Found a really good post that somewhat sums up my feelings:
This game is not ready to ship, it does need new content, it does need new features, it does have a lot of bugs, and it is months away from being ready, maybe even a year.
- Quest bugs
- Camera angle bugs during cutscenes
- Shading bugs on player characters, parts disappearing, weapons disappearing
- Quests resetting automatically or failing for no reason
- Lack of a looking fro group or group matching service are desperately needed, it doesn't have to be cross-server but there needs to be a way for people to hook up that doesn't involve stopping what your doing and spamming the general chat or looking through the (O) menu for people. I should be able to get a group without stopping my exploration.
- Lack of true exploration. Everything is so constricted. There are not random mobs or random quests. Everything is sequenced and scheduled for you on every planet. Why aren't there quests that have nothing to do with the main story arcs? Why aren't there special achievements for discovering all the areas on a map?
- Lack of deep, meaningful crafting. Crafting was a fun and interactive part of SWG and no other MMO I've played since then has even come close. Why doesn't Bioware swallow its pride and install a similar system in SWTOR? It just makes sense, this WoWish clone of meaningless crafting gets even worse because I don't actually get to the do the crafting myself my minions get to do it, boring! Why can't we have it both ways. Rare nodes you have to find using tools, companions having the option to gather, or craft; as welll as, players getting to craft. Make items have varying quality and crafting success. Have the number of mod slots be a critical success, add some customization to the crafting game. Years ago they made crafting sound cool, the reality is very different, its boring, unimaginative and grindy. Go with an EVE system of skill building so you can take advantage of offline time.
- Lack of life in the game. (not talkin about the lack of players it's beta I know) The NPC's are static, there are very few "things" going on on each world. These type of staged or random events would be perfect vehicles for dynamic world events that could trigger new quest hubs or an entirely new story arc that any player could get involved in, but there is nothing there. NPC's stand and sway, every now and then you see a battle going on on Taris or Alderaan. The animals don't even move! Where is the great Bantha migration on Tat? What about rare animals that spawn on planets and you hunt for prizes and fame?
- Lack of flashpoints. There are so few flashpoints and they are so far apart in the game its ridiculous I've played from 1- 33 and only been given 1 flashpoint, that's half the game with only one truly fun feature! Craziness! There should be a flashpoint every 5 levels at least, because the flashpoints are an amazingly well done part of this game!
- Lack of social features. I know people don't want resources spent on dance moves and entertaining but it is a key aspect of longevity in an MMO. Socializing brings players to a game. Vending brings players to a game. You need all kinds of players to make a good team and in this case a good game. These players are almost completely ignored by Bioware. You should be able to sit in a seat and you should be able to control dance moves. I know its silly, I don't do it but others love it and they are not having their needs met.
- Lack of a good space experience. The space combat is boring and limited. There is currently no PvP in space no co-op missions and there is a shame. Space in SWG was good and could have been more if SOE had put the time in to develop it. the fact that there has never really been a good space combat component of any MMO (spare me EVE fanboys, EVE's space game was lame and not FPS) Bioware could simply blow the competition out of the water with an amazing 3-D space flight component. I remember group missions (killing the vette, PvP and destroying the ISD in deep space, and farming for reverse engineering components and then spending hours trying to find the right combinations for ship components) Space, in-game right now, needs to be scrapped and completely re-thought.
- Lack of end game. This game needs end game content. There need to be the stable end game features PvP, Raiding, and Solo, but the question that keeps coming up in my mind and did when I played WoW was, "Why should I go back to ___________?" What is there to do on Tython/Korriban for level 50's? Why aren't there zones on each planet for end game? This would be a perfect place to use RvR, Solo questing, Heroics, and exploration. I see this in almost every MMO I've ever played, you reach max level and never go back. Why? Wouldn't it be more efficient and effective to return to the games roots and build on them? Maybe there is a mystery that a player didn't discover until the end of their class quest that takes them back and starts a new search. It just seems like a waste to make single planets for a single purpose and never see them again, it makes them dead and limits a players options for gameplay unnecessarily.
I could go on, but I've said enough.
Some of this such as the endgame stuff I can't comment, however the static world does stand out.
Also what it seems I wanted in regards to planet events would be world phasing. So it is doable and something that I think would greatly benefit the game.