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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away


Got my scoundrel that I'm maining and sage to 55 (still not Qruul yet, though, sadly as imp PVP is a barren wasteland of frustration and bitterness).

Now I'm curious and have a question for you regulars cause I've obviously been out a minute. I need money in a serious way to augment my PVP gear, as I've almost gathered a full set of conqueror already on one character. Obviously, this means doing dailies and I actually have a group who wants to do them each night...

The problem is none of us have ever really done dailies. I did the level 50 ones (that you could level from 47-50 on really quick - Ilum and Belsavis I believe it was) as well as The Black Hole back in the day, but all of the new ones I am very unfamiliar with.

Is Black Hole and Section X still viable? I have started to open up Oriocon, and it seems there's some C278274823 whatever planet that has dailies. Which ones are best if say we were looking to spend 30-45 minutes tops?


Neo Member
CZ-198 is really compact and fast. And if you do the two easy flashpoints you can get the weekly done super quickly too.
If you want just credits, then the old lvl 50 daily stuff is viable, as the credit rewards for each turn in is about same as the current 55 daily stuff. The only advantage is with the 55 daily stuff is you get better coms which even if you don't need that gear, you can always vendor it for more credits or just buy isotope-5 to resell on the GTN for some extra creds. If you want to just waltz through content for quick creds then the 50's is not a bad option.


So I re-subbed last week and am playing for the first time since the first month of launch. Having a blast really.

What is the deal with story mode operations? Can I use group finder to run them to see all of the game's content without a crazy challenge? Are all the operations available via group finder?


So I re-subbed last week and am playing for the first time since the first month of launch. Having a blast really.

What is the deal with story mode operations? Can I use group finder to run them to see all of the game's content without a crazy challenge? Are all the operations available via group finder?

no only 2 of the 4 level 55 endgame operations can be done via group finder.
you'll have to stay on the fleet and wait until a group is looking for players.
on my server, this is done quite frequently. you shouldnt have a problem finding a group, it just involves a lot of waiting.

I recommend doing that for all 4 operations by the way, since group finder will put you only in an 8 player group. but 16 player operations award more commendations.
If you are under lvl 55, you can do the 3 story mode lvl 50 operations via group finder. If you hit 55 though you can only do two of the lvl 55 story mode ops. They likely will add the other two ops to the group finder once new tier gears come out again since the last 2 ops are more difficult than the previous ones.

Even though story mode is easy mode, it still is tough and requires some knowledge of the ops to do them. Players have geared up now quite a bit so that helps make it easier too, but still many ops have parts that require everyone to do what they have to. I was hoping they would make a more simpler version for folks who just want to experience the content, kinda like how they are now putting in the role neutral flashpoint options.


If you are under lvl 55, you can do the 3 story mode lvl 50 operations via group finder. If you hit 55 though you can only do two of the lvl 55 story mode ops. They likely will add the other two ops to the group finder once new tier gears come out again since the last 2 ops are more difficult than the previous ones.

Even though story mode is easy mode, it still is tough and requires some knowledge of the ops to do them. Players have geared up now quite a bit so that helps make it easier too, but still many ops have parts that require everyone to do what they have to. I was hoping they would make a more simpler version for folks who just want to experience the content, kinda like how they are now putting in the role neutral flashpoint options.

That's cool I don't mind having to know what's going on. I just don't want to deal with something like Firelands from WOW on normal. Normal my ass that shit was hard.


Just bought the ultimate leveling bundle. I think that might have been a mistake though.

It seems those unlocks only apply to one character?

Also, do the increased xp gains affect legacy xp as well?


I'm back! ish..

Waiting on my new mouse since my Logitech G600 has a right click issue. Which happened to my Razer Naga too. Booooo.
Play a bit of starfighter every day, good way to build up xp on my alts who I plan on finishing the story with someday. I do hope we see a new map or game modes in the not so distant future, only 2 maps and one mode is a bit lacking. But probably wont see anything new added till all players (premium and free) are allowed in too. Starfighter is excellent, always fun to play and it feels just really good and polished in it's current state even. I hope they put in an attack and defend like scenario, like having fighters attempting to take out an opponents capital ship type mode.

Just bought the ultimate leveling bundle. I think that might have been a mistake though.

It seems those unlocks only apply to one character?

Also, do the increased xp gains affect legacy xp as well?

Character legacy unlocks are for that character only. Global legacy unlocks usually say so in their description, but anything under the character specific tab is for that character only.

Not sure on legacy xp gains, never really paid attention to it.


