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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT3| GL HF NO GG

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Yoshichan said:
Thanks man... truly a pity to read :(

I'd pop into the OT for it and see what it is id fans like about it to get a different light on it. I was super excited for RAGE though, but there was just too much going against the game to enjoy it.

Y u no buy any fighting games this year? Waiting for 2012, or just going to focus on SC2 for main MP fun ?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zlatko said:
Y u no buy any fighting games this year? Waiting for 2012, or just going to focus on SC2 for main MP fun ?
I don't buy fighting games anymore except for the ones I'm going to tournaments for aka AE (not v.2012 though) and 3s. My community pretty much buys everything and I go to that place when I want to play them and the new fighting games :)


ShallNoiseUpon said:
I think SC2GAF should have a meetup at EVO2012.
because it is better than any sc2 event

Just saying.

I may go this year if KoF13 is a main stage tournament. I'll be living in Colorado, so it'll be a lot closer than my previous states (North Dakota), and now Nebraska.

I'll body Yoshi with my Abel in SF4. :D
zlatko said:
I may go this year if KoF13 is a main stage tournament. I'll be living in Colorado, so it'll be a lot closer than my previous states (North Dakota), and now Nebraska.

I'll body Yoshi with my Abel in SF4. :D

I have a bunch of friends already going, I'm trying to figure out if it is possible for me to go this year (and got 0-2 in SF4)


ShallNoiseUpon said:
I think SC2GAF should have a meetup at EVO2012.
because it is better than any sc2 event

Just saying.
enjoy your broken ass fighting games.
oh you want balance ? buy the new ssssf4 :D


Q8D3vil said:
enjoy your broken ass fighting games.
oh you want balance ? buy the new ssssf4 :D

Enjoy your balanced SC2, Oh wait here's ANOTHER patch.

Plus, SF4 has gone through a cheap and good means of updating the game.

SF4 Arcade
SF4 console with balance tweaks and more characters.
2 years later SSF4 with 10 new characters, ultras, stages, and improved online drastically. $40.00 price tag.
1 year later Arcade Edition for 15 bucks as DLC. 4 new characters. More online stuff.
End of this year 2012 update for free. Final one, and this one wasn't going to happen, but community begged for it.



Haaaaa, Gaf Night without mumble? We'll seeeee. Also, my interwebs is still acting up so I'm not sure how I'm able to pwn you noobs all over the floor with my lings. Special appearances tonight (maybe) by MrMister and Splinter. Doubt they'll show up, they're not gosu like us.

The Weekly NeoGAF Starcraft II Nights
-Wednesdays starting @ 6pm PDT (9pm EST)
-Game types:
<1v1 obs>
<1v1 coaching>
<Team Monobattles>
<Custom Maps>
<Nuclear Arcade>
<Phantom Mode>
<Marrow's Micro Tournament>
<Does anyone really look at the quoted section anymore?>

-Corran's Stream: http://www.justin.tv/corran666
-Hazard's Stream: http://www.justin.tv/vggaming
-Vaultrin's Stream: http://www.justin.tv/vaultrin21

Mumble Info Dump
Main server: IP = chi.eoreality.net and port = 64739
Backup server: IP = and port = 20198
Download Here: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Can try this for time being
I'm not sure what's up with eoreality lately. I put up a backup server using Vert's VDS, so here try this: port: 64738

If there are any problems, let me know and I'll see what I can do.


Zlatko, you gotta be fucking kidding me.

Trying to promote friggin ARCADE EDITION!
As balance TWEAKS! :D

Oh my god, this is comedy! Pure comedy. Dear God.


V_Arnold said:
Zlatko, you gotta be fucking kidding me.

Trying to promote friggin ARCADE EDITION!
As balance TWEAKS! :D

Oh my god, this is comedy! Pure comedy. Dear God.

I didn't even put the word balance in that line about AE, so no I didn't use it as promotion to balance. I still like AE. I'm not a top tier player, and honestly unless you are too, Yun/Yang/Fei shouldn't do jack shit to your enjoyment online. It's not like how beafy vanilla Sagat was. They aren't even on the level of Chun Li or Yun fucked up in third strike.

The rest of the balance for the game, not even touching those 3, is great imo. One guy (Arturo) bitching about balance because his Dhalsim got nerfed in AE doesn't = a shit balanced game. There's more 5-5 and 6-4 match ups in AE than in Super.

Really though, 15 bucks for more online, 4 new characters, and then the free rebalancing with 2012 coming = money well spent and time well spent.


zlatko said:
I didn't even put the word balance in that line about AE, so no I didn't use it as promotion to balance. I still like AE. I'm not a top tier player, and honestly unless you are too, Yun/Yang/Fei shouldn't do jack shit to your enjoyment online. It's not like how beafy vanilla Sagat was. They aren't even on the level of Chun Li or Yun fucked up in third strike.

