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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away


Sith Warrior story is awesome. You'll feel like a diabolical mastermind by the end of chapter 1.

Except I hate being evil.

I'm seriously kind of pushing myself to get through Korriban simply because it's so cartoonishly evil.

Yet, for some reason being cartoonishly good doesn't bother me.


right now im on a tropper called Vaxxys, might make a smuggler soon, but that'll do for now

this xp buff is legit, im literally just doing the story quest and im already lvl 10 and didnt finish the starting zone yet

edit: on my smuggler Juna'Lynn now btw, trying to decide what healer to level

Trying to invite you but it seems like guild invites are being auto declined from you.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Trying to invite you but it seems like guild invites are being auto declined from you.

oops lol

sorry mmo reflex, i turned it on when i saw it. also I was afk, doesnt help


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Except I hate being evil.

I'm seriously kind of pushing myself to get through Korriban simply because it's so cartoonishly evil.

Yet, for some reason being cartoonishly good doesn't bother me.

pick all the light side convo options then :p

Also korriban is by far the best starter planet.


pick all the light side convo options then :p

Also korriban is by far the best starter planet.

Having now done (most of) Korriban, Hutta, Tython and Ord Mantell, I think my order for favorites is this:

Tython > Ord Mantell > Korriban > Hutta

However, I do think Dromund Kass seems more interesting than Coruscant, even if I find some of the missions on DK morally repugnant.


Having now done (most of) Korriban, Hutta, Tython and Ord Mantell, I think my order for favorites is this:

Tython > Ord Mantell > Korriban > Hutta

However, I do think Dromund Kass seems more interesting than Coruscant, even if I find some of the missions on DK morally repugnant.

korriban and dromund kaas are the best planets in the game imo, they made me fall in love with this game.
if you don't like being a cartoon villain, maybe picking the light side options would make it better for you? I don't think I ever did


korriban and dromund kaas are the best planets in the game imo, they made me fall in love with this game.
if you don't like being a cartoon villain, maybe picking the light side options would make it better for you? I don't think I ever did

That's kind of what I'm doing. The problem is that it becomes so incongruous with other dialogue choices that aren't attached to light side/dark side.

Like, I'm (mentally) trying to play something like a person who is interested in learning about all the aspects of the force, who doesn't agree with the Jedi no emotion thing, but is also not really into the whole HATE HATE HATE thing of the Sith.

I'm trying to pick dialogue options that are kind of neutral, but they come out as kind of ridiculously over-the-top. So on one hand, I'm freeing Jedi captives and telling them about a Sith trap, and the next moment I'm busy telling Darth Baras that I'm true Sith and the world will fear my strength blah blah blah HATE.

Still going to play the Sith Warrior, because it is super fun to leap into an encounter and wail away, and I was missing having a lightsaber while playing my Trooper.

I'm in Act 3 with my Trooper, and I've beaten the Consular and Jedi Knight stories, so I kind of feel I should see the Imperial side, and I'm a little blastered out otherwise I'd be doing the Imperial Agent.

Favorite planets thus far, keeping in mind I haven't seen any Imperial planets beyond Korriban, Hutta and Dromund Kass: Balmorra (I LOVE the soundtrack of it), Voss, Tatooine and Tython, probably. Least favorites are Taris (too long, too many rakghouls) and Belsavis (WAYYYYY too long, I have abandoned multiple 40+ characters when I hit it and get bored out of my mind).

I've actually been playing off and on since the game launched. I'm only about 600+ hours into it, though. Found that I prefer mostly treating it as a solo game. I've been running the Flashpoints once I'm about 10 levels over because I got sick of using the LFG functionality and ending up with groups whining about how people aren't using the spacebar.

Weird Fact: Thus far my favorite story has been the Consular story, although the "final boss" encounter of that is super disappointing (although much harder than the Knight's final boss).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
no wonder flashpoint queues take ages. You get fuck all xp compared to the 12x story quests and it takes forever to get through them


no wonder flashpoint queues take ages. You get fuck all xp compared to the 12x story quests and it takes forever to get through them
FP queues were bad already but now that 12x is around, not even worth queuing for. Feel bad for non-subs or ppl who deactivate 12x but that's their choice.


That's kind of what I'm doing. The problem is that it becomes so incongruous with other dialogue choices that aren't attached to light side/dark side.

Like, I'm (mentally) trying to play something like a person who is interested in learning about all the aspects of the force, who doesn't agree with the Jedi no emotion thing, but is also not really into the whole HATE HATE HATE thing of the Sith.

