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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away

They all look so different, right? :p

In fairness, when you throw down the CCs for collections, you gotta use that gear!

My Merc, my smuggler, and basically all my companions have this jacket, for example.

On that note, got her to level 55. If anyone on Harbinger Pub side needs a heal, lemme know!


It's not even collections. It's just legacy gear for my cunning toons.

Anyway, where can I get solid expertise color crystals? The only ones I know I can purchase is the preorder and off the pvp vendor. The gtn only has purple and cyan and want almost a mill a pop. The rest are cm versions.


Tried playing a match when I got back from class...not even sure why I finished that match. At one point we were getting picked off coming out of the damn spawn area.

Looks like it was Prettii and two Uncensored and a former LD50 guy. Good times. You should have left for sure, but I am guessing you've been gone for so long and not been imp side much so you probably don't recognize names yet.

They all look so different, right? :p

I think I've got two or three up there looking similar, and they aren't even in legacy gear like your guys. I just like their look so I replicated it when I came back to imp side.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Musco just confirmed that as of right now in 3.0 development that Ultimate and Elite commendations will be staying. Planetary and Classic commendations will be merged with Basic commendations.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Musco just confirmed that as of right now in 3.0 development that Ultimate and Elite commendations will be staying. Planetary and Classic commendations will be merged with Basic commendations.

That's a good move, Classic and Basic are pretty worthless. I wonder what the cap is going to be.


Anyone care to point me to a good rotation for PVP for Madness Assassin? I know how to play that tree on my Sage, no idea how it works on Shadow/Sin


Nice to see that they were able to fix the problem they had with making Togrutas work.
You mean stupid?

Last I heard they didn't want to make Togruta playable because the helms would clip their head things.

But people pointed out they don't have a problem with that stuff for Twi'leks or Ashara.

Thankfully money prevailed(because they are Cartel only)


Greetings brethren. Re-reading old OT's can be fun.

It is time for the Star Wars: The Old Republic OT2 retrospective, where we replay the OT's greatest hits (and misses) for lulz. No harm meant. Stand by.

Time period in this capsule: first server mergers to the release of ranked PVP

I predict people will be up in arms over losing their names.

You are prescient. Months later it was all but forgotten, however.

Goodbye Keller's Void, you will be missed.

Fatman, I'mma let you finish, but KV is the greatest server of all time!

Played a good ten matches today, and the skill level is what KV was at 1-2 months after launch. Some good players though, but they are sprinkled in with a lot of MORON FAIL NOOBS.

This definitely changed over time. Our best at that skill level pre-merger wouldn't be able to hack it now without a decent adjustment period. It's crazy how much some of the folks improved, and how much more it improved once the second merge happened.

All these folks logging in right now aren't gonna stay. They need to keep bringing folks in - they are doing it the right way. I want to see 200-300 on fleet every night a month from now, not just right now. If that means that I have to wait in a queue to log in I'll take it over waiting in a queue for countless minutes to group or pvp.

I hope they feed us another dead server or 3 to be honest. Some of em we might be getting tops of 40 players on each side. If only half stay, which is probably the best they can hope for at this point, then that's not really that much of a difference on server load...but it's a big ass difference PVP and raid comp wise.

*toots own horn*

*queues up second set of mergers*

*prepares for inevitable third set sometime next year*

Take note all future MMO's: Develop a way to handle server boom-bust populations better. Be it overflow, cloning the server temporarily, merging, etc... They already have instancing tech on most games; now they need to take it to the next level with worlds building.

ESO says hi. Sadly it still failed (mostly) anyway :(. And you sir hit the nail on the head. Would've saved this game.

You know what pisses me off? they didn´t make KotOR 3 so as to make this shit... and no... SWtOR is not KotOR 3+4+5+6, it´s nowhere close to the quality of a single player KotOR game.

Nice of you to join us! Wait for it...wait for it...

EA + Bioware + Star Wars = Troll shitstorm.

Think about all of the good and the bad within those three brand names and throw them into a blender, then hop on the TORtanic meme bandwagon and trololol. This game has some serious issues, but a lot of awesome qualities too. The onus is on Bioware to create something mother fucking godlike or people are going to actively spin doom even out of the games successes and when the game falters? Feeding frenzy time!