The rest of the balance for the game, not even touching those 3, is great imo. One guy (Arturo) bitching about balance because his Dhalsim got nerfed in AE doesn't = a shit balanced game. There's more 5-5 and 6-4 match ups in AE than in Super.

Really though, 15 bucks for more online, 4 new characters, and then the free rebalancing with 2012 coming = money well spent and time well spent.

No argument there. I have both SFIV and SSFIV and I bought AE day one, put 2000+ hours into them combined. A damn Fei Long still destroys my Viper in our community though :D

But it is not really comparable to SC, really. Not just because it is 3 races vs a lot of characters, and the length of games, but because you will never REALLY feel like being put in a corner with a Viper as 20% hp against a Fei Long in SCII...ever. Not even when you are cheesed and you did not scout it. Totally different beasts.


V_Arnold said:
No argument there. I have both SFIV and SSFIV and I bought AE day one, put 2000+ hours into them combined. A damn Fei Long still destroys my Viper in our community though :D

But it is not really comparable to SC, really. Not just because it is 3 races vs a lot of characters, and the length of games, but because you will never REALLY feel like being put in a corner with a Viper as 20% hp against a Fei Long in SCII...ever. Not even when you are cheesed and you did not scout it. Totally different beasts.

You play Viper though... she's top 5. If you have 1 bar of EX you can get out of corner against Fei. EX Seismo, or super jump out, or fake ex knuckle, etc etc.

If a Fei is poking you with a rekka in corner, you have options, and can react, much like if you see someone is going X unit in SC2, then you react. Just different speeds to react.

You're right though they are completely different beasts. My original reply to Devil was that he was teasing the notion that SF4 has had tons of iterations that you pay for to get better balance which is untrue.

I liked how Blizzard at the start of SC2 was going to wait much longer before making patches to address whining, but now it's like a monthly cycle to see nerfs to this, buffs to this, removal of that. It's sort of dumb especially considering they sometimes do changes to things no one was even talking about.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zlatko said:
I'll body Yoshi with my Abel in SF4. :D
Mirrormatches = no fun :(


Everything is moe to me
zlatko said:
I've got news. Sak is upper mid tier now. More buffs in 2012. Hakan getting tons more buffies too. You no longer rep low tier. ;)
Sak have her vanilla stun damage back? I have no idea why they nerfed her so much for ssf4 when she was only average in vanilla.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zlatko said:
Oh so NOW you play Abel huh? Top tier whoring for life eh? You bum! SC2 Terran, AE Yun, 2012 Abel? Let me guess Vanilla you played Sagat? *shakes head*
How dare you call me a top tier whore? My main in vanilla and super was Abel... I never pick the top tiers, unless they're fun to play.

TTT: Kazuya/Ogre
T5: Devil Jin
T6: Lee
AE: Yun
3s: Chun
VF5: Akira


343i Lead Esports Producer
I just lost. I'm mad.

I was wrecking this guy, (I'm Terran, he's Protoss) I had a group of like 10-15 marines and 5-8 Hellions up in his expansion and was destroying it. He kept building 4 Stalkers at a time but I was killing them with just a few marines (upgraded weapons and armor for hellions) When he killed them, I had more finishing. I made 3 pushes of different set of marines and hellions. He had a bunch of cannons at his front door and after my 3rd separate push, I decided that I should go air. I build two Starports and expand around the same time. Damn, I was really strapped for minerals after that. I could barely build a decent amount of marines, let alone some planes and shit. I see my expansion base getting attacked. Just a Stalker, no problem. Then I see a bunch more teleport in. WTF?! Then I notice he fuckin planted a Pylon(??) at the bottom of my expansion and I never even saw it. FUCK. He basically teleports into my main base passed my Supply Depot-Barracks-Supply Depot wall at the top of the ramp and fucks me up. I surrender.



Pandaman said:
Sak have her vanilla stun damage back? I have no idea why they nerfed her so much for ssf4 when she was only average in vanilla.

She got a lot of buffs in AE itself, but I'm not aware of them or her 2012 ones coming, but you can google fu it up I'm sure.