I'm back! ish..

Waiting on my new mouse since my Logitech G600 has a right click issue. Which happened to my Razer Naga too. Booooo.

A man shows up out of the blue one night and PVPs with long lost MMO friends. A man then disappears, never to be heard from again.

Is this man you?

It is!

Where you hidin'? And what are you right clicking in game that is so important?


A man shows up out of the blue one night and PVPs with long lost MMO friends. A man then disappears, never to be heard from again.

Is this man you?

It is!

Where you hidin'? And what are you right clicking in game that is so important?

haha sorry I got busy with work and last night I went out with friends. I have a crazy/shitty schedule this weekend so I won't be on much at night but I'll be getting on.

Right click to turn the camera, it's kind of annoying when I'm trying to turn and it doesn't register or it double clicks leading to a screwed up camera.


sorry if already asked but is there some kind of promotion going on? I just decided to resub for the hell of it and payed for 30 days, i ended up receiving 60 days. pretty cool


Neo Member
So I went through the guild member list and removed anyone who hasn't logged in 180 days just to clear up some space. If I removed anyone's alt or anyone's character who is wanting to come back just whisper a member for an invite back into the guild.

Also, yeah GAF Empire is pretty much inactive, most of us focus of Republic PVE and PVP.


A man shows up out of the blue one night and PVPs with long lost MMO friends. A man then disappears, never to be heard from again.

Is this man you?

It is!

Where you hidin'? And what are you right clicking in game that is so important?

Keyboard turner confirmed.


I had indeed neglected the camera turn, but I am already out as a fairly regular keyboard turner. Your words cannot hurt me! At any rate, what are you doing nowadays, sir?

Mainly working and playing PS4. Currently re-downloading SWTOR to give it another shot, although I'll never get back into it as much as I was. :lol


Mainly working and playing PS4. Currently re-downloading SWTOR to give it another shot, although I'll never get back into it as much as I was. :lol

Don't lie to yourself.



Mainly working and playing PS4. Currently re-downloading SWTOR to give it another shot, although I'll never get back into it as much as I was. :lol

'Tis impossible to get back into it in that way for all of us, I think. Just too many folks we played with gone. I've been playing with Starsider and Homi and it's been pretty good, doing dailies and events and PVPing.

PVP is far more...even? now than I ever remember it. There's just not a lot of 4 man premades queuing. The most regular one I see is an imp premade with a "Barbie" with all symbols, dunno if it's the same Barbie, but I've seen em just about every other night for a game or two each time. I do see two man groups pretty regular, but that's a drop in the bucket. There seems to be no dominant PVP guild anymore like there has always been.

On a given night, with me and Homi we might end up 4-4 and with a full group 6-2, but really it has evened out quite nicely. It's a nice change, to be honest. The games are far more competitive.


Homi's back? Wow. I'd assume you're still on JC? My main toons are on PoT5 still, and I'd assume there's a new tier or two of PvP gear. I'm sure I'm so far behind gear wise. Skill wise? Probably not so much. :lol

And Cystm, I really don't think there's any way I can dedicate that much time. Rynis and Liz are the only ones that I'm gonna PvP with and they're on BC. I've got too much invested in my PS4 to go balls to the wall again with SWTOR. It won't ever have that magic it once had.

Even Trevin quit, the one I never thought would. Haha.


i just re-subbed two days ago and am enjoying it more than i thought i would. Im sciion from the old empire gaf if anyone remembers me and wants to play lol


Homi's back? Wow. I'd assume you're still on JC? My main toons are on PoT5 still, and I'd assume there's a new tier or two of PvP gear. I'm sure I'm so far behind gear wise. Skill wise? Probably not so much. :lol

And Cystm, I really don't think there's any way I can dedicate that much time. Rynis and Liz are the only ones that I'm gonna PvP with and they're on BC. I've got too much invested in my PS4 to go balls to the wall again with SWTOR. It won't ever have that magic it once had.

Even Trevin quit, the one I never thought would. Haha.

Yeah we're on JC. Couple stragglers came back from POT5 saying most of the folks had quit there, and rated dried up just as quickly there as it did here.

There is Obroan (sp?) gear now above Conquerors.

Yeah I knew Trevin quit, he was playing FFXIV at launch when I was, but on a different server. Dunno if he's still at that or not.


So I'm level 55 and I'm wondering whether I should buy the mods for my lightsaber or craft it. One of my friends stated that it's going to roughly cost the same to craft so just buy the mods.


