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Star Wars: The Old Republic [Releasing Date: Dec 20 NA/EU - NDA Lifted]

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Desaan said:
What are you basing that on? The fact TOR isn't World of Warcraft as it is now 'out of the box'?

What everyone is playing right now is at least 2 builds behind what the devs are working on, they do have their own in studio testing and build quality can take massive leaps when a product is this far advanced into it's development cycle. Many of the complaints seem to be minor issues, cut scene camera angles and minor graphical anomalies - these are the things that are last to be looked at, bugs that are regarded as 'C' class - low priority in the face of quest/content/stability.

From reading many of the posts here some people seem completely fucking deluded about what TOR is and supposed to be, BioWare have been pushing it at as their STORY driven MMO (god knows they say on their trailers enough). KOTOR I can play with friends, sold me from the get go - people need to re-evaluate their expectations on what they are supposed to be playing.

A year is hyperbole but I agree with alot of the post.

Morn said:
Yep Phasing would allow your quests to actually change the world.

And what the fuck. People were ripping me apart for complaining about the lack of changes in the world and the world being static yet there is an example in the most popular MMO around. Come on guys stay classy.


Lol this thread has devolved into a couple people whining about how they don't like the game. If you don't like it, don't play it? Just move on. Other people don't always share your opinion.
Seeing stuff like this really proves to me Bioware is lacking in the animation department.

Oh well, can't have it all. Just give me a beta invite so I can stop hating, please.


Subconscious Brolonging
Knox said:
Not technically, but it is the standard. I can't even think of the most successful alternatives. EVE is the only thing that comes to mind. If if you narrow it down to MMORPG I can only think of Vanguard.

Alternatives? The current style didn't even truly exist until Burning Crusade.


Jarmel said:
And what the fuck. People were ripping me apart for complaining about the lack of changes in the world and the world being static yet there is an example in the most popular MMO around. Come on guys stay classy.

To be fair phasing only came in with WoTLK and in the second half of progression there. It's much better and used EVERYWHERE in Cata.


DTKT said:
I've seen several comment about the story being boring as well.

I've seen people say the story is boring, skipped all the dialogue/cut scenes etc, then this game probably isn't for them. It's akin to skipping quest text dialogue from a quest giver so they can get to the candy quicker, a cycle that repeats itself and is born out of not really caring or being interested in the story.

Sure, some of the class stories may be more interesting than others but at the end of the day it's down to the individual.

MORN said:
WoW had more than 20 dungeons AT LAUNCH.

Always with the WoW.....personally I can't think of anything more boring than hammering the same instances over and over and once your past the level range you'll never see them again anyway, or care. You get your free month, after that it's your money to give and them to earn - something I'm sure they are very much aware of.


The current beta Build is a July 2011 build. Why they havent pushed a newer development build is anyones guess but that is a factor in what people are playing. Yes they are pushing some fixes and stuff through to the build but its no where near what is being used internally.

As for content. There was a time and I am guessing Bioware is sticking to it when Launch MMOs did not have every drop of content tested by the public. Bioware is claiming that there is double the number of flashpoints in game versus what is public.

Its hard to say whats true and whats not but this is why MMOs need to go back to the more structured Beta process and not the free for all Demo style Beta system that exists now. Far too many people go into beta with the demo mindset


EhrgeizVII said:
Seeing stuff like this really proves to me Bioware is lacking in the animation department.

Oh well, can't have it all. Just give me a beta invite so I can stop hating, please.


You just wrecked the combat for me.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I think its time for me to not visit a TOR thread again until the Republic Guild Thread goes up in the Community section of the forum.


Here's a question. Where did all the money go into this game? The only thing I can think of is the VA and artists. Dead serious as I can't figure out where the huge money dumps went to.

People cite the huge amounts of money that went into this game and I'm seeing videos of other MMOs and there is nothing other than VA work that seems to separate it.


