Pandaman said:
Sak have her vanilla stun damage back? I have no idea why they nerfed her so much for ssf4 when she was only average in vanilla.
She got a lot of buffs in AE itself, but I'm not aware of them or her 2012 ones coming, but you can google fu it up I'm sure.
I know the Hakan ones though:
Hakan gets oiled from the start of the match
Neutral jumping short hitbox is bigger
Neutral jumping jab is active 8 frames
Neutral jumping strong is active 4 frames
Jumping jab is active 8 frames
Crouching Fierce now hits twice
F+Strong has a smaller vulnerability area
Coward Crouch can be cancelled into from a dash, making Hakan slide
Oil Sliding into body press now deals 150 stun total, and is dealt after the body press, preventing people from getting up to mash out early if the slide stunned them
Medium and Heavy oil dive, when wiffing a crouching opponent, will go past your opponent to make punishing him harder. The light version is faster to startup, and the Medium and Heavy versions can reach opponents much farther away
Hakans super activates faster and, like oil dive, medium and heavy versions can pass over crouching opponents
Someone at Capcom loves their oil wrestling man.
I wish I was rich to get you your PS3 back Panda. Your ex roomate is a poop. ; ;