I'm trying to pick dialogue options that are kind of neutral, but they come out as kind of ridiculously over-the-top. So on one hand, I'm freeing Jedi captives and telling them about a Sith trap, and the next moment I'm busy telling Darth Baras that I'm true Sith and the world will fear my strength blah blah blah HATE.

Still going to play the Sith Warrior, because it is super fun to leap into an encounter and wail away, and I was missing having a lightsaber while playing my Trooper.
yeah I agree with all of this. sadly all the dialogue "choices" in this game have zero consequences, it's really just a pseudo choice, so I can totally see that picking those few light side choices are not satisfying for someone who doesn't want to be a villain.

agreed on the "leap into encounter" too, I never liked to play melee in MMO's, but SWTOR really has great gameplay, you really feel like those movie characters and the sith warrior jump made me play one to max level, so good.


FP queues were bad already but now that 12x is around, not even worth queuing for. Feel bad for non-subs or ppl who deactivate 12x but that's their choice.

You can just do what I do: Wait until you're about 10 levels above them and then solo them.

Yeah, they're trivial (you get about 6 exp total), but I think they've changed the algorithm so it's only dropping orange gear appropriate to my class and I can experience the story at my leisure.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so is the guild lively usually? I guess it dosnt help that im in EU but it was pretty dead for the couple of hours I was on today :p

cant decide on what to level. I prefer trooper healing over smuggler (I really miss the drones from the agent, visually), smuggler is really boring visually as a healer, but Ive already done the trooper story up to 50 on vanilla. hmm

edit: also I imagine that Witcher 3 day (or the day before) is not the best time to expect alot of people on SWTOR :p


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Any advice on what to spend my 3k cartel coins I got from that amazon bundle?

Would rather stuff that improves my account as opposed to cosmetic stuff
Any advice on what to spend my 3k cartel coins I got from that amazon bundle?

Would rather stuff that improves my account as opposed to cosmetic stuff

If you plan on staying as a sub maybe get the additional (account wide) inventory, character cargo hold and legacy storage slots. It's always nice to start a fresh toon with 80 inventory slots and 5 cargo bays.


hey were those Cantina reward boxes in anyway related to level with regards to what was possible drops from the box?
Nope, they're completely random.
Any advice on what to spend my 3k cartel coins I got from that amazon bundle?

Would rather stuff that improves my account as opposed to cosmetic stuff
Rocket boost and the unlocks would be a good option if you don't have that yet. Also, depending on your server, you can get anywhere from 3m-5m credits for the black/black dye which is on sale for 1500cc. Never hurts to have some extra credits.

Beyond that, there's so many options it would be hard to say but those 2 above jump out at me. Credits are based on my server (Bastion) so best to look on the GTN to see first.
If you plan on staying as a sub maybe get the additional (account wide) inventory, character cargo hold and legacy storage slots. It's always nice to start a fresh toon with 80 inventory slots and 5 cargo bays.
Yeah this is a good option as well. Very handy and a nice convenience even if you roll back to Preferred.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Will I keep the inventory slots if I switch back to preferred?

Also, I just realised that my characters are healers but with most people ignoring flashpoints because of 12x I should just be dps really :/


You'll keep the unlocks if you roll back and make sure you get the account ones as the others are per character. And leveling via dps would be a good bit easier and faster but you won't have the practice time to get healing down. But you can always do that on fleet at one of the battle dummies. Only leveled my Sorc as heals, my Merc and Op leveled via dps then switched at cap.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So another "problem" I'm realising with 12x is that you can't level up your companion stories, and I remember those being cool in typical bioware fashion. Is there a way to "fix" that or if I want those I'll just have to grind out all the side quests in order to get them to like me enough to progress their story?


So another "problem" I'm realising with 12x is that you can't level up your companion stories, and I remember those being cool in typical bioware fashion. Is there a way to "fix" that or if I want those I'll just have to grind out all the side quests in order to get them to like me enough to progress their story?

Yeah, need to do the usual routine - companion gifts to trigger them, then just play through them appropriately.
It's always been largely based on companion gifting, the problem with 12x xp is that you move faster through levels than the natural progression of the companion gifting and dialogue points.

You kinda need to buy the companions gifts here and there on a regular basis while you use 12xp, as your not going to get the natural progression unless you provide them with consistent flow of affection lol
You could always just pick up underworld trading and get gifts from there. That is what I have been doing.

Regarding the current event, I have not been able to find a party to do the PVP quests. I have been knocking out all the other ones on a fairly regular basis.