Jarmel said:
Here's a question. Where did all the money go into this game? The only thing I can think of is the VA and artists. Dead serious as I can't figure out where the huge money dumps went to.

People cite the huge amounts of money that went into this game and I'm seeing videos of other MMOs and there is nothing other than VA work that seems to separate it.

6 years of dev time with Lucas up your ass is gonna drain the funds.


gatti-man said:
I personally couldn't put it down and had every quest be bug free with zero disappearing bugs or camera bugs.
You are extremely lucky then. I've probably logged at least over 100 bugs from graphics to quests to animations to spawn rates for quests, etc.
Belfast said:
This game's two biggest sins are being totally boring and completely dated.
It's not boring but it's absolutely bland. There's no question about it. I won't say it needs another year of work, but it does need at least another 3 months of development.
Spire said:
"MMO's" are not defined by the theme park WoW style.
WoW is designed like a theme park? WoW is like a sandbox, Guild Wars is like a theme park.
Jarmel said:
Here's a question. Where did all the money go into this game? The only thing I can think of is the VA and artists. Dead serious as I can't figure out where the huge money dumps went to.

People cite the huge amounts of money that went into this game and I'm seeing videos of other MMOs and there is nothing other than VA work that seems to separate it.

SW license, Big name studio, all the story and voice acting, the CG trailers. Course just because you don't like the content doesn't mean they haven't put more effort into the game than other games have. Lot of games have come up with lot of neat ideas but came up short when it came to amount of unique content in the actual game. And of course you are judging a game that is in testing still with no release date, and with supposedly a bunch of content not yet implemented like half the flashpoints, the pvp planet, and whatever else might be held off so far. Of course we don't know the exact money that went into this either, but MMOs have become expensive. DCUO supposedly cost over 50 mil and that game still is hugely lacking in content.


Einbroch said:
I'm not the biggest ToR fan, but even I think you're just bashing the game for the sake of bashing, Jarmel.

I'm a huge Star Wars fan but it's just mind boggling when I play the game as to where everything went and I'm trying to figure it out. If I wanted to flat out bash the game, I really could. However it's just perplexing.

BattleMonkey said:
SW license, Big name studio, all the story and voice acting, the CG trailers. Course just because you don't like the content doesn't mean they haven't put more effort into the game than other games have. Lot of games have come up with lot of neat ideas but came up short when it came to amount of unique content in the actual game. And of course you are judging a game that is in testing still with no release date, and with supposedly a bunch of content not yet implemented like half the flashpoints, the pvp planet, and whatever else might be held off so far. Of course we don't know the exact money that went into this either, but MMOs have become expensive. DCUO supposedly cost over 50 mil and that game still is hugely lacking in content.

Don't they usually separate marketing and development costs? I know the SW license is extremely expensive so I'm sure that's a factor.
Jarmel said:
I'm a huge Star Wars fan but it's just mind boggling when I play the game as to where everything went and I'm trying to figure it out. If I wanted to flat out bash the game, I really could. However it's just perplexing.

It's been pages of perplexing


EhrgeizVII said:
Seeing stuff like this really proves to me Bioware is lacking in the animation department.

Oh well, can't have it all. Just give me a beta invite so I can stop hating, please.

Wow, those are really good animations.


So much hate in this thread by the same few people over and over. It's almost like you are dog piling on anyone that thinks this game is good. You do not like the game. Ok. Move on. You might find this a bit shocking, but not everyone shares your point of views and attempting to sway them is kinda.... wierd. It's almost like you don't want them to like the game because you say so.

Have an opinion. Express it, but then call it a day and let people differ if they want to.

edit tl; dr

Last few pages, ego tripping imo.


Gvaz said:
You are extremely lucky then. I've probably logged at least over 100 bugs from graphics to quests to animations to spawn rates for quests, etc.

It's not boring but it's absolutely bland. There's no question about it. I won't say it needs another year of work, but it does need at least another 3 months of development.

WoW is designed like a theme park? WoW is like a sandbox, Guild Wars is like a theme park.

