Ugh... I never really had a chance to run Terror From Beyond when it came out nor have I had a chance to get into Scum and Villainy since release and now that I have some time to get into them, no one actually wants to bring me in because it seems every group that forms stipulates that you must know the fights already (I've read about them but haven't actually got in to see them first hand) and no one seems to want to help someone learn. I can't ever seem to get a group finder TFB or S&V because it is usually just a revolving door of someone leaving and the group never getting off the ground. So incredibly frustrating, especially cause both of my main characters are an Elite / Aug'd geared combat medic and Elite / Aug'd geared Guardian tank... fairly sought after positions.
Unfortunately, most of my guild took off and haven't come back or don't want to do stuff like this even though they said they did so I suppose I could start looking for another guild again that would bring someone new in but I seem to have bad luck with some of the guilds I talk to and they don't want to "abandon" or "replace" the regular ops members with someone new.
This game is fantastic, but then I run into this stuff and it just annoys the shit out of me.
That said... I am looking forward to the next patch. Being able to change your armour colour is long, long overdue and I can finally change the hair on my tank!