Does this event repeat fairly often like the Bounty Hunter one?
You're not really meant to be able to max all your companions by bringing them along on missions alone. In fact you will be doing well to max any of them and you'd really have to start early. Kira might be a possibility, but you'll still need gifts and plenty of them!

On both fleets somewhere in the GTN quarter is the Curator. They sell level 1 and 2 green gifts of all types for cheap. You can easily bring all your comps up to 6k rep or so without spending a whole lot of cash, then talk to them to increase it some more and finally finish them off with gifts bought or from missions.

Some comps are a pain like Ashara, if you are a light side Inquisitor she really doesn't like anything and it takes forever to hit 10k.


You're not really meant to be able to max all your companions by bringing them along on missions alone. In fact you will be doing well to max any of them and you'd really have to start early. Kira might be a possibility, but you'll still need gifts and plenty of them!

On both fleets somewhere in the GTN quarter is the Curator. They sell level 1 and 2 green gifts of all types for cheap. You can easily bring all your comps up to 6k rep or so without spending a whole lot of cash, then talk to them to increase it some more and finally finish them off with gifts bought or from missions.

Some comps are a pain like Ashara, if you are a light side Inquisitor she really doesn't like anything and it takes forever to hit 10k.

I maxed Qyzen with minimal gifts by always bringing him along.

Ditto Jorgen.
Think I'm permanently burnt out on mmo pvp. The endlress cycle of sucking, grinding to get gear, then quitting and coming back is wearisome. I'm spoiled by immediate gratification in dota 2 when it comes to pvp. Feel so pointless trying to one v one when someone just 3 shots you with their full augmented ranked gear.
Did a parse on my main (Deception assassin), got 3950DPS. Pretty proud of that number, since there were a number of things I did wrong with my rotation during the parse. Probably the biggest of which was I wasn't using my Overcharge Saber. I think I should be able to break 4k once I clean up the tail end of my rotation a little, throw Overcharge Saber in, and hit adrenal in a more timely manner.

Actually, come to think of it, I should be using the latest purple adrenal instead of my reusable level 52 one...


Think I'm permanently burnt out on mmo pvp. The endlress cycle of sucking, grinding to get gear, then quitting and coming back is wearisome. I'm spoiled by immediate gratification in dota 2 when it comes to pvp. Feel so pointless trying to one v one when someone just 3 shots you with their full augmented ranked gear.

As much as I love SWTOR PVP, I agree. I'd much rather they just normalize the stats for everyone or give them the gear like in Guild Wars 2 so it comes down to skill rather than gear. It's not going to happen at this point and I have too many alts to gear up that it's just not fun anymore. Some of the Pub teams I've had are not necessarily lacking skill. They call out incs, play objectives, etc. But it just so happens the imp team is a premade with full ranked augmented gear farming kills.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
been doing the Agent story, finished Balmorra (which seemed pointless) and Nar Shadaa (which was good). I like the terrorist cells stuff so far, and im thinking Eagle is actually Darth Jadus after faking his own death. We'll see. Also his daughter is super annoying.

Oh and Cypher 9 is a badass name.

On the 12x front, doing just the story missions definitely works, but it sure feels...off. You spend most of the time on your mount going to 1 location (usually the end of each map spot) skipping everything, it feels weird. Usually you would be doing a bunch of stuff in those locations eventually leading to the story part. I mean, dont get me wrong, it works as advertized, it just feels strange. But the alternative is completely out of the question, I just cant do all the sidequests in a mmo anymore these days.

On the gear front its better at least, I took the advice of some guides and bought lvl 17 mods from the fleet with all the basic comendations you get from quests. Will do the same at lvl 29 or whatever it is, then 39 etc. Im using the orange pilot gear too so I didnt have to buy any orange gear.


been doing the Agent story, finished Balmorra (which seemed pointless) and Nar Shadaa (which was good). I like the terrorist cells stuff so far, and im thinking Eagle is actually Darth Jadus after faking his own death. We'll see. Also his daughter is super annoying.

Oh and Cypher 9 is a badass name.

On the 12x front, doing just the story missions definitely works, but it sure feels...off. You spend most of the time on your mount going to 1 location (usually the end of each map spot) skipping everything, it feels weird. Usually you would be doing a bunch of stuff in those locations eventually leading to the story part. I mean, dont get me wrong, it works as advertized, it just feels strange. But the alternative is completely out of the question, I just cant do all the sidequests in a mmo anymore these days.

On the gear front its better at least, I took the advice of some guides and bought lvl 17 mods from the fleet with all the basic comendations you get from quests. Will do the same at lvl 29 or whatever it is, then 39 etc. Im using the orange pilot gear too so I didnt have to buy any orange gear.

