I had to get groceries so I missed the last game. Anywhere to watch it? I must see this. Zerg 4 lyfe.
Finally time for Flash's code A group. It's the second one tonight. First group starts in ~30 mins. I don't usually stay up for the second group but gonna have to tonight.
Seems like he's doing pretty good.
Forgot this was on any only caught the last game. No idea why Rogue had almost no Zerglings when he scouted the early gas.
I looked away but it looked like RagnaroK faked a three Hatch build while going for a fast gold expo... then he cancelled the gold expo and just made 40 lings???
Pretty bawse strat if so.
Ugh, Flash. ;-;
I thought he'd make code S this season. Been looking good in proleague and he didn't have a very hard group. Oh well.. looking like another bleak code S showing for terran, especially if tonight's group goes badly.
Yeah, hopefully at least TY and FanTaSy manage to advance.
I'm really disappointed in Cure, Reality and Flash. None had particularly difficult groups. :-/
Mess up all you want, zerg, muta bane is unbeatable. And boy is True messing this up.
He did at least a half dozen drops and two separate pushes. They just got shut down.TY could not harass True at all outside of the Reaper/Hellion run by.