News outlets looking to grab hits have got the easiest formula to achieve that with the three aforementioned brand names. They should be covering this game, but it's funny how they only choose to throw up anything negative about the game and leave anything positive out, or spin it and make it seem like a mess. You find that here as well. Virtually every thread on TOR here is just a quick copy paste about declining population, possibly moving to F2play, or photo shopped bans from some news source also trying to get hits. I tried to make a positive thread about the game and was instantly called a viral marketer. :lol

But, again, the onus is assuredly on Bioware to shut people the fuck up. So far, they haven't done much in the way of doing that, and as such as time goes on, people will increasingly be doom and gloom about the game.

I personally think the game is fun, and while certainly not flawless, still a pretty solid game.


Biodrone viral marketer lolololol.

Cystm. Gone, but not forgotten.

This should be the first thing in OT I think.

The Agent AOE 8-second stun thing pisses me off to no end.

Still pissing people off to no end, but now in new 2014 flavor.

F2P talk again? It may "inevitably" happen, but they will "inevitably" have to lose quite a bit more subscribers for it to make any sense financially..

Who is this idiot? "Inevitably"? It inevitably happened alright. Best thing that happened to the game, bar none, outside of the server merges.

No sub fees means less money for content development.

Hello there! Let me tell you about this thing called the Cartel Market!

We were so naive...

Twas the night before ranked, and all I could wonder...are we gonna look back two months from now and wish they had never put this in the game?

EDIT: This from someone who solely PVPs every night.

Looking back at it two years later, I do indeed wish it had never been put in the game.

It's the one thing constantly bitched about by players in that they are not able to do it reliably because no one wants to actually get together to do it, just complain about each other's comps. They just bitch about it and snipe each other. It's like the 40 year old virgin bitching about not getting laid when never trying to meet a woman.

HERE LIES RANKED PVP: Killer of guilds, subscriptions, and fun since 2012.

I'm still very concerned for a month or two down the road as far as PVP goes, but last night really felt like an event. I was even nervous before the first couple. Gotta love that feeling when playing a video game.


PVP still awesome, but the writing was on the wall with the ranked PVP even in the first week.

Social 1? Do you not even run dailies? Where do your credits come from?


how to win at swtor pvp

step 1 - stack assault vanguards/powertech
step 2 - win

ESTABLISHED: 2012. Dem nerfs doe...oh wait. They were never nerfed. At least we did finally do away with all the smash monkeys, though.


Greetings brethren. Re-reading old OT's can be fun.

It is time for the Star Wars: The Old Republic OT2 retrospective, where we replay the OT's greatest hits (and misses) for lulz. No harm meant. Stand by.

Time period in this capsule: first server mergers to the release of ranked PVP

You are prescient. Months later it was all but forgotten, however.

Fatman, I'mma let you finish, but KV is the greatest server of all time!

This definitely changed over time. Our best at that skill level pre-merger wouldn't be able to hack it now without a decent adjustment period. It's crazy how much some of the folks improved, and how much more it improved once the second merge happened.

*toots own horn*

*queues up second set of mergers*

*prepares for inevitable third set sometime next year*

ESO says hi. Sadly it still failed (mostly) anyway :(. And you sir hit the nail on the head. Would've saved this game.

Nice of you to join us! Wait for it...wait for it...

Cystm. Gone, but not forgotten.

This should be the first thing in OT I think.

Still pissing people off to no end, but now in new 2014 flavor.

Who is this idiot? "Inevitably"? It inevitably happened alright. Best thing that happened to the game, bar none, outside of the server merges.

Hello there! Let me tell you about this thing called the Cartel Market!

We were so naive...

Looking back at it two years later, I do indeed wish it had never been put in the game.

It's the one thing constantly bitched about by players in that they are not able to do it reliably because no one wants to actually get together to do it, just complain about each other's comps. They just bitch about it and snipe each other. It's like the 40 year old virgin bitching about not getting laid when never trying to meet a woman.

HERE LIES RANKED PVP: Killer of guilds, subscriptions, and fun since 2012.


PVP still awesome, but the writing was on the wall with the ranked PVP even in the first week.


ESTABLISHED: 2012. Dem nerfs doe...oh wait. They were never nerfed. At least we did finally do away with all the smash monkeys, though.

cystm is back tho


I haven't played a lot of PVP since coming back, but I still think it's the strongest part of the game!