I don't think that word means what you think it means. EVE/UO/SWG (was) are sandboxes, WoW is the definition of theme park. GW1 is somewhere in the middle, there's tons for you to do with no linear path saying you can pretty much only do this, though there is structure through the Missions leading you to the level cap and beyond.


Cystm said:
Wow, those are really good animations.


So much hate in this thread by the same few people over and over. It's almost like you are dog piling on anyone that thinks this game is good. You do not like the game. Ok. Move on. You might find this a bit shocking, but not everyone shares your point of views and attempting to sway them is kinda.... wierd. It's almost like you don't want them to like the game because you say so.

Have an opinion. Express it, but then call it a day and let people differ if they want to.

edit tl; dr

Last few pages, ego tripping imo.

It goes both ways, really. And the negative opinions have primarily come from people who have played the game. Sure, there have been some positive ones, too, but its mostly just a bunch of hopefuls without real exposure throwing a fit every time someone who has spent a fair amount of hours with TOR comes in here and tells them it isn't all it is cracked up to be.


So it's all flash and no substance then? Meh, I got that impression early on but hoped it wouldn't be the case near release. I'm still going to try it for myself though, and GW2 does indeed look great.


Belfast said:
It goes both ways, really. And the negative opinions have primarily come from people who have played the game. Sure, there have been some positive ones, too, but its mostly just a bunch of hopefuls without real exposure throwing a fit every time someone who has spent a fair amount of hours with TOR comes in here and tells them it isn't all it is cracked up to be.

Yea because surely anyone who has played the game hates it and anyone that likes the game hasn't played it..

I've been in beta for almost a month now and I'm loving it. Sure, there are a few problems and beta bugs but most of those have been pretty minor and don't really subtract to my enjoyment. People complain about similarities between WoW(a MMO is similar to another MMO. Who knew), but they don't notice the innovative things that do make a difference.
BattleMonkey said:
GW2 looks great. That random asian MMO, not so much.

It's called Blade & Soul, by NCsoft (the same guys publishing Guild Wars 2) and it's going to be the next best thing in Korea. Ofcourse, that doesn't mean anything about the rest of the world, lol. Still, it looks pretty impressive.

Check out their form of transportation. There will be no mounts whatsoever in B&S.

Anyway, sorry to be polluting this TOR thread. I just need to play beta so I can keep myself busy, but Bioware doesn't feel the same way. =(
EhrgeizVII said:
It's called Blade & Soul, by NCsoft (the same guys publishing Guild Wars 2) and it's going to be the next best thing in Korea.

So like countless other MMOs to be pooped out by them, it will be dead in a few months in Korea.


BattleMonkey said:
So like countless other MMOs to be pooped out by them, it will be dead in a few months in Korea.
Pretty much and like the typical Korean MMO its all flash and little substance. There is a reason they have insane animation etc.


Neo Member
Man reading this thread has me so close to canceling my amazon pre-order. Don't know if I can handle another experience the same as wow. Hoping that attitudes change as beta builds get pushed out.
makaveli13 said:
Man reading this thread has me so close to canceling my amazon pre-order. Don't know if I can handle another experience the same as wow. Hoping that attitudes change as beta builds get pushed out.

The game is WoW like, you aren't escaping that. If you hated WoW you will probably want to skip this as it's not doing much different other than the IP and someother things


Moaradin said:
Yea because surely anyone who has played the game hates it and anyone that likes the game hasn't played it..

I've been in beta for almost a month now and I'm loving it. Sure, there are a few problems and beta bugs but most of those have been pretty minor and don't really subtract to my enjoyment. People complain about similarities between WoW(a MMO is similar to another MMO. Who knew), but they don't notice the innovative things that do make a difference.

Way to read. I said some people that have played the game have liked it. I personally disregard their opinions, but that doesn't mean nobody who has played it hasn't liked it.


