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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away


GW2 should be great, most of our guild is moving to it and it's thankfully pulling away and killing the WoW fans even. MoP is getting a big snub from even the most hardcore old fans of the game in our guild and everyone is hyped up for GW2.

Still have a core group that enjoys TOR and we are gonna stick with it especially since it's going F2P which is going to bring back some of our guildies who were tight on the money.

TOR PVP is solid, it feels organized and the objective game modes are well done for the most part (Alderaan is iffy). New WZ sounds like lot of fun too. The sPvP stuff in GW2 just feels sloppy and chaotic largely due to the lack of trinity along with the more action oriented play. Survivability between the classes is not hugely different, everyone can heal, everyone has defensive and offensive capabilities, the biggest differences being utility differences. I'm sure with more time and learning the sPvP would get more interesting though as people work in teams and learn stuff like all the combo abilities which is mostly experimentation right now, so many people have no clue what they are doing. WvWvW is where all my attention will be, like the good old days of DAOC and WAR big fights.

They seriously need to take a stab at more large scale pvp in TOR, Illum didn't need to be ignored, it just needed tweaks to get people to actually fight. Population was also a big factor in Illum's failure, and now with the merged servers, this is really not a problem as the pops have really evened out much better now. So many good ideas were out there from the players on how to make Illum something people would play, yet they decided to drop it in favor of warzone play.

I would really like them to try putting in a larger scale WZ at least eventually, something like AV from WoW which had higher player counts than the other battlegrounds. Nothing but 8v8 is kinda stale.

Ilum's biggest failure was the engine, it chugged with too many people there. And I understand why wanting to keep it 8 v 8 for ranked warzones.


Ilum's biggest failure was the engine, it chugged with too many people there. And I understand why wanting to keep it 8 v 8 for ranked warzones.

I would be surprised if it did not run smooth now that they've optimized the engine a ton since then.

As for fixing Ilum...

Read this. But over time, anything that is not dynamic is going to grow stale.
Ilum's biggest failure was the engine, it chugged with too many people there. And I understand why wanting to keep it 8 v 8 for ranked warzones.

There's been two big optimization since illum was a thing and the game runs much much better now. The rakghoul event had lots of big pvp going on and it ran quite well, and that's before the recent 1.3 optimization. Much of the issues with illum before also was from the exploit disaster which had hundreds of players fighting in one small area without instance caps in. The game can handle larger scale pvp from what we have seen, its the implementation which was the problem.


There's been two big optimization since illum was a thing and the game runs much much better now. The rakghoul event had lots of big pvp going on and it ran quite well, and that's before the recent 1.3 optimization. Much of the issues with illum before also was from the exploit disaster which had hundreds of players fighting in one small area without instance caps in. The game can handle larger scale pvp from what we have seen, its the implementation which was the problem.

They have optimized it quite a bit, but I can stand firm and say it hasn't helped a bit for me in large scale fights. 40+ in Black Hole fighting it out and I'm getting 10fps. Must only affect the super high-end computers.

Also, Cystm here are some videos.



The Voidstar was taken last night, after you told me what to change. Seems to capture better, but I really need to test it on a Civil War or Huttball. Also, excuse Ma'kayla during the videos. I think he ate paint chips as a kid.
Quitters, man.

I was in a WZ last night where someone I had up until now respected started whinging that one of the Mercs in our team was in PvE gear (meh, I know this is a pain, but it's not the fault of the rest of us), and then quit with his friend, starting a vicious cycle where we were constantly 6v8, with people swapping in and out. I think we had like 20 names on the Imp side by the end.

I'm pretty sure I was the only person on at the end who was there at the start.

At the end of the evening, my Shieldtech was guarding a node with a healer in PvE gear and we won. I don't want to restart the whole is it suitable to wear PvE gear in PvP drama (because coming from having a healer main who has to work much harder to keep people in PvE gear alive I'm firmly of the view that it's not awesome).

This all has me thinking about my three pet peeves in PvP.

On my operative healer:

Tanks in tank stance who don't tank.

I've seen a rash lately of (mostly assassin) tanks in the tanking stance who don't guard or taunt. What on earth? I presume they are off being self-healing PVP HEROES and then whinging that they aren't getting healed and that we all suck.

On my tank:

People who don't want to be guarded.

I don't care that you aren't a healer. If you are DPS, I'm guarding you because the healers are all already guarded, or we are guarding a node. Keeping you alive doing DPS helps ME. When I have the four piece bonus, it also will boost my DPS.

For some reason I've never had a sniper or a marauder whinge about being guarded. It's universally the hybrids, who seem to think that being guarded is some obligation to respec healer.

PVP HEROES in ops chat

Yeah, when we are in a team that's not working we know we aren't doing well. I can't help feeling that if you spent less time spamming /ops with "YOU SUCK, FAIL TEAM" and more time actually playing the game we'd be doing better. Plus it is demoralising and doesn't help anything. Do what I do: yell at the screen and then play better (I'm fairly certain my neighbors spend a lot of time wondering what Sentinels are and why I hate them so).