I feel the same way, particularly when compared to other MMOs. I feel like the way things were set up skill wise mesh well with the objectives, and the GCD time makes it so it's not super twitch fast like it feels in other games.

Juggernaut, Shadow, Guardian. Really, really enjoying the game. The 12xp is amazing. When you get to play the storylines in such a non-intrusive way you really appreciate how good the story is.

My feelings of SWTOR are highly positive, in contrast to a strong feeling of negativity I had since it's inception. Long over are the days of being angry that they they set out to make a MMORPG with a story pillar, and having it just be about that.
Once you really appreciate what it is, what its strengths are, then it becomes clear that this is a really good game at what it does. It didn't set out to reinvent combat, or MMO conventions, but it's really nice and have smooth now. Lots of optimization since the release, and now a lot of customization and things to do.

I loved the KOTORs and now doing the Sith Warrior story I feel the level of fun is up there. Inquisitor, Agent, Knight and Smuggler are really fun. The Consular is the only one that I just was thinking was okay.

There are problems, but this actually is a good game. Time will tell if I will stick around after the class stories concludes, but I like the Legacy system, the unlocks and the family tree. Like so many things it will depend on if you find a good social group to play with. Due to the nature of SWTOR, it's difficult to find a really nice group of people to play with. The solo-centric style, and the movie-watching feeling can make it difficult. As can it be to find people who want to see the great stories of the flashpoints. I can't find anyone who wants to do Foundry, which apparantly has story about Revans past in it. Everybody just wants to "skip".

SWTOR has so many cool armors. It's really nice. I wonder if this right here is the upside of having all races sharing a character model - easier to pump out more great armors faster.

I still hope one day SWTORs worlds will be tied together by open Space, and I hope that one day planets will be less static and set-piece-like, and more dynamic. I also hope that one day they will allow us to give us full control over companions customization (except for race and gender) and maybe also one day, let the players being able to swap control over to their companions, and letting the player be auto-AI'ed, until you swap back.

TL;DR - If you take it for what it is, this game is so much better than what many people has given it credit for. It's ironic that for all the anger over the initial choice of art style, that this game is holding up very well visually. I like it looks less dated than ESO, and that's a new game.


Not to SWTOR, unless I missed that. He's been gone from SWTOR for a while AFAIK.

I haven't even logged in to check out strongholds. I gave the game a chance to make improvements and to be fair they had the right idea in Guildships, Player Housing, Ranked PvP, etc.

Their execution of these additions were lackluster. They just kept sticking to their guns while everyone on the internet was screaming at them for something different - something progressive.

I think the biggest proponent of the way the game was initially developed and handled after launch were the dinosaurs they gave control of the project to. Chiefly: Damion Schubert.
His wall of crazy is one of the most infuriating, lazy, dismissive, incompetent philosophies a game developer can have. Any creative person in any field can have, really. I think his point of view on game mechanics suggested by anyone not himself or immediate team came up with as being "crazy" played the most integral part in this game's lack interesting content.

I am not really fully aware of how things were handled. Just merely observing from the outside looking in.

Either way. The game is continually disappointing, and it just seems like they have this engine in place telling them "Everything is okay. Don't listen to the massive criticisms people are shouting at us. It's just crazy internet behavior." "Given enough time, we will get them to see this game is as great as we are telling ourselves it is."

Only that never happened. It was just one expansion after another that underwhelmed and was merely okay at best.

The game is fun and interesting for a lot of people, but for people such as myself that played since beta, it just gets old and the new content simply is not progressive enough to keep me interested.

That goes for all MMOs. They're just more of the same re-skinned grind that is not worth my time or attention anymore.


TLDR: The game is fun and interesting for a lot of people, but for people such as myself that played since beta, it just gets old and the new content simply is not progressive enough to keep me interested.

That goes for all MMOs. They're just more of the same re-skinned grind that is not worth my time or attention anymore.


You went to the darkside on us, Cystm. You were supposed to bring balance to SWTOR, not leave it in darkness!

I'm surprised that now of all of the times you might feel that way, you find SWTOR to be stagnant when it has far more going for it than it ever did when you were part of SWTOR Defense Force with me and the couple others still posting in this OT.

Like you said, I believe your issue is with MMOs in general more than anything, which is understandable. I find it harder to stick with any new ones myself. If it weren't for my love of the game's PVP I probably wouldn't be playing SWTOR either.