Yeah, their selling point has been 'wow with talkie' pretty much. If you dont like or are sick of wow, you are probably sick of this game already >.<


antonz said:
Pretty much and like the typical Korean MMO its all flash and little substance. There is a reason they have insane animation etc.

Do you actually know anything at all about that game?


EhrgeizVII said:
I believe Aion is still the #1 played MMO in Korea.

Doesn't help us here in the US. Nobody likes the Korean style grinding for exp. Next greatest flop? TERA. Loved the game but it's going to be the same'ol same'ol people will bitch about. Grind grind grind grind grind.

Anyway, I agree. Same people tossing up a shit storm about the game. I think we've heard enough and we get it. Unless you have some other "ground breaking" points to make.


Yeah, TERA has already flopped in Korea with mass exodus from Korean players, the lead designer left the team, server merges, Japanese players paying $30 a month I believe it was. So add all that into the mix plus localization time for the rest of the world and you have a DOA MMO.

Back on topic though, when do you all think the NDA will drop? My guess is around the time the game goes gold.
CcrooK said:
Doesn't help us here in the US. Nobody likes the Korean style grinding for exp. Next greatest flop? TERA. Loved the game but it's going to be the same'ol same'ol people will bitch about. Grind grind grind grind grind.

Anyway, I agree. Same people tossing up a shit storm about the game. I think we've heard enough and we get it. Unless you have some other "ground breaking" points to make.

Tera is flopping for other reasons besides its grindy nature. It has a flawed economy and no end game content. That's mainly the reason it's not out here yet, they want to add shitloads of more endgame content and fix the economy before launching it in the western market. Still, I understand all the bias towards Korean MMO's since I share it with you (mostly), but I can't help but be impressed by Blade & Soul.


Neo Member
BattleMonkey said:
The game is WoW like, you aren't escaping that. If you hated WoW you will probably want to skip this as it's not doing much different other than the IP and someother things

It's not that I hate wow, I loved wow but burnt myself out on it during cata. I don't really have a problem with any of the systems wow uses I was just sick of the world. I really want to like TOR and am hoping that the IP is enough to make the game feel fresh, I guess the only way I will find out is by playing it.


EhrgeizVII said:
Tera is flopping for other reasons besides its grindy nature. It has a flawed economy and no end game content. That's mainly the reason it's not out here yet, they want to add shitloads of more endgame content and fix the economy before launching it in the western market. Still, I understand all the bias towards Korean MMO's since I share it with you (mostly), but I can't help but be impressed by Blade & Soul.

Blade and Soul does look really good. If there was a way to get into a beta to play, I'd love to give it a go. I'm just afraid it's just going to be "just one of those Korean MMOs" again. No biggy.

I think in terms of MMOs, if TOR fails, I'm just done with them entirely.
I just played the first few quests on Sith side and my framerate was really bad. I have a Radeon HD 4850. It's not the shit, but it runs better looking games better than this. I mean this was literally a slideshow. I had everything all the way down except for textures at medium at 1440x900.


Jira said:
Yeah, TERA has already flopped in Korea with mass exodus from Korean players, the lead designer left the team, server merges, Japanese players paying $30 a month I believe it was. So add all that into the mix plus localization time for the rest of the world and you have a DOA MMO.

Back on topic though, when do you all think the NDA will drop? My guess is around the time the game goes gold.

Anyone with an ounce of genre experience knew that game was going nowhere.


EhrgeizVII said:
Check out their form of transportation. There will be no mounts whatsoever in B&S.

Oh my GOD.

NCSoft blows ass but they have some great ideas in the games.

And yeah

markot said:
Yeah, their selling point has been 'wow with talkie' pretty much. If you dont like or are sick of wow, you are probably sick of this game already >.<

I'm sick of wow. Basically I want an mmo with the polish of wow but don't want to play wow.

Alex said:
Anyone with an ounce of genre experience knew that game was going nowhere.

It's too bad really, TERA and Blade and Soul's combat is exactly what the MMO genre needs.
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