Where did you disappear to Isaccard? We finally got folks to PVP with and I've only seen you once since the merger.


School, girl problems, and a waning loss of interest in the game, especially after the news of F2P. Not even sure if I'm gonna play that other title we all talked about this Saturday. I do miss all of you guys though. ;3
So are they planning any class story expansions for this game? That was by far the most interesting aspect of the game for me, as I thought they could run an episodic story but it looks like they haven't added anything to the story so far.
So are they planning any class story expansions for this game? That was by far the most interesting aspect of the game for me, as I thought they could run an episodic story but it looks like they haven't added anything to the story so far.

Yes but it will be a while. Class story stuff is going to take the longest, and really they need to focus on general expansions and content for its MP component.


Little update from me. My video card is dead and I won't be able to get my 660 ti until early September, so I will continue to be MIA in-game until then.

I can still edit video though...



Been playing Guild Wars 2 but it's kinda boring being guildless.. Guild is closed for who knows how long.. I guess it's a really complicated system to get in guilds or idk. SWTOR was nice.. whisper someone and you're in within seconds.

Anyways, if anyone's playing give me your name so I can add you to friends.


Why the f are you guildless?

Well, when I asked last night I never really got a response, then it turns out there was a list on another website we had to sign up for the guild but then they had closed the guild.. And now there's problems inviting people to the guild, and signing up to even get an invite is still closed. And I guess I have to go make an account on that website which I'll most likely never visit just to get on the list.. Sigh.


Yeah, it's pretty lame how they did it, I agree. Luckily for me, I was the last one before he locked the spreadsheet down (last night, dunno if it's open again).

You'll get in Jay, no worries.


Man listening to general chat on Tatooine on The Bastion is making me want to re-roll to a PvE server pretty bad. Level 50s bragging about killing level 30s and griefing them off of the datacron balloon.

I don't belong with this crowd.


Well, when I asked last night I never really got a response, then it turns out there was a list on another website we had to sign up for the guild but then they had closed the guild.. And now there's problems inviting people to the guild, and signing up to even get an invite is still closed. And I guess I have to go make an account on that website which I'll most likely never visit just to get on the list.. Sigh.

Just create a second GW2GAF guild and have them create a /channel. There are a ton of GAFers not in the GW2 guild.

Man listening to general chat on Tatooine on The Bastion is making me want to re-roll to a PvE server pretty bad. Level 50s bragging about killing level 30s and griefing them off of the datacron balloon.
I don't belong with this crowd.

Come play with TORGAF.


I just may do that once the few friends I still have in the game inevitably depart and transfers are made available. I finally disbanded my guild (formed 3rd day of early access) last night after another wave bailouts. Could roll an alt with you guys though, I suppose to see how life is over there.

EDIT: Got to finally participate in downing HM Kephess tonight with my friends' new guild! Was pretty fun but couldn't shake the feeling I was being looked at with a critical eye as a Scrapper DPS. Hopefully the fact that we did it convinces them we're not completely useless.


Anyone else have a ton of fun doing the HK fight in foundry while leveling? I just got done with a group that was a nightmare on that fight. All I needed to be able to heal our mediocre tank was a little CC love on the adds. Thats it. But no, nothing but DPS doing whatever they wanted, and me being insulted repeatedly for being a 'worthless healer' while running back. Nevermind that the tank and both DPS were taking tons of damage they shouldn't have been and healing as a BH can get interesting when you have to constantly spam the heals. It was a horrible combination.


Anyone else have a ton of fun doing the HK fight in foundry while leveling? I just got done with a group that was a nightmare on that fight. All I needed to be able to heal our mediocre tank was a little CC love on the adds. Thats it. But no, nothing but DPS doing whatever they wanted, and me being insulted repeatedly for being a 'worthless healer' while running back. Nevermind that the tank and both DPS were taking tons of damage they shouldn't have been and healing as a BH can get interesting when you have to constantly spam the heals. It was a horrible combination.
Never had any issues when levelling. However, I've had a lot of issues on hard mode at 50. If you DPS too hard, which is so easy to do with the power creep, the phases end up merging and quite a lot of the time he one shots people.
Celebration was lots of fun, real shame that Bioware didn't show up since it was their primary market. They obviously chose Gamescon since that is where the game press goes, but none one really cares about some little warzone preview at such a convention. They really could have probably drawn in a ton of SW fans at Celebration. Ironically Nvidia booth had bunch of demo stations going with SWTOR playing heh.

Also was a bunch of really great TOR cosplay at the con.

Anyone else have a ton of fun doing the HK fight in foundry while leveling? I just got done with a group that was a nightmare on that fight. All I needed to be able to heal our mediocre tank was a little CC love on the adds. Thats it. But no, nothing but DPS doing whatever they wanted, and me being insulted repeatedly for being a 'worthless healer' while running back. Nevermind that the tank and both DPS were taking tons of damage they shouldn't have been and healing as a BH can get interesting when you have to constantly spam the heals. It was a horrible combination.