The nice thing you can eventually turn that orange pilot gear into whatever look you want with outfit designer. :)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The nice thing you can eventually turn that orange pilot gear into whatever look you want with outfit designer. :)

So all orange gear is the same, what matters is the mods is that right? Even the armor rating?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
So all orange gear is the same, what matters is the mods is that right? Even the armor rating?

That's pretty much how loot works in SWTOR in general. The item itself is just cosmetic, for the most part. The armoring/hilt/barrel, mod, and enhancement are what actually determine its relative strength.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
That's pretty much how loot works in SWTOR in general. The item itself is just cosmetic, for the most part. The armoring/hilt/barrel, mod, and enhancement are what actually determine its relative strength.

That's good, I'll just keep getting new mods with basic coms then until I get to 55 or whatever the guide said

I'm not even sure what I'll do, if I'll even do more stories as I originally intended when I got the amazon bundle, if I'll stop at 50 and move on to anther story or finish of 1 character to 60 (I read that the hutt and revan expansion stories are the same for every class), or if I'll even stop for a bit because I'm not gonna lie...the Witcher 3 hype is starting to get to me (I actually own it but haven't started it yet because I've been into swtor). And then there's the MH anniversary stuff soon too...

It's actually one of the reasons I went back to my European server, I'm not sure how much I'll commit to this and felt bad leveling a character on the guild to then possibly just dropping ye game and fucking people over. That and the US time difference was really fucking with me, nobody was ever on when I was on, even out in the world.


That's good, I'll just keep getting new mods with basic coms then until I get to 55 or whatever the guide said

I'm not even sure what I'll do, if I'll even do more stories as I originally intended when I got the amazon bundle, if I'll stop at 50 and move on to anther story or finish of 1 character to 60 (I read that the hutt and revan expansion stories are the same for every class), or if I'll even stop for a bit because I'm not gonna lie...the Witcher 3 hype is starting to get to me (I actually own it but haven't started it yet because I've been into swtor). And then there's the MH anniversary stuff soon too...

It's actually one of the reasons I went back to my European server, I'm not sure how much I'll commit to this and felt bad leveling a character on the guild to then possibly just dropping ye game and fucking people over. That and the US time difference was really fucking with me, nobody was ever on when I was on, even out in the world.

Yeah Jedi Covenant is pretty much fucking dead in the mornings.


well not really...yet
I noticed there are 2 East Coast PVE servers, and 1 West Coast, Harbinger. Harbinger is by far the most active, so I dont understand why they dont merge both east coast servers.


I noticed there are 2 East Coast PVE servers, and 1 West Coast, Harbinger. Harbinger is by far the most active, so I dont understand why they dont merge both east coast servers.

No one really understands Bioware, not even Bioware. :shrug:

We were supposed to get news about what they were going to do about the long queue times, before the end of last year, before things weren't as bad as they were now. Nothing but silence since then on that front.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Are server transfers still down? I have my 50 trooper on some random RP server (not the one I'm currently leveling the others) that I would transfer to the guild one in a flash since I have the refer transfer


Are server transfers still down? I have my 50 trooper on some random RP server (not the one I'm currently leveling the others) that I would transfer to the guild one in a flash since I have the refer transfer

Coming back once the patch on Wednesday hits, AFAIK.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Coming back once the patch on Wednesday hits, AFAIK.


edit: the ending of the Agent Alderan story...



Quick Rant:

As a person who pretty much plays SWTOR as a solo game, I'm getting pretty annoyed at the randoms I get when I utilize group finder for the few social missions I've tried.

I used to be able to do early Flashpoints using Group Finder with no problem, but the last few times all I've gotten are people who whine endlessly if you don't space bar through all the cutscenes. Seriously, it's just OMFG SPACEBAR and WHY AREN'T YOU USING SPACEBAR? and IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SPACEBAR, JUST LEAVE in the chat endlessly during them, making them a thoroughly unenjoyable experience.

I actually like watching the cutscenes, so this annoys the shit out of me.

Keep in mind, I'm not talking running HM FPs. I'm talking running the Esseles as a level 11 character here.

It doesn't help that I'm finally forcing myself to play an Imperial character, so I've never seen any of these cutscenes before.

I've just resigned myself to the fact that I'll have to wait until I'm about 10 levels over and just run the Flashpoints solo so I can experience them as I want.

