Thanks a ton for doing this, Aceanuu! Browder's so well-spoken and awesome to listen to. I love his interviews, and even more so when it's done with the r/SC community.
Edit: for anyone looking for a tl;dr, here're the answers (all paraphrased):
Does Blizzard see live-event connectivity as an issue? What measures are being taken to improve the situation?
Can't promise anything, something they'll look at, glad to see tournaments getting better hardware and fixing lag issues w/o Blizzard intervention
What is the status of the group replay feature?
Something they're working on, not sure if it'll make Heart of the Swarm.
Are there any plans to bring more community maps (GSL, etc) into the ladder pool?
Definitely plans to include more community maps, but Blizzard doesn't have it as easy as the GSL, which only has to balance maps for pros, not bronze through grandmaster.
Are there any plans to add more player stat tracking? Will the post-game score screen receive an update?
Planned score screen-revamp in HotS. Less of a spreadsheet on front page, more of a spreadsheet on other pages. Want to fix design and have had plans to fix the score screen since before release. Don't know which stats will be included, but wish to add more stats in the back, cleaner front. Not sure which will make HotS. Browder says seeing maps and matches would be cool.
Will the ingame clock ever be changed to realtime?
Blizzard needs to change it, was a bad idea from the start. Expect a change "pretty soon". Nobody plays in normal, so time is broken.
Has any thought been given to incorporating aspects of the Strong Team Colors mod?
Browder loves the idea for both the professional scene and everyone else. They're looking at their options and like/support the mod, but don't know if they'll add anything.
Will there ever be an MMR reset? Additional ladder discussion.
Matchmaking would be "trashed" for the week following a reset. They like the MMR system how it is, as passionate players can play at whatever level their skill is.
What are your thoughts on the particular regional ladder differences and Koreas ladder dominance?
Says top-tier pros skew statistics. No way to know which ladder is better for sure. If the skill differences are true (Browder says he has no proof of it going KR > EU > US), likely due to differences in culture. Notes EU players play a few hours less per week than US last he checked.
What Heart of the Swarm units are at risk because theyre potentially game breaking in their current form?
"A lot" of the units are teetering on the edge of game-breaking right now. Says Swarm Host "works", Oracle (at least Entomb) "works", everything else he's unsure about. Most scared of the "Replicant" (not worried about balance, but eliminating units from the metagame, ie banshees leaving TvP).
Were any of the new units inspired by Brood War units? Why Warhound, not simply Goliath?
Not "super-inspired" by Defiler with the Viper (example provided by interviewer). Wanted to make a "big snake", which inspired the art. Shredder made to get board control for Terran like the Vulture. Warhound is a work-in-progress. "Ok" if it turns into an AoE Goliath, using Goliath art a possibility.
Why is the shredder a mobile unit instead of building?
Needed to have a food cost to be balanced so Terran can't have an unlimited amount.
Which Wings of Liberty units were the hardest to balance?
Overseer drove them "crazy". Gives food, but can be made infinitely, so spells couldn't be too good. Unit was a flawed idea. Thor was problematic, as it costs so much and can be countered easily or easily counter something else, while SC is very economic-based and not built around one unit. Mothership not used much, made to be "goofy", somewhat like nukes in Brood War. Ultralisk tough due to its pathing. Carriers not being used much (occasionally in pro games), sometimes built in 4v4 games in packs (lul). Tempest essentially an AoE Carrier, but role was different enough to warrant new unit design. Says Carrier is iconic, but Protoss needs something to fight massive air threats.