It's one of the tougher FP bosses when leveling, everyone has to be more involved and participating than usual.


Ilum's biggest failure was the engine, it chugged with too many people there. And I understand why wanting to keep it 8 v 8 for ranked warzones.

The Hero Engine fails on so many levels, I will never play another MMO that uses it

Pretty sure the GW engine is in house, but I was absolutely shocked with how well it can run. I was playing within 10 minutes of it going live and there was at least 50 of us running from quest to quest and aside from having to quickly tag mobs as they were dropped withing seconds the gameplay was smooth and my FPS never dropped below 25 (I have a shitty videocard and normally only get 45 ish).

My previous favorite engine was whatever Rift uses
The Hero Engine fails on so many levels, I will never play another MMO that uses it

Pretty sure the GW engine is in house, but I was absolutely shocked with how well it can run. I was playing within 10 minutes of it going live and there was at least 50 of us running from quest to quest and aside from having to quickly tag mobs as they were dropped withing seconds the gameplay was smooth and my FPS never dropped below 25 (I have a shitty videocard and normally only get 45 ish).

My previous favorite engine was whatever Rift uses

I'm pretty sure Rift uses the Hero Engine.

Edit: Nevermind, it's a modified version of Gamebryo yet the developers of Hero Engine constantly bring it up in interviews as a reason why so many developers are now licensing the engine.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The Elder Scrolls MMO uses the Hero engine. Hopefully they will make it, I dunno, not terrible? If they just manage to make you not have to sit through a 2 minute loading screen every time you switch zones, I'll be impressed.


Did they ever announce a date for when this goes full F2P? Since I'm replaying kotor 2 lately it's gotten me back into the overall lore, even if Bioware retconned most of kotor 2. I'd like to go back and finish up all the sith stories at the very least. Also according to the OP imperial gaf guild is gone? Hard to believe. That was the much more active guild when I was playing which granted was back in February.

edit: Nevermind I found the date tucked in the bottom of the OP. November-ish it is then.
Did they ever announce a date for when this goes full F2P? Since I'm replaying kotor 2 lately it's gotten me back into the overall lore, even if Bioware retconned most of kotor 2. I'd like to go back and finish up all the sith stories at the very least. Also according to the OP imperial gaf guild is gone? Hard to believe. That was the much more active guild when I was playing which granted was back in February.

No set date, just fall sometime. Investor info stated sometime in November though. At gamescon they seemed to say that the Nov date is not set in stone though.

Bioware didn't retcon any of KOTOR 2


No set date, just fall sometime. Investor info stated sometime in November though. At gamescon they seemed to say that the Nov date is not set in stone though.

Bioware didn't retcon any of KOTOR 2

From what I understand that Revan book from Karpyshyan that came out before ToR butchers the story and the exile. I didn't read it so I don't know personally but it's almost universally hated.


From what I understand that Revan book from Karpyshyan that came out before ToR butchers the story and the exile. I didn't read it so I don't know personally but it's almost universally hated.

Doesn't butcher the story or retcon the previous stuff, it is just a rather unhappy ending for them.
From what I understand that Revan book from Karpyshyan that came out before ToR butchers the story and the exile. I didn't read it so I don't know personally but it's almost universally hated.

It didn't retcon anything though. People just didn't like what they did to the Exile and cry about it, but that wasn't a retcon. Also the events of KOTOR2 are not gone into detail, there is basically a one page summary of what happened in KOTOR 2 and it moves on. It doesn't change or erase anything that happened, it just acknowledged the game events and moves on.

Doesn't butcher the story or retcon the previous stuff, it is just a rather unhappy ending for them.

Yea when I read the Exile part I just raised my eyebrow and was like.... "that's it?"


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
They've actually optimized it significantly since launch, and the game runs better than ever.

Yeah, my girlfriend's machine runs SWTOR great with most settings on full but GW2 really makes her machine chug even with medium settings.


Doesn't butcher the story or retcon the previous stuff, it is just a rather unhappy ending for them.

Regardless it doesn't have much to do with the current story. I just want to finish my last 3 sith characters to see their stories. Maybe 1 republic story but I don't know if I can force myself through the tedium, they were all awful on their starting planets. Jedi are too pussy-ish.


Just roll Darkside. For me, it made Jedi Knight really enjoyable. Just a greedy, murderous, asshole.

Consular is boring, though I only got the class up to level twenty four or five, and I wanted her to be Lightside.
So looks like SWTOR is skipping out on PAX this year as well. Kind of discouraging.

They might as well after skipping something like Star Wars celebration. No one is going to care at this point for anything TOR related unless it was some huge full expansion announcement or something, it's a waste of money for them to go to a con to show off something like a new instance? It's what they did at Gamescon, all they did was show off the new warzone. That's a waste of time, the press only cares about the big new stuff coming out and not minor updates to a MMO.
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