Neo Member
It depends on the level. You would have to get the hilt, mod and enhancement crafted if you're looking for 72. If you are talking about crafting it yourself, then you would have to be 2 different crafting skills to do so, and would have to reverse engineer the original item multiple times to learn the schematic. Its much easier to just buy it.


where you at Alur? :p

You missed your night yet again! Shamey! I saw you on the next day in the afternoon, but I was packing to head out of town. Just got back in town and will be on tonight if you are around.

Also +1 for Milly dropping noobs with the auto attack. Those times with you and Trevin trouncing lowbies during double EXP leading up to the Hutt expansion were good.


You missed your night yet again! Shamey! I saw you on the next day in the afternoon, but I was packing to head out of town. Just got back in town and will be on tonight if you are around.

Also +1 for Milly dropping noobs with the auto attack. Those times with you and Trevin trouncing lowbies during double EXP leading up to the Hutt expansion were good.

I was on last night! I was on my slinger though, I didn't see any Starsiders on when I checked. What time did you get on?

Also what level of lowbies are you all doing?


I was on last night! I was on my slinger though, I didn't see any Starsiders on when I checked. What time did you get on?

Also what level of lowbies are you all doing?

Me and Homi will be on tonight. All the other 5ish Starsider folks are gone until Jan. 1st, as far as I know, except maybe Pizzil. I'll look for ya.

As for lowbies, I think you were confused, but I play lowbie PVP on both sides a couple times a week. I have a commando healer and guardian smash monkey on pub side and Qruul and a merc healer on imp side to level up. Most of the other SS folks have pub lowbies too for us to play together. You still have a few?

I play on Begeren Colony? WC-RP with Rynis and Liz.

I think Heysoos thought I was talking about us doing lowbies recently, instead of like 6 months ago or whatever it was that the Hutt expansion released. How is the roleplay server, by the way?


I've seen very little RP, tbh. My name is "doesnotrp", so maybe that helps? Skill level is lowwwww. I am enjoying being a no one, though. Definitely nice.


Bull on a Donut
Daaaaamn, trevin quit??? FF14 trevin? Really brah? You better join us for Warlords of Draenor over in WoW in like 4-8 months--free max level character lol ;).

Anyhow, I decided to fire SWTOR back up and finish the jedi knight storyline, think I'm like somewhere around level 40. So are all ya'll that still play still on JC or spread across the heavens?


I've seen very little RP, tbh. My name is "doesnotrp", so maybe that helps? Skill level is lowwwww. I am enjoying being a no one, though. Definitely nice.

I guess that doesn't really surprise me. Probably just a few pockets of guilds who do that. How is the population on that server, by the way? Weren't they one of the ones who got the least amount of feeder servers due to being allowed RP only mergers?

And being a no one is both neat and frustrating. I'm used to it because that's pretty much how it was for me the entirety of this year due to all my sabbaticals, but there are times I wish folks still knew I used to be Heisenberg and not Walter White. :p

Daaaaamn, trevin quit??? FF14 trevin? Really brah? You better join us for Warlords of Draenor over in WoW in like 4-8 months--free max level character lol ;).

Anyhow, I decided to fire SWTOR back up and finish the jedi knight storyline, think I'm like somewhere around level 40. So are all ya'll that still play still on JC or spread across the heavens?

FF14 was actually just about everything most folks seem to have wanted out of launch SWTOR (sans PVP, which is in the game now I believe). Very polished, etc, group finder, nice easy transport system, decent story, beautiful game in general, but the troll players there make even the trolliest SWTOR guy look soft. Think an army of Sifumasters, but ones who can actually play or semi-play enough to police every group for fail with ridiculously high gear checks for trivial content, among other things. The nerd rage quotient is at decibel level 11 on Ultros.

The only GAF Empire alumni still rolling that I know of are me and Homicidium. We are in Starsider on pub side (irony). Several of the original GAF folks are still around in Republic GAF, and there's a good bit of Prime Defense people who still play a few days a week. All in all though, we're talking 10-15 people tops that were from Keller's Void (at least that I've seen in the past 3 weeks).

I've actually been sporadically going through old SWTOR screenshots (mostly caps of PVP game scoreboards) and slowly picking out a few good ones to post up for some nostalgia eventually. It's crazy how many people I forgot about who used to play all the time.


I guess that doesn't really surprise me. Probably just a few pockets of guilds who do that. How is the population on that server, by the way? Weren't they one of the ones who got the least amount of feeder servers due to being allowed RP only mergers?