I know the Hakan ones though:

• Hakan gets oiled from the start of the match
• Neutral jumping short hitbox is bigger
• Neutral jumping jab is active 8 frames
• Neutral jumping strong is active 4 frames
• Jumping jab is active 8 frames
• Crouching Fierce now hits twice
• F+Strong has a smaller vulnerability area
• Coward Crouch can be cancelled into from a dash, making Hakan slide
• Oil Sliding into body press now deals 150 stun total, and is dealt after the body press, preventing people from getting up to mash out early if the slide stunned them
• Medium and Heavy oil dive, when wiffing a crouching opponent, will go past your opponent to make punishing him harder. The light version is faster to startup, and the Medium and Heavy versions can reach opponents much farther away
• Hakan’s super activates faster and, like oil dive, medium and heavy versions can pass over crouching opponents

Someone at Capcom loves their oil wrestling man.

I wish I was rich to get you your PS3 back Panda. Your ex roomate is a poop. ; ;


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tashi0106 said:
I just lost. I'm mad.

I was wrecking this guy, (I'm Terran, he's Protoss) I had a group of like 10-15 marines and 5-8 Hellions up in his expansion and was destroying it. He kept building 4 Stalkers at a time but I was killing them with just a few marines (upgraded weapons and armor for hellions) When he killed them, I had more finishing. I made 3 pushes of different set of marines and hellions. He had a bunch of cannons at his front door and after my 3rd separate push, I decided that I should go air. I build two Starports and expand around the same time. Damn, I was really strapped for minerals after that. I could barely build a decent amount of marines, let alone some planes and shit. I see my expansion base getting attacked. Just a Stalker, no problem. Then I see a bunch more teleport in. WTF?! Then I notice he fuckin planted a Pylon(??) at the bottom of my expansion and I never even saw it. FUCK. He basically teleports into my main base passed my Supply Depot-Barracks-Supply Depot wall at the top of the ramp and fucks me up. I surrender.

Why did you try pushing through the fiery gates of cannons? As soon as you saw those cannons, I'd expand once or probably twice. Don't force yourself to kill off your opponent quickly. I don't mean to be harsh but you deserved to lose.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Yoshichan said:
Why did you try pushing through the fiery gates of cannons? As soon as you saw those cannons, I'd expand once or probably twice. Don't force yourself to kill off your opponent quickly. I don't mean to be harsh but you deserved to lose.

Lay it on me bro. I bought this game like a week and a half ago. I'm a noob and I know it, I'm willing to learn the hard way.

Ok, so I saw 2 cannons at the top of his ramp and I thought that I would be able to destroy them. That's why I did it. Instead of going air I guess I should have expanded and built more barracks to pump out more marines. The marines were wrecking his shit.


Tashi0106 said:
I just lost. I'm mad.

I was wrecking this guy, (I'm Terran, he's Protoss) I had a group of like 10-15 marines and 5-8 Hellions up in his expansion and was destroying it. He kept building 4 Stalkers at a time but I was killing them with just a few marines (upgraded weapons and armor for hellions) When he killed them, I had more finishing. I made 3 pushes of different set of marines and hellions. He had a bunch of cannons at his front door and after my 3rd separate push, I decided that I should go air. I build two Starports and expand around the same time. Damn, I was really strapped for minerals after that. I could barely build a decent amount of marines, let alone some planes and shit. I see my expansion base getting attacked. Just a Stalker, no problem. Then I see a bunch more teleport in. WTF?! Then I notice he fuckin planted a Pylon(??) at the bottom of my expansion and I never even saw it. FUCK. He basically teleports into my main base passed my Supply Depot-Barracks-Supply Depot wall at the top of the ramp and fucks me up. I surrender.


I know that feel bro. Back when I started SC2, learning what Protoss could do to me was such a WTF experience.

Things you should be super aware of in lower leagues:

Everyone LOVES to cheese. Learn what these builds are if you haven't already and scout them fast so you don't get rolled.

Against Protoss specifically you should definitely have a lot of scouting around and in your base near the start of matches to avoid just what you described.

You were over committing with always pushing him with units and him defending. If you try once or twice and it fails, then back off, go into a defensive posture, and expand. You may have spread yourself too thin economically. As Terran you should have a steady flow of units coming out of the buildings you built while always making SCV's. Focus on expanding first, and still making marines/hellions, then transfer SCV's over so you have two bases pumping. Then you can switch over to air while still pumping out units because the new extra base will give you that flow.

:) Hope that helps.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tashi0106 said:
Lay it on me bro. I bought this game like a week and a half ago. I'm a noob and I know it, I'm willing to learn the hard way.

Ok, so I saw 2 cannons at the top of his ramp and I thought that I would be able to destroy them. That's why I did it. Instead of going air I guess I should have expanded and built more barracks to pump out more marines. The marines were wrecking his shit.
Had no idea you bought it recently, sorry!