Mmos like this always have the same issue. The content in this game is consumed way to quickly compared to the amount of development time. There's no way around it.



You went to the darkside on us, Cystm. You were supposed to bring balance to SWTOR, not leave it in darkness!

I'm surprised that now of all of the times you might feel that way, you find SWTOR to be stagnant when it has far more going for it than it ever did when you were part of SWTOR Defense Force with me and the couple others still posting in this OT.

Like you said, I believe your issue is with MMOs in general more than anything, which is understandable. I find it harder to stick with any new ones myself. If it weren't for my love of the game's PVP I probably wouldn't be playing SWTOR either.

That gif.

Actually the biggest thing they have done to almost get me back is the increased XP rates for checking out the rest of the few story lines I never finished. Aside from that though? Ehhhhhhhhhh.

I wanted it to be more than they were willing/capable of making it. It's not a bad game. I have just moved on. I have been playing MMOs for way too fucking long.
Neptune how did you get that Cyan colored lightsaber crystal? I have only seen cyan colored crystals with a weird black outline!!:(

I just looked through the GTN. They share the same icon as the dark outlined ones, so you gotta preview all of them. :3

They're fairly cheap, though. I think I spent like 35k on it.
Thanks guys.

Working on my Juggernaut, decided to go Light Side. Very interesting story choices. Everything changes once you pick up a certain companion, and all dialogue becomes something else.

Flashpoints remains the most difficult thing to do. I'm good at tanking, even though it seems to consist mostly of being in defensive form, guarding the healer, interupts, taunts and threat'ing.

But what makes it difficult is that everybody wants to skip. SKIP. Anger and almost hostility towards people who have not seen the story.

It's not that I don't get it. You've seen the FP a million times and you want to get through it, but for me who is trying to do the Boarding Party and Foundry FPs it sort of sucks. Yes, I can see it on youtube or solo them when I am 55, but that's not quite the same.
In hindsight, I think more of the story should be put before and after the flashpoints in the future to avoid these sorts of situations.

Coming from two years of guild wars 2, it also gets to me how frustrating it is to wait around for a healer, and the difficulties that arise when we can't find a replacement.

On the other hand, there is almost a guilty pleasure associated with how much gear matters in this game. With the 12xp my gear is so far behind, but sometimes doing one Flashpoint will yield one item that is better and that allows me to beat whatever solo story content I am undergeared for.

As a anti-stat man I have to admit there is something gratifying about stats on gear matter. But it also scares me come end game, because I won't be able to follow the geat treadmill. But I think that's okay. Running a few warzones here and there will hopefully be enough for me. My main motivation is to experience the stories, have some cool lvl 55-60 characters and then be a F2P who cheeks out the game once in a while when new story content is out.

Star Wars just is really fun.:))
Vink Pulva is one of the most inappropriate names ever and yet sounds absolutely Star Wars perfect when you say it out loud

Cos Dashit would approve

That legacy name is a gold mine. I've also got a Vuffy Pulva, which I actually like better.

But what makes it difficult is that everybody wants to skip. SKIP. Anger and almost hostility towards people who have not seen the story.

It's not that I don't get it. You've seen the FP a million times and you want to get through it, but for me who is trying to do the Boarding Party and Foundry FPs it sort of sucks. Yes, I can see it on youtube or solo them when I am 55, but that's not quite the same.
In hindsight, I think more of the story should be put before and after the flashpoints in the future to avoid these sorts of situations.)

I'm one of these people that likes to skip, but if you say you haven't seen it before people like me will usually understand.

Worst case scenario: Just say you're skipping and that it's some other guy that's not. :p

Lord Phol

Played this on release and it was quite fun but just didn't grab me enough to continue after the initial 30 days had passed. For some reason I've been having this Star Wars craze lately (going to pick up some books and stuff) and so I got reminded of this game.

I don't have much time for MMOs these days sadly, but with the upcoming expansion pack and 14xExp they've caught my interest. Exactly how complicated is this game for someone who just wants to solo some and do some PvP (maybe a flashpoint or too)?

Also a bit off-topic, but does anyone have any recommendations on star wars books? I had written down all the books I was going to get in a notepad on my old computer when I was still active on the swtor forums (when it was still in beta), but that file is long since gone D:.