From what I've seen it's always "high" for the most part, unlike the rest of the servers. They assured me it was a good server at least, haha.

And it's really sad to hear that about FF14. I bought the PS3 version when it was $10 so I could get the free copy for my PS4 and was looking to really giving it a good shot. Maybe not so much after hearing that.


Bull on a Donut
FF14 was actually just about everything most folks seem to have wanted out of launch SWTOR (sans PVP, which is in the game now I believe). Very polished, etc, group finder, nice easy transport system, decent story, beautiful game in general, but the troll players there make even the trolliest SWTOR guy look soft. Think an army of Sifumasters, but ones who can actually play or semi-play enough to police every group for fail with ridiculously high gear checks for trivial content, among other things. The nerd rage quotient is at decibel level 11 on Ultros.

Yeah I don't doubt that it's a good game, it just didn't look very appealing to me. I was on the fence for trying it out then all my buddies that also play WoW ended up quitting FF14 within a couple days of wrapping up the storyline in FF14. Seems to be the case for most MMOs (Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, FF14--at least in my circle). SWTOR funnily enough is the one that lasted the longest. I think it was as close a WoW killer as can be for many of us, but they shat on their awesomeness of a base game with piss poor post-release content (aka spending 100% of their resources on legacy over actual end game content and features like they are doing now).


From what I've seen it's always "high" for the most part, unlike the rest of the servers. They assured me it was a good server at least, haha.

And it's really sad to hear that about FF14. I bought the PS3 version when it was $10 so I could get the free copy for my PS4 and was looking to really giving it a good shot. Maybe not so much after hearing that.

It's well worth playing for the story if you are a Final Fantasy fan. It's a very, very beautiful game and I thoroughly enjoyed it up until my first encounter with the iLVL gods while trying to farm tomes. I just never could get the sour taste out of my mouth after that.

The iLVL thing is different from WoW, IMO, because there's no DPS meter (or wasn't at the time) and no real reason to restrict players at that point other than you wanted to run a dungeon 5 minutes faster. I would go out on a limb and assume that a lot of those folks left because they maxed the gear and game out within the first month or two. I hope so anyway, in case I ever go back.

Yeah I don't doubt that it's a good game, it just didn't look very appealing to me. I was on the fence for trying it out then all my buddies that also play WoW ended up quitting FF14 within a couple days of wrapping up the storyline in FF14. Seems to be the case for most MMOs (Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, FF14--at least in my circle). SWTOR funnily enough is the one that lasted the longest. I think it was as close a WoW killer as can be for many of us, but they shat on their awesomeness of a base game with piss poor post-release content (aka spending 100% of their resources on legacy over actual end game content and features like they are doing now).

You are correct on that. This is the sole game that really took me away from WoW permanently.

They just took too long to add new content and opened way too many servers due to QQ in early access/launch week and merged them back together way too late, effectively steamrolling themselves. If they had content and communication like what they've got now rolling in after release this game wouldn't be looked at in the way it is by the internets.

On a more current note, after all this time, only 5006 more rep to legend with the Gree. Ironically, the Life Day event got me a Gree mount before legend, though.
Found the story in FFXIV:ARR to be pretty awful, forgettable fantasy storyline, on par with the stuff that GW2 put out, but that had even worse presentation. Far prefer the story telling in SWTOR.

FFXIV is a beautiful game and world though, I like lot of the game systems, could care less about the stories though.


Just finished the Sorc storyline. Holy hell was that boring as shit, I have never dumped a toon in an MMO so fast. So so bad. Gonna start leveling an Ops healer now, heard it was one of the best storylines so this should be good.

Are any of the pub side storylines as boring as the Inquisitor? I still have yet to get past Coruscant on any of them due to not playing much at all.


Just finished the Sorc storyline. Holy hell was that boring as shit, I have never dumped a toon in an MMO so fast. So so bad. Gonna start leveling an Ops healer now, heard it was one of the best storylines so this should be good.

Are any of the pub side storylines as boring as the Inquisitor? I still have yet to get past Coruscant on any of them due to not playing much at all.

Yes, the mirror class Sage/Shadow. It kind of makes sense given that the character is supposed to be more mediators than anything else, I found it dull and boring as hell. Some cool companions though. Jedi Knight is what I would imagine being the closest to a KOTOR3, standard hero of the galaxy type thing. Trooper is good too, Chapter 1 and 3 and way better than 2. Smuggler, I liked it, but to me it seemed a little disjointed more than others.
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