But yeah, upon seeing a turtling protoss (in your league), you have to worry about two things. One being mass air, which is fine if you keep massing marines. The second one being dark templars which can be a pain so make sure to build a missile turret at each mineral line and one should be near your production buildings.

But yeah, expand, expand, expand. You've pretty much won the game if your macro is even half decent.


Yoshichan said:
Had no idea you bought it recently, sorry!

But yeah, upon seeing a turtling protoss (in your league), you have to worry about two things. One being mass air, which is fine if you keep massing marines. The second one being dark templars which can be a pain so make sure to build a missile turret at each mineral line and one should be near your production buildings.

But yeah, expand, expand, expand. You've pretty much won the game if your macro is even half decent.

What's the standard Terran build to teach macro and not lose to cheese? You should let Tashi know that one. Is it 1-1-1 ? Or is it two rax pressure into expand ?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zlatko said:
What's the standard Terran build to teach macro and not lose to cheese? You should let Tashi know that one. Is it 1-1-1 ? Or is it two rax pressure into expand ?
Fuck 1-1-1. 2 rax into expand always works if your scouting is spot on. He should most noticeably scout for 2 gate zealot-cheese or 4 gate. At that point, building one bunker (or two if you don't have SCV-control) should be good enough to hold any all-in.

edit: Oh and make sure to poke around with your marines that you should be producing constantly from the two rax. If he's going mass air or DT, he shouldn't have enough units to keep your pressure.


Yoshichan said:
Fuck 1-1-1. 2 rax into expand always works if your scouting is spot on. He should most noticeably scout for 2 gate zealot-cheese or 4 gate. At that point, building one bunker (or two if you don't have SCV-control) should be good enough to hold any all-in.

Link to 2 Rax build ?

This way Tashi can focus on that to Platinum. Really though in lower leagues going Banshee can win you so many games. xD


343i Lead Esports Producer
Ok awesome, thanks. And no need to apologize Yoshi, I like to compete.

The thing with me scouting against races other than Terran is that I don't know what all the structures do. Pylon, Forge, Assembly blah blah blah. I scout stuff, see it but I don't know what it is and what they do really.

Pylon is like a supply depot right? But you can like transport shit to them and have to build stuff within a certain range of them right?

Forge is for infantry?

I don't know what an assembly is lol

I'm even worse with Zerg.

I should have beaten that guy if I stood with my guns and just built a massive army of marines. It also took me a long time to find the guys base. It was a 2v2 map I believe and there were 3 possible spots where the guy could have been. Of course the last place I chose to look was where he was. I guess I should use an SCV to scout early on.

edit: 2 barracks into expand huh?

So it's supply depot, barracks, barracks, supply depot. Build army build army, expand. What am I scouting for?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
zlatko said:
Link to 2 Rax build ?
I don't use build sheets anymore and I tried Googling for a good 2rax FE but I can't find it :/


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tashi0106 said:
Ok awesome, thanks. And no need to apologize Yoshi, I like to compete.

The thing with me scouting against races other than Terran is that I don't know what all the structures do. Pylon, Forge, Assembly blah blah blah. I scout stuff, see it but I don't know what it is and what they do really.

Pylon is like a supply depot right? But you can like transport shit to them and have to build stuff within a certain range of them right?

Forge is for infantry?

I don't know what an assembly is lol

I'm even worse with Zerg.
I'd say this stuff comes by itself if you play a lot. A pylon acts like a supply depot and the protoss can warp their stuff within the pylon-range. A forge allows the protoss to upgrade their weapons, armor and shield but it also enables the probe to build cannons (you should know what cannons are by now :p). There's nothing called an Assembly - the assimilator however, is the equivalent to terrans refinery (allows workers to harvest gas) :).


343i Lead Esports Producer
Yoshichan said:
I'd say this stuff comes by itself if you play a lot. A pylon acts like a supply depot and the protoss can warp their stuff within the pylon-range. A forge allows the protoss to upgrade their weapons, armor and shield but it also enables the probe to build cannons (you should know what cannons are by now :p). There's nothing called an Assembly - the assimilator however, is the equivalent to terrans refinery (allows workers to harvest gas) :).

lol there you go, assimilator. Ok cool thanks.

Ok, so let's say I'm pushing into a base. What's the order of things I should be blowing up. Obviously I should shoot anything that can shoot back right? Cannons, marines, planes, whatever. Then what? Supply depots? Barracks?


Everything is moe to me
Man zlatko, dem oily buffs make me nostalgic. I miss street fightan gaf like nothing else. Heck I even miss blazbluegaf. I even miss wiseblade but don't tell him that. Dirty elf player.