I could join a guild, but as I have literally less than zero interest in PVP and little interest in endgame group content (at the moment) I feel like it'd be disingenuous to do so.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
finished chapter 1 with the agent, that was pretty badass, was genuily exciting. Could have been the end of the story right there tbh.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Quick Rant:

As a person who pretty much plays SWTOR as a solo game, I'm getting pretty annoyed at the randoms I get when I utilize group finder for the few social missions I've tried.

I used to be able to do early Flashpoints using Group Finder with no problem, but the last few times all I've gotten are people who whine endlessly if you don't space bar through all the cutscenes. Seriously, it's just OMFG SPACEBAR and WHY AREN'T YOU USING SPACEBAR? and IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SPACEBAR, JUST LEAVE in the chat endlessly during them, making them a thoroughly unenjoyable experience.

I actually like watching the cutscenes, so this annoys the shit out of me.

Keep in mind, I'm not talking running HM FPs. I'm talking running the Esseles as a level 11 character here.

It doesn't help that I'm finally forcing myself to play an Imperial character, so I've never seen any of these cutscenes before.

I've just resigned myself to the fact that I'll have to wait until I'm about 10 levels over and just run the Flashpoints solo so I can experience them as I want.

I could join a guild, but as I have literally less than zero interest in PVP and little interest in endgame group content (at the moment) I feel like it'd be disingenuous to do so.

Luckily this rarely happens to me, and I think the only times it did was on the Imperial side oddly enough, not sure if that's a coincidence or not. However it's best to just tell people at the beginning that you're going to watch the cutscenes. Better yet just say it's your first time doing the flashpoint and you want to watch the cutscenes (lie if you have to), I'm sure most people should be fine with that. If not they can leave before you start.


Luckily this rarely happens to me, and I think the only times it did was on the Imperial side oddly enough, not sure if that's a coincidence or not. However it's best to just tell people at the beginning that you're going to watch the cutscenes. Better yet just say it's your first time doing the flashpoint and you want to watch the cutscenes (lie if you have to), I'm sure most people should be fine with that. If not they can leave before you start.
Yeah I've found that when people just lay that out in the beginning, it's usually not an issue. The problem I've found is that most people will spacebar through and end up staring at the last part of the scene for what seems like a few mins. If they knew someone had the intention of watching it all, they would too - they just don't want to be the one dragging others down if they're not sure. Hope that makes sense.

So yeah, just say you want to watch and it shouldn't normally be a problem.
Quick Rant:

As a person who pretty much plays SWTOR as a solo game, I'm getting pretty annoyed at the randoms I get when I utilize group finder for the few social missions I've tried.

I used to be able to do early Flashpoints using Group Finder with no problem, but the last few times all I've gotten are people who whine endlessly if you don't space bar through all the cutscenes. Seriously, it's just OMFG SPACEBAR and WHY AREN'T YOU USING SPACEBAR? and IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SPACEBAR, JUST LEAVE in the chat endlessly during them, making them a thoroughly unenjoyable experience.

I actually like watching the cutscenes, so this annoys the shit out of me.

Keep in mind, I'm not talking running HM FPs. I'm talking running the Esseles as a level 11 character here.

It doesn't help that I'm finally forcing myself to play an Imperial character, so I've never seen any of these cutscenes before.

I've just resigned myself to the fact that I'll have to wait until I'm about 10 levels over and just run the Flashpoints solo so I can experience them as I want.

I could join a guild, but as I have literally less than zero interest in PVP and little interest in endgame group content (at the moment) I feel like it'd be disingenuous to do so.

Personally, I'd just hide the chat window and enjoy the flashpoint at your own pace. I've never known even the most dickish group to vote-kick someone just for watching cutscenes.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
dying alot lately, almost done with voss and im lvl 46. Ive been keeping up with mods every 10 levels or so but I guess thats not really enough

to be fair I dont have earpieces and whatnot, thats not helping

edit: interesting, I can get a chapter 4 quest in my ship now at lvl 47, but it says I should finish the story first because of spoilers lol


Yeah you'll want to have earpieces and stuff at that level lol. Gotta say, I'm enjoying this game more than ever after that last patch.


dying alot lately, almost done with voss and im lvl 46. Ive been keeping up with mods every 10 levels or so but I guess thats not really enough

to be fair I dont have earpieces and whatnot, thats not helping

edit: interesting, I can get a chapter 4 quest in my ship now at lvl 47, but it says I should finish the story first because of spoilers lol

If you're just worried about leveling once you hit level 47 you head straight to Makeb, don't worry about buying new mods or anything either. There's a console you can use there that bolsters you to level 55 stats.
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