased the critical damage of all Force attacks by 30% after 3 points.

In 2.0, it increases the critical damage of all attacks by 15% after 3 points.

We also made several other changes that have small effects on Smash damage (and all damage, really), with the end goal being to reduce burst damage without significantly impacting sustained damage.

I'm cautiously optimistic about the end result. Sustained damage didn't change much, and Smash now does ~15% less damage. Hopefully when the bolster issue is fixed in the next PTS build, you guys will be able to see the results (if you're not already playing Rage/Focus personally).

And if it still isn't enough (but I'm pretty sure it is - we certainly don't want to ruin Rage/Focus), we will consider further ways to address the issue.



Did they nerf the Tracer Missile build at one point? I played one at launch, and I recall it was very effective and did a lot of damage in lowbie Warzones.

I'm leveling a Commando now with Grav Round, and it doesn't seem to be as good anymore?

Tracer was stupid, but early on, one of my friends did 250k damage in a warzone at level 12, which is long before you have access to Tracer Missile. Merc/Commando is just generally not what it used to be.


Tracer was stupid, but early on, one of my friends did 250k damage in a warzone at level 12, which is long before you have access to Tracer Missile. Merc/Commando is just generally not what it used to be.

Ok got it. I just needed to know if I was doing something wrong or if it got changed.

I'll try a different build now lol.
For anyone trying out 2.0, do the vendors of classic stuff have actual weapons available for coms or is it just armor parts as usual for com stuff? Wondering if I should waste my time upping my weapon or just waiting and buying it with my saved up coms when 2.0 hits instead.


Ok got it. I just needed to know if I was doing something wrong or if it got changed.

I'll try a different build now lol.

Still got great PVE DPS from all I've heard.

PVP is not a great experience though ATM for merc/commando DPS. You'll be something of a unicorn at level 50 if you are dpsing as that class. The nerfs really hurt 'em.


Well, shit. Bought a "LIKE NEW" TV from Amazon Warehouse. Screen was completely fucked. :( Fuck my life. Think I'll just start sticking to brick and mortar stores for TVs. Ridiculous.



And GAF lost like 6? people today? Ouch!

Ops 1 moved to their own guild, we'll still be sitting at over 25 active members. Not much was lost honestly, they lived in their own little world when they got on, they only did to do ops runs together then get off.


Then you never paid attention. :p Like I said, I'm not worried, we still have 4 ops groups running even with those guys gone. Plus I like what the current ops leaders bring to the table. Not worried about clearing content either, Ops 2 and 3 have cleared completely.

Like I said though, pretty much all but one of Ops 1 lived in their own little world.


Then you never paid attention. :p Like I said, I'm not worried, the we still have 4 ops groups running even with those guys gone. Plus I like what the current ops leaders bring to the table. Not worried about clearing content either, Ops 2 and 3 have cleared completely.

Like I said though, pretty much all but one of Ops 1 lived in their own little world.

GAF was not the same when I left compared to the GAF when I joined. I'll say that much.


GAF was not the same when I left compared to the GAF when I joined. I'll say that much.

Don't remember when you left, but the whole TOO CLIQUEY problem arose a few months back, primarily with Ops 1. It's one of the reasons Hobi left to PD a while back. We had a few incidents like when they tried to put a password on the TeamSpeak Ops channel. Some of the other members didn't take too kindly to that, and I didn't either. Plus a few of them were complete dicks to other members outside their ops group.

I'm honestly not worried at all about them leaving. We still have 4 ops groups running, might be more with some of our newer members. At the end of the day, if GAF ends, it will, but I very much doubt it's because that small group that pretty much only played with each other only left.


When I was there, there would be 15+ people online, no one talking in guild chat, but the 5-6 officers rambling in /o about certain people/things. It was very cliquey when I left. It was around the same time they denied letting you raid.


When I was there, there would be 15+ people online, no one talking in guild chat, but the 5-6 officers rambling in /o about certain people/things. It was very cliquey when I left. It was around the same time they denied letting you raid.

Yep, I remember that. Guild chat is much more active place now. It still has it's lulls, but there's usually always something going on. The Facebook group is also extremely active. I really like how the two new ops leaders are working together and constantly communicating with each other. Constantly trying to bring up guildies up to speed and gear, helping newer members, teaching different mechanics, etc. Not being dicks to each other and talking about other members in the Officer channel. That's always nice. Ya know?


Ops 1 is not the same Ops 1 from when you still played. :p Shake is part of it though.

Actually, maybe it was.

Yeah I have no clue who is in that group now. It's been months since I ran with them as a main tank. Last time I checked a lot of the people I liked to run with stopped playing awhile ago. It's probably for the best they left if what you say is true.


Finally getting around to installing the PTS! From what I've been reading and hearing, it looks like I'll be messing around with Vengeance spec on my Guardian as the tree seems to have been buffed a bit.


Fair bit of news from the most recent cantina.


-Rakgoul event will be returning! (not from Q&A, but from chatting with Blaine)
-Ready check will be here sooner than you think
-User created mods not anytime soon
-Moving bound, empty armor shells to other legacy toons is something interesting (see how they’re trying not to say soon?)
-Why does the warrior suck? (everyone laughed)
-Companions wearing event gear is a go
-No comment on Tauntaun mounts
-Everyone laughed when Damion failed to see the connection between “Tron” armor and Disney buying LucasArts
-Gray alignment coming soonish (does this count as soon?)
-Having a third faction would break stuff
-Duel spec is high on the wall of crazy (yes, it’s still on the wall of crazy)
-Armor dyes soon? Answer: That’d be really neat wouldn’t it? (yes, Damion answered a questions with a question)
-One-click switch from PvE gear to PvP is on wall of crazy
-Damion thinks Gault is the funniest companion
-There are plans to use social media etc. to stream community content (details were vague)
-What’s up with escape pod doors on ships? To let hijacked players escape!
-Appearance tabs are not in immediate future
-One free transfer when transfers go live? They know how important character transfers are
-Concerns for PvP? Go to PTS and test warzones!
-More Huttball maps? There are other priorities at the moment (still not sure what this means)
-I asked if datacrons/codex etc. will be added to legacy in future. Datacrons no, achievements yes.
-Will there be bikinis for men? (A good chuckle was had by all)
-Damion commented that if a new player completes the first planet they usually stick around


The Sith Warrior's story ending is fantastic.

The Crew member betrayal was handled poorly. They should've made it to where your least used companion was the betrayer instead of having it be Quinn, who I had been romanced and was used more than any other compaion. "Oh, hey... um sorry about all that betraying you and suddenly siding with Baras stuff." While giving you these Dialogue choices in response: "All is forgiven, you just betrayed me but meh." "You are on thin ice" WTF? He just tried to kill you! "Don't let it happen again" Ugh.

I now have a 50 Imp on Jedi Covenant. Time to kill GAF.


Commit to something Bioware, damn. Dual Spec is not a fucking crazy expectation.


The Sith Warrior's story ending is fantastic.

The Crew member betrayal was handled poorly. They should've made it to where your least used companion was the betrayer instead of having it be Quinn, who I had been romanced and was used more than any other compaion. "Oh, hey... um sorry about all that betraying you and suddenly siding with Baras stuff." While giving you these Dialogue choices in response: "All is forgiven, you just betrayed me but meh." "You are on thin ice" WTF? He just tried to kill you! "Don't let it happen again" Ugh.
Yeah, I agree. It blows they took away the option to kill him as well. Though you do kind of get the pleasure in the final boss of Scum and Villainy haha.
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