I love Stargaf and ponygaf but streetfightangaf was my first and nothing really compares.:'(


Tashi0106 said:
Ok awesome, thanks. And no need to apologize Yoshi, I like to compete.

The thing with me scouting against races other than Terran is that I don't know what all the structures do. Pylon, Forge, Assembly blah blah blah. I scout stuff, see it but I don't know what it is and what they do really.

Pylon is like a supply depot right? But you can like transport shit to them and have to build stuff within a certain range of them right?

Forge is for infantry?

I don't know what an assembly is lol

I'm even worse with Zerg.

I should have beaten that guy if I stood with my guns and just built a massive army of marines. It also took me a long time to find the guys base. It was a 2v2 map I believe and there were 3 possible spots where the guy could have been. Of course the last place I chose to look was where he was. I guess I should use an SCV to scout early on.

edit: 2 barracks into expand huh?

So it's supply depot, barracks, barracks, supply depot. Build army build army, expand. What am I scouting for?

It may seem intimidating, but boot up a couple games against very easy A.I as you play Protoss and as Zerg.

You may want to switch to Grid layout for keyboard too. It makes it so the keys you use are:


For all the races, and it leads to overlap on what is what. Not necessary, but it's the layout I prefer so I don't have to look at the keyboard for what to build. It allows me to look at the picture on screen, see it's third top row, and boom I know to hit E for that.

Some common things to scout if you are playing against a Protoss:

If you go to his base, and don't see him building a gateway next to his first Pylon(blue crystal sphere, yes those are their supply depots, then he MAY be doing something IN or outside your base. If you go to his base and see a Forge at the start, then he is cannon rushing you which means in your base he is making cannons. ; ;

Zerg is one of the tougher cheese if you aren't quick. He can 6 pool, which means he will have zerglings at your base super fast, and if your ramp isn't walled off, then he will come in and most likely make it impossible for you to hold it off by killing your workers. The way to scout for this is if you send a scout to his base, and the spawning pool (green liquid mouth looking thing) is completed already. Always wall off your ramp against Zerg.

Terran cheese at lower leagues is usually them building barracks in close proximity to your base somewhere or them going to Banshee's fast. In higher leagues going Banshee's fast is a way to transition into expanding or adding on more barracks while applying pressure, but at scrub leagues they won't know how to keep doing macro while harassing you with Banshee's.


Corran Horn said:
I'm not sure what's up with eoreality lately. I put up a backup server using Vert's VDS, so here try this: port: 64738

If there are any problems, let me know and I'll see what I can do

Do it!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tashi0106 said:
lol there you go, assimilator. Ok cool thanks.

Ok, so let's say I'm pushing into a base. What's the order of things I should be blowing up. Obviously I should shoot anything that can shoot back right? Cannons, marines, planes, whatever. Then what? Supply depots? Barracks?
It kinda depends on the situation. Your highest priority is obviously killing everything that can kill you (cannons and units). Often you'll see a bunch of his workers trying to run away (maybe running of to another hidden expansion), they should be a high priority too. If you kill every worker, you've pretty much automatically won the game since there's no chance he'll be able to re-stabilize his economy if he manages to survive your push. Then there's supply depots/pylons/overlords. If you supply cap him during your push, he won't be able to make any units until you've killed a bunch of his units.

Big structures like gateways and factories shouldn't be a huge priority. Tech labs and reactors that are plugged into the building can be killed off pretty quickly and takes a lot of time to re-build so you can destroy those too.


Pandaman said:
Man zlatko, dem oily buffs make me nostalgic. I miss street fightan gaf like nothing else. Heck I even miss blazbluegaf. I even miss wiseblade but don't tell him that. Dirty elf player.

I love Stargaf and ponygaf but streetfightangaf was my first and nothing really compares.:'(

; ; You should start entering online contests wherever you can to win a 360 or a PS3. Or can your laptop run Arcade Edition? :O If so you could possibly save a dollar a day for 40 days and purchase it. :)

http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky Some of that good ol' fighting stream going on if you want to hit it up during GAF night.

Tashi the order of things when you attack someone is usually this:

His army
His workers at an expansion*
His expansion itself*
*They may not have these at lower leagues because people sit on 1 base

If you reach a Terran main base, go for his workers, then go for close supply depots top of ramp, then go for barracks'.

If you reach a Protoss main base go for his workers, then go Pylons, then Gateways. If you see a Darkshrine go for that right away, same with Robo Facility. Those are more important.

Zerg base you should go for his hatchery.(Biggest thing/main base) Without a base a Zerg can't produce units, unlike Protoss/Terran who just need things to come out of buildings, and the more of them the more they can produce. If you destroy a hatchery, then go for the spawning pool. :)
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