I've been reading some wikia and am pretty interested in the Solo trio stuff (Yuuzhan and everything leading up to "Darth Cadeus"). Will try to pick up the Thrawn triology as I've heard good things about it.


well you played it for 30 days so you should know how it plays?
I dont think it gets more complicated later, it can easily be played alone if that's what you meant. but you get the 12x experience bonus only if you subscribe AND preorder the expansion. so that doesnt come for free.

as for the books, in my opinion the thrawn trilogy are by far the best books and the only must read. for all the other books, you should just choose what interests you. I usually like sith stuff so I read Plagueis and the darth bane books, they were all right. if you are really interested in SWTOR you should check out the novel Revan, its a decent book and written by the same guy who wrote KOTOR and SWTOR as well as the darth bane novels.


Qruul, don't kill me kthx.

You're already dead.

It's actually 28xEXP.
I kid, it's really 12xEXP, I just had a giggle m8 at the 14 :p.

Also a bit off-topic, but does anyone have any recommendations on star wars books?Will try to pick up the Thrawn triology as I've heard good things about it.

The newest book, A New Dawn, that introduces some of the Star Wars Rebels characters is actually pretty good as far as these kind of books go. Plus, it'll be canon which helps (at least for me). Thrawn was great. I also enjoyed the Darth Bane books, but I can say I find the writing in the new book much better than the Bane trilogy, for sure.

Lord Phol

Thanks for the replies! I'll probably give the game a shot this weekend and see what it feels like. For the books I'll just start with the Thrawn triology and Bane story and if I like them pick up A New Dawn as well! :)

We want to look at global DPS. Some classes have exceeded the baseline values we setup. We took the opportunity to get the classes back to the baseline values we wanted (i.e. DPS numbers were creeping up, we toned it down). Players at level 60 will do similar DPS as current level 55s while the 55s in 3.0 will do less DPS than current 55s.

Cooldown of cleansed increased (12s CD)

Increased cooldown on interrupts – melee increased to 12s and ranged increased to 18s. Make you pick what to interrupt.

Well up yours too, Bioware.
Yeah, the interrupts are really going to kill me. Something like Draxus is going to be REALLY difficult to do with a guild, and virtually impossible to do with a random GF group. When I do DF with my Merc now, I just can't fucking hit those interrupts on the... Corrupters, I think they are?

EDIT: Now that I think about it, even normal enemies while leveling up new characters are going to be a hassle. There are a good number of enemies that spam different attacks that you can interrupt, and this is going to make them more difficult. Sniper enemies in particular are going to wreck.

What is the thought process behind this change? Is it just for PVPers or something?
What is the thought process behind this change? Is it just for PVPers or something?
I would assume so. It doesn't feel like something that would be a benefit to PvE stuff.

Now that you mention leveling, if this interrupt change was in right now then the boss in the tower daily mission on Oricon would be such a nightmare.
I would assume so. It doesn't feel like something that would be a benefit to PvE stuff.

Now that you mention leveling, if this interrupt change was in right now then the boss in the tower daily mission on Oricon would be such a nightmare.

Shit, didn't even think of that. Even with a geared companion, and my Assassin in full 180s I have a hard time taking him down sometimes.

Lord Phol

The worst thing with this game is all classes are awesome :(, hard to choose which one to focus on. I really like Imperial agents gameplay/ship/story but sith warrior has the best companions.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
"We're going to bring your damage down to our magic benchmark and we're going to make it hard to interrupt. Enjoy your maintenance payments."


Neo Member
Hi Guys,

I played this at launch but slowly went off it but thinking about coming back.

Is it still busy enough in the lower levels that I'm not going to feel like I'm playing it on my own?

Going to get the download on tonight and have a look at whats changed over the weekend.
Hi Guys,

I played this at launch but slowly went off it but thinking about coming back.

Is it still busy enough in the lower levels that I'm not going to feel like I'm playing it on my own?

Going to get the download on tonight and have a look at whats changed over the weekend.

Yes, population wise the game is doing great. Outside of the launch rush, I am not sure it has ever done better than it is now population wise.
Man, I've been doing the Rakghoul event so much I hit max rep for the week like two days ago, and I've got more than enough rep items to hit max next week as well. I really want that sniper rifle and pistol. They look so damned cool.

My guild did Eyeless like 3 times in a row yesterday, and that helped a bunch for getting rep items. Did an 8m story, 16m story, and 